True Healing Discussion (Live 6/25)
I've ranted enough elsewhere. Just one question regarding the post title.
How is this a "feature"?
As someone a little ways up said - "Insert coin to continue".
I guess it depends on which side of the monetary transaction one is standing. It's a "feature" for Demiurge's accounting team and money players who couldn't be bothered to spend the time "grinding" health to remain competitive.0 -
frankly speaking i have to buy health pack if the pvp event reward is patch or daken0
In order to balance out this "true healing" nonsense, I propose a system, "true damage", where moves that do huge amounts of damage (Juggernaunt's Headbutt, for example) don't do permanent damage across matches, and only match damage and abilities that do smaller amounts of damage can cause damage that carry across matches.
Although I doubt something like this will be considered since it would mean less people shelling out money for health packs.0 -
As someone who NEVER used prologue healing and always healed in battle with OBW before my finishing move in PvP events, this absolutely killed the game for me. I get punished for playing the game the way it's supposed to be played???? I'll give this next pvp event a shot, but i know that I will not be close to my 700 average for each event. I just don't understand the logic behind this, other than pushing people to buy Health Packs. You are literally shunning over half of your player base with this move. Looks like I'll have to move on to better things. Screw you D3!!!!0
I read half of this thread (and skimmed ten pages more), and want to say: prologue healing is still alive. Devs just wounded OBW and killed Spidey, that's all. The only form of prologue healing that I used was "Down AWolvie to like 100hp, go to first mission of prologue, match yellow, win, repeat". With Patch and Daken, you don't even need to do specific matches. So - still alive.
Oh, and about roster diversity - I really liked post with idea of rewards for heroes, participated in fight. It can be made a choice between random generic reward, as is now (70/140 ISO, 1*/2* cover), or same reward specifically for one of heroes. I really want this. Calculation shows that without that my chances of completing Bullseye are slim.0 -
Just thought I'd take the time to come here and register for the forums so I could add to the list of people who are done spending money on building characters up to have them neutered. Not only does this kill 2 of my best characters (that I could use to heal all sorts of players, which blows the **** argument of 'wanting to create more diversity'), but it will limit the amount of time I can actually play, because although I've spent $120 on the game already, you must be out of your mind if you think I'm going to put money in for health packs. I've got 39 characters, I'm building up 29 of them, and I use the top 9 not including boosted characters. These healing characters at least gave me a chance at competing with whales and cheaters. Now I'll be toast. So I hope the whales are enough income for you, because I'm sure I'm not the only one who's on the verge of quitting. I really like Marvel and I really like Puzzle Quest, but you're ruining the reputation of both for me. I hope this gets fixed.0
We all know the real reason they did this. It has nothing to do with wanting players to be I guess more diverse with their roster and to try new things, in all honesty they couldn't care less about what team set-up players use and that's the truth. The reason they changed the healing is simple, money. They were annoyed players had found a way to play for long periods of time without having to use health packs. So their thinking is of course if they get rid of this "problem" people will waste money on health packs or more shielding. The messed up logic behind this patch is "If we stop players from being to do this, if those players want to play for long periods of time now they will have to invest in health packs which cost hero points which cost money" That's all there is. Now this might have worked, if they didn't have these constant massive PVP events where the focus is on getting lots of points. People will no longer bother with the SHIELD simiulator PVP event because it'll just use up precious health and health packs with no decent rewards. Way to break the game.0
as a lazy person so doesn't want to read 43 pages, can someone catch me up?
i assume its mainly high praise for d3 finally fixing that healing issue everyone was complaining about... oh wait.0 -
While I can't claim to have read all 40+ (and climbing!) pages, I have read many of the posts.
The thing that strikes me as almost unbelievable is how many (at least self professed) whale spenders there are. And then secondly, if all these people spending anywhere from $100 to upwards of $600 USD are saying 'Hey I've had enough, you devs are forcing me to quit!', how can D3 really not pay attention to that?
Sure Forum goers are a small minority but those whales are what gets you anywhere even close to the fabled $1/player/day average. Without them, the monetization should drop like a rock. So disenfranchising them just seems like a really bad idea.
I'd seriously pay just to understand the discussions at their internal meetings to discuss these things.0 -
"You Maniacs! You blew it up! Ah, damn you! God damn you all to hell! "
This was the first thing that came to mind yesterday when I saw the news pop-up in the game notifying us of the healing change.
But now that I've had some time to mull it over, I am actually starting to think that these change may actually be good for me! Let me explain:
1) Since I can't rely on OBW to keep my team going, I'll have to play in shorter sessions, which means I'll have more free time to spend on more important things (family, other videogames). I've been spending WAY too much of my free time on MPQ
2) Since everyone will be playing less, I expect PVP to become more casual in the sense that when I'm making my push I won't be coming out of a fight to find 3 defeat notifications for a total of -100 points or more.
