Lightning rounds (will they ever rotate again?)



  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    after daredevil lightning round ended anyone see Groot & Rocket Racoon tab show up? lightning round disappeared i see loki pvp season 11 tab show up.

    edit: lol poof it showed up after i posted
  • ynglink
    ynglink Posts: 195
    icon_rocket.png Lightning Round is the first one I've tried to place in since I started last year. Just for anyone who is wanting to start in these, the placement number is kind of intimidating, but it isn't that hard to make Heroic rewards at all.
  • Did anyone else not get their prizes for the last LR, the Rocket and Groot one at 6 pm Eastern time? I should have gotten the top 50 prize but haven't gotten anything.
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    Did anyone else not get their prizes for the last LR, the Rocket and Groot one at 6 pm Eastern time? I should have gotten the top 50 prize but haven't gotten anything.

    The rewards have been coming really slowly today. It took until halfway through the second lightning round before I got my token from the Gamora one. And there was a slightly shorter wait on my second reward. I'm not sure If I've gotten this one yet it was just ISO so I'm not really paying much attention.

    EDIT: Apparently I had not received the reward as I just got one a few seconds ago.
  • Lol I give up. Yesterday I played in several LRs and, at some point, I decided to collect heroics and not open them. Just before I go to sleep, I gave in and decided to open them . All 10 of them icon_e_smile.gif Yeah, that's how long I lasted. The result? 9x2* and 1 Squirrel Girl. Really game? Squirrel Girl? There are 6 heroes in the game I have 0 covers of, and at least 6+ which would be preferable to Squirrel Girl. Add this to the 0/15 from taco tokens (to be fair, today I got a 250HP which is still worse than a needed cover) and I think I am close to 1/40+ tokens in the last 2 weeks. Days like this one I feel like the game is rigged.
  • Narkon wrote:
    Lol I give up. Yesterday I played in several LRs and, at some point, I decided to collect heroics and not open them. Just before I go to sleep, I gave in and decided to open them . All 10 of them icon_e_smile.gif Yeah, that's how long I lasted. The result? 9x2* and 1 Squirrel Girl. Really game? Squirrel Girl? There are 6 heroes in the game I have 0 covers of, and at least 6+ which would be preferable to Squirrel Girl. Add this to the 0/15 from taco tokens (to be fair, today I got a 250HP which is still worse than a needed cover) and I think I am close to 1/40+ tokens in the last 2 weeks. Days like this one I feel like the game is rigged.
    If you don't understand RNG it's very easy to be extremely pissed off at the game.
  • ark123 wrote:
    Narkon wrote:
    Lol I give up. Yesterday I played in several LRs and, at some point, I decided to collect heroics and not open them. Just before I go to sleep, I gave in and decided to open them . All 10 of them icon_e_smile.gif Yeah, that's how long I lasted. The result? 9x2* and 1 Squirrel Girl. Really game? Squirrel Girl? There are 6 heroes in the game I have 0 covers of, and at least 6+ which would be preferable to Squirrel Girl. Add this to the 0/15 from taco tokens (to be fair, today I got a 250HP which is still worse than a needed cover) and I think I am close to 1/40+ tokens in the last 2 weeks. Days like this one I feel like the game is rigged.
    If you don't understand RNG it's very easy to be extremely pissed off at the game.

    Also, a fully leveled and covered squirrel girl is a little scary.
  • With Sentry being vaulted, this looks like either Daken or CMags will be back in the boosted villain rotation. I'd prefer Cmags if they only pick one, but both would be even better.

    On the Hero side: Spider-Man getting vaulted, I'm hoping someone new gets the boost like Cyclops, Squirrel Girl or Luke Cage... but I bet they get lazy and put Patch or Grey Suit Widow back in there. Maybe they'll surprise us and throw a curveball boosting Human Torch, but if there were bets to be placed, my money's on lazy GSBW.

    Anyone else care to guess/wager?
  • The best four words for Villain LRs ever said: "Sentry is being vaulted."
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Rotating In: Black Widow (Grey Suit), Daken (Classic), Cyclops (Uncanny X-Men) and Iron Fist (Immortal Weapon).

    Rotating Out: Deadpool (It's Me, Deadpool!), Falcon (Mighty Avenger), Sentry (Dark Avengers) and Spider-Man (Classic).

    Another season without Rags? I thought he might take up the R/G spot for Sentry.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I miss the old days of Rags/Mags/Doom as my go-to LR team. Hopefully Mags will rotate in for Sentry, even though that will leave us with no active Green power. But hey, that would mean Patch would fit right in.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sentry Out - C Mags in
    Spider-Man Out - Blade In

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Hood, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, Blade, Daredevil, Punisher, Groot & Rocket Racoon

    I don't know what order they are in.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sentry Out - C Mags in
    Spider-Man Out - Blade In

    Villians : Loki, Doom, Hood, Mystique, C. Mags
    Heroes: Gamora, Blade, Daredevil, Punisher, Groot & Rocket Racoon

    I don't know what order they are in.

    You had these right before last season - reading this in code or seeing token change?

    Also: LR's are late, time-change problem?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    And there it is, an hour late (thanks Daylight Savings Time).

    Loki, Doom, Hood, Mystique, Magneto
  • They started at 1:00, which means they'll probably be on the odd cycle all evening. Personally, not a fan of the odd cycle - I can't play in as many - but I'm sure it's easier for some people.
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Odd ends up being slightly easier in the morning/evening, but not as easy during the day for me.

    Villains with no primary green user boosted feels odd.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    lightning rounds late an hour again?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Maybe they have just shifted them to the odd hours permanently - not changing back and forth with DST?
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Is there some kind of MMR test going on in the Gamora LR? I'm seeing much harder matchups than I usually do. Is it just my lucky day, or is anyone else seeing this?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    It sort of depends when you enter. You have to enter immediately to get the seed teams.

    I usually just run the seed teams at open, if you get them all done quickly you'll come out in the top 10 - so you'll only see similar teams (166+).
    If you wait until mid-way through the LR, you'll see many more 2* and transition teams.

    I ran to 180 on all seed teams and 250 on mostly 2*'s, didn't seem any different.

    Confirmed Spidey out, Blade in as buffed hero.