Champions 2.0 Post-launch FAQ and Discussion



  • MgoBlue51
    MgoBlue51 Posts: 108 Tile Toppler

    Any ideas when they'll fix the initial champ rewards? A base 3, ascended to 4* gets 500 iso for every level until like 304

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    1* get boosted REALLY frequently since there are so few of them in the rotation, so I'm much more interested in trying out lvl600+ versions of these guys.

    The 450ish ones absolutely feel like real 5* though.

    Even if it takes many multiple 1* covers to advance 1 level in 5* land, there's a clear breakpoint where, You gonna earn those 1* covers faster than you would earn 20cp or 1 LL.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Next title update at the earliest.
    So... Start of next week, maybe.
    You'll get the retro rewards though, so nothing is lost.

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    @entrailbucket said:
    1* get boosted REALLY frequently since there are so few of them in the rotation, so I'm much more interested in trying out lvl600+ versions of these guys.

    The 450ish ones absolutely feel like real 5* though.

    yep that one and you can get them much more easilly. I lvld up the asended one star base 5 star IM 19 levels in 3 days, unheard of for a 5 star character. yah 550 level for them are very doable in a short period of time.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,167 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    @Altair22 said:
    also my one star base ascended 5 star Iron Man is currently 469 lvl. I raised him by 19 levels in 3 days. The ascended one stars seem to be much easier to level up than a regular base 5 star due to the one star covers being much easier to get than the 5 stars.

    This essentially confirms what most of us suspected. There will be a LOT of players jumping to 550 MMR very shortly (3-4 months time frame) due to 1* being so easy to obtain (either buying a 450 outright for 19 bucks or getting the 1400ish covers required).

    Also confirms to be that their goal now is to get everyone into 5* land ASAP with ascension being the latest way to speed up that process. The game is now 3 stages:
    1) Try it out - where new players start off obviously and they either stick with the game and move to state 2 or quit in the first few weeks
    2) 3* land - BBigler did a post on this last year and he was able to get 3* champs in a few weeks time. New free to play players probably hit this stage in say 4-6 months time. This is why they are releasing new 3* characters.
    3) 5* land - The game is encouraging players (via ascension) to go directly from 3* land to 5* land via purchases or cover accumulation of 1/2*. This is where new character releases and content is geared towards.


  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 5,608 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2023

    We don't know yet if ascended characters are treated differently for matchmaking purposes, but either decision there will make someone unhappy.

    Either players with 3x 550 1* (remember it's top 3) will get matched with me, or they'll be allowed to trivially prey on the lower tiers.

    I suppose there's a third option where they get treated as a different subgroup entirely, but that seems easy to exploit in a different way.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    We don't know yet if ascended characters are treated differently for matchmaking purposes, but either decision there will make someone unhappy.

    Either players with 3x 550 1* (remember it's top 3) will get matched with me, or they'll be allowed to trivially prey on the lower tiers.

    I suppose there's a third option where they get treated as a different subgroup entirely, but that seems easy to exploit in a different way.

    Don't forget, by the time they get 3x 550 1*. The baseline metric for high end players will be 630+ combinations.

    But yes the gulf of experience in leaderboard mgmt, ability to play high stress matches, etc will be staggering. It will be interesting to see how newly ascended players interact with established placement players.

  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor

    @entrailbucket said:
    We don't know yet if ascended characters are treated differently for matchmaking purposes, but either decision there will make someone unhappy.

    Either players with 3x 550 1* (remember it's top 3) will get matched with me, or they'll be allowed to trivially prey on the lower tiers.

    I suppose there's a third option where they get treated as a different subgroup entirely, but that seems easy to exploit in a different way.

    IceIX said (on Discord) that ascended chars get treated the same way for MMR purposes as any other char. His (paraphrased) quote was "A 450 counts as a 450, no matter how they got there."

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Those 1 ascended to 5 really hit hard.
    I played vs 2 450 level storm and IM and they damaged me with some cascades.
    However if juggs gets a new power I'd say he will be the true monster on 1 troupe.
    Him and spidey lev 550 probably will be hard to peel off.
    Still I'm not sure that a new player would be aiming to get 550 characters.

