The Gauntlet: Oct. 30 - Nov. 4



  • My Spiderman is...not so good. I think he's 1/1/0 or something of the sort, and I haven't put anything into him. In terms of defense tile production, all I have is LCap, and by the time I get him going, Sentry usually has his WR on the board.

    I'll give oBW/Patch/cStorm a try later.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    It took me at least 12 attemps on the Hulk, Sentry, Hood node to finally find a way to beat it.
    So Gauntlet lovers love that aspect of the event, but if we're talking about beating an easy node 12 times in a standard PvE, that's too much of a tedious chore. Fascinating.
  • One gives a sense of accomplishment for overcoming a difficult challenge. The other is just Sisyphus pushing a boulder up the hill over and over, only to have it roll back down as soon as he thinks he's reached the top. The only difference is, with scaling, the boulder gets a little heavier each time.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    Wiped three times on node 27.
    Twice with Ares/Blade/OBW with no boosts.
    Latest wipe is with cStorm/Blade/MNMags boosted with 3 x +1 bluetile.pngpurpletile.png & +30% bluetile.pngpurpletile.png.
    Stunned both She-Hulk & Marvel but Sentry managed to hit SuperNova the next turn and downed both cStorm & MNMags; Blade went down with match damage from Marvel.
    Now I have to wait for the health packs.
  • Hey guys, I'm a newbie and I'd like some pointers on how to pass the Dino / Colossus / OBW Node in the Gauntlet.
    The useful characters I have for this encounter are:
    **Thor - 5/5/2 lvl 63
    **Storm - 2/4/2 lvl 54
    **Daken - 2/5/1 lvl 55
    **Ares - 2/1/2 lvl 31, boosted to 71
    ***Blade 1/0/0 lvl 40, boosted to 140
    ***Daken 0/1/0 lvl 40, boosted to 70

    I tried Ares with Storm and Blade, which seems like the obvious pairing here (maybe switching out Ares for Thor), the problem is that Storm dies way too easily and I need to kill OBW really fast or I will never get those 11 blue for Windstorm. Even boosts have not helped in that regard.
    Now, I could try to get LDaken to tank for Storm, but then I lose out on the pure time that a lvl 140 Blade gives me to prep my abilities. There's still a bit of time, so I thought I could try to ask for some help in these parts, because I honestly don't how how to waste my health packs most efficiently icon_e_smile.gif
  • Finally beat 41 with LThor, Lcap, and OBW. Widow crashed out really early but it was a good blue board so she got me to a shield stun before she died. Then I locked down Hulk while I beat on Hood. Once Lcap's blue returns and leaves a defense tile, World Rupture isn't a threat and you can pick off a sacrifice tile. Thor tanks red to charge that shield throw while Cap stays in back. If you get off Thor's yellow or Green, it's a bonus.

    And Sentry (as last man standing) killing himself with Sacrifice never stops being funny.
  • SENTRY HOOD HULK asdfidgpdsŝdhkasèerdphdf!!!!! My poor poor Ares/OBW+1 icon_e_sad.gif.

    The only time that the AI doesn't cast the higher-AP skill is the one-shot Supernova. Can't use boosts because Hood goes omnomnom, can't use AOE because Hulk gets ANGRY. Can't use boosted Onslaught because both Green users aren't a priority. I basically have to deny Red and Green at all cost but as soon as I down Hood I get Sacrificed and murdered. Grrrrrrrrrrrr....
  • xequalsy
    xequalsy Posts: 231
    Lucked out on a nice board against the triple Thor essential node with enough purple but not too many to let OBW steal to her heart's content and then whittling down Thor into Onslaught kill range.

    Now I only have the last "normal" node left to do, the Fury, Thor, Dino node. First attempt ended in massive failure after the AI got like a match 8 in blue icon_mad.gif Time to let healthpack.png regen... :/

    EDIT: How does WHALES! WHALES! WHALES! scale btw? I have a level 43 DP, but have saved up some DP points anyway.
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    Labbes wrote:
    Hey guys, I'm a newbie and I'd like some pointers on how to pass the Dino / Colossus / OBW Node in the Gauntlet.

    I had to use Whales on this node. Way too much health points to whittle down. Colossus should not be able throw Devil Dino either! icon_evil.gif
  • TazFTW
    TazFTW Posts: 695 Critical Contributor
    xequalsy wrote:
    EDIT: How does WHALES! WHALES! WHALES! scale btw? I have a level 43 DP, but have saved up some DP points anyway.

    If you have full Deadpool points (28000) and a purple cover you can squash anything. As mentioned above, I used my level 55 2/1/1 Deadpool and wiped out a full health Devil Dino and Colossus.
  • over_clocked
    xequalsy wrote:
    EDIT: How does WHALES! WHALES! WHALES! scale btw? I have a level 43 DP, but have saved up some DP points anyway.
    Boosted Whales kill everyone. It's a game-over button.
  • I actually managed to complete this event without Whales and with very few boosts. Perhaps because, unlike last time, I actually have a workable Sentry Bomb team.

    Also, Daken+Patch+Loki is a pretty sustainable team icon_e_smile.gif
    locked wrote:
    xequalsy wrote:
    EDIT: How does WHALES! WHALES! WHALES! scale btw? I have a level 43 DP, but have saved up some DP points anyway.
    Boosted Whales kill everyone. It's a game-over button.

