2AP abilities should be nerfed
sms4002 wrote:I find it hilarious all the people with rags (dumdum) trying to desperately stop this nerf. It really is necessary. 2 ap is way too low for generating 5 greens and having infinite combos every turn. Everyone trying to say it would piss off too many paying people or hes 3 stars? What about when they nerfed storm? I'm sure people paid for her and leveled her yellow to 5 instead of green and are now SOL. The main point here is this is a BETA and you knew that while spending money / iso. Changes are inevitable and you just have to accept it. money spent or not.
if you've read anything ive written, i'm fine with a nerf (move to 3AP), just not something overly drastic...because RAGNAROK IS NOT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN MAGNETO OR SPIDEY RIGHT NOW
and nobody paid to level storm, this is completely different.0 -
DumDumDugn wrote:sms4002 wrote:I find it hilarious all the people with rags (dumdum) trying to desperately stop this nerf. It really is necessary. 2 ap is way too low for generating 5 greens and having infinite combos every turn. Everyone trying to say it would piss off too many paying people or hes 3 stars? What about when they nerfed storm? I'm sure people paid for her and leveled her yellow to 5 instead of green and are now SOL. The main point here is this is a BETA and you knew that while spending money / iso. Changes are inevitable and you just have to accept it. money spent or not.
if you've read anything ive written, i'm fine with a nerf (move to 3AP), just not something overly drastic...because RAGNAROK IS NOT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN MAGNETO OR SPIDEY RIGHT NOW
and nobody paid to level storm, this is completely different.
I hope mag and rag get nerfed eventually. I'm not sure about spidey, while he is OP, having him on your team slows damage/kills which isn't helpful in tournaments. I think the problem with Ragnarok is that since he takes less magazines, he tends to be higher level than Mags out there. He also is a pain to deal with even when the computer takes control of him, which catches people's attention. This probably increased his popularity, so all the aggro is on him for unbalanced characters.
Time is money. While the time/money ratio for a Rag is higher, it is still the same. Those who maxed yellow storm should be legitimately angry.0 -
DumDumDugn wrote:sms4002 wrote:I find it hilarious all the people with rags (dumdum) trying to desperately stop this nerf. It really is necessary. 2 ap is way too low for generating 5 greens and having infinite combos every turn. Everyone trying to say it would piss off too many paying people or hes 3 stars? What about when they nerfed storm? I'm sure people paid for her and leveled her yellow to 5 instead of green and are now SOL. The main point here is this is a BETA and you knew that while spending money / iso. Changes are inevitable and you just have to accept it. money spent or not.
if you've read anything ive written, i'm fine with a nerf (move to 3AP), just not something overly drastic...because RAGNAROK IS NOT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN MAGNETO OR SPIDEY RIGHT NOW
and nobody paid to level storm, this is completely different.
How did nobody pay to level storm? you can get all the covers you need via just the free missions? nope. you can't. I am sure a ton of people opened packs or paid HP to level her up because she (was) such a great character. The move up to 3 red is a start but it's still way too spamable with that many greens being created! I also find it funny that you say hes not much better than those two seeing as how they are both OP in their own way too. Lets see you take down a buffed rags or even regular rags with no buffs and only thor and others. You will see just how annoyingly OP he is. Stop trying to save your purchase. Hes OP.0 -
I can't believe this conversation is still going on. The reason why people who have maxed rags don't want him nerfed is not because they paid for it (not the main reason,) but because they want matches to be incredibly easy so that their is no skill involved. Nobody pays much attention to mags or spideys 2 AP power because it isn't as game breaking as Ragnaroks. Ragnarok is the most spammable and damaging character when it comes to a damage:AP ratio. I would without a doubt rather fight a team with a maxed mag or spidey than a team with a 2 AP rag. Go a few matches without your maxed rag to fight a maxed one and see for yourself how hard and annoying it'll be to fight him. 6 red AP for more than 3,000 damage combined with multiple match 4 and 5 tiles on almost every row, helped with critical tiles and any other team member with a strong green power, you're maxed 3* character is already dead without even using one single power.0
I'm sure tons of people paid for c.Storm. According to IceX from the statistics thread, the 3 highest paid characters are IM35, m.Storm and Daken.
