Omega Red's Villainous Community Challenge



  • WhiteBomber
    WhiteBomber Posts: 184 Tile Toppler

    @LavaManLee said:

    @St_Bernadus said:
    For this particular challenge, even for those engaged on the forum, it was incredibly unclear what it was that we got points for!

    This! There wasn't much information on how points were actually going to be scored and, additionally, the percentage chart didn't mean anything if you don't know how the scoring works.

    @BGanhs said:

    @Domitronas said:

    @Tony_Foot said:
    So many people won't bother changing how they play for these.

    Maybe it's because it's not worth changing how we play? You think people want to go through 10 different hoops in the boss event just to get that same 1 measly 5* cover as the final reward? Everyone just wants to be done with it as soon as possible, because it's just another scheduled monthly grind that we go through, same old every month. It's up to the devs, not the players, to create incentives for us to go out of our way and do things differently. It's working pretty well so far with the seasonal vaults, so why can't they do it for the boss event?

    Coming back to the topic of the community challenge, it definitely does not help that the description was pretty vague on this one, is it intrinsically understandable that "Defeat Super Villains anywhere in MPQ to damage Omega Red and his forces" in fact means "Make progress based on the amount of damage you do to Super Villain characters"? What even are "Super Villains"? Are goons considered villains? If progress is based on the damage you deal, does it matter if you "defeat" them? What if you cheese them for 99% of HP and then leave the fight, rinse and repeat, does that move the progress bar? I have no idea about any of these. Also as pointed by EyeSnipe in the screenshot from Discord, Omega did not have > 60k HP in the boss event, so that's what, 300k worth of HP each hit at the last stage, and he's solo, while you're getting multiple characters with 300k each during regular PvE. Also, if this is based on HP damage dealt, it means that lower rosters contributed even less and it was all up to the SCL10 players to carry the weight. Last time I checked that's a small part, although a very vocal one, of the overall playerbase. Oh and let's not forget the broken scaling on the side nodes with lvl 1 characters deep into the event. Definitely did not help either.

    This right here!

    No no no, THIS! This, is a good teammate and probably human being> @Seph1roth5 said:

    I left up **** villain teams in shield at least.

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    I can’t recall if they closed old dashboards or not once the challenge ended.

    We are at 14.47% currently, though.

  • Chrynos1989
    Chrynos1989 Posts: 313 Mover and Shaker

    Yeah, I’m wondering too, we still make progress, any news on discord?

  • Tpsimoes
    Tpsimoes Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    @bluewolf said:
    I can’t recall if they closed old dashboards or not once the challenge ended.

    We are at 14.47% currently, though.

    The last value in the dash it's 11,8514 (10,86% overall)

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,112 Chairperson of the Boards

    @MPQBlaine said:
    The rest of the CM team has been out of the office recently so I might have “accidentally” forgotten to turn off the challenge. ;)

    They're all back Monday morning by 9 AM PST, so I’ll have to call it by then. Keep pushing, I believe in you all!

    Every body hit those omega red teams in sim 😆

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 714 Critical Contributor

    @MPQBlaine said:
    The rest of the CM team has been out of the office recently so I might have “accidentally” forgotten to turn off the challenge. ;)

    They're all back Monday morning by 9 AM PST, so I’ll have to call it by then. Keep pushing, I believe in you all!

    They'll read this you fool!
    You've damned us all!!!!!!

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    If anyone wants to grind the best bet would be picking a pve node with big health Villain enemies that you can beat easily and either grinding (forgetting about high placement) or retreating after two downed (I think all health contributes).

  • Zarqa
    Zarqa Posts: 287 Mover and Shaker

    @Tpsimoes said:

    @bluewolf said:
    I can’t recall if they closed old dashboards or not once the challenge ended.

    We are at 14.47% currently, though.

    The last value in the dash it's 11,8514 (10,86% overall)

    It moved to 10.39% in 4 hours 😢

  • Tpsimoes
    Tpsimoes Posts: 17 Just Dropped In

    @Zarqa said:

    @Tpsimoes said:

    @bluewolf said:
    I can’t recall if they closed old dashboards or not once the challenge ended.

    We are at 14.47% currently, though.

    The last value in the dash it's 11,8514 (10,86% overall)

    It moved to 10.39% in 4 hours 😢

    It's now at 8,97 :) (8,23% overall) it's still possible!

  • maqbaq
    maqbaq Posts: 3 Just Dropped In

    It would have been possible if the Challenge rules had been clear and unambigous from the start.
    I’m still confused where you find „Super Villains” in mpq?

