Upcoming in R278: Chapter Select Update and Bonus Shard Update

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,320 Site Admin

Hey all,

With R278, we’ve got a couple of features going Live, one of which is a UI update that has been long in the works and is only finally coming to fruition. The second is a more quiet but noticeable update to the whole Bonus Shard system, meaning you’ll be seeing more Shards and more impact on them when pulling covers from any Pack! Let’s get into it.

Chapter Select UI Update
This update has been planned since the newer, purpler UI took over from the blue UI years and years back. However, due to other things taking priority, it had sat on the back burner, getting small bits of work whenever someone had some spare time. With Broken Circle taking over the project, it got a bit of a boost. After all, what better way to figure out how to make UI changes than to bring a project already in the works to the finish line? Hence, the Chapter Select UI Update.

This update is relatively simple in practice but very useful, especially for mobile players, in organizing all your events. Essentially what it does is to collate each event and its sub events into a single card with tabs for each of the subs. Here we see Cosmic Chaos running, showing that the first sub is unlocked, with 2 other subs still locked. Instead of Mayhem In Manhattan taking up space next to Cosmic Chaos, it is instead taking up the first position on the tab next to it.

Hey, we’re on Mayhem In Manhattan! But it’s already over. We joined too late. So what can we actually play if the only visible event is locked?

Ah hah! Tab 2 shows how! We just need to beat Breakout in the main event, Cosmic Chaos. Gotcha. Go back, do that, and we get

Visions of Danger, sub 2, unlocked and playable.

Note that there’s no new information available here. We concentrated on getting the UI system worked out and finishing up the work on the current mechanics. Updates to make the event more readable and surfacing more info will come with time.

Single events will look much the same as they do as current, just with a purpler outline than current.

Also to note, Versus seasons are NOT tabbed, despite having multiple events running “inside”. This is mostly a mechanical thing, as we can’t easily add new subs to this style of UI as it runs. Meaning that we’d essentially have to have every season set in stone before it releases and hold to whatever it contains. Which also means that you’d know the characters released in that upcoming season. So for now anyway, different tabs in most Versus events. The exception to this right now is Lightning Rounds, which are set in stone when they run, so no reason not to consolidate!

So that’s the Chapter UI update. Simple, but effective for what it does. We’re looking forward to getting this out with R278 and improving on it in future!

The other feature coming with R278 is an update to Bonus Shards.

Bonus Shard Update

What are Bonus Shards? For those who aren’t up to speed on them, Bonus Shards are a special bonus to the shards that you receive every time you make a pull on a pack.

These basic Pull Shards were introduced with the Shard system to take the place of the Bonus Cover system, which did the same basic thing, but in discrete chunks of a single cover. The new pack pull Shard system provided largely the same odds as the Cover system, outputting about the same number of covers when taken over time, but with sure rewards as opposed to hoping that a cover just kind of dropped for you. But we wanted to provide a similar feel to the previous system where sometimes you felt like you got a really cool reward, so we ALSO implemented Bonus Shards.

There was just one problem with this system though. Since the normal pack pulls essentially replaced the Bonus Cover in terms of odds, these Bonus Shard odds were very low. We added a counter that forced a set of Bonus Shards at a certain point, but even still, most players wouldn’t see these rewards very often at all. This turned the system from one where it felt like a cool but somewhat rare bonus into something that players completely forgot existed. Which, when built out as a system that would help to deal with people feeling like they’re not getting great stuff from pulls over time, isn't the greatest.

So what we’ve done is go through all the different pack types and increased odds of getting those Bonus Shards across the board. Sometimes this meant flat buffing chances, other times it meant breaking out bonuses into more discrete amounts so that we could then buff the overall chances. Here’s an example of the former, with Heroic 1x Pulls

As you can see, the odds of getting Bonus Shards overall is now up by quite a bit! Still a somewhat low chance for any given pull, with a 1.9% chance of getting a set of Shards on each pull, but over time, you’re going to be seeing them much more. Especially since we’ve also tweaked the formula to more quickly force Bonus Shards if you’re just unlucky and haven’t gotten one of these Bonus Shard sets. The overall effect of this is that you’ll be getting Bonus Shards anywhere from 3x-7x more often depending on the pack, and if your luck with proccing these is just THAT BAD, you’ll be getting them forced about twice as quickly.