Mag's blue is stupid for the reason that it seems to be meant as a defensive skill. I'm sure if the nerf was just to remove defensive properties, no one would care. It would make him more liable on defense but thats not that big a deal. That or increase its cost to 6 AP so you can't chain it unto itself as easily, while increasing its protect tile strength so people might consider it as a defensive move. But it does sadden me that there are very few viable defensive skills. Spidey is really one of the few.
But honestly, if you were to ask me if I'd rather Rags and Mags nerfed, or Loki and Hood buffed, I'd easily take the latter.0 -
sms4002 wrote:The main point here is this is a BETA and you knew that while spending money / iso. Changes are inevitable and you just have to accept it. money spent or not.
No, it's not. Go read the FAQ.
And for the record I agree that Rags needs some changing, it just needs to be moderate, not drastic (ala C Storm). But after getting Rags red and investing 3750 HP (all earned, not bought) into his red it dramatically changed my play upwards. While it was a very large investment, it was an even greater change, and that's an indication of imbalance.0 -
Zathrus wrote:And for the record I agree that Rags needs some changing, it just needs to be moderate, not drastic (ala C Storm). But after getting Rags red and investing 3750 HP (all earned, not bought) into his red it dramatically changed my play upwards. While it was a very large investment, it was an even greater change, and that's an indication of imbalance.
Even if they nerf Rags now, the damage is already done. Many of the people here have near complete 3-star villian collections. As a previous c.Storm user, I laugh at her nerf because I already got what I needed out of her, and it now only hurts new or up and coming players. That's why I much prefer buffs over nerfs.0 -
ihearthawthats wrote:Zathrus wrote:And for the record I agree that Rags needs some changing, it just needs to be moderate, not drastic (ala C Storm). But after getting Rags red and investing 3750 HP (all earned, not bought) into his red it dramatically changed my play upwards. While it was a very large investment, it was an even greater change, and that's an indication of imbalance.
Even if they nerf Rags now, the damage is already done. Many of the people here have near complete 3-star villian collections. As a previous c.Storm user, I laugh at her nerf because I already got what I needed out of her, and it now only hurts new or up and coming players. That's why I much prefer buffs over nerfs.
This observation is astute.
I actually believe they nerfed Cstorm in response to her ridiculousness in PvE. But it didn't bother me because I eventually moved on to the Rags + Storm infinite combo for PvE. Now, if they nerf that, I can just fall back on Mags for his damage, utility and ability to negate PvE special tiles all by himself. Because we're so ahead, it's easy for us to just switch to whatever's the most powerful while everyone else still trails behind.
Buffs on the other hand, gives the people who don't have these characters power. But it ALSO empowers the people at the top, because now they have even more characters to choose from and to mix with. These people were at the top because they were good at the metagaming, so equalizing the playing field a little isn't going to change that. A little more challenge might actually give them a little more meaning to playing this game - already we have people saying there's no motivation to play because there's no endgame.
Buff characters. Continually introduce new characters that aren't pointless vis a vis these "OP" champs. Introduce interesting tourneys that make use of the new characters instead of giving us the same lightning rounds every weak. This game will keep being fun to play.0 -
sms4002 wrote:DumDumDugn wrote:sms4002 wrote:I find it hilarious all the people with rags (dumdum) trying to desperately stop this nerf. It really is necessary. 2 ap is way too low for generating 5 greens and having infinite combos every turn. Everyone trying to say it would piss off too many paying people or hes 3 stars? What about when they nerfed storm? I'm sure people paid for her and leveled her yellow to 5 instead of green and are now SOL. The main point here is this is a BETA and you knew that while spending money / iso. Changes are inevitable and you just have to accept it. money spent or not.
if you've read anything ive written, i'm fine with a nerf (move to 3AP), just not something overly drastic...because RAGNAROK IS NOT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN MAGNETO OR SPIDEY RIGHT NOW
and nobody paid to level storm, this is completely different.
How did nobody pay to level storm? you can get all the covers you need via just the free missions? nope. you can't. I am sure a ton of people opened packs or paid HP to level her up because she (was) such a great character. The move up to 3 red is a start but it's still way too spamable with that many greens being created! I also find it funny that you say hes not much better than those two seeing as how they are both OP in their own way too. Lets see you take down a buffed rags or even regular rags with no buffs and only thor and others. You will see just how annoyingly OP he is. Stop trying to save your purchase. Hes OP.
