*** Sentry (Dark Avengers) ***



  • simonsez wrote:
    john1620b wrote:
    So it will almost certainly be more damage than 3 green covers
    I never said 3 would do more damage. What I said was that you're overstating the difference. And upon further reflection, you're also not factoring in the self-damage, which is higher for 5 Green. Factoring in these parameters shows the difference is minimal, and the net expected damage is so awful, you'd never want to use it.
    Self-damage is actually higher at 3 covers, but I assume you mean if more tiles resolve, it would be more self-damage? In that case, though, it's a good thing, since you're damaging the enemy WAY more than any self-damage. And if you have more strike tiles than just Sentry's, the damage goes up as well.

    Like I said, though, I don't fault people for going 5 yellow. It definitely has its benefits. I may do that myself at some point, but I think I'll stick with 5 green for now.
  • simonsez
    simonsez Posts: 4,663 Chairperson of the Boards
    john1620b wrote:
    but I assume you mean if more tiles resolve, it would be more self-damage?
    Yes, of course.
    john1620b wrote:
    In that case, though, it's a good thing, since you're damaging the enemy WAY more than any self-damage
    You're already counting the damage you did to the enemy. That was the whole point of your post. MY point is that you're ignoring the other half of the equation (along with the tile survival rate estimates)
  • I just placed top 5 in his event and immediately sold all three covers. I also sold him post nerf after a few battles...for a pvp focused player, he is useless. His speed is gone, his damage is diminished and he hurts your team causing you to burn health packs like many have stated before. If players find a good use for him, awesome, to me I don't even think twice about even collecting his covers anymore, it would just mean I am taking up a roster spot for one of these new covers that will eventually come out.
  • Pwuz_
    Pwuz_ Posts: 1,215 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just placed top 5 in his event and immediately sold all three covers. I also sold him post nerf after a few battles...for a pvp focused player, he is useless. His speed is gone, his damage is diminished and he hurts your team causing you to burn health packs like many have stated before. If players find a good use for him, awesome, to me I don't even think twice about even collecting his covers anymore, it would just mean I am taking up a roster spot for one of these new covers that will eventually come out.

    For as hard as it is to replace any 3*, I wouldn't sell off anyone (even Beast). Sentry is a fine Meat Shield, he's no Hulk, but a close 2nd for my favorite Meat Shield. He's best paired with someone who can make better use of either Green or Red that he can tank for like GSBW, Lazy Cap, DareDevil, or Human Torch.

    Yes it isn't the best use of a team, but it's an excellent way to conserve on Health Packs as you climb.
  • maybe d3 can remake a skill to include his alter ego the void
  • You also need to consider that in a buffed PvP where you're going to have to use him multiple times in a row, casting the Red @ 5 is going to cost a lot of health packs if that's your play every match. If I'm using him in a one-match gauntlet or tough PvP match with another buffed character, I get 5/3/5. But in the case where he's buffed and I gotta win multiple matches in a row with him and climb the PvP ladder, I'm probably going to want 5 in green
  • ZeroKarma
    ZeroKarma Posts: 513 Critical Contributor
    Is there any other character where you actively try to avoid using their powers? I dread the Sentry PvP for this very reason. You can't actively use him without damaging your team, meaning that climbing can be difficult unless you basically set him up to absorb punishment and nothing else. Then you need to cover R/G/Y, three power colors, with the rest of your team.

    I think his best use at this point is as a defensive deterrent where your team getting beaten up isn't quite so important. In that case, I think the only must have is 5 red, and the green and yellow are up in the air. I have him at 5/5/3. I could have respec'd to 5/3/5, but chose the 500 iso instead.
  • i would like to see a monthly update for what changes are coming, what issues you may want to focus on changing, issues you identified but are on the back burner due to resources, and issue identified but you don't plan on changing. hell we might be able to offer feed back on game altering changes so you don't waste your time implementing another ap banner type change(seriously one post here on what it would do and it would of got scrapped easy, " a display comes up, every round where a goon generates ap, over the board showing the ap generation for about 3 sec before you can move." no thank you please scrap) or tackle some issues on the back burner so there is less work when you get to it or can even give you feed back on priorities with polls or something
  • Was I the only one who saw this necroed thread on the front page, without noticing the original date, and thought - They are bringing Sentry back. Because let's be honest, shield cooldowns and moving WR countdowns to 3 would have been plenty of nerf
  • ZeroKarma wrote:
    Is there any other character where you actively try to avoid using their powers? I dread the Sentry PvP for this very reason. You can't actively use him without damaging your team, meaning that climbing can be difficult unless you basically set him up to absorb punishment and nothing else. Then you need to cover R/G/Y, three power colors, with the rest of your team.

    I think his best use at this point is as a defensive deterrent where your team getting beaten up isn't quite so important. In that case, I think the only must have is 5 red, and the green and yellow are up in the air. I have him at 5/5/3. I could have respec'd to 5/3/5, but chose the 500 iso instead.
    Fire off a patch green without thinking and you get wiped.