Here’s an example of a more aggressive push on these Bonus Shards, Legendary Packs

Again, not only are the odds overall higher (~14% up from ~2.4%), but we’ve also added in intermediary sets of Shards that allow us to tweak those odds a bit better.

Remember, these Bonus Shards do not replace the Shards you get from every pull, but are in addition. The intention of this change is to not only help with the feel of getting something cool more often from these pulls, but also to help a bit with dilution. It’s harder and harder to pull covers for any particular character, but with this change, it’ll get a little easier to get these characters buffed via Shards. This isn’t the only solution here, just a step along the way that we think will help!

As with the Chapter UI Update, looking forward to getting this in your hands!



  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,167 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    Wow, I never got 500 shards of a 5 star in all my pulls and the .01% (1/10000) kind of explains why because I have not pulled 10000 LTs.

    Now at 1% likely to happen it means if your breaking a hoard of 200-300 tokens you should get 1 or 2 of those 500 bonus shards and riding the 'latest train' becomes even easier to do because every 100 tokens should 500 bonus shards on average.

    That's a very nice change esp given you now should get bonus shards of some kind every 10th pull.

    It's good to be a hoarder who has lots of tokens to open to take advantage compared to those who pull as they go :D


  • McRich
    McRich Posts: 27 Just Dropped In

    I just got 500 shards of Khan 1 hour ago. I must be very lucky.

  • purplemur
    purplemur Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker

    Purpler outlines are always a good aesthetic choice!
    Thank you for increase in Bonus Shards! Very generous and the extra tier of shards is icing!
    Keep up the fun new stuff!

  • Omegased
    Omegased Posts: 594 Critical Contributor

    More more shards are great. not a fan of the UI update on paper, but happy to see it in action.

  • toecutter3095
    toecutter3095 Posts: 55 Match Maker

    Interesting to see that for Legendary tokens you have a higher or equal-to chance to get 5-star shards compared to 4-star shards (i.e. 3% > 2%, etc) but for Heroics the numbers are reversed and you are more likely to get 3-star shards than 4-star shards.
    I think if bonus shards are to be considered as "compensation" for bad luck then you should have better odds to be rewarded with the higher-tier rewards. So pulling latests where you have an 85% chance of getting a 4-star cover, you should have a better chance of getting 5-star shards instead of 4-star shards. So nothing to change with latests, but maybe heroic odds are back-to-front.

    NMANOZ1 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler

    I got the bonus 500 shards for 6 star for the first time, a couple of weeks ago. Didn't even realise this was possible.

  • jeffsterz
    jeffsterz Posts: 52 Match Maker

    Well I’m happy I didn’t just pull the trigger and try for more Kang earlier. I’ll just continue to hold…

  • jeffsterz
    jeffsterz Posts: 52 Match Maker

    When does this go live?

  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,320 Site Admin

    @jeffsterz said:
    When does this go live?

    Plan is to put it Live with 278, which is the next release. Releases are normally every other Monday, so 5/22. I say normally since first parties don't always play nice with build approvals which can make things slip a little since we never launch an update unless we can get all platforms on the same page at the same time.

  • Tony_Foot
    Tony_Foot Posts: 1,785 Chairperson of the Boards

    I have 1100 heroics and 1200 Mighy token saved up. Another win for the hoard!

    Most pleased with the legendary changes as it seems to be taking me forever in shard to do one 5* now I no longer need to pull 300-350 to finish a latest set of three.

  • Sp1d3rm8n
    Sp1d3rm8n Posts: 1 Just Dropped In

    @KGB said:
    Wow, I never got 500 shards of a 5 star in all my pulls and the .01% (1/10000) kind of explains why because I have not pulled 10000 LTs.

    Now at 1% likely to happen it means if your breaking a hoard of 200-300 tokens you should get 1 or 2 of those 500 bonus shards and riding the 'latest train' becomes even easier to do because every 100 tokens should 500 bonus shards on average.

