**** Thor (Goddess of Thunder) **** [PRE 2015-03]
Sumilea wrote:Arondite wrote:sms4002 wrote:
good luck trying to hold onto all that ap while hood steals it. Like I said. It's clear you have never used lady thor at high level. Do you even have 3 stars? she is easily taken down in pvp. Stop complaining about nothing.
It's clear you've never touched the all-boost all-fours meta, or you'd know that.
Well that gave me a good chuckle this morning.0 -
Arondite wrote:sms4002 wrote:Arondite wrote:sms4002 wrote:First off, OP, what does your roster look like? have you ever actually played with a max Lady Thor? The way you are talking makes it seem not. It is not only 19 ap needed to kill two guys. It is also not a perfect board where you get all your red / blue needed right away. Thoress can be verrry slow going with a bad board or with a hood on the enemy team. There are many times where you will have enough blue or red but not the other. Assuming you have enough for the stun. Sometimes there aren't any red matches or even red tiles out there so you use it and then you may not ever get the red you need to cast smite. O maybe if you do, most of your charged tiles are gone and you then have to collect enough blue again before you can use the red.
Let's just say you get lucky. and have enough to do the combo. 10 red and 9 blue. That kills one guy and stuns one guy. Why is nobody talking about the third guy matching all your charged tiles with you? They are getting super charged up for their powers all the while stealing them from you so you either don't get enough red or blue to do anything. Or if you do, all the charge tiles have been matched away so you then have to get 9 blue again before you can smite again effectively. There is a lot that can go wrong / is random. In a perfect world you would do your combo and have it line up a match 3 blue all charged and get another stun which then charges all the red on the board but that mostly never happens. The way you are looking at it is on paper, with a perfect board / perfect power surge. If you have actually played her extensively you will know it hardly ever goes perfect like that. She is a very powerful character but does not need a nerf. Hood can really screw her day up and I was constantly taking her down with hood deadpool xf before I got my own.
They're not talking about the third guy because you don't do the combo against 3 guys, you do it after one has been downed.
Have you ever used a maxed Thoress?
good luck trying to hold onto all that ap while hood steals it. Like I said. It's clear you have never used lady thor at high level. Do you even have 3 stars? she is easily taken down in pvp. Stop complaining about nothing.
I have a f2p account that's mid transition and a paying account with 2 270 thors, 270 wolv, 166 hood, 166 Loki, etc. Yes, I do play. It's true Thor doesn't like hood, but it's a damn good thing hood only sees 2 turns at high level play, huh? It's clear you've never touched the all-boost all-fours meta, or you'd know that.
OP. If you really are looking for a challenge why don't you try turning your boost off and play the game. Then come and tell me she's still overpower. Pstttt, a lot of characters would be overpowered if u're using THAT MUCH BOOOST to start off with. Even a boost nick fury can take out x force in a few turns. So eh ? What's your point then? Stop complaining, ppl like me, a F2P players fought for a few seasons before I get my own shinny 4Thor. So leave her alone aight. Quit crying.0 -
mohio wrote:Sumilea wrote:Arondite wrote:sms4002 wrote:
good luck trying to hold onto all that ap while hood steals it. Like I said. It's clear you have never used lady thor at high level. Do you even have 3 stars? she is easily taken down in pvp. Stop complaining about nothing.
It's clear you've never touched the all-boost all-fours meta, or you'd know that.
Well that gave me a good chuckle this morning.
Reminds me of the boosted bagman defeating pre-nerf Sentry thread.0 -
4hor also horrible same lv as x force0
Question: Should any character be able to one-shot the highest health enemy character (besides DP www with DP points)?
If the answer is no; then, there should be some limit to the amount of damage one Smite can do. I have no clue what this magic number is, but I'm sure the balance gods can come up with something (and it better not be the ones who handled the Sentry balance
If the answer is yes; then, no change is needed.
How do you determine if the answer is yes or no? I also got no clue.
For PVE, I'm not worried about it. 4or has high health and can usually win easily/quickly, so scaling will catch up to players. They'll be in big trouble when 4or gets locked out. I don't think developers should save players from themselves. If players want to make their scaling go bonkers (a la spidey stun), I say let them.
