Lightning rounds (will they ever rotate again?)



  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    I notice they took out IM35 and inserted MBW in the IM40 rounds, so you don't face two Iron Man models in the same team this time.
  • 12chris6
    12chris6 Posts: 57 Match Maker
    After fighting my way to the top 20 of the lighting round, I get 1 lighting token and get a Classic Storm, who's maxed out. icon_e_sad.gif
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Huh, same lineup of villians again. I know there isn't many to rotate around with but still....

    Forgot about point change as I approached 250 points off of seed teams, may change up who is worth hitting now.
  • Unknown
    Just dropped into a lightning round in between playing rounds of Marvel Future Fight...

    My 7-cover Doom, fully covered/leveled 2* Daken, and 7-cover Patch get taken out by a loaner Doom, a level 50 Daken, and a level 40 2hor. At one point, the opposing player had four critical tiles on the board in the midst of 5-6 cascades...

    Back to Marvel Future Fight it is! icon_lol.gificon_e_wink.gif

  • Unknown
    Nice to see the prize structure finally got an overhaul. Now the 8-25 slot is actually as good (especially if you need any of the featured ones) as slots 26-50. And 1-8 got a nice bump as well.
  • GrimSkald
    GrimSkald Posts: 2,535 Chairperson of the Boards
    j12601 wrote:
    Nice to see the prize structure finally got an overhaul. Now the 8-25 slot is actually as good (especially if you need any of the featured ones) as slots 26-50. And 1-8 got a nice bump as well.

    Yeah, I just did a LR right now, a team got me to 19. I'm like "****, I probably won't lose enough ground to get past 25." I ended at around 21. The rewards pop up 10 minutes after it closed and I got two LR tokens. That was a pleasant surprise!
  • Unknown

    Can someone help me out? How many Lightning rounds are there per day?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    DeeDee5 wrote:

    Can someone help me out? How many Lightning rounds are there per day?

    Tue-Thur they happen every other hour, but don't run all day on Tue/Thur. So Wednesday there are 12, Tuesday there are 7 (depends on time zone), Thursday there are 5
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    SnowcaTT wrote:
    Huh, same lineup of villians again. I know there isn't many to rotate around with but still....

    Forgot about point change as I approached 250 points off of seed teams, may change up who is worth hitting now.

    And....same lineup of heroes again. Has this event just been forgotten about?
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Once again no changes to this event....has it been forgotten?
  • StevO-J
    StevO-J Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    I only noticed this week, but now all loaner characters seem to be 1/1/1 lvl. 40 (boosted to 60 iirc). Was this also the case last week or is this a new change? Maybe it has been announced somewhere I haven't looked, but this was new for me in any case. It's not a rotation of featured characters which would be welcome at this point, but it's something I guess...
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    StevO-J wrote:
    I only noticed this week, but now all loaner characters seem to be 1/1/1 lvl. 40 (boosted to 60 iirc). Was this also the case last week or is this a new change? Maybe it has been announced somewhere I haven't looked, but this was new for me in any case. It's not a rotation of featured characters which would be welcome at this point, but it's something I guess...
    yep - and now my axwolvie sometimes needs a trip over to the prologue to finish the last couple of seeds I think mainly because of this change. the loaner characters are slightly more damaging - but much more representative of the character at 1/1/1.
  • killerkoala
    killerkoala Posts: 1,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    anyone get any seed team on loki's 1st lighting round this week?
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    anyone get any seed team on loki's 1st lighting round this week?
    Yeah, got a ton. You have to be in-game when the lightning round starts to ensure getting seed teams though. Even being a minute or two late can be sufficient to not get them.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    anyone get any seed team on loki's 1st lighting round this week?
    I did, but not as many as normal. I didn't enter in the opening seconds as I was in a cyc pvp match at the time. hope the others are more typical seeds up to 200ish.

    edit: question - I haven't been getting near as many ** drops as I used to. anyone else experiencing that?
  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    They said they dropped the 2* drop rate many weeks ago (and upped the 250 ISO drop rate to compensate). Some weeks it seems I get fewer 2* some weeks it seems they drop even more often though.
  • TxMoose
    TxMoose Posts: 4,319 Chairperson of the Boards
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    They said they dropped the 2* drop rate many weeks ago (and upped the 250 ISO drop rate to compensate). Some weeks it seems I get fewer 2* some weeks it seems they drop even more often though.
    I missed that and don't like that change at all. I'd much rather have the cover that's worth 250 than the 250. that's where I get my essentials that I don't have rostered for pve
  • Malcrof
    Malcrof Posts: 5,971 Chairperson of the Boards
    TxMoose wrote:
    FierceKiwi wrote:
    They said they dropped the 2* drop rate many weeks ago (and upped the 250 ISO drop rate to compensate). Some weeks it seems I get fewer 2* some weeks it seems they drop even more often though.
    I missed that and don't like that change at all. I'd much rather have the cover that's worth 250 than the 250. that's where I get my essentials that I don't have rostered for pve

    explains why i can't build a bagman, poor guy sitting at 1/2/2
  • SnowcaTT
    SnowcaTT Posts: 3,486 Chairperson of the Boards
    Season XVII - STILL no villain changes. Ah, for the days when the boosted characters in this event rotated.....
  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wonder if Doc Ock might get rotated in... once they give him a boost.