Character Rebalance - 5* Wasp (Hope Van Dyne) (Live 2/16)



  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    But that is still 11,5 k damage. Bug confirmed but mine dmg was bigger.

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Vhailorx said:

    @DrClever said:

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    She is one of the few characters who can send an ally inviz, so maybe she will become relevant once Black Panther gets a number boost eventually.

    All that said: A 10ap ability to make BP invis just to get a little damage from him 4 rounds later is NOT a good mpq trick.

    You may note in my post I said “if black Panther eventually gets updated”

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2023

    This winfinite is nice and funny for me. TY @HoundofShadow for showcasing it. But, of course, it's not strong enough to kill Immortals and definetly not the good idea to take it propably one of most op and busted champion there is: mThor. Her passive tile destruction in the meta combos (IN META COMBOS) is just simple too much. Of course Chasm can be problematic too with his AP steal/whatever.

    Which just streghtnen the obvious: meta is meta. Can't beat it with just anything.

    But just the fact that FIVE STAR WASP has winfinite is awesome! And the fact that I have now viable FOUR teams with her where she is just not 3rd wheel but is doing the equal job is awesome.

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,076 Chairperson of the Boards

    That infinite is ON TIME. I dig the new Hope.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Not all characters excel in all matches. Even meta characters have problems beating certain matches.

    Hopefully, the dev can solve the Wasp's damage and power bugs quickly so that her infinite aoe will shine even brighter (dealing 30k aoe instead of 8.6k aoe).

    As for using her to deal with chasm/iHulk and mThor, pick-3 might be easier to deal with them. If there's a specific mThor team you've difficulty beating with Wasp, maybe you can share who they are and I'll see if there's other teammates who can handle them better.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2023

    My mThor problem is just Simple "flip coin" dylemma. It's not like I can not beat her with what I have, it's rather I am choosing not to trying to enter a 50-50tish like fights. After I'll hit 4k PTS this season and can allow myself for a bit to loose some PTS on sim for a while, I am done testing. Later this week will go back and try more. I think that my strat just nit dome tuning not complete overhaul. I need AntMan's level of rebalance, not Wasp's like. I can figure it myself propably. If not, I'll hit ya on my thread.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Maybe you could turn the winrate to more than 50%, like 75% to 90%?

    And this thread has a good theme and it's called "silence the critics". :D

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    The critics would be silenced when that AoE deals actual damage.
    My advice: take a chair for waiting the fix.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    I would expect criticisms following my video of her infinite AoE. I guess not using supports nor ap boost helped to kill some noise. Maybe one way to do so is to call her a one trick pony?

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @HoundofShadow said:
    I would expect criticisms following my video of her infinite AoE. I guess not using supports nor ap boost helped to kill some noise. Maybe one way to do so is to call her a one trick pony?

    I mean your team takes about a million hours to kill that node.
    Nobody has time for that.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor

    And I repeat myself: Wasp has winfinnite now. Flawed and bugged or not, she had not and has now. It does not mean people will jump into using it or whatever but point is: one of worst 5* in te game, if not the worst, has now winfinite. Whoever has her champed/highly leveled has now one, more option to go. Whoever trashed her, skipped or whatever does not. You had n winfinite combos, now you have n+1. And when you will be pinned and staring into screen wih no hope, cause somehow the game has screwed you and then realise that you have no other options than Wasp to clear that CN, you will not complain but be happy.

  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Mr_F said:
    And I repeat myself: Wasp has winfinnite now. Flawed and bugged or not, she had not and has now. It does not mean people will jump into using it or whatever but point is: one of worst 5* in te game, if not the worst, has now winfinite. Whoever has her champed/highly leveled has now one, more option to go. Whoever trashed her, skipped or whatever does not. You had n winfinite combos, now you have n+1. And when you will be pinned and staring into screen wih no hope, cause somehow the game has screwed you and then realise that you have no other options than Wasp to clear that CN, you will not complain but be happy.

    OK, if I ever have only my 472 Wasp to fall back on, I'll think of you.
    Hopefully that day will never come, though 🤣

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    The video is actually utterly ridiculous (do you wanted critics? Then take 2 cups).
    It's a CN of 2 3* characters and a goon: one of the most easy CNs.
    You take wasp and 2 4*s, meaning that wasp tanks and already has losed 20k health in less than 2 minutes.
    You can't stun them because wasp destroys all swarm tiles.
    BW won't stun them because the tiny AoE will be lost.
    Do you want to know why the video hasn't more lenght? Because it drives to the unavoidable defeat.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2023

    @Bowgentle said:

    @Mr_F said:
    And I repeat myself: Wasp has winfinnite now. Flawed and bugged or not, she had not and has now. It does not mean people will jump into using it or whatever but point is: one of worst 5* in te game, if not the worst, has now winfinite. Whoever has her champed/highly leveled has now one, more option to go. Whoever trashed her, skipped or whatever does not. You had n winfinite combos, now you have n+1. And when you will be pinned and staring into screen wih no hope, cause somehow the game has screwed you and then realise that you have no other options than Wasp to clear that CN, you will not complain but be happy.