For PVP, when playing against 4or, 4or is beatable without taking the pounding from Sentry. Therefore, from that perspective, I do not believe the developers believe she needs to be tweaked.
The only real concern then is 4or on offense in PVP. I do not know why people say she is slow and X-force is fast. She takes 9ap for blue which is the same amount of match 3's as 8ap of green for X-force. She takes 10ap for red which is the same amount of match 3's for 11 ap of black for X-force. The only variable is how fast can you down one of the 3 characters, and get the 19 ap. The question is how good is too good?
I think she and X-Force follow the same progression as their 3* counterparts, as the 2* wolvie and thor did to 3* level. I think it is silly to compare them to Fury, Elektra, etc. because that is like comparing Loki or Hood to Cage or LT. One set is support characters and the others are supposed to kick tiny kitty. IMO just need to cap Smite so it's not almost limitless and they're good to go.
I would also make ps 10 ap and smite 9 ap.0 -
Shouldn't 4* have this type of power though? I know there are some iffy ones out there as it is, but they should be a clear step up from any 3* if the goal is creating a new tier in the game.0
I don't have a fully leveled Thoress but I did use her in her event during the new year anniversary. For me she is not op, just how a 4* should be... In the divine champion pvp event, where she is buffed up with x force, I can still defeat that duo with 3*. She is easily countered since her charges can be use up against her0
I paid for her and went from beginning to hate this game because of the broken 2-3 transition to finally being able to compete with the big boys. Actually, finally able to play this game AND GET A REWARD FOR IT.
I would be pissed if they nerfed her seeing as how I am only day 110 and can't even buy an Xforce, but I agree she is stupid overpowered. I'm able to kill 270 teams with a 130 team with relative ease.0 -
Phantron wrote:Unless you have something like passive: "Extra effective against a guy who has green, yellow, and black as his primary colors", whoever can counter X Force will be the next imbalance.
Passive ability - Place 1 visible trap tile on each color that does not have one at the start of every turn.
If tile is matched or destroyed by enemy team, all 6 go off for 1500 damage each. If you match or destroy, tile shifts to another location.
X-Force countered0 -
I keep seeing everyone say she shouldn't be able to take out two characters by herself....do none of you have Lazy Thor? I take down two characters with her him all the freaking time. And that counts a lot of 3*s.
Given that Thoress is a 4*, is it crazy that she can take out two lower tier characters with 19 AP? I don't think so. X-Force with a Surgical Strike and XForce? 19 AP. I usually kill two guys with it.
Give me 19 AP with C Mags, L Thor, Black Panther, hell GSBW and I can wreck some teams with one guy. And if its a tier lower, its even easier.
Shes super strong, but she's the tankiest of the highest tier of character. I see no problem with it. I'd be mad if she wasn't that strong. I think Fury, Elektra, Star Lord, Dino, and IW should all be about that effective, personally.0 -
ShanePHallam wrote:Shouldn't 4* have this type of power though? I know there are some iffy ones out there as it is, but they should be a clear step up from any 3* if the goal is creating a new tier in the game.
They should be, yes, a clear step up from 3 stars. But 4Hor isn't a step up from 3 stars, she's leaps and bounds up from the other 4 stars who are already a step up from the 3 stars.Deathclaw wrote:I keep seeing everyone say she shouldn't be able to take out two characters by herself....do none of you have Lazy Thor? I take down two characters with her him all the freaking time. And that counts a lot of 3*s.
Given that Thoress is a 4*, is it crazy that she can take out two lower tier characters with 19 AP? I don't think so. X-Force with a Surgical Strike and XForce? 19 AP. I usually kill two guys with it.
Give me 19 AP with C Mags, L Thor, Black Panther, hell GSBW and I can wreck some teams with one guy. And if its a tier lower, its even easier.
Shes super strong, but she's the tankiest of the highest tier of character. I see no problem with it. I'd be mad if she wasn't that strong. I think Fury, Elektra, Star Lord, Dino, and IW should all be about that effective, personally.
