True Healing Discussion (Live 6/25)
DaveyPitch wrote:I honestly don't see why this thread is still going. It's no longer relevant. It's not a discussion. A discussion usually involves input from both sides, with both sides able to try to convince the other side that their opinion is the right one. There isn't any two-way dialogue here. D3 have made a decision, and even though 99% of the forum disagrees with it (as well as a lot of new members who seem to have signed up just to voice their disapproval), they've gone ahead with it regardless. If we ever needed more proof from D3 that our opinions means absolutely nothing to them, this change has shown that most eloquently.
We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.
Sadly, there's really not a lot I can point to to say, 'you're wrong'.0 -
DaveyPitch wrote:We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.
My issue isn't so much that we are seen as "nothing except a bunch of wallets and purses" but that we are (and have been for a while it seems) being treated like children who don't know what's good for themselves (i.e. what will actually make the game fun FOR US). "Trust us, this new version of spidey is totally balanced and still useful" they say. "Trust us, no one liked prologue healing, this will be more fun" they say. As with children, there is no real discussion, they smile and nod while "listening" to what we would like out of the game, but "trust us, we know what's good for our own game" is the response (well, really it's just no response, but it's essentially what they're doing). Well, after the 1 step forward, 3 steps back dance we've been doing the last several months, I don't see why anyone would trust them.0 -
Well, if devs want us to use full roster instead of 3-4 top chars, why don't just remove damage after battle? If you won - your characters are full healed - you lost? They are dead and need Health Packs to revive. Also it will be normal to extend "death time" to all characters depending on their rarity. If this will be implented, we don't need to play only with OBW&Ares, but it will be still a strategy. Also no "prologue healing" because no characters are healed. And more interes to buy slots for all characters, cause you can use unpopular chars in new stratages and don't think that they have health bar only for one battle.0
This is a kinda extreme change with no positive drawback except no widows on PVP.
Claiming that its aim is roster diversity while enabling only a few heroes to "true heal" its just funneling into those few heroes.
IF you guys are going to make this change the least you can do is grant us some healing rewards besides the ISO rewards, like we win a match we get the choice of some minor iso and/or some health points of true healing, the healing rewards could also be tiered like iso rewards, it wouldnt kill to use ISO to heal now because let face it, not effing way am buying packs,i think i would rather delete the game than thinking i have to pay to keep playing.0 -
Well the change kicked in and pretty much everyone on my Alliance has already posted on our FB page that they will play less and are thinking of leaving.
Said it before, but not sure how D3 expect to make cash when they don't have many people playing the game. Seems all so very odd.
Will stick around for a bit, not give them a cent until they see they are doing wrong, and if they don't I'll just join the exodus.0 -
mohio wrote:DaveyPitch wrote:We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.
I honestly don't think it is. If D3 valued us at all, either as a community or as customers, they would show us more respect. They would actually have a discussion about something as large a change as this. They would do more than send IceIX out on his own to make a few posts and then disappear again. They would do more than announce the change on a Monday, then implement it on a Wednesday despite the huge outpouring of negativity surrounding the change.
I know D3 are a company and as such, their ultimate goal is to make money. I have no issues with that. However, I really don't think the best way to do that is to ignore the community when it joins together in saying that a proposed change is something no-one wants to see. If you do that enough, the community will disappear, and with it, the money. Ultimately, we are the people who put money into the pockets of the guys at D3 and Demiurge. We pay their wages with every in-app purchase we make. We deserve more than to be treated as 2nd class citizens with an opinion that apparently means nothing to them.0 -
Bravo D3
I have already the first real result of the True healing. I was #1 in my Bracket during most of the ISO event for she-hulk (who was nerfed before birth, btw) and as I live in Europe, I generally would have played longer in the night, in order to be able to have made to top 20, as all these events finish in a very poor time for people in Europe. And if the aim of the change was to play in my own pace, this includes that I should be allowed also to sleep without suffering too much.
Rubberbanding became extremly unfair to all the EU based users, as all the events tend to increase points and even as I have heard, allowed new characters around 2 hours prior to the end. This would mean that we have to wake up 5 in the morning and play like hell (actually not possible any more, as once you are severely hit, you should wait for hours). Therefore, I am suggest the following:
1) Stop the Rubberbanding system and develop a point system, where instead of having big points at the beginning you would have an increasing amount of points and increasing difficulty. The max level should be pre-defined and once achieved, the node would be blocked. This would allow a lower region bias and reducing the current handicap expecially for People in Europe, Africa and Latin America.