  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bad said:
    Those 1 ascended to 5 really hit hard.
    I played vs 2 450 level storm and IM and they damaged me with some cascades.
    However if juggs gets a new power I'd say he will be the true monster on 1 troupe.
    Him and spidey lev 550 probably will be hard to peel off.
    Still I'm not sure that a new player would be aiming to get 550 characters.

    Don't forget 1* covers and stds drops are match reward focuses. It will boil down to volume of play.
    year 1 players should be seeing the same number of 1* per matches played as a 10 year 550 vet.

    The real advantage is the game knowledge of which events prove the most number of 1 turn kill games.

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards

    I got matched up in Lightning rounds with some new players that had 1 real 5-star champ and 2 x 1-Star-5 champs. It was a cake walk.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,697 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Phumade said:

    @Bad said:
    Those 1 ascended to 5 really hit hard.
    I played vs 2 450 level storm and IM and they damaged me with some cascades.
    However if juggs gets a new power I'd say he will be the true monster on 1 troupe.
    Him and spidey lev 550 probably will be hard to peel off.
    Still I'm not sure that a new player would be aiming to get 550 characters.

    Don't forget 1* covers and stds drops are match reward focuses. It will boil down to volume of play.
    year 1 players should be seeing the same number of 1* per matches played as a 10 year 550 vet.

    The real advantage is the game knowledge of which events prove the most number of 1 turn kill games.

    If it's going to be this easy to level characters, the difference in placement rewards becomes a total non-issue.

    As strange as it sounds, ascended champions has eliminated any remaining motivation I had to play this game competitively.

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    @Bad said:
    Those 1 ascended to 5 really hit hard.
    I played vs 2 450 level storm and IM and they damaged me with some cascades.
    However if juggs gets a new power I'd say he will be the true monster on 1 troupe.
    Him and spidey lev 550 probably will be hard to peel off.
    Still I'm not sure that a new player would be aiming to get 550 characters.

    As for Juggs, Id prefer the base 4 ascended to 5 Juggs that one is a beast even at 4 imagine it goes to 5. but then again , the one star base juggs is also horriying at 5 star and much easier to level up.

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler
    edited October 2023

    To the developers:

    Id like to see ascended only characters PVPs...

  • Altair22
    Altair22 Posts: 120 Tile Toppler

    on the good side, at least the Standard and elite packs have a bit more relevance now.

  • StitchyImp
    StitchyImp Posts: 7 Just Dropped In

    Does champions 2.0 mean that the plan is to eventually release new characters as 1? Or will we at least get new 1s now??

  • iHulk2013
    iHulk2013 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    I don't sure my calculation is correct or not. But it seems that you need huge nos. of cards to be a 5 (need many solts and time).
    Same 1* card of 1224 = 1613+8(144-94)+4(270-166)+2(370-270), + 180 same cards to max. 5* Lv550 (total 1404 cards)
    Same 2* card of 1120 = 813+8(144-94)+4(270-166)+2(370-270), + 180 same cards to max. 5* Lv550 (total 1300 cards)
    Same 3* card of 688 = 413+4(270-166)+2(370-270), + 180 same cards to max. 5 Lv550 (total 848 cards)
    Same 4* card of 226 = 213+2(370-270), + 180 same cards to max. 5* Lv550 (total 406 cards)

  • iHulk2013
    iHulk2013 Posts: 8 Just Dropped In

    Now, the framing become complicated especially how to manage the slots. Need 3 slots for a same charater at once. Two combined to higher star and so you still have the remaining one to fight (for PVE at least).

    And, it seems that it is better to hoard all draw now, until all batch(s) of champion 2 is clear.

  • trewiltrewil
    trewiltrewil Posts: 71 Match Maker

    @StitchyImp said:
    Does champions 2.0 mean that the plan is to eventually release new characters as 1? Or will we at least get new 1s now??

    Short answer: No

    Long answer:
    They have said that new ones are not out of the question, but ones are meant to be simplistic characters to introduce players to the game, so if we do get new ones they will still have straightforward basic powers.

    Characters with more advanced power sets will still be released at the appropriate star tier for the complexity.

  • Dayraven
    Dayraven Posts: 28 Just Dropped In

    will still be released at the appropriate star tier for the complexity.

    Arcade to be changed to an 8* character?