**** Invisible Woman (Classic) ****



  • BassMuffinFIve
    I actually really like 4/4/5 for her.
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    I actually really like 4/4/5 for her.
    Good call. Get most out of the abilities while sacrificing some tile strength. Also keeps green at the stronger damage without tile conversion using blue then green once each. Might go 3/5/5 for all goon pve, but probably stick 4/4/5
  • BassMuffinFIve
    Straycat wrote:
    I actually really like 4/4/5 for her.
    Good call. Get most out of the abilities while sacrificing some tile strength. Also keeps green at the stronger damage without tile conversion using blue then green once each. Might go 3/5/5 for all goon pve, but probably stick 4/4/5

    I actually just did the math and I may have changed my mind icon_e_wink.gif

    4 in blue does absolutely nothing. Going from 3-4 blue only added 9 damage to 2 strike tiles. So I think you either want to go 3/5/5 or 5/3/5 depending on the situation.

    Side note: I really like the fact the she makes strike tiles with her blue regardless of the opponent having special tiles out or not!
  • Straycat
    Straycat Posts: 963 Critical Contributor
    4 in blue does absolutely nothing.
    It allows it to lock countdown tiles. 3 in blue only does attack strike or protect
  • Marc_Spector
    Marc_Spector Posts: 625 Critical Contributor
    Straycat wrote:
    4 in blue does absolutely nothing.
    It allows it to lock countdown tiles. 3 in blue only does attack strike or protect

    Exactly. I'm leaning towards 4/4/5 as well for that reason (plus 4 yellow casting invis on both allies instead of just one)

    Plus, 4 in blue only creates 3 force bubbles, not 4. I'm thinking that might be better for getting more damage upfront from green. If I have enough for a single casting of both blue+green (or, let's say, the A.I. does on defense , who will always cast blue before green), I'd rather get 3 bubbles and some strikes followed by the full damage of green, rather than 4 bubbles and half damage of green (plus special tile removal). With the bubbles locking out the effects of special tiles, I personally would rather kill faster than fiddle around with spec.tile removal.
  • elwhiteninja
    elwhiteninja Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    I feel underwhelmed by her changes. I'm excited about the cheap strike tiles that are not black (thank you D3) the yellow invis power is nice that it always targets her but the allies thing is kinda meh being that the NPCs are very predictable and so most likely will not get off great combos that will make her yellow worth specing into. Green as others have pointed out should be fired with >3 or <6 to be worth spending a bloated and strong color.

    I see no reason to champ or bring her along in most situations. Other than having a very dependable bluetile.png strike tile generator. It is interesting that her blue is the same cost as punisher and is stronger too. makes me want to bring him along and just spam blue all day.

    I think that if they keep mr fantastic having a similar mechanic when they buff him (cause they better as he sucks) she could get more interesting but who knows all in all i think they raised her from bottom of the pile to middle.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,274 Chairperson of the Boards
    Reasonnably happy with her changes, her kit makes a lot more sense than before.

    I'm especially glad that locked CD tiles can now be converted back to basic tiles instead of just being unlocked
    when crushed with her old green power. It made no sense at all to lock those CD's then having them re-activate
    if you wanted to do damage with green.

    The invisibility always targeting her now is also much better, I mean, she is called Invisible Woman and she
    wouldnt always make herself invisible before which was very silly. 7 AP cost is good too, considering she gets no other
    benefit than invisibility unlike ProfX or Howard.
  • ErikPeter
    ErikPeter Posts: 719 Critical Contributor
    A couple things:

    Her old build was at odds with itself, you'd always try to place the locked tiles NEXT TO tiles you wanted to get rid of, then if RNG failed you (popping the other 3 force bubbles, e.g.) you'd be stuck with them anyways. It was dumb and slow and counterproductive. So, it's great that they streamlined her build and focused on fun. Also, great that she is able to put out actual damage again in the age of power creep x40.

    Her yellow can now be used over and over again, creating multiple invisibility tiles all targeting her. Very nice.