  • LavaManLee
    LavaManLee Posts: 1,341 Chairperson of the Boards

    @maqbaq said:
    It would have been possible if the Challenge rules had been clear and unambigous from the start.
    I’m still confused where you find „Super Villains” in mpq?

    Exactly. The event was not explained well at all. Very unclear of exactly what we were supposed to do and how we scored points. Just vague "hit the super villians".

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,112 Chairperson of the Boards

    Remaining health is now 6.66

    Very villainous indeed.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,843 Chairperson of the Boards

    The greatest trick the devil ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist...but also to enable Supports in PvP...

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 714 Critical Contributor

    Oh man, I shall just do some popcorn and sit in my favourite seat in preparation for this
    On my word, unleash hell

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,185 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 1 July 2024, 18:44

    LOL at people listening to the "dataminers."

    If you guys want to shut them down (and you should!), how about just NOT putting the details of everything in literal plain text in files anybody can read? It's not like these folks are geniuses doing complicated decoding work -- any attempt to obfuscate will completely shut them down.

    Another fantastic option would be discrediting them by inserting fake characters/events/whatever. Encrypting the (again) literal plain text might be difficult for some reason, but I have no idea why you haven't destroyed their credibility by pushing fake stuff.

  • BriMan2222
    BriMan2222 Posts: 1,112 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited 1 July 2024, 20:30

    I thought they would have given us the last reward with how close we were and how unclear the task was. We didn't find out until it was almost done that it counted how much health was depleted and not number of times a villain was defeated. With the boss event going so many of the enemies had pitiful health.

    As someone else said, if we would have known the rules a bunch of 550 players could have used sim to put out 550 OR with other villains and hit each other repeatedly.

  • slidecage
    slidecage Posts: 3,216 Chairperson of the Boards

    @MPQBlaine said:
    Congrats on completing 4 out of the 5 tiers in the Omega Red Community challenge! Rewards will be sent out within the next couple of days!

    Also, we see all the feedback and questions coming in around the latest Community Challenge so wanted to try and share a few things to shed some light on these.

    For starters, we view these events as true "Challenges." Meaning that we fully intend that for full completion, the community needs to come together and push their gameplay to work towards the challenge goal, and not just play normally to earn all the prizes. To get the goals, we take multiple sets of data over various moments in time to come up with a good "Total Goal" to chase. Tier 4 is generally set as the goal that we fully expect players to reach with minimal additional community push. Then, Tier 5 is set so that it should still be completable, but requires real effort by at least a portion of the player base to achieve. Rewards are then set for each of the Tiers accordingly, with Tier 5 providing strong rewards, but not being something that players should just expect to be handed without effort.

    We've gotten questions about why these goals aren't tracked in-game. We agree that it would be better if that was the case! However, the engine doesn't easily allow this. Some players have pointed out that the original run of the 7 Day PVE event The Hulk had a community unlock in-game. The existence of that unlock bar is actually a large part of the reason why we haven't been able to run that event again; It's very much a bespoke piece of tech that is difficult to rework or even excise from the event itself. In terms of the publicly visible dashboard, the tool itself works in general for getting visible data out to the player base, but it's not really being used for intended purposes. It's more built for getting relatively static numbers out to stakeholders that don't need up to the second data, so it has some built-in limitations. We've looked over this a few times internally, and it's just a data visualization issue and not an actual data aggregation issue. So seeing a percentage "stuck" at a percent for a half hour, or a jump of 1-2% after the data auto-refreshes is normal for the visualization.

    As we've already mentioned recently, don't trust leakers or rumors at face value as well. This most recent event, we had an issue arise where dataminers noticed that a boss wasn't set with a specific Affiliation, and they then assumed that because of that, the Community Challenge wasn't tracking data appropriately. We've triple-checked the incoming data and it was properly tracked, as we weren't actually using that Affiliation at all, but instead tracking anything containing the character's name overall. What we did see is a small but noticeable drop in activity that we can tie to around the time the rumor started which could show that some players took this poor information into account and stopped pushing, resulting in lower than expected numbers for that time.

    Our suggestion for reaching the final goal in all of these challenges is literally gather the community! Spread the word everywhere, on our socials, forums, Alliance chats. We can run on-launch notifications, but there's only so many of those we can push without annoying players with too many pop-ups at launch. You have the power!!

    Why even play anymore . anything less for full progression. Rewards are a jokev