Champions 2.0 - Batch #2 Info



  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,049 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Jinx said:
    Who are you running Karnak with? Thought about Colossus and Cyclops to really up the match damage for those cries, but I feel like there should be better teams.

    I team Karnak with Killmonger. I call them Team OverKill. KM punishes the enemy for matching the crits you make and gives red AP to fuel more crit-making. I run them with a variance of 3rd characters. PH5 colossus is great for defense and match damage tanking. America Chavez adds more crits to the fire. Wanda is great for defensive help too. So is Crystal who also has a great green outlet. And I love Rogue with them as well.

    There’s no need to up Karnak’s match damage. After turn 4, a match four by Karnak in almost any color is obscene. A match 3 with a crit kills a full life level 550 Shang Chi, MThor, and every other “meta” character except Ph5 Colossus, ascended Rogue in red/yellow/green, and ascended Blob (who I don’t have ascended but I have faced off vs and he’s EXTREMELY tanky). But those 3 are dealt with with Team Overkill’s active powers. If there’s a crit or two on the field and you target them with Karnak’s active red power, it’s a wrap. The active ability damage + the destroyed tile damage + the crit match damage from the resulting cascade = overkill.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    I do have Blob and he's a total nightmare -- another in the "ascend immediately" category.

    That category far, far outnumbers the others, as you listed. The majority of these characters are extremely strong.

  • Jinx
    Jinx Posts: 281 Mover and Shaker

    Thanks for the input. I get so OCD about making rainbow teams that I overlook better options that aren’t. I need to get Karnak and Blob ascended right away.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 173 Tile Toppler

    I would add Ikaris to the list of 4*’s to be ascended immediately. His boosted airborne match damage hits very, very hard, so he’s a genuine threat on an immortal team now.

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,049 Chairperson of the Boards

    Also, I haven’t ascended Valkyrie yet (but I can) because I fear her thresholds for her black and yellow passives will get too high to be exploitable. Does anyone have the ascended numbers for those powers?

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    Also, I haven’t ascended Valkyrie yet (but I can) because I fear her thresholds for her black and yellow passives will get too high to be exploitable. Does anyone have the ascended numbers for those powers?

    At 456:

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2023

    On Valkyrie/4* Deadpool/Thing/etc: these characters are still good, they just turn into very different characters.

    Thing's passive does still provide some value, but his red and green both do crazy damage. Deadpool mostly loses his passive, but his purple turns into a crazy nuke and a Thor counter.

    I haven't screwed around with Valkyrie (even though I have her ascended), but I bet her yellow will lose value but her red will gain it.

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    Here’s my quick write-up on the characters I’ve ascended:

    Agent Coulson - a menace. A must-ascend character. More damage and he makes 4/5 1-turn CDs after a power has been fired? Let’s GO!

    America Chavez - as good as expected. When she was a 4 I ran her at 3/5/5 but with her match damage upped, I really like her at 5/4/4. Must ascend.

    Angel - only ascended to a 4* and his ability damage is yoked. Makes no sense tbh.

    Black Widow (infinity war) - not much has changed but a worthwhile note is that her yellow drops powers by 4 AP and heals a MASSIVE amount of health (burst heal though)

    Captain America (worthy) - his blue can really hit hard with enough charged tiles on the field. His yellow CD doesn’t change from level 4 to 5. Looks like a typo.

    Cyclops (classic) - his red can really nuke with 10 TUP. So hard that going 5/5/3 should be highly considered.

    Deadpool (uncanny x-force) - if his black threshold were lower like Red Hulk or 4* Valkyrie, Deadpool would be a SERIOUS PROBLEM. His black does BIG damage considering all that has to happen is your partner get hit past a certain damage threshold.

    Elektra (unkillable) - her black isn’t as strong as 5* Elektra’s yellow and her red is strangely weak. Her purple is probably the star of her ascension as it gives a VERY HEFTY increase to the tiles she converts to strikes. She can only convert 2 tiles now tho. :/

    Ghost Rider (Johnny blaze) - his penance stare was his best power before as it did 200% of the damage done by an enemy. Now it only does 86%. That is a HUMUNGOUS nerf. I wouldn’t ascend him.

    Hawkeye (ronin) - I really think there’s something here but I haven’t figured out a team for him yet. His green is cheap and does decent damage for the cost. His red passive was always underrated and now it he attack tiles are stronger and the buff to them is significant.

