True Healing Discussion (Live 6/25)
kensterr wrote:What veterans and those with solid rosters can do (based on their experience playing the game) is to offer some solid advice and strategy to those who are affected badly by this new direction in healing. Who wants to start a new thread to offer solid advice in this days of True Healing?0
IceIX wrote:Spoit wrote:I don't see how having a 85 character defending is really any different from your stated intended behavior of switching in your 'B team'?0
I actually like the change. I see some easier teams to use my weaker teams on and finish with my strong team for defense0
Chaoslad wrote:I actually like the change. I see some easier teams to use my weaker teams on and finish with my strong team for defense0
Also, thanks to the new update. I was pushed out of not only top 10 but top 100 to not even get one cover of She Hulk. Thank you D3 for wasting my time on this game. I was honestly considering using some money on this game to help cover some of my heroes. Not now.0
darkmagearcanis wrote:Chaoslad wrote:I actually like the change. I see some easier teams to use my weaker teams on and finish with my strong team for defense0
Heh. I think it works as intended. Browsing different matches in current PvP I suddenly see more variety than just BW/THOR/ARES combo. Frankly I enjoy it more this way. It's only very seldom that I play more than 1 hour in a row, so the health packs suffice as I have no problem exchanging ARES for HULK or WOLVIE for THOR etc. for temporary period of time...0
h4n1s wrote:Heh. I think it works as intended. Browsing different matches in current PvP I suddenly see more variety than just BW/THOR/ARES combo. Frankly I enjoy it more this way. It's only very seldom that I play more than 1 hour in a row, so the health packs suffice as I have no problem exchanging ARES for HULK or WOLVIE for THOR etc. for temporary period of time...
It only works as intended because people have no other choice. D3 will make you adapt to what they want or drive you away from the game.0 -
Well, seeing as most useful members of my roster are dead and my health packs are done, i guess I have time this morning to weigh in again. This morning, I had my 141 pun, 106 hulk and 102 spidey (hoped maybe his purple defense may prolong my day) get smote in two turns by a shady cascade the ai hit in turn one allowing for a second turn wind storm. Normally, no big thing. Finish the fight, heal during next match. No cheating in that i wouldn't think, after all, it would have been in my next fight, no prologue heal, whatever. Heal packs, 3 fights later, down low enough i cant use em again. Move to team two, 2-3 fights....put together a 3rd team, one fight and too low to go again...hack together a team of low level 3 stars i don't have the covers to upgrade yet...killed in minutes. A normal 2-3 hour morning routine while I wait for my daughter to wake up, while i have my coffee, and while she watches her morning cartoons is now down to 15-20 minutes. Well done, enjoy your new 1 star rating, I still have an alliance i am trying to take care of, but i may hand that off soon. I really, and i mean really liked this game, now it's not worth it. I would have paid a monthly subscription, or paid a high price to buy the game so i didn't get nickeled and dimed, but I wont be forced to pay just to heal so i can play another 15 minutes. Not happening. It may become just another "Oh, i'm on the can and haven't played that in ages" game. Anyways, just ranting, as are most...on here...on Facebook...on app store....if they choose to ignore it, oh well0
darkmagearcanis wrote:h4n1s wrote:Heh. I think it works as intended. Browsing different matches in current PvP I suddenly see more variety than just BW/THOR/ARES combo. Frankly I enjoy it more this way. It's only very seldom that I play more than 1 hour in a row, so the health packs suffice as I have no problem exchanging ARES for HULK or WOLVIE for THOR etc. for temporary period of time...
It only works as intended because people have no other choice. D3 will make you adapt to what they want or drive you away from the game.
would be interesting to see some data -> # active users before the update vs. # active users after the update. Otherwise these are just assumptions, I don't think people would quit just based on that. In fact I would welcome similar change to address rubberbanding as well.. The heroic PVE is finishing at 6 am my time (CET timezone), so from 23rd place I dropped to 213th in less then 4 hours, just because I need to sleep before going to work...0 -
I guess if the intention was to make it so that players with a single 2 star maxed team can't compete for even the basic recruit tokens, let alone the heroics, lightning, etc., mission successful!
I have a level 85 obw, level 85 thor, level 85 wolverine and level 85 cstorm, nothing else maxed, not nearly enough ISO to level anything else.