    I'll gladly skip maxed sentries with 5 in supernova. sure I'll probably win, but I'll leave with huge chunks of health missing from all my characters.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZeroKarma wrote:
    Is there any other character where you actively try to avoid using their powers? I dread the Sentry PvP for this very reason. You can't actively use him without damaging your team, meaning that climbing can be difficult unless you basically set him up to absorb punishment and nothing else. Then you need to cover R/G/Y, three power colors, with the rest of your team.

    I think his best use at this point is as a defensive deterrent where your team getting beaten up isn't quite so important. In that case, I think the only must have is 5 red, and the green and yellow are up in the air. I have him at 5/5/3. I could have respec'd to 5/3/5, but chose the 500 iso instead.

    If you use Supernova after a Surgical Strike and it stole red, you don't do the bonus dmg to your team or there's, it's just a strong AoE that ends the turn
  • Nellyson
    Nellyson Posts: 354 Mover and Shaker
    I saw this old thread, but I didn't think the devs were gonna do anything more to icon_sentry.png although I wish they would. I don't see why World Rupture needed a double nerf. Seriously, we talked about his fixes for months and it was either make it cost 12 or change the countdowns to last 3 turns. There was never talk of both. I'm sad about it. I really liked icon_sentry.png even if he did team damage. Such a shame. Now icon_sentry.pngicon_ragnarok.png and icon_spiderman.png are forming quite a group of over-nerfed characters. RIP gentlemen, RIP.
  • So I haven't really used sentry much since the nerf, other than occasional PVE that I'm having trouble with that I think a sentry bomb might help with. I did take him from 3/5/5 to 4/5/4 at some point but don't remember why.

    Anyway, I just won two covers(red/yellow) and am toying around with the idea of respec before joining the next PVP. I'm reading that most people think that world rupture is essentially useless now, and that 5 in supernova is a must.

    - Is world rupture completely useless in its current form, even in PVE? And if its close, wouldn't dropping it from 5 make that statement even more true?
    - Do people use supernova enough to actually justify it at 5? There are several other red abilities that I like better, and would make pairing up with sentry less likely if I spec it as such.

    Also, what is the strike tile of yellow at 3 when sentry is maxed?
  • Arondite
    Arondite Posts: 1,188 Chairperson of the Boards
    He takes 1700 ish damage for a 363 tile
  • i guess that is what i get for checking out the links in The Musings of Will (Best of). But it is said: "What is dead may never die, but rises again, harder and stronger". maybe they will undo the nerf or make him playable again. event is already going so maybe next time?
  • Sweenz wrote:
    So I haven't really used sentry much since the nerf, other than occasional PVE that I'm having trouble with that I think a sentry bomb might help with. I did take him from 3/5/5 to 4/5/4 at some point but don't remember why.

    Anyway, I just won two covers(red/yellow) and am toying around with the idea of respec before joining the next PVP. I'm reading that most people think that world rupture is essentially useless now, and that 5 in supernova is a must.

    - Is world rupture completely useless in its current form, even in PVE? And if its close, wouldn't dropping it from 5 make that statement even more true?
    - Do people use supernova enough to actually justify it at 5? There are several other red abilities that I like better, and would make pairing up with sentry less likely if I spec it as such.

    Also, what is the strike tile of yellow at 3 when sentry is maxed?
    5/3/5 is the only viable build and it makes him really good on defense. Not "really good, considering". Really good period.
  • Aside from his own event, I dont use him on offense, so being good on defense isnt really a concern of mine.

    What about pve? I can use the 5 green version of him in specific binds.. how does the 535 version fare in pve?

    is it worth respecing to 535 to solely for his pvp event
  • Sweenz wrote:
    Aside from his own event, I dont use him on offense, so being good on defense isnt really a concern of mine.

    What about pve? I can use the 5 green version of him in specific binds.. how does the 535 version fare in pve?

    is it worth respecing to 535 to solely for his pvp event
    And Lightning rounds for the next weeks.

    And yes, he's good in pve if you pair him with any tile producers, because on top of the aoe damage he makes cascades with red.
  • Chirus
    Chirus Posts: 191 Tile Toppler
    I currently have sentry at 3-5-5, and I have a chance to respec him into 535 or 553 due to the 2 reds we're getting this event. My question is, is the red a significant enough improvement on his build to justify not selling and using it to level my c.mags or something else instead?
  • Magic
    Magic Posts: 1,199 Chairperson of the Boards
    In my opinion he is **** post nerf (if you have other toons on similar level). His red is still quite good (if you play it with Patch or Daken or somebody that heals quickly) - it can still take down a lot of opponents. I would respec just to have him properly done and waiting for PVP where he is boosted. 5 red will be a good defensive deterrent