2 counter point) However, playing less PVP means fewer placement rewards. I've been able to consistently reach 800-900 points in the past PVPs, now I doubt I'll be able to go higher than 600. But maybe that will be enough for a top 25.
I still plan on using my OBW as much as I can. I'll try the following tactic: play with my A team (OBW, Thor/Ares & featured), finish one fight while taking some damage, start the second fight with the same team and a +3 Blue/Purple boost, try to make Blue matches so I can temp heal the damage of from the previous fight and keep going. Sure, I'll be losing some ISO but being able to play more fights and post higher results makes up for it. We'll see how well that works out.
I have not spent a single cent on this game and boy am I glad! Most of the changes these past months reek of making the game P2W and trying to sqeeze out as much as possible from the players (selling cover slots in packs, reducing PVP rewards, reducing HP rewards, removing guaranteed featured heroes from 10-packs and now true healing). However, I will post what I feel is a balanced review on both Steam and Google Play store (not recommended on Steam, 2* on Google Play) warning about the steady P2W conversion.0 -
I don't know what other people are saying but i'd like to say i love the change, i play with and also fight against more diverse teams. it keeps the game fun now i don't just want to play out of the monotenty of trying to get top 100. i thoroughly enjoy pvp now.Thumbs up0
If the devs actually bother to read this here's my thought process and I highly doubt I'm the only one:
I've played MMOs and have no problem setting aside a constant flow of income for the developers. I've given Riot plenty of money for League of Legends 'cause its provided tons of entertainment value and I see annual chunks of $100 to be similar to paying $15 a month for an mmo.
The problem with this game is its too hard to spend money if you have a rational mind. I want to give the developer money for the enjoyment I'm receiving but I can't justify the purchases.
*the monetization I'm throwing out assumes you're purchasing the biggest bundle / maximum value. I could understand giving 50% or so for purchasing in smaller denominations.
The amount of ISOs it takes to level even a 2* champion is ridiculous. $100 won't take a 2* to max level. I believe its something like $200 for a 3*. From a value standpoint I would expect around $10 to max a 2* and $20 would max out a 3*. I would definitely consider purchasing enough ISO's to level 4 or 5 3*'s for $100 during value sales.
As a new player I could definitely see buying hero points to expand your roster slots. I've been playing since the beginning and my roster slots have expanded as I've received new covers just on the HP I've received from playing. This seems like the best value.
The drop rate from packs is way too low. $75 for on average 8 3* covers is a massive rip off (42 pack purchases). 800 hero points ($4-$8 depending on how much you purchased) for a guaranteed 3* cover for the current event and I'd consider buying. Heroic pack could be 1000 points for a random 3* or 4*, 2x 2*, and 3x 1* covers.
The way PvP tournaments operate is terrible. I would suggest the following: You do not lose rating for being beaten, but you are forced to fight your opponent until you defeat their team. Their team doesn't heal between battles, similar to how it used to work. Get rid of all healing so you at least make some progress between battles. Alternatively you could choose to skip an opponent but you would lose rating doing so. This would encourage either weathering down an opponent via waiting for time based healing on your team or attacking with several different teams (diverse rosters). Spending hero points on shields feels dumb but I'm forced to do so based on the current system.
I highly dislike the death timers and think they should be removed. Losing a battle should reduce your champion to 1 hp and health should be recovered at a rate of 3% per minute. Roughly half an hour per champion restore wouldn't be bad. Then give the option of purchasing packs for 500 isos or (25 hp). <-- this paying to continue is what's pissing off your player base.
What I finally ended up spending money on was expanding my alliance to 20 players. $100 was pretty expensive for this but as I said, I've been playing for nearly a year and this game was giving me enjoyment. Make it easier to spend money / don't piss off your player base and you'll rake in the money. I purchased all the plants (on sale) in PvZ2 not because I had to have them, but because I wanted to support the devs!0 -
I gave it a (small) chance. As expected, this system is really broken for how I play this game.
My usual day with MPQ was:
- Wake up early for the events (european timezone)
- Play for 30 minutes
- Go do some real time stuff for 12-14h. Sometimes with a 10 minutes long play session in the middle
- Play MPQ for a longer play session, between 1h and 3 of 4h, depending on the events/rewards at that time
- Go to sleep
I can no longer do that, because in 30 minutes, 1h if I didn't have unlucky cascades, I am forced to stop playing for about 2 hours. That's crazy!
In fact, I now have the same feeling as when I started this game, before having a blue OBW: "damn, I can't play a lot, after a few battle, I must stop playing, even if I want to". But six months ago, I still had a lot to discover, I was only doing prologue. Now, if I can't play, it will only push me far from this game, without reason to come back.
I can understand that people who play small sessions during the whole day are not that mad at this true heal. And the change of the self-healing rate is even better for them. But for me, when I can play only now, I do not care if Thor is useable one more time in 4 hours instead of 7 hours.
