Upcoming Rebalances - Kate Bishop, Jubilee, Magik (Phoenix 5)



  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    If the costume was created work for hire for Marvel Comics Group then no, he is not getting any royalties and Marvel cannot steal what they already own.

    Edit: Also creating a costume for Kate Bishop would not transfer any intellectual property rights to an artist.

  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker

    To quote David Aja:
    Stop crediting and start paying.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    @purplemur said:
    To quote David Aja:
    Stop crediting and start paying.

    As I said - it depends entirely on the circumstances of how the work was created.

    I am not a fan of work made for hire myself and feel it is archaic and used by big companies to hoover up all the cash without looking after the talent but if any work is created work for hire it belongs to the commissioning corporation and sadly not the artist and so Disney/Marvel are stealing nothing. Presumably Aja created his work under those terms. I don't know the ins and outs of course but I would be extremely surprised if he was given any sort of contract where Marvel did not own everything.

    Marvel used to operate a royalty reward system based upon amounts of issues sold for original characters created (Cloak & Dagger and Alpha Flight were covered by this back in the day) but we all know that Disney are far more voracious about copyright and intellectual property so no idea if this is still the case. I know Jim Shooter was still receiving some royalties for Secret Wars a few years back but I doubt he gets anything other than a pat on the back when the film comes out.

  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker

    But they are trafficking in his name to sell their work. Thats not how collabs work. MPQxAja would be fire and I would pay a lot more if it was the real deal. This costume looks good but is totally a rip-off. Not Nlke or Avongers but Jordans with the tag.
    I can only assume from an outsider’s perspective and what I have learned of Kirby/Kane even ol Stan stealing credit, underpaying/overworking- just bad practices but industry standard- that Aja was probably not fairly compensated or represented equally. Specifically these works have been under scrutiny for their promotion for the disney+ series and his comments saying he was excluded and the subsequent backpedaling to say they paid him is an indication to me that it was a lopsided deal.
    Just saying whelp that the way it works and tough tinykitty is awfully complicit in an exploitation. I don’t support blood diamonds, child labor or immigrant short term visa exploitation by tech companies either.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    All of those things are illegal. Suggesting that I support such things because I understand how the industry works when we are talking about a costume for a comic book character is both insulting and unnecessary in getting your point across.

    A contract for work with a comic book company tends not to be illegal. If Marvel paid him for the original work then they own it and are free to use it as they see fit. Citing Bob Kane as a champion of fairness is a bit of a strange choice.

    I have no idea about what he did or didn't agree. It would not surprise me in the least bit if the idea that his artwork would be used in a TV series in the future ever occurred to him when he signed his work for hire agreement.

    I also clearly stated that I do not support work made for hire.

  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker

    The mines operate inside their countries fine; labor laws allow for children to work, and the Visa scam is not illegal just immoral.
    If your so insulted don’t align yourself with foul practices: like the comics industry treatment of creators. And then subsequently hide within your knowledge of insider practices to hand wave away concerns over fair artist representation.

    Heres another suggestion: instead of hot take wanna argue with people for the engagement- stop doubling down on an untenable position. Keep insisting there’s nothing wrong because he signed a contract- Both virtuous and dismissive.
    The contract was probably a bad one for the artist. To continue to exploit that situation despite knowledge of the discontent is like turning a blind eye to mining because the ring is pretty. Different in scale but same callousness.

    Now that is misrepresenting my position: kane as a champion? Not a champion at all- ask people who created Batman- their answer would probably be a lie.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,052 Chairperson of the Boards

    @fight4thedream said:

    If permanent damage is intended to be a good counter against healing/reviving types, it's not very effective. It was a non-factor in this win and such has been my experience in most cases.

    They should just change permanent damage to a reduction in healing / resurrection instead.

    In other words right now when Magik hits with her match damage she does an extra 10% permanent damage. Instead what it should do is reduce any healing / resurrection by a percentage (say 5% per match so after 20 matches she would block 100% of all healing / resurrection).

    Changing it to reducing healing would mean it's always useful against healers regardless of where they are health wise vs max health. The power cost (for those that damage via direct powers) could be adjusted for all those characters too based on it now only stopping heal and not doing direct damage etc.


  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    @purplemur said:
    The mines operate inside their countries fine; labor laws allow for children to work, and the Visa scam is not illegal just immoral.
    If your so insulted don’t align yourself with foul practices: like the comics industry treatment of creators. And then subsequently hide within your knowledge of insider practices to hand wave away concerns over fair artist representation.

    Heres another suggestion: instead of hot take wanna argue with people for the engagement- stop doubling down on an untenable position. Keep insisting there’s nothing wrong because he signed a contract- Both virtuous and dismissive.
    The contract was probably a bad one for the artist. To continue to exploit that situation despite knowledge of the discontent is like turning a blind eye to mining because the ring is pretty. Different in scale but same callousness.

    Now that is misrepresenting my position: kane as a champion? Not a champion at all- ask people who created Batman- their answer would probably be a lie.

    You mentioned Kane and Kirby in the same sentence together so I could only infer intent from one to the other.

    So your position is that contracts are meaningless? Good luck with that.