I get to 100 points in a lightning round before being attacked by 3-4 teams like this: ... 0267167431
Or just face endless hordes of 5000+ hp tank teams that I can't spare the time or health to try and whittle down anymore.
And losing 50+ points. I couldn't beat these teams regularly before, but I could at least use obw heals + health packs to stretch my gameplay against similarly leveled/slightly higher opponents and gain back points I was losing against the higher leveled guys who were smashing me to a pulp.
Now, even if I play the entire time, I can't even finish a lightning round reaching 250 points to get the second recruit token (which will likely give me garbage anyway, but hey, some chance is better than none), and usually I get pounded down so log on points I just get a 70 iso conciliation prize, and I've usually exhausted the majority of my A team roster and health packs because I can't fight similarly leveled or higher opponents for more than 2-3 matches before a character either goes down or needs healing. Often not even that much because I get the the PC controlled opponent doing the ultra cascades from hell and using call of the storm or sunder or some other high power ability on me seemingly endlessly after a cascade that does 1500 damage from a lousy 3 tile match with nothing even remotely hinting that such a cascade was possible/waiting above the top row of tiles.
It's really a shame, because the game is actually fun when it works right, it's a bit grindy, but overall I was enjoying it, was even planning on grabbing the big pack on steam during the sale, but now it's just pointless and I won't be bothering unless this is reverted because I've already got hundreds of hours in the game, I don't plan on spending thousands more hours just to eek out some semblance of progression, only earning a chance at getting 3 star covers from the occasional basic recruit token eeked out in lightning rounds/pvp.
You think healing is broken and a crutch, fine. But it's a necessary crutch until you fix the current horrendously broken progression. Revert the change and fix the progression, make more viable 2 star characters and/or provide more opportunities to upgrade to 3 star (and I mean usable 3 star, getting a single cover or even 3 does nothing but eat up a character slot because they aren't usable in pvp were you are getting stomped on by guys with maxed 3 star rosters constantly) first, and then "fix" healing.
It doesn't even do what you say it was intended to do and promote diversity. I just see a wall of slightly different repeats of the same characters over and over again. Maybe I don't see as much OBW in pvp, but I still see thor/ares in 80%+ of the matches with people even remotely near my level, what variety and diversity is that?
You also seem to think that reviews mean nothing, well maybe for mobile, but for PC gamers they tend to carry some weight. They mean something. You're currently sitting 93% negative reviews on steam out of 1198 reviews, and that's a sizeable portion of your playerbase on steam.
Your numbers on steam are shrinking and they are going to keep on shrinking until you either fix the progression and lessen the paywall a bit or at least revert the band aid that healing managed to be.
I'll just leave this here:
A constant drop in player numbers, when a lot of people are starting on school vacations etc. and you should be seeing an uptick in players? What could be an otherwise fun game is being ruined by greed and really poor decisions/priorities. That's really a shame.0 -
This is probably their roundabout way of getting people to play less to avoid them burning out.0
epick_fayle wrote:I still plan on using my OBW as much as I can. I'll try the following tactic: play with my A team (OBW, Thor/Ares & featured), finish one fight while taking some damage, start the second fight with the same team and a +3 Blue/Purple boost, try to make Blue matches so I can temp heal the damage of from the previous fight and keep going.
The problem with OBW -- that will hit the masses who used her this far -- is she is well designed for the original healing. And the devs didn't bother to adjust her to the new one. With the new system antigrav should apply true healing for herself and temp only to others. As for her abilities she must expose herself a lot and invest her health really -- that she then cured up for good. It's not different from ares really, but was either missed or deliberately considered in the go to punish her use.
I expect too many people will face this in the next PVP where OBW is not locked out (assuming not that many play LR and training) and will see that going the old way OBW must be healthpacked at start of every game, or at least every other one. What is almost unavoidable in the teams she actually fitted the best.0 -
I need to say I am pissed off very much by real healing nonsense.
First of all – once I said that they would never force me to buy health packs, when we have healers… ok, maybe they read it and now we have a result…
IF they think it will lead to more versatile rosters, I disagree.
1) Most of players will use regenerating heroes such Patch and Daken + someone into rainbow/synergy.
