The Guardians Have Taken Over



  • Alfje17
    Alfje17 Posts: 3,950 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Timmay83 said:
    This is all great, but what are "Tier 1 quests"

    They're just the other Event quests as they're all under the Tier 1 banner (maybe there's a Tier 2 later on).

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    4 tiers at least.
    Get cracking.

  • Domsouth04
    Domsouth04 Posts: 56 Match Maker
    edited April 2023

    Lucky the pvp is play only not win

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    @Tony_Foot said:
    Having seen the tier 2 and 3 lists I already decided to not bother. It's borderline return of tapping to get that done and not remotely fun or interesting.

    Might not have felt so grindy if they had opened up all the 100 match ones together at the start or had them retrospective from the start. Grinding 100 red, then blue then Yellow and so on really doesn't inspire me to play the game that way.

    Agreed, I hate how I have to unlock each quest instead of having them all available.

    This would had been better if didn't release this on the tail end of Starlord's PvP. There was no reason he couldn't be switched with Hood's PvP. Then they didn't use the Boss Event that boosts the GotG characters. The intention was there but not fully thought out.

    I'll just keep replaying the puzzle challenges to complete the quests. At least those are color related

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2023

    But you said they don't want players killing themselves playing.
    Which is pretty much what this is.
    What is it now?
    Kill players or don't kill players?

    Also, there's hundreds of thousands of ISO in there.
    Insignificant for us, yes.
    General playerbase? Not quite so small bonuses.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    Where do you see hundreds of thousands of iso? I see, like, 250, and an elite token.

    Tapping was bad because it was the only way to win PvE, and those rewards actually mattered.

  • Xception81
    Xception81 Posts: 429 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2023

    Tier 2 starts with 4 quests but appears to have 6 in total (maybe… cause Tier 1 has an extra quest after you do the first 10, which is to match 100 TeamUps).

    Tier 2:
    -Stun enemies 30 times (using Chasm is good and then just immediately retreat after starting).
    -Destroy (not match) 50 TU tiles (so someone like Storm or Onslaught)
    -Complete 30 missions (withdrawing doesn’t count obviously)
    -Destroy 100 tiles

    Not sure what the next 2 will be. It looks like you might have to finish the first 4 before they show up.

    Edit, my alliance mate says:
    -Quest 5 is 300 matches
    -Quest 6 is use 10 boosts.
    -The extra quest is Play 25 PvP matches (so a retreat counts).

    Then Tier 3 looks to have 10 quests (but will probably have another extra):
    -Destroy 50 enemy SAP tiles
    -Use Gamora’s Deadly Strike 25 times
    -Use Rocket’s Don't Push the Button 25 times
    -Use a GOTG 25 times
    -Use Mantis’ Oversharing 25 times
    -Use Starlord’s Slight of Hand 25 times
    -Use Yondu’s Ravage’s Ruse 25 times

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @entrailbucket said:
    Where do you see hundreds of thousands of iso? I see, like, 250, and an elite token.

    Tapping was bad because it was the only way to win PvE, and those rewards actually mattered.

    Tier 4 has actual good rewards.

  • meteor0905
    meteor0905 Posts: 80 Match Maker

    Tier 4


  • Ed_Dragonrider
    Ed_Dragonrider Posts: 593 Critical Contributor

    And you get 1 token per tier to that special vault?

  • meteor0905
    meteor0905 Posts: 80 Match Maker


    @Ed_Dragonrider said:
    And you get 1 token per tier to that special vault?

  • meteor0905
    meteor0905 Posts: 80 Match Maker

    100k iso is not bad

  • St_Bernadus
    St_Bernadus Posts: 643 Critical Contributor

    I am with EB and Tony. I am ignoring this, way way too grindy.

  • Bubba3210
    Bubba3210 Posts: 248 Tile Toppler

    Too much grind and the items are gated. Look at tier one as proof. Why do I have to make 100 red matches first before the next match option appears? Why do I have to make 100 blue before yellow, teamups, etc. appear? Why are they not all available? Apologies if the order is wrong, but this is tedious grinding.

    Higher tiers require activating specific Gamora, Star Lord, Rocket powers but simulator ends today. There is no pve event again. Do you expect us to use Puzzle Gauntlet non-stop?

    This runs for fourteen days instead of a month so yo my have to push early or you have no chance.

    I am on tier one yellow and determined this is no longer worth the time.

  • Punter1
    Punter1 Posts: 729 Critical Contributor

    @Tony_Foot said:
    So collect another 150 Green matches to get the star Lord one done? Similar with the gamora and Adam ones. Could any of this be done without endless retreating and rinse repeating puzzle gauntlet nodes playing normally using guardian characters in 14 days?

    Very grindy - and also wondering what their thought process was on how you would be expected to do this without Puzzle Gauntlet available to grind.

    I'm all for encouraging variety in gameplay so the concept of these quests is good. However, firing any power 25 or more times is a huge ask and the game doesn't have a good mode that encourages the style of play these quests want.

    DPD - has 4 nodes you can use GOTG in - but they are one and done daily
    PVP - with no boosted GOTG you're just setting up for a loss either in the fight or retal trying to use them, so hard to sacrifice one thing for another
    PVE Boss - currently available but is all 1 and done nodes so limited opportunity to grind
    PVE Regular - you can try and do these during your regular play but it goes against regularly encouraged speed play and if you want to grind a node for these then you sacrifice placement

    So leaves Puzzle Quest with 4d of grinding! Good Luck!

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    Yeah those quests should be worked into the regular milestone ones.
    I'll probably finish them, because I'm crazy, but there's no way this can be considered doable by the masses.

  • entrailbucket
    entrailbucket Posts: 6,241 Chairperson of the Boards

    I never would have guessed that the rewards increased that much. I saw 250 iso and one token and decided it wasn't worth thinking about, pretty much immediately.

    For whatever reason I still find it hard to get upset about this. Obviously the comparison to PvE tapping isn't completely insane, but this isn't competitive, and there's no pressure on players to complete it, in the way that PvE tapping came with competitive pressure. This stuff is just very obviously extra.

    The previous devs stopped trying to do stuff like this because they realized that some of the loudest players felt like any reward that was ever offered was an obligation ("if I don't get that extra 250 iso I'll fall behind everyone else and never recover!") but I would still like to see more of this. Maybe tune it so there's more time or the effort isn't quite so crazy, but I don't hate the idea.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    I like the idea - I'd like to see this for the 800 or something total characters we have in game right now, 780 of which never see play.
    But roll it into regular milestones, don't put time pressure on it.

  • gamecat235
    gamecat235 Posts: 118 Tile Toppler
    edited April 2023

    I’m glad this is optional. But truth be told, that’s a lot of potential ISO to earn for those of us who are still in the ISO grind. That’s a bonus week or two worth of ISO, and I could definitely use that boost, so I’ll grind some of the tedious ones out while puzzle gauntlet is still here, and then hope that I can finish the others once puzzle gauntlet is done.

    My only real constructive feedback would be that it would have been awesome if the devs could have released a table of the rewards. Because then we could prioritize how important or unimportant this would be at the start of it. I would have probably played another 50+ rounds of Starlord’s PVP had I known that the rewards went this high.

    Otherwise, I like the concept, just once again asking for more communication.