    War Machine counters her directly and they both fight over blue/green. Fun.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    ErikPeter wrote:
    A couple things:

    Her old build was at odds with itself, you'd always try to place the locked tiles NEXT TO tiles you wanted to get rid of, then if RNG failed you (popping the other 3 force bubbles, e.g.) you'd be stuck with them anyways. It was dumb and slow and counterproductive. So, it's great that they streamlined her build and focused on fun. Also, great that she is able to put out actual damage again in the age of power creep x40.

    Her yellow can now be used over and over again, creating multiple invisibility tiles all targeting her. Very nice.

    War Machine counters her directly and they both fight over blue/green. Fun.

    Hmmm, think she will be WM's opponent whenever his crash comes around?
  • Spiritclaw
    Spiritclaw Posts: 397 Mover and Shaker
    I'm really enjoying the new invisible woman. Since Disney owns Marvel, is it fair to say she's gone "from zero to hero?"
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2016
    Polares wrote:
    So If I understand it correctly, if there are more than 4 bubbles there is no max limit now. So, If there are 10, it will do 12450? And also curious that if you just have 4 bubbles you do less damage than with 3 (4*1250=5k vs 8299). Green encourages you to fire at 3 or less and then wait to fire it again until you have 6+ bubbles in the board.

    Blue strikes are nice, 540 in strikes for 8 AP is decent.

    At long last, her yellow is at least as good as other invisibility powers.

    All in all she is much much better than before. Same mechanics but quite improved. I don't know how useful she will be, but when buffed she looks quite strong.

    PS: It is a lot of AP but Green+Blue+Green is really deadly now.

    As far as I can tell, her Green mode 2 multi-taps Strike tiles, once for each bubble. With only a tiny bit of (self)-support even that option is totally solid damage.

    Edit: Tried this again more recently and either I was totally crazy the first time, or just fixed this :/
  • Nikita-K
    Nikita-K Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    For a defensive player like me this rework is a fail. Her invisibility is only a nice gimmick since her defense was reduced to meaninglessness.
    Her blue isn't targeting any more and heavily depending on enemy special tiles. Swapping defense for offense on higher cost seems OK but also not improved.
    Her green at last is mostly dealing less damage than before and doesn't cause any cascades any more. It's also still depending on her blue and less reliable because of reduced difference in AP cost. Nevertheless it's an improvement because of damage anytime at reduced cost but I don't like it.
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nikita-K wrote:
    For a defensive player like me this rework is a fail. Her invisibility is only a nice gimmick since her defense was reduced to meaninglessness.
    Her blue isn't targeting any more and heavily depending on enemy special tiles. Swapping defense for offense on higher cost seems OK but also not improved.
    Her green at last is mostly dealing less damage than before and doesn't cause any cascades any more. It's also still depending on her blue and less reliable because of reduced difference in AP cost. Nevertheless it's an improvement because of damage anytime at reduced cost but I don't like it.

    How is ~7000 damage for 10 green MORE dependant on Blue than before? Before, you got nothing for 10 Green, next to nothing for 12 Green, and only the possibility of 7000+ damage for 19 AP total. And you don't have to worry about blowing up your own invisibility anymore, which is nice.

    Yellow is cheaper than ever, dodges single-target countdowns and many abilities like a champ, and it's not even that hard to chain it twice. Pretty defensive, if you ask me.

    Blue probably changed the most, but locking non-special tiles was always pretty niche and the protect tile was, at best, redundant with Yellow (and not that great anyways, being a protect tile). The switch to an attack tile is an awesome improvement, and I suspect the random nature of the tile locks won't matter in most cases, since most of the time the AI won't have more tiles than you can lock in one go, with some tiles you want to lock and some you don't. Fail case is a sort of underwhelming Battle Plan, which I definitely won't be complaining about.