2) Have the events in time rotation. I.E. if the current event finished at 01:00, the next should finish at 02:00, then 03:00 and so on. In this way there will be less bias and the game will be more FAIR to everybody around the globe, as at one point, you have in general a zone of 8 hours of advantage per event!
3) For the true healing, it really sucks. I must say that many of the powers that other characters have were based on the fact that healing was possible during the game. Therefore, all other super powers should be re balanced in order to cope with this. In addition, the true healing states that the character shold be healed by his own powers, therefore, spidey, OBW and she-reck should be able to heal themselves with their own power. If you do not change back to the original concept, at least be consistent and grant to these characters the power that they have.
4) OBW became obviously handcaped. Therefore, it would be good to re-adjust also her powers. Considering Spionage, the AP stealing and damage should be always active, regardless if it is OBW time or not, in the same way that it happens to Daken or Bullseye. Additionally, the Anti-Gravity should cost either less (to be closer to Spidey), I would suggest 7 AP or alternativelly keep 11 but stunning all characters 1 round and the targeted character for 3 turns.
5) As there is no more healing, why not considering come back to the system prior to healing, where you could play up to 3 battles against one opponent? This would help beginners a lot.
But, above all, make the changes back to the original at least till end of season 3. It is not fair with all of us playing and also think through the changes and do them all to create a balance.0 -
biomarvel wrote:Bravo D3
1) Stop the Rubberbanding system and develop a point system, where instead of having big points at the beginning you would have an increasing amount of points and increasing difficulty. The max level should be pre-defined and once achieved, the node would be blocked. This would allow a lower region bias and reducing the current handicap expecially for People in Europe, Africa and Latin America.
2) Have the events in time rotation. I.E. if the current event finished at 01:00, the next should finish at 02:00, then 03:00 and so on. In this way there will be less bias and the game will be more FAIR to everybody around the globe, as at one point, you have in general a zone of 8 hours of advantage per event!
3) For the true healing, it really sucks. I must say that many of the powers that other characters have were based on the fact that healing was possible during the game. Therefore, all other super powers should be re balanced in order to cope with this. In addition, the true healing states that the character shold be healed by his own powers, therefore, spidey, OBW and she-reck should be able to heal themselves with their own power. If you do not change back to the original concept, at least be consistent and grant to these characters the power that they have.
4) OBW became obviously handcaped. Therefore, it would be good to re-adjust also her powers. Considering Spionage, the AP stealing and damage should be always active, regardless if it is OBW time or not, in the same way that it happens to Daken or Bullseye. Additionally, the Anti-Gravity should cost either less (to be closer to Spidey), I would suggest 7 AP or alternativelly keep 11 but stunning all characters 1 round and the targeted character for 3 turns.
5) As there is no more healing, why not considering come back to the system prior to healing, where you could play up to 3 battles against one opponent? This would help beginners a lot.
1) You are just shifting the goalpost. "Now I have to wake up at 5am to fight the first match so I get the maximum points!? And I have to grind throughout the entire 9 days event!?"
2) Fair. Would be okay if the dev does that.
3) No comments
4) OBW is still the strongest 2* even with the nerf
5) the change to the current system is one of the best change ever.0 -
@DaveyPitch - I completely agree with what you said in this last post. I was merely trying to separate out the "we're not a community. We're not valued customers" from the rest of the comment claiming we are just a bunch of dollar signs to the devs. Maybe I'm being naive but I think they are at least trying to make a game that people find fun and worthy of spending money on, and are attempting to improve gameplay and end-user experience. Their PR is complete and utter garbage however (which is what we're agreeing on) and it obviously makes no sense to make a change aimed at improving the user experience when a vast majority of those users are telling you it is going to make their experience much much worse.0
DaveyPitch wrote:*snip*
We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.0 -
The figures that we will see here for the next few days should be interesting (from the best of the worse, depending on your point of view): -
laoahpeh wrote:
1) You are just shifting the goalpost. "Now I have to wake up at 5am to fight the first match so I get the maximum points!? And I have to grind throughout the entire 9 days event!?"
2) Fair. Would be okay if the dev does that.
3) No comments
4) OBW is still the strongest 2* even with the nerf
5) the change to the current system is one of the best change ever.