    That's a very nice change esp given you now should get bonus shards of some kind every 10th pull.

    It's good to be a hoarder who has lots of tokens to open to take advantage compared to those who pull as they go :D


    I needed 9 shards to champ okoye and on my 3rd LL pull I got 500 bo us shards for her that's my only ever time and she's still at lvl 451 now lol

  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    Does the bonus shards chance still increase with each "miss"? And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?
    How many consecutive pulls without a bonus can be reached? In latest legends store?

  • nbperp
    nbperp Posts: 112 Tile Toppler

    @Kolence said:
    Does the bonus shards chance still increase with each "miss"? And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?
    How many consecutive pulls without a bonus can be reached? In latest legends store?

    Second this question and subscribing

  • JangoLore
    JangoLore Posts: 126 Tile Toppler

    Yes, I had essentially forgotten about bonus shards as it never really felt like much extra. This looks like it will make it what it was intended to be!

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,167 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited May 2023

    @Kolence said:
    Does the bonus shards chance still increase with each "miss"? And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?
    How many consecutive pulls without a bonus can be reached? In latest legends store?

    " Especially since we’ve also tweaked the formula to more quickly force Bonus Shards if you’re just unlucky and haven’t gotten one of these Bonus Shard sets. The overall effect of this is that you’ll be getting Bonus Shards anywhere from 3x-7x more often depending on the pack, and if your luck with proccing these is just THAT BAD, you’ll be getting them forced about twice as quickly. "

    It was right in the description (the paragraph between the Heroic and Legendary tables).


  • nbperp
    nbperp Posts: 112 Tile Toppler

    @KGB said:

    @Kolence said:
    Does the bonus shards chance still increase with each "miss"? And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?
    How many consecutive pulls without a bonus can be reached? In latest legends store?

    " Especially since we’ve also tweaked the formula to more quickly force Bonus Shards if you’re just unlucky and haven’t gotten one of these Bonus Shard sets. The overall effect of this is that you’ll be getting Bonus Shards anywhere from 3x-7x more often depending on the pack, and if your luck with proccing these is just THAT BAD, you’ll be getting them forced about twice as quickly. "

    It was right in the description (the paragraph between the Heroic and Legendary tables).


    This is not answered: "And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?" So for example, if I get 50 shares for a 5*, does that reset the count for the 500 shards as well?

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 728 Critical Contributor

    Oh man - so I have to hold off on opening tokens until next week... not sure I can handle it!!

    Bonus shards always seemed decent but the pop-up is just another annoying extra finger tap I'd rather wasn't there. I have probably had a 500 Shard 5* bonus at one time or another but I am not sure I noticed as I am hard wired to tap past the shard pop-up after each and every token opening.

  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,390 Chairperson of the Boards

    The only place I ever saw the 500 5* shards bonus was on reddit. Good to see that it becomes a bit more realistic to hope for one of those for myself one day.

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,167 Chairperson of the Boards

    @nbperp said:

    @KGB said:

    @Kolence said:
    Does the bonus shards chance still increase with each "miss"? And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?
    How many consecutive pulls without a bonus can be reached? In latest legends store?

    " Especially since we’ve also tweaked the formula to more quickly force Bonus Shards if you’re just unlucky and haven’t gotten one of these Bonus Shard sets. The overall effect of this is that you’ll be getting Bonus Shards anywhere from 3x-7x more often depending on the pack, and if your luck with proccing these is just THAT BAD, you’ll be getting them forced about twice as quickly. "

    It was right in the description (the paragraph between the Heroic and Legendary tables).


    This is not answered: "And the increased chance reset to starting values for all tiers once the bonus occurs?" So for example, if I get 50 shares for a 5*, does that reset the count for the 500 shards as well?

    Does it matter?

    Bonus shards currently just have 1 counter for a pack type (legendary). So once you get a bonus of any kind the counter resets. I'd be shocked if they changed how that worked.


  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor

    I agree. Still, no harm in asking, is there?
    Also, I'd like to see an actual number, even if not more precise than 10's. Under 30, under 40...?
    This is obviously a big improvement, I just like to know how it works. :)