You're comparing 14 ap that can down weakened characters to 19 ap that can instantly down 1 full health character and render a second character perma-stunned, effectively dealing infinite damage? There's not just a difference between the two, this is Yamcha vs Cell difference.0 -
The_Valeyard wrote:The only real concern then is 4or on offense in PVP. I do not know why people say she is slow and X-force is fast. She takes 9ap for blue which is the same amount of match 3's as 8ap of green for X-force. She takes 10ap for red which is the same amount of match 3's for 11 ap of black for X-force. The only variable is how fast can you down one of the 3 characters, and get the 19 ap. The question is how good is too good?
She is slower becasue her 9 AP ability does no damage. If the board winds up giving you littleto work with Thor is dead in the water. XF can kill you with
plus his black generates AP so he accelerates powers on top of dealing damage with both abilities. She's not "Slow" per se, but she is slower than XF, everyone is.
0 -
arktos1971 wrote:Do we really need to have ALL characters "ok-ish" to average or bad so that transitioners be happy ?
Just because one loses against GThor or doesn't have her in his roster, he asks for a nerf ?
GThor is powerful when you boost her, but you can kill her even if you don't play her.
In a mirror match, if she stunned for 4 turns, and your GT is not stunned, provided you have your red AP ready, it's even easier to kill her back.
Do you have trouble reading or did you just make it a point not to read any of the thread?
A good portion of the posters, including myself, have TGT and it's USING her that makes us feel she's unfair.
Further, we are not talking about her on defense. I don't know why people keep bringing her defensive prowess up. It's fine that she's good on defense. The problem is that because she exists. Defenses NK longer matter. There is no defense in the game TGT can't break, period. There is no defense she even hiccups at. She just walks through whatever you put up, even if it is nothing but 4 stars and includes another TGT.
That's not a healthy metagame. I understand you don't want her to get nerfed because you have her. I was in the same camp too. But you'll get whatever comes next just like I will, and we'll continue to do well. But TGT has to get tweaked. 9K damage / 3 turn stun really does a lot to balance her while still leaving her top 2, arguably still number 1.0 -
camichan wrote:Again, please call for fair refund/compensation options in parallel with calls to nerf Thoress and/or X-force.
The refund and compensation options need to be FAIR, and they currently are NOT. Many players rightfully get nervous hearing this nerf talk after they paid hard earned money for covers, and have been burned again and again by the previous nerfs. I bought Sentry and Mags covers in good faith only to watch these chars become virtual toilet seats in my current roster -- they remain nearly completely unused. Were the nerfs good for the game? Yes. Did some players get **** out of a hundred or more hard earned dollars from the nerfs without any meaningful compensation/refund? Yes.
A Thor/XF nerf without fair compensation will cause a big loss of credibility for the game. It will rightfully be viewed as a cash grab: Release a powerful char to sell covers short term, nerf later, and repeat the process.
Thank you for pushing for fair, responsible compensation along with responsible character balancing.
My X-force is really coming along, and I've debated about buying a Thor to go with him.
But so many folks out here complaining about both: I have exactly the concern that Cami brings up. Why should I drop $100 on a character that is going to be nerfed? Unless you can sell nerfed characters for equivalent amount of HP that you put into them, or unless D3 comes out and says they won't nerf their 4*'s, I think I may just hold off on any purchases.
As far as rate: I've mentioned before with ISO, but I think it would be fair with HP as well: sell back levels and at 10% what you spent for them. Anyone can re-spec whenever they want - but it will cost them to do so. With ISO it works (for sure you spent it to level), with covers it's a harder solution - you may have pulled the cover and payed zero HP for it. I like Cami's idea on covers: give back some HP for character, but let them keep the character.0 -
Bumped bc I'm evil incarnate.0
Arondite wrote:
Do you have trouble reading or did you just make it a point not to read any of the thread?
A good portion of the posters, including myself, have TGT and it's USING her that makes us feel she's unfair.
Further, we are not talking about her on defense. I don't know why people keep bringing her defensive prowess up. It's fine that she's good on defense. The problem is that because she exists. Defenses NK longer matter. There is no defense in the game TGT can't break, period. There is no defense she even hiccups at. She just walks through whatever you put up, even if it is nothing but 4 stars and includes another TGT.