1) This is not shifting the goalpost to my opinion. If you are able to play only with a limited time and in a time zone that is not benefited by the game, it is all about healing in order to be able to keep up without spending rivers of money and not waking up in the middle of the night to play. I play during the whole event and it is quite unfair as my placement has a direct relation to the fact that they have changed the healing power. So it is quite pertinent and is part of the problems of the feature.
2) I wish they would.
4) My opinion is that OBW was not my strongest 2* before the nerf and now it is even worse. I was definitely using her for healing, specially in fights that my characters were not 100% more, so I could heal during the battle and keep playing for longer. Now this is not more possible. Ares, Thor, Wolverine and Daken are better 2* characters in my opinion. But it is just an opinion.
5) I would be for the change. The new system is based on the fact that you are able to heal. Imagine that if you win the fight at first, you would have 100% of the points, at second 50% and third 25%. If you have a poor team, this would allow you at least to win a battle at the third, but if you have a good team, it would not make a difference. And as I said, this is just my opinion.0 -
Just playing some OBW in LR.
Frustrating - either give me the health back OR don't but don't give it back to me AND then take it away.
Ironic that it was offered that a crutch was being taken away, where really it's only been moved into the one time game itself.0 -
biomarvel wrote:
1) This is not shifting the goalpost to my opinion. If you are able to play only with a limited time and in a time zone that is not benefited by the game, it is all about healing in order to be able to keep up without spending rivers of money and not waking up in the middle of the night to play. I play during the whole event and it is quite unfair as my placement has a direct relation to the fact that they have changed the healing power. So it is quite pertinent and is part of the problems of the feature.
2) I wish they would.
4) My opinion is that OBW was not my strongest 2* before the nerf and now it is even worse. I was definitely using her for healing, specially in fights that my characters were not 100% more, so I could heal during the battle and keep playing for longer. Now this is not more possible. Ares, Thor, Wolverine and Daken are better 2* characters in my opinion. But it is just an opinion.
5) I would be for the change. The new system is based on the fact that you are able to heal. Imagine that if you win the fight at first, you would have 100% of the points, at second 50% and third 25%. If you have a poor team, this would allow you at least to win a battle at the third, but if you have a good team, it would not make a difference. And as I said, this is just my opinion.
1) let's agree to disagree. the current state of the game makes it a grindfest in the last 1-2 hours of the game. remove rubberbanding and you turn it into a 3,5,9 days worth of grinding, which I do not want.
4) OBW goes well with Ares and Thor as a support, try her out!
5) The opposite will be true, you will be getting defeats from 1* teams and wondering why they can beat you with their level 30 IM35. the current system allows one to consider offense and defensive setup, which is fun (for me)!0 -
biomarvel wrote:Bravo D3
I have already the first real result of the True healing. I was #1 in my Bracket during most of the ISO event for she-hulk (who was nerfed before birth, btw) and as I live in Europe, I generally would have played longer in the night, in order to be able to have made to top 20, as all these events finish in a very poor time for people in Europe. And if the aim of the change was to play in my own pace, this includes that I should be allowed also to sleep without suffering too much.
Rubberbanding became extremly unfair to all the EU based users, as all the events tend to increase points and even as I have heard, allowed new characters around 2 hours prior to the end. This would mean that we have to wake up 5 in the morning and play like hell (actually not possible any more, as once you are severely hit, you should wait for hours). Therefore, I am suggest the following:
1) Stop the Rubberbanding system and develop a point system, where instead of having big points at the beginning you would have an increasing amount of points and increasing difficulty. The max level should be pre-defined and once achieved, the node would be blocked. This would allow a lower region bias and reducing the current handicap expecially for People in Europe, Africa and Latin America.
2) Have the events in time rotation. I.E. if the current event finished at 01:00, the next should finish at 02:00, then 03:00 and so on. In this way there will be less bias and the game will be more FAIR to everybody around the globe, as at one point, you have in general a zone of 8 hours of advantage per event!
3) For the true healing, it really sucks. I must say that many of the powers that other characters have were based on the fact that healing was possible during the game. Therefore, all other super powers should be re balanced in order to cope with this. In addition, the true healing states that the character shold be healed by his own powers, therefore, spidey, OBW and she-reck should be able to heal themselves with their own power. If you do not change back to the original concept, at least be consistent and grant to these characters the power that they have.
4) OBW became obviously handcaped. Therefore, it would be good to re-adjust also her powers. Considering Spionage, the AP stealing and damage should be always active, regardless if it is OBW time or not, in the same way that it happens to Daken or Bullseye. Additionally, the Anti-Gravity should cost either less (to be closer to Spidey), I would suggest 7 AP or alternativelly keep 11 but stunning all characters 1 round and the targeted character for 3 turns.