You can easily get a max storm by playing through prologue if you started playing at the beginning
you're not supposed to be able to take down a rag with thor...hes 3* for a reason....i don't know why people can't comprehend that.0 -
pages 2-7 wrote:blah blah blah Ragnarok is too powerful blah blah blah
I personally would like to see some sort of consistency in the cost of abilities - lots of characters have abilities that are worthless and have high cost and vice versa.
To me the way to do it would be:
2-5AP - abilities that cause stun, strike tiles, protect tiles, shuffle board.
5-10AP - abilities that generate AP, steal AP, and countdown tiles that cause damage.
10-15AP - high damage abilities to a single target.
15-20AP - high damage abilities to all targets.0 -
DumDumDugn wrote:sms4002 wrote:DumDumDugn wrote:sms4002 wrote:I find it hilarious all the people with rags (dumdum) trying to desperately stop this nerf. It really is necessary. 2 ap is way too low for generating 5 greens and having infinite combos every turn. Everyone trying to say it would piss off too many paying people or hes 3 stars? What about when they nerfed storm? I'm sure people paid for her and leveled her yellow to 5 instead of green and are now SOL. The main point here is this is a BETA and you knew that while spending money / iso. Changes are inevitable and you just have to accept it. money spent or not.
if you've read anything ive written, i'm fine with a nerf (move to 3AP), just not something overly drastic...because RAGNAROK IS NOT THAT MUCH BETTER THAN MAGNETO OR SPIDEY RIGHT NOW
and nobody paid to level storm, this is completely different.
How did nobody pay to level storm? you can get all the covers you need via just the free missions? nope. you can't. I am sure a ton of people opened packs or paid HP to level her up because she (was) such a great character. The move up to 3 red is a start but it's still way too spamable with that many greens being created! I also find it funny that you say hes not much better than those two seeing as how they are both OP in their own way too. Lets see you take down a buffed rags or even regular rags with no buffs and only thor and others. You will see just how annoyingly OP he is. Stop trying to save your purchase. Hes OP.
You can easily get a max storm by playing through prologue if you started playing at the beginning
you're not supposed to be able to take down a rag with thor...hes 3* for a reason....i don't know why people can't comprehend that.
lol so you are saying just because he is 3 stars he should be invincible to all 2 stars? He should be better sure, but saying he is 3 stats is a sorry excuse. Just because someone has a max level 3 star does not mean someone with a mid level 3 star or max 2 star should have no chance! That's how it is now. He can kill your whole team before you even get a move with boosts. 3 star or not, that is OP. And let's not forget the fact that it doesn't matter if someone spent money to level them up, if they need a nerf they need a nerf. Not re balancing a character just because people spent money on it makes the game Pay to win which it seems like you want it to be.0 -
For the last time I bought cover slots, thats it. What part of that don't you comprehend?
And yes, 3* should be better than 2*. If the game weren't designed like that, there would be no differences in rarity. Have you ever played a CCG? Rares are usually more powerful than commons.0 -
DumDumDugn wrote:For the last time I bought cover slots, thats it. What part of that don't you comprehend?
And yes, 3* should be better than 2*. If the game weren't designed like that, there would be no differences in rarity. Have you ever played a CCG? Rares are usually more powerful than commons.
And 2*'s shouldn't be stronger than 4*'s, and one 3* shouldn't be able to take on all of the other characters combined in one match (Ragnarok).0 -
GT-47LM wrote:DumDumDugn wrote:For the last time I bought cover slots, thats it. What part of that don't you comprehend?
And yes, 3* should be better than 2*. If the game weren't designed like that, there would be no differences in rarity. Have you ever played a CCG? Rares are usually more powerful than commons.
And 2*'s shouldn't be stronger than 4*'s, and one 3* shouldn't be able to take on all of the other characters combined in one match (Ragnarok).
Really? I'd say a spidey / magneto / whatever would destroy ragnarok by himself0 -
DumDumDugn wrote:GT-47LM wrote:DumDumDugn wrote:For the last time I bought cover slots, thats it. What part of that don't you comprehend?
And yes, 3* should be better than 2*. If the game weren't designed like that, there would be no differences in rarity. Have you ever played a CCG? Rares are usually more powerful than commons.
And 2*'s shouldn't be stronger than 4*'s, and one 3* shouldn't be able to take on all of the other characters combined in one match (Ragnarok).