What I often hear for this true heal, and why it does not apply to my play style:
- How did you do before this change, for an event without OBW as Hollowpoint Kiss?
=> I used "Simulator healing". I agree, prologue healing is not fun, that's why I did not use it. But simulator healing is only a normal, simple game. Why removing it? Do not tell me, as it was stated for prologue healing that playing a game in simulator with OBW in your team is not "strong gameplay".
- "You should stop using OBW, everybody use OBW"
The issue is only shifted. If only all healing was removed, instead of only a few characters. Now, everybody will use Daken/Wolverine in order to play more. Whas it the goal of the change? I will not go deeper into pvp opponent analysis, as I need more time to see the whole picture, but for now, all the teams I face were barely the same 4/5 characters. Just they are not the same as before this change.
- "Use another character after your main team is dead"
So I must use the given level 23 character in pvp. Ok. And then? My useable 3* are only a 141 punisher, and a 102 LThor. Once they are dead (and with punisher, it happen really fast), should I push **Wolvie/**Thor/OBW/**Daken against boosted/141/141 ?
I wish I am able to switch characters on my main team, but give me some cover to fight the opponent teams you push in front of me! It's be nearly 6 months, and I still have only one maxed 3*!
And this change coming just after the summer sales only added more anger to all this mess.0 -
kaepamerica7 wrote:i play with and also fight against more diverse teams
Really? Where? I did several sessions in Simulator today, trying to get a sense of how this new system will work, and I'm still seeing the same line-ups I always see. Including OBW on most ** teams. Maybe if I did a systematic statistical study I'd see a slight uptick for various versions of Daken and Wolverine, but they have always been commonly-used characters anyway, so it's not much of a change.0 -
Rusalka wrote:kaepamerica7 wrote:i play with and also fight against more diverse teams
Really? Where? I did several sessions in Simulator today, trying to get a sense of how this new system will work, and I'm still seeing the same line-ups I always see. Including OBW on most ** teams. Maybe if I did a systematic statistical study I'd see a slight uptick for various versions of Daken and Wolverine, but they have always been commonly-used characters anyway, so it's not much of a change.
He may be speaking about the Hollowpoint kiss event: he did not see a single OBW in this event!!
oh wait....0 -
i'm not really sure if anyone's noticed this, but the fact that they added 50 extra HP to the progressives tells me that they want you to spend your extra 50HP(now actually reachable with a 2* roster!) on health packs to keep going on your climb....the timing can't be a coincidence0
ThatOneGuyjp189512 wrote:i'm not really sure if anyone's noticed this, but the fact that they added 50 extra HP to the progressives tells me that they want you to spend your extra 50HP(now actually reachable with a 2* roster!) on health packs to keep going on your climb....the timing can't be a coincidence
You're right! I really don't get all the other discussion. It's just another way to draw off more $$$ from our pockets, at the expense of fun! Remember to change your reviews to 1 star in the appstore0 -
ThatOneGuyjp189512 wrote:i'm not really sure if anyone's noticed this, but the fact that they added 50 extra HP to the progressives tells me that they want you to spend your extra 50HP(now actually reachable with a 2* roster!) on health packs to keep going on your climb....the timing can't be a coincidence
Those 50 HP they added as progression rewards in PVPs? They took them out of the alliance rewards. So, whereas before the members of a casual alliance that placed in the top 2500 (easy for 5 member alliances) would all get an extra 50 HP, now each player has to reach at least 600 points in the PVP event to get the same amount. That said, I actually like the new PVP rewards: its easier to get 3* covers and 1* or 2* players outside of alliances can get 25 or 50 HP per event.0 -
Yes I think they need to change it back to an extent of how it used to be... This plan is going to backfire on them and kill the game. I've already seen a lot of ppl and alliances quit and I know a lot of people in my alliance is saying they will give it 2-3 more weeks and see if they change something else but if not they done too. For how far this game has come its crazy how they might kill the game like this. A lot of my members used real money and are soo disappointed they won't use a single penny unless another update is done..
It's just like when a bad expansion comes out for a mmo or something and kills the game.. You might have a select few players still but nowhere near the original amount or the amount that could of been. I hope they get off of this money kick because I'm pretty sure in the next week they will see a lower amount spent and less daily players.
Anyway, we can all only hope for best and hope they listen to all these posts because I want to see it grow, who knows maybe even into something more extreme, with PvP0 -
I honestly don't see why this thread is still going. It's no longer relevant. It's not a discussion. A discussion usually involves input from both sides, with both sides able to try to convince the other side that their opinion is the right one. There isn't any two-way dialogue here. D3 have made a decision, and even though 99% of the forum disagrees with it (as well as a lot of new members who seem to have signed up just to voice their disapproval), they've gone ahead with it regardless. If we ever needed more proof from D3 that our opinions means absolutely nothing to them, this change has shown that most eloquently.
We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.0
This discussion has been closed.
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