    Invisible woman - man does her green hit hard. Her strikes are pretty beefy too. 3/5/5 easy.

    Iron Fist (Danny rand) - everything hits hard. His blue makes very strong strikes. With a few strong shields on the board, his black is a nuke of all nukes.

    Iron man (hulk buster) - he makes strong tiles but man is it gonna take a minute to fire his powers.

    Iron man (model 35) - his red hits super hard. His blue costs 19 AP. Does it even matter how hard it hits at that cost?

    Karnak - ascend him ASAP. He becomes a wrecking machine after turn 4.

    Kate Bishop - she hits SO Hard!!….. and the CD from her blue now has a condition where it kills an enemy if their health goes below 25%. If only it didn’t cost 12 AP! Argh!! Run her at 5/3/5. All her powers hit like a full-loaded truck at high speed.

    Luke Cage (power man) - his red hits stupid hard but still costs 13 AP. His yellow is what I’m really interested in. It still has no ceiling on its damage and now hits harder.

    Medusa - Hair Meddle is really good because the switch and buff are beefy. Her yellow gives a decent amount of burst heal. Her red tile is weak though. You can laugh off its damage.

    Mockingbird - Bombshell is still a helluva nuke. I need to play around with the extra match damage on her purple more.

    Moon Knoght (Marc Spector) - hits hard but just as pricey as the 5* MK. His purple is the star albeit a temperamental one.

    Mordo - I think his purple is a little on the weak side.

    Mr Fantastic - his yellow heal is very weak. His powers still have too many dumb conditions. I wouldn’t bother ascending him right now

    Nick Fury - he’s ok. The recent nerf on his yellow is still felt. Put him at 3/5/5.

    Nico Minoru - the best tile buffer in 5* land now. I would ascend her ASAP if you like 5* Kitty. Ascended Nico > Kitty.

    Peggy Carter (captain America ) - legendary presence got nerfed from enemy powers costing +4 to +3. It saddened me.

    Quake - her yellow has a very high team damage threshold. Pretty much the only reason to use her.

    Red hulk - tough and his red threshold is acceptable and exploitable. And of course his green hits extremely hard.

    Riri Williams (iron heart) - she may hit hard but her power costs are still high.

    Rogue - a must ascendable character. Her defense vs cascades makes her incredibly valuable. She has a lot of health and if her green ever reaches 14 AP, something is going to the shadow realm.

    Sabretooth - an anti-strike tile specialist and he only gets better and hits harder the more he ascends.

    Sam Wilson (captain America) - he’s a lot like Riri. His red hits hard but it costs 14 AP. His blue only cuts the timer of CDs.

    Shuri - her red passive is really great. Not much to speak of otherwise.

    Talos - a very sneaky good character and AP thief. Ascend him with confidence.

    The Hulk (main event) - a great meat shield. His yellow costs 12 and purple costs 14.

    Hulk (totally awesome) - uhhhh…. His green hits so hard, it feels like a mistake.

    The Thing - his passive’s threshold is too high imo. And his other powers cost 10 and 12 AP. Don’t bother.

    War Machine - his red has beefy attack tiles. His green is stupid weak. I think it’s a mistake.

    Wiccan - did his blue always generate AP when he destroyed a row? His green hits hard.

    Winter Soldier - pretty much like Thing except without a passive. His powers hit extremely hard but are pricey.

    Yah so far Ive ascended Medusa, Luke Cage, Iron Fist , Cyclops Agent Coulson, Valkyrie, Moon Knight Black Widow Modern, Storm Mordern, and Iron Man model 35(currently 502 lvl) to 5 stars.

    Yah very highly agree with ou on Agent Coulson, he is a menace ahahhah. very good with Hawkeye 5.

    Yah also experimenting on Luke Cage and Iron fist + Colossus 5. Looking very good.

    Black Widow modern 5s Blue is the only thing good for her, the rest are too expensive

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,049 Chairperson of the Boards

    @rainkingucd said:

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    Also, I haven’t ascended Valkyrie yet (but I can) because I fear her thresholds for her black and yellow passives will get too high to be exploitable. Does anyone have the ascended numbers for those powers?