    "Game Over" implies losing. It's actually a You Win button.

    gazgaz wrote:
    SENTRY HOOD HULK asdfidgpdsŝdhkasèerdphdf!!!!! My poor poor Ares/OBW+1 icon_e_sad.gif.

    The only time that the AI doesn't cast the higher-AP skill is the one-shot Supernova. Can't use boosts because Hood goes omnomnom, can't use AOE because Hulk gets ANGRY. Can't use boosted Onslaught because both Green users aren't a priority. I basically have to deny Red and Green at all cost but as soon as I down Hood I get Sacrificed and murdered. Grrrrrrrrrrrr....

    How are your mnMags and CStorm? Hulk can't get angry when he's stunned.
  • over_clocked
    kalirion wrote:
    "Game Over" implies losing. It's actually a You Win button.
  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 725 Critical Contributor
    Down to the last 2 essentials only.

    I uber-whalesed the final node 42 - didn't even bother trying to beat it with a regular team as I was feeling mildly impatient and was out of health!

    Prior to that I'd managed to get past 40 & 41 with my first attempts. Ran Daken (lvl 158 boosted)/Blade (lvl 156 boosted)/Lcap (regular 128). Strike tiles abound and LCap to stun and hurt. Side note - has anyone ever used LCaps yellow for protect tiles? I only use it to create crit tiles!

    I'd struggled most with 39 for some reason, couldn't get anything going and Spidey just kept getting out his shields and healing when I was close to killing him! Grrr.

    Anyway - this is part of why the Gauntlet is sooo good, it's the shared experience of all facing a good realistic challenge that feels like a Puzzle (I'm pretty sure MPQ has this word in it's name....), the lack of grinding and the attempt at your own pace also really appeals.

    Good luck to the rest of you!
  • Unknown
    edited November 2014
    I really hope they don't break Loki / Patch partnership when they comes back off "hiatus." I know many people find Loki useless, but I love him in PVE and it makes fun fights and victories like this one possible (repost):


    Punter1 wrote:
    Side note - has anyone ever used LCaps yellow for protect tiles? I only use it to create crit tiles!

    I rarely use his yellow at all, since if I run him it's usually with Hood and IM40. When running with Patch, it fully depends on the situation - can use them to create 2-3 matches for the final blow, or as actual shields to offset the purple strike tiles if enemy still has too much health.
  • GrumpySmurf1002
    GrumpySmurf1002 Posts: 3,511 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hidden advantage to getting the Simulator done crazy early again is that it gave me time to build my Shield Sim score up.
  • Vankysher
    Vankysher Posts: 324 Mover and Shaker
    Perhaps my insistence on not boosting is handicapping me.
    Finally got past node 27 with the help of a favorable board and now stuck trying to figure out how to beat 113/114/114 team of XForce/DDino/Hulk.
    Initial team of Ares/Blade/OBW were downed relatively quickly with the AI firing off X-Force twice, a bunch of dino arms, and Recovery nullifying any damage I did do.
    Thinking I should try to take down DDino first and try to one shot X-Force if I can survive that long as that wall of hit points is quite daunting...
  • Vankysher wrote:
    Perhaps my insistence on not boosting is handicapping me.
    Finally got past node 27 with the help of a favorable board and now stuck trying to figure out how to beat 113/114/114 team of XForce/DDino/Hulk.
    Initial team of Ares/Blade/OBW were downed relatively quickly with the AI firing off X-Force twice, a bunch of dino arms, and Recovery nullifying any damage I did do.
    Thinking I should try to take down DDino first and try to one shot X-Force if I can survive that long as that wall of hit points is quite daunting...

    I'd think XForce would take priority - just try not to let him Recover, and prioritise purple / blue.
  • Vankysher wrote:
    Perhaps my insistence on not boosting is handicapping me.
    Finally got past node 27 with the help of a favorable board and now stuck trying to figure out how to beat 113/114/114 team of XForce/DDino/Hulk.
    Initial team of Ares/Blade/OBW were downed relatively quickly with the AI firing off X-Force twice, a bunch of dino arms, and Recovery nullifying any damage I did do.
    Thinking I should try to take down DDino first and try to one shot X-Force if I can survive that long as that wall of hit points is quite daunting...

    I'm a big fan of stunning Hulk. If you've got a Cap/LCap that can do it, or CStorm, or even a MBW TU -- it gives you a lot of leeway for hitting Hulk hard without having to one-shot him for fear of getting murdered by Anger tiles. And while he's stunned you can work on downing Xforce before he eats your face.
  • kalirion wrote:
    Vankysher wrote:
    Perhaps my insistence on not boosting is handicapping me.
    Finally got past node 27 with the help of a favorable board and now stuck trying to figure out how to beat 113/114/114 team of XForce/DDino/Hulk.
    Initial team of Ares/Blade/OBW were downed relatively quickly with the AI firing off X-Force twice, a bunch of dino arms, and Recovery nullifying any damage I did do.
    Thinking I should try to take down DDino first and try to one shot X-Force if I can survive that long as that wall of hit points is quite daunting...

    I'd think XForce would take priority - just try not to let him Recover, and prioritise purple / blue.

    Agree. Dino doesn't hit hard enough to warrant priority I don't think.