Omega Red's Villainous Community Challenge



  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,225 Chairperson of the Boards

    New challenge keep your zipper up. I will loose some reason mine is always down.

    But really there should been a place of the mission page showing how far we got hell I think the last week I forgot about it and didn't do any boss week

    Now back to my zipper problem 😂

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    edited 3 July 2024, 05:53

    @JimboJambo said:
    I wasn't particularly upset by this challenge, but I find MPQBlaine's comments a bit annoying. I feel like it is missing the main point that we didn't know what the rules of the challenge were, or how damage was calculated so the call to 'gather the community' doesn't really work. Tell us what we need to do and then we can coordinate to reach the goal!

    Not entirely convinced by suggestion that the 'drop in activity' was related to false information being circulated from the data miners. But again, if there was better information coming from an official source then it would be helpful.

    All that said, I'm happy with free stuff so thank you for continuing to run the community challenges. I hope the feedback from the community will help to improve these in future.

    I know me for sure the drop in activity had nothing to do with data miners, I didn't even hear that. I didn't really push because I figured the boss event would take care of it. I assumed it was how many times we downed villains because OBVIOUSLY the boss has WAY less health than even a 450. Not tryin to throw shade your way devs but, you know if the shoe fits lol.

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 288 Mover and Shaker

    I knew of the datamined info (I posted about it here even), believed it to be accurate, and I still cleared the Regular Boss every single round until the end, just in case it would have an impact after all.

  • JoeHandle
    JoeHandle Posts: 299 Mover and Shaker

    @JimboJambo said:
    I wasn't particularly upset by this challenge, but I find MPQBlaine's comments a bit annoying. I feel like it is missing the main point that we didn't know what the rules of the challenge were, or how damage was calculated so the call to 'gather the community' doesn't really work. Tell us what we need to do and then we can coordinate to reach the goal!

    Not entirely convinced by suggestion that the 'drop in activity' was related to false information being circulated from the data miners. But again, if there was better information coming from an official source then it would be helpful.

    All that said, I'm happy with free stuff so thank you for continuing to run the community challenges. I hope the feedback from the community will help to improve these in future.

    The humiliating things people have to do to meet their basic needs under capitalism.