    I'll agree that the playstyle has changed, from a very puzzle-oriented character to closer to a two-move optional combo support character. If you liked the "puzzle" aspect of her than I can see how this could feel like a downgrade but I think it's pretty unfair to call this a "fail" rework.
  • stochasticism
    stochasticism Posts: 1,181 Chairperson of the Boards
    Nikita-K wrote:
    For a defensive player like me this rework is a fail. Her invisibility is only a nice gimmick since her defense was reduced to meaninglessness.
    Her blue isn't targeting any more and heavily depending on enemy special tiles. Swapping defense for offense on higher cost seems OK but also not improved.
    Her green at last is mostly dealing less damage than before and doesn't cause any cascades any more. It's also still depending on her blue and less reliable because of reduced difference in AP cost. Nevertheless it's an improvement because of damage anytime at reduced cost but I don't like it.

    I am curious. How do you win a this game being a defensive player? Everything seems to favor speed and offense. I'm genuinely curious how you perform.
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 564 Critical Contributor
    I play defensively as well it is mostly about slowing the board down until you unleash hell. Your game may last 7 or 8 rounds but the game is over in 1-2 once you get going. You need denial characters, Peggy, She-Hulk, Hood anybody who denies energy to the other team or ties up the board so they cannot make good matches. Deny the energy they need to start their combos through matches, this varies from team to team and have a good tank to soak up the damage until you are ready to strike OML, Groot anybody with true healing works well. If things go properly you should never need healing kits. I still think the speed teams are probably better but when played correctly a good defensive team can last forever. I used to take She-Hulk, Kahn and IM-40 through the simulator in an afternoon and use 1-4 healthpacks on the climb, that is a defensive team. Spam all green to She-Hulk, keep all their energy at 0 and hit with her red or IM-40's blue a couple of times.
  • sKender
    A very dangerous character now. Her yellow an green powers are great.
  • himatako
    himatako Posts: 269 Mover and Shaker
    I'm really happy with her rework. She's a great counter against X-Pool now. No need to worry about his black stopping you from firing AOE or attack other character anymore. You can use her yellow to make his black CD tiles useless.

    I mean, you can even lure the Thing to activate his yellow so you can use her blue to lock those tiles and gain more bubbles for green damage. There are many ways to use her now and it's much more fun than all of her earlier versions. Makes me glad I keep her in my roster.
  • janderlick
    janderlick Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    I was a returning player in May 2016 and IW was the one four star I had well covered before I left the game for a long time back in Fall of 2014. After the character respec and gaining a couple more covers, she is now my first championed 4 star. Have to say I am greatly enjoying IW, IM40, and Blade. Especially in PVE or in wave fights. IM40 powers IW Blue and Green. IW lays down Strikes with Blue. Don't need to collect Red because IM40 can make his own red AP. Blade put down his own Strikes on red. Fire Blades Purple and suddenly you're doing 3K a turn. This team really escalates quickly and is a lot of fun.
  • Nikita-K
    Nikita-K Posts: 33 Just Dropped In
    Defense can be very complex. For that, nearly all of my characters are skilled different than the majority. I like any combination of stunning, counterattacks, stealing/denying AP, protect tiles, healing/regenerating ...
    Some matches are over after 10 or even 15 minutes, some teams give me defensive wins quite regularly.
    In PVP, I play only a few matches per day and reach something around place 500 in season. In PVE, I'm placing T100, sometimes better.

    Old skilling for IW was 5/3/5 for 4 protect tiles at once and hiding the weakest character. Even aoe wasn't able to get her in trouble, more so with blue protection. Green was there primarily for a one-shot at regenerating characters with clearing the board from enemy special tiles. Most of that is gone now more or less.
  • VizMantis
    VizMantis Posts: 280 Mover and Shaker
    Almost 2 seasons since her latest rework. What's the consensus on her quality? She seems lower mid tier to me, but I haven't really used her.

    Given that, my analysis hasn't really changed since rework details were released. Decent damage from green (but finicky after 1 shot). Decent yellow defensive power (that I probably won't remember to use at the right time). Decent blue strike tile production (and I guess some bubbles). Not terrible, but not really a set I'd choose over most other characters I've got.

    Am I misreading her? Does she have a phenomenal pairing? I feel like I asked the same last time I had a spare cover for her, but so it goes. icon_razz.gif