    At 456:

    Omg. Yeah…. I’m not ascending Valkyrie. That red hits crazy hard (no booster either) but I want to use her for her passives for their AP gain. That black passive threshold….. that’s not even worth bothering to try. 5/3/5 definitely.

    Thank you for the info.

  • Pantera236
    Pantera236 Posts: 507 Critical Contributor

    For anyone who has and is going up against 550's those numbers aren't bad, but once she gets to 550 or god forbid 672 they'd be useless powers.

  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 415 Mover and Shaker

    Definitely feels like these giganto thresholds need to come down a bit. Tbf I don't have any 4* champed much less a dupe to ascend lol. But I've been in scl for some time, and it's very rare that anything hits me for 6k+. Without killing me anyway. And valk doesn't mitigate any of the damage, just tosses out a few swords. Maaaybe in the 4th fight of a CN? Someone who does strike shenanigans like kitty pryde, maaaaybe?

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,607 Chairperson of the Boards

    They should all be percentage based. They've been doing that on new characters, like Melinda May.

    Characters shouldn't ever get worse as you level them up.

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    anyone ascend thora 4 star base. ? if so how's is she at 5 stars?

  • Glockoma
    Glockoma Posts: 555 Critical Contributor

    Ascended Lady Thor

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,049 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Altair22 said:
    anyone ascend thora 4 star base. ? if so how's is she at 5 stars?

    Stronger than 5* FosThor at the beginning and mid-game. She’s a one-hit nuke with the red and her blue is a good feeder for the red with a lovely 3-turn stun. Yellow is still too pricey.

    There are teams that I use Ascended Jane over 5* Jane. With ascended iron man 40, I like ascended Jane. With 5* miles morales, I like ascended Jane too. When I team Ascended Jane with Miles Carnage, I equip her with Battleword Support to get some use out of the one perk where if there are 10 or more SAP tiles on the board, flip the board and turn half of them into charged tiles.

  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,580 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    They should all be percentage based. They've been doing that on new characters, like Melinda May.

    Characters shouldn't ever get worse as you level them up.

    That seems like an obvious fix in general, a vital one in the context of ascended characters.

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    @Tiger_Wong said:

    @rainkingucd said:

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    Also, I haven’t ascended Valkyrie yet (but I can) because I fear her thresholds for her black and yellow passives will get too high to be exploitable. Does anyone have the ascended numbers for those powers?

    At 456:

    Omg. Yeah…. I’m not ascending Valkyrie. That red hits crazy hard (no booster either) but I want to use her for her passives for their AP gain. That black passive threshold….. that’s not even worth bothering to try. 5/3/5 definitely.

    Thank you for the info.

    Yah she one the third I got ascended. Never played her yet,

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    how about Mordo 4 ascended how is he?

    Yah I read the purple comment being a little weak how about his blue and black?

    So far got about 13 characters ascended to 5

    IM model 35(currently 503 lvl), Storm modern( 485 lvl). Black widow Modern 457 lvl, Valkyrie 452 lvl, Moon knight 451 Lvl, Agent Coulson. America Chavez, Cyclops, Iron Fist , Luke cage, medusa, Nico, Rogue all at 450 lvl.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Tiger_Wong said:

    @Altair22 said:
    anyone ascend thora 4 star base. ? if so how's is she at 5 stars?

    There are teams that I use Ascended Jane over 5* Jane. With ascended iron man 40, I like ascended Jane.


    Ah, that takes me back to when I was first dipping my toes in the 4* waters. IM 40 and Jane won me many matches in those early days.

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,377 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Altair22 said:

    @Tiger_Wong said:

    @rainkingucd said:

    @Tiger_Wong said:
    Also, I haven’t ascended Valkyrie yet (but I can) because I fear her thresholds for her black and yellow passives will get too high to be exploitable. Does anyone have the ascended numbers for those powers?

    At 456:

    Omg. Yeah…. I’m not ascending Valkyrie. That red hits crazy hard (no booster either) but I want to use her for her passives for their AP gain. That black passive threshold….. that’s not even worth bothering to try. 5/3/5 definitely.

    Thank you for the info.

    Yah she one the third I got ascended. Never played her yet,

    I regret ascending her because of her passives, which I used a lot even as a 5* player. But I don't regret ascending her due to the rewards bug. got 8 LTs, 100 CP, and 1000 HP because of it