IF they think it will be more fun, I partialy disagree:
2) My gamestyle changed from „I can play hours with healing and enjoy the game“ to „play with strongest team, die after 3 battles, play with B team which is weak for primary set MMR, die after 2 matches and stop playing“ because my roster is not big enough to use more heroes effectively. I have 43 heroes, but only 7 of them on the near to top or top levels.
3) I don’t see any reason to buy health packs anyway, because their price is extremely high. In the biggest crysis I can afford to buy 1 because its 50 HP and it can be repaid by prizes in tournament…
4) Spidey is now extremely weak – only defensive kind of hero. Ruined blue first, now yellow… when they will realize that purple is usefull too and ruin it too?
OBW is good only for slowing enemy’s specials – but is it worth it?
It is only another change, new impulse, so everyone who keeps playing, need to find new style. But these changes are so quick and often, that I am not able to develop my roster quickly enough!
One week I find good roster, try to find covers, level hero up, second week its nerfed and gamerulz are changed and I need to find another one… and repeat… its really no fun.
I want to enjoy strong roster, I want to ruin other players, not be ruined by devs and their gamechanges!
If they hope for improvements, I am really affraid that after two-three weeks it will be where it was…
I would be happy to see better times of event’s ending…
I would be happy to have guaranteed 3* heroes in any pack I can buy…
I would be happy for most of changes returned where it was … 80% of changes made since game we introduced to appstore, is making the game more user unfriendly (especialy to new players).
I remember old leveling, when your hero was also fully healed, I remember heropacks with guaranteed heroes, I remember roster places purchasable for ISO. I remember stronger Ragnarok… and I will remember the healing.
Once I will say: „I remember good game, which was ruined by devs development“0 -
pasa_ wrote:epick_fayle wrote:I still plan on using my OBW as much as I can. I'll try the following tactic: play with my A team (OBW, Thor/Ares & featured), finish one fight while taking some damage, start the second fight with the same team and a +3 Blue/Purple boost, try to make Blue matches so I can temp heal the damage of from the previous fight and keep going.
The problem with OBW -- that will hit the masses who used her this far -- is she is well designed for the original healing. And the devs didn't bother to adjust her to the new one. With the new system antigrav should apply true healing for herself and temp only to others. As for her abilities she must expose herself a lot and invest her health really -- that she then cured up for good. It's not different from ares really, but was either missed or deliberately considered in the go to punish her use.
I expect too many people will face this in the next PVP where OBW is not locked out (assuming not that many play LR and training) and will see that going the old way OBW must be healthpacked at start of every game, or at least every other one. What is almost unavoidable in the teams she actually fitted the best.
I see one solution for people who didn't developed her fully - stay in lower level or find someone who has blue/purple with higher values so would be preffered when collecting/matching cells. Then she could be still hidden... But it has many disadvantages... (not much choices, small chance to have full rainbow etc.)0 -
ThatOneGuyjp189512 wrote:i'm not really sure if anyone's noticed this, but the fact that they added 50 extra HP to the progressives tells me that they want you to spend your extra 50HP(now actually reachable with a 2* roster!) on health packs to keep going on your climb....the timing can't be a coincidence
Good luck with doing PVP using a single extra pack the 50 gets you0 -
Demolition11 wrote:...
A normal 2-3 hour morning routine while I wait for my daughter to wake up, while i have my coffee, and while she watches her morning cartoons is now down to 15-20 minutes.
That's the biggest issue I have too: I can't play this game at my own pace, and must adapt my schedule to play. And I don't want/can't!0 -
DaveyPitch wrote:I honestly don't see why this thread is still going. It's no longer relevant. It's not a discussion. A discussion usually involves input from both sides, with both sides able to try to convince the other side that their opinion is the right one. There isn't any two-way dialogue here. D3 have made a decision, and even though 99% of the forum disagrees with it (as well as a lot of new members who seem to have signed up just to voice their disapproval), they've gone ahead with it regardless. If we ever needed more proof from D3 that our opinions means absolutely nothing to them, this change has shown that most eloquently.
We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.
Why, it never was "discussion" in the original sense just like the spiderman changes thread. And naturally it's going on, 2 days ago everyone made the predictions on what will happen, now can report how they came true.
Can you point a single forumer who thought even for a moment that D3 will not go ahead with this ****? It would be an iteresting poll to measure how much chance people think it gets rolled back within next month or seriously altered -- that may still be a double digit figure.0
This discussion has been closed.
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