    I don't want to stoop to your level of personal insults but I can't say it any more times about my position on work made for hire and my support that creators should get a better/fairer deal so everything you are saying is simply a bizarre Ad-Hominen attack rather than addressing the actual legal position. Don't want Marvel to use your work as they see fit? Don't put yourself in that position in the first place.

    Edit: If I do happen to see David Aja down a mine digging in Sierra Leone I will of course be very concerned for him.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    Anyway - sorry about all that everybody, I am done with this so back to your regularly scheduled thread topic.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    So making a design of a something pretty close to a bride dress with hilda's gauntlets is so awesome and so priceless.
    I didn't notice until now.
    I should quit my job and start drawing heroines bride dress related. If I don't get a lot of money at least someone will defend me adamantly.

  • IrisRyu
    IrisRyu Posts: 168 Tile Toppler

    Personally, I don’t care how many demon tiles spawn at match start. The ability is DOA in PVP.

    The damage increase to red is cute, but there are much better red damage outlets in the 5* tier. At 550, Magik does just north of 20k damage with Soul Sword now.

    At max levels, Phoenix Claws now hits right under the team damage output you get from Crystal’s green ability (13k vs 14k), so it’ll be nice when she’s boosted, but not otherwise problematic.

    Lowering Magik’s passive on Soul Sword from 35% to 30% is an interesting choice for Magik’s “buff” and I hate it. I play Magik solely for the passive boosted match damage, because her active abilities are pretty mid (to me) even with the rebalance. For me, it’s is a needless nerf on the one component of her kit that made Magik viable. Appreciate the swift movement on the rebalance all the same.

  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    edited May 2023

    Gotcha - he signed a contract so tough tinykitty. Artists don’t deserve royalties. Thats your position.
    Also signing a contract for piecework is bad.
    That is also clear.
    And and and: you are being personally attacked because your rebuttal to my post was counter rebutted by tied to an extreme extension of the moral flaws of liking a product despite knowing how its made. Fragile much? Clutch those pearls and be insulted but its a weaselly act of false victimhood.

    David Aja in a mine? What are you on about?

  • Blackstone
    Blackstone Posts: 603 Critical Contributor

    If an artist isn't being compensated fairly they need to put what they want in the contract next time. Then they can go to court if needed.

    But there's no reason to inflate things with assumptions and accusations.

    Kate should hit harder, but I'll still only use her with Mockingbird do I don't need to worry about cost.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Well that escalated quickly.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,829 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bowgentle said:
    Well that escalated quickly.

    Ah well, you can't please everybody.

    Just to be clear: I have never worked with, met or fraternized with Jim Shooter at any point. I hear he used to like Grapefruit juice though.

  • Rod5
    Rod5 Posts: 585 Critical Contributor

    Thanks for that and good to hear Chasm rebalance invoking. When will you be rebalancing Wa5p to make her actually usable?

  • Waddles_Pines
    Waddles_Pines Posts: 1,202 Chairperson of the Boards

    Can someone explain Magik red passive? Do her matches deal permanent damage? Maybe I'm blind and didn't see that. Serious question. Thanks.

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 204 Tile Toppler

    @DeNappa said:
    I don't recall ever having played a match where either myself or the opponent got hit with a "permanent damage" attack and actually healed back to the (reduced) cap. I suppose there are some instances where it CAN happen, but in practice it's just super rare.

    Edge case, but Magik perma damage was useful against Apoc boss. (and she was boosted too...)

    @fight4thedream said:
    I am curious about your reluctance to hard counter healing abilities with permanent damage. There are abilities that completely neutralize strike tiles, completely ignore protect tiles, strong stun counters, some of them are passive abilities that require no AP. In such instances, the solution is to simply to use a different team of characters or bring someone that can neutralize the counter effect. Why should things work differently against healing abilities?

    In general I prefer situational counter to "brainless" counter. gorr counters SAP, but only if a certain amount is created, so you can play around that, thumb up. I agree with you perma dmg is budgeted too high for what it does (so tiny dmg figures), but I feel your proposed solution is neutering healing too hard. Maybe it would work in practice, but I would prefer a solution that allows counterplay , like, "cannot heal/revive for X turn", still powerful but if you miss the window of opportunity u can get punished.

    @Bad said:
    @pepitedechocolat , no matters at all if the repeaters deal less damage, if at least they are useful.
    In 4 tier you have gorr, torch, polaris herself or even doop. In 5 tier you have Ihulk.
    Now try to make these characters do their thing each 2 turns and see what would happen.

    Little demons are ticking every other turn but they are not all synched in practice, so you get damage every turn, and with current numbers I see the damage as impactful (playing around lvl 300, mainly 4*)
    (that is not to say I dont want ihulk damage reworked as the numbers are stupid high)

  • ThisisClemFandango
    ThisisClemFandango Posts: 710 Critical Contributor

    @Bowgentle said:
    Well that escalated quickly.

    I know, Brick killed a guy! Brick you should lay low you're probably wanted for murder.

  • pepitedechocolat
    pepitedechocolat Posts: 204 Tile Toppler

    @Waddles_Pines said:
    Can someone explain Magik red passive? Do her matches deal permanent damage? Maybe I'm blind and didn't see that. Serious question. Thanks.

    for each match, you get a secondary permanent damage as % of the match damage.