That's not a healthy metagame. I understand you don't want her to get nerfed because you have her. I was in the same camp too. But you'll get whatever comes next just like I will, and we'll continue to do well. But TGT has to get tweaked. 9K damage / 3 turn stun really does a lot to balance her while still leaving her top 2, arguably still number 1.
I'm very sorry but what you say doesn't make sense. A character needs to be nerfed when playing it is a universal win. Like Sentry, Cmag... I was not playing when Rag was nerfed. A character needs to be "rebuilt" also, when it can run its abilities each turn and it ends up you can not play till you die : Cmag, Spidey, OBW.
Now, I've played GThor and against GThor hundreds of times, not boosted, and I seldom lost against her, and did not win all the time playing her.
She's not my favorite character because she's slow, and my build is PvE oriented, not PvP (553).
She's not at all OP in my opinion. She's slowish, and charged tiles can make you lose, it can be risky.
I'd say she has very strong points, she has weak points. She's quite balanced. She pairs well with XForce colourwise, so I don't see ANY problem with Gthor.
As for saying I don't want her nerfed because I have her, that does not make sense. I wanted Sentry nerfed because I hated him, and I had 2 of him maxed...
I'm not the kind of guy who likes a character because he invested in it. I hear so much **** about Starlord because some players won him in the last PvE...0 -
I kinda feel like TGT is a victim of circumstance of the 4* world right now. Given there's really just 2 serious options with Wolverine (X-Force) and Thor (Goddess of Thunder), the rest of the 4* just seem to pale in comparison unfortunately. I actually wish I had a max Fury, someone sent me a Fury 5 Cover Yellow TU and when I used it, it felt like freaking X-Mas since I had all the AP required for a full effect. It damn near single handedly won the match for me, lol. However, I understand he's a bit slow to get going and a bit clunky to work around with all the prerequisites his abilities entail.
Given the recent 4* releases, Elektra just seems a bit too niche and Starlord has potential as a really good support character that can do some legit damage, but we already have enough of those in 3* land. IW may get buffed, but not yet and I have no idea how Devil Dino works. But that's it right?
I think before folks start calling for nerfs for a tier that barely has any legitimate characters available, we should wait to see how the rest of the 4* to be released pan out. I'm sure at some point there's going to be a pure damage dealer that will give TGT and XF a run for their money, just hasn't happened yet. When the nerf bat came to 3* characters, there was already a healthy pool of characters present where a select few dominated the game. But when 2 characters dominate a field of 7, I just don't see the argument fully since I don't think it's the same circumstance.
I do have a fully covered TGT (and XF) and can see what you're saying about her being dominant in 1v2 situations. However, I'd bet on XF over TGT in a 1v1 fight every time personally, but you're talking about a fully AP charged TGT finishing a fight when there are 2 opponents left, I'd like to believe that's the intended design for her?
TL;DR: Personally, I'd like to reserve judgement on a tier that's just now forming and not quite mature and wait to see more 4* released before demanding a nerf bat to commeth and taketh away.
EDIT: Corrected SG with Elektra cause I can't remember jack squat apparently, lol.0 -
arktos1971 wrote:She's not my favorite character because she's slow, and my build is PvE oriented, not PvP (553).
She's not at all OP in my opinion. She's slowish, and charged tiles can make you lose, it can be risky.
Well all you had to do was say you're using a suboptimal build and I'd have understood why you don't think she's op. I wish you'd opened with that, man.0 -
Arondite wrote:arktos1971 wrote:She's not my favorite character because she's slow, and my build is PvE oriented, not PvP (553).
She's not at all OP in my opinion. She's slowish, and charged tiles can make you lose, it can be risky.
Well all you had to do was say you're using a suboptimal build and I'd have understood why you don't think she's op. I wish you'd opened with that, man.
No matter the build, he's right, charged tiles are a double edged sword. If you don't pick'em up, you're feeding the enemy's attacks. Poor planning has gotten me a few times.0 -
Now I know why OP wanted 4* Thor nerfed - cos he has two of her fully maxed! Arktos has 2 Sentry fully maxed and he wanted him nerfed. So the moral of the story is never to have 2 fully maxed, supposedly OP character.0
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