Really? I'd say a spidey / magneto / whatever would destroy ragnarok by himself
If Ragnarok can control the board by constantly spamming green tiles, their would be no blue or purple tiles for spidey and mags to use.0 -
GT-47LM wrote:DumDumDugn wrote:GT-47LM wrote:DumDumDugn wrote:For the last time I bought cover slots, thats it. What part of that don't you comprehend?
And yes, 3* should be better than 2*. If the game weren't designed like that, there would be no differences in rarity. Have you ever played a CCG? Rares are usually more powerful than commons.
And 2*'s shouldn't be stronger than 4*'s, and one 3* shouldn't be able to take on all of the other characters combined in one match (Ragnarok).
Really? I'd say a spidey / magneto / whatever would destroy ragnarok by himself
If Ragnarok can control the board by constantly spamming green tiles, their would be no blue or purple tiles for spidey and mags to use.
And all spidey would need is one blue match...
I am not afraid of max level rags even if i sit mine, i would just bring spidey and mags; spidey stall him while mag kills him in 1 translocation.0 -
And all spidey would need is one blue match...
I am not afraid of max level rags even if i sit mine, i would just bring spidey and mags; spidey stall him while mag kills him in 1 translocation.
Again, there wouldn't be any blue or purple tiles because Ragnarok would convert them into green, and when most of the tiles are green, all of the match 4's he causes will clear the entire row, gaining every tile on that row and destroying all of spideys web tiles. Their is no competition when the other team can't get a turn when Rag's first ability feeds his second, causing even more cascades and destroying any tiles in the two middle rows. All Ragnarok needs is one red match too.
And since you're bringing in mags with spidey, then what is stopping rags being paired with another character who could continue matching red tiles, even if rags is stunned?0 -
you guys do realize he can only use the one red ability once a turn right? so the field of green's is just an imagination. unless you can't act on anything, then it'll become a field of green's. but that just means you have terrible luck.
i also love these whole arguments about ragnarok being able to devastate a team of 3 by himself in 2-3 turns cuz frankly, that's just not true unless you have insanely good luck or its 200% boosted.
raising his ap cost to 6 and tripling the damage would just make him into thor. 3 ap costs would be 6 total and the damage would be thor's with 5 more tile generation (frankly it'd be less damage as thor's at equal levels but that's a different pov). there's no 'right' way of fixing 2 ap skills unless you change it to something else, or else you lose identity.
frankly i hate 2 ap costs cuz i have to sit through animation after animation and it really slows down fights (i happen to run a rag/spidey/____ combo)0 -
GT-47LM wrote:And all spidey would need is one blue match...
I am not afraid of max level rags even if i sit mine, i would just bring spidey and mags; spidey stall him while mag kills him in 1 translocation.
Again, there wouldn't be any blue or purple tiles because Ragnarok would convert them into green, and when most of the tiles are green, all of the match 4's he causes will clear the entire row, gaining every tile on that row and destroying all of spideys web tiles. Their is no competition when the other team can't get a turn when Rag's first ability feeds his second, causing even more cascades and destroying any tiles in the two middle rows. All Ragnarok needs is one red match too.
And since you're bringing in mags with spidey, then what is stopping rags being paired with another character who could continue matching red tiles, even if rags is stunned?
because you (ignorantly) said ragnarok can take out a 3* team by himself0 -
DumDumDugn wrote:GT-47LM wrote:And all spidey would need is one blue match...
I am not afraid of max level rags even if i sit mine, i would just bring spidey and mags; spidey stall him while mag kills him in 1 translocation.
Again, there wouldn't be any blue or purple tiles because Ragnarok would convert them into green, and when most of the tiles are green, all of the match 4's he causes will clear the entire row, gaining every tile on that row and destroying all of spideys web tiles. Their is no competition when the other team can't get a turn when Rag's first ability feeds his second, causing even more cascades and destroying any tiles in the two middle rows. All Ragnarok needs is one red match too.
And since you're bringing in mags with spidey, then what is stopping rags being paired with another character who could continue matching red tiles, even if rags is stunned?
because you (ignorantly) said ragnarok can take out a 3* team by himself
Sorry, I read your other message wrong when you put "by himself" and using / to separate characters. Either way, he could. One Ragnarok with a team of 2 1* characters could easily destroy a team of 3* characters, the 1* team members just there to make a team and to continue matching tiles while Rag is stunned (if ever).0
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