5) As there is no more healing, why not considering come back to the system prior to healing, where you could play up to 3 battles against one opponent? This would help beginners a lot.
But, above all, make the changes back to the original at least till end of season 3. It is not fair wit
h all of us playing and also think through the changes and do them all to create a balance.
1/2) they need to figure something out to allow for seperately brackets to be entered based on end time. maybe make it so we select from one of 3 end times for each event, and get bracket with just those who also selected that end time. plus, eu ppl get what they want. minus, all of a sudden everyone in everybody's bracket can be around at the end of the event. still probably more said than the current situation...healthier too.
3) team heals should be team.armor powers. team heals were a broken concept. wouldn't be entirely against team heals "temp healing" the other 2 and true healing the casting character least as a stop gap while they come up with a netters solution.
4)You are joking about obw...right? That was a joke? Obw could STILL use some nerfing honestly. The healing was never the issue. It's her comparatively op purple to any other Ap steal in the game and the fact that her black double dipsbfoken mechanic that d3 never bothered to fix. The id ea of buffing her is about as ludicrous as wanting magneto buffed after they fixed how his purple worked. that said, needing her at this moment would be about the stupidity thing they could due given the lvl of grumpy ppl are showing towards the heal change. You have only 3 in purple right? If not, change be why u think.she isn't.the best 2**.
5) the 3 attempt system.was horrible. only reason it functioned at firat was because "hood scoring" was a game error and not the normal way scoring worked. 3 attempt scoring now would just mean ppl used to using obw to heal all the time to keep thier score up would be even.angrier as ppl would be getting multiple chances to beat them instead of one. Though, I don't think going the old scoring would be a bad idea (nobody really knows why they moved away from it in the fi...o right...they did it preemptively for their release of the shield update.
actually, shield update brings a good point. if they did indeed change all scoring to hood scoring as a precursor to the shield update, which we receives no notice of, maybe this is a precursor to a larger scale change as well?
As for the idea to.make it so u instant heal after matches, thus would require some major hp/damage balance to make sure character have lower hp and deal more damage so that there is some mild chance of obtaining defensive wins. atm, beyond a series of unfortunate events...the only way you lose on offense is stupidity (how did I miss that!), going in low hp (I knew that would bite me), or using a vastly inferior team (deserved to lose). Def wins are probably 1/20 if you are lucky when "inferior roster" isnt part of the equation (which is the case when at higher scores). Takeaway pre-exulting damage and that def pirate will probably plummet. while the def win rate should never be Goo high, it was already a little low. end match heal would make it even.less demonstrative. So if they went that way, they either 1. Need to mess with hp damage for current characters or 2. We should expect a buff in new character even more than usual to create that higher damage, lower hp value. (Guess which they would -
Based on replies by those MEH! with the changes due to having a better developed roster, and those who taking out their pitchforks and torches due to limited and underdeveloped roster, let's all just agree to disagree with the changes.
In the previous PVE (ISO-8 Brotherhood) OBW worked very well with Lazy Thor and Modern Storm. In game healing when bad cascades happen or when a CD tile goes off against LT or Storm meant that I could continue playing other nodes easily unless my heroes are dead (only then do I use a healthpack).
What veterans and those with solid rosters can do (based on their experience playing the game) is to offer some solid advice and strategy to those who are affected badly by this new direction in healing. Who wants to start a new thread to offer solid advice in this days of True Healing?0 -
DaveyPitch wrote:We are NOTHING to D3, except a bunch of wallets and purses to be bled dry as fast and as deep as possible. We're not a community. We're not valued customers. We're cash cows. I think the sooner we all realise that the better off we'll all be.
That's it...
This change is only a way to draw us more money, it's no more fun, it's no more balancing, just more money for them. I'm not completely sure of this but In my country global voting for the game is dropped from 4 to 3.5 stars so, sorry for repeating myself, Let's vote the game 1 star in the appstore!0 -
My current Steam review, which I will completely erase/edit/change as soon as the game has been fixed to allow players to once again play when they want, how they want, with whatever characters they want. ... ded/234330
And... so you don't think I'm just another nut out there running his mouth. My current stats = 166 hrs last two weeks / 1,706 hrs on record.
A once loyal, and hopefully loyal in the future, fan,
-B0 -
If we all stop playing they will have to fix this decision.0
This discussion has been closed.
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