    OK, if I ever have only my 472 Wasp to fall back on, I'll think of you.
    Hopefully that day will never come, though 🤣

    Kinda understand why. Even my underleved mThor +Brolasis* are faster but still, Its is and option I can and will use. What I want to say is that, It's a pocket option. Nice to have, hope to never rely on that. The fact I love Wasp does not mean I do not see better option than her. Even I finally have used Chasm team to safely stay at 1500 pts in sim and never saw any retaliations since that moment (been like 3 days so far). But the moment I will use any Wasp team, I will be grounded to below 1000 in a matters of 2-3h. Not being blind by love of Wasp is kinda important here.

    @Bad said:
    The video is actually utterly ridiculous (do you wanted critics? Then take 2 cups).
    It's a CN of 2 3* characters and a goon: one of the most easy CNs.
    You take wasp and 2 4*s, meaning that wasp tanks and already has losed 20k health in less than 2 minutes.
    You can't stun them because wasp destroys all swarm tiles.
    BW won't stun them because the tiny AoE will be lost.
    Do you want to know why the video hasn't more lenght? Because it drives to the unavoidable defeat.

    IMO the point of the video was to showcase Wasp's winfinite, how it works etc. not to prove it's awesome or whatever. It works, nice to have and despite my love of that character, would not rely on that entirely. Even if they fix the damage. I tested that combo. It works and as long as ya have 8 Swarm tiles to generate 4 black AP, it will be sure victory,

    *I decided to put ISO into her. Its 10 covers actually so kinda worth to pack the Health just in case.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited February 2023

    @Mr_F said:

    IMO the point of the video was to showcase Wasp's winfinite, how it works etc. not to prove it's awesome or whatever. It works, nice to have and despite my love of that character, would not rely on that entirely. Even if they fix the damage. I tested that combo. It works and as long as ya have 8 Swarm tiles to generate 4 black AP, it will be sure victory,

    No, sorry about this. The definition of "winfinite" isn't awesome or whatever.
    I think the winfinite definition is something that when you manage to pull the engine out, it's a win.
    What it can be seen on that video fits more the concept "losinfinite".
    Deathlok is a great character and allows awesome combos for a 5* beating a CN (I already posred 2 videos of 2 5*s doing it).
    Wasp is not one of them.

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2023

    @Bad said:

    @Mr_F said:

    IMO the point of the video was to showcase Wasp's winfinite, how it works etc. not to prove it's awesome or whatever. It works, nice to have and despite my love of that character, would not rely on that entirely. Even if they fix the damage. I tested that combo. It works and as long as ya have 8 Swarm tiles to generate 4 black AP, it will be sure victory,

    No, sorry about this. The definition of "winfinite" isn't awesome or whatever.
    I think the winfinite definition is something that when you manage to pull the engine out, it's a win.
    What it can be seen on that video fits more the concept "losinfinite".
    Deathlok is a great character and allows awesome combos for a 5* beating a CN (I already posred 2 videos of 2 5*s doing it).
    Wasp is not one of them.

    Then you did something wrong. I did many fights in Deathlock PVP against 100K+, 200k+ healthspool, in simulator and SCL 9 vs 80-90k+ healthpools using this comp and succesfully did that winfinity many times. Yes, it is slow as of now cause at best I was dealing 11k damage, often even for some strange case, 7-8k. Yes, there are better and faster winfinites/combos. But Wasp's winfinite is doable and realiable if you do not mess it.

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Please notice that it's not the same 100k than 200k, also a CN node everyone has a bit more 200k.
    If you haven't tried a CN with this combo(and you claim in your thread that not), then probably you should'nt say " then you did something wrong ".

  • Mr_F
    Mr_F Posts: 750 Critical Contributor
    edited February 2023

    Well... What I am trying to say is that It is doable. Not that it is good option, reliable option* etc. All I am saying is that It's doable. And most important: I am not saying it will be doable every time and every CN. BUT If I can pull it in PVP with enemy Deathlock draining my AP and the other two heaving 200k+ health, then I can savely tell "I can do it in CN too". If you read my thread - and I assume that you do - you know that I am moving to SCL 10 very next PVE and rest assure, I will at least try it and come back with feedback here or there. Most likely, after testing it, I will stick to mThor/Brolasis or whatever else for safety and less health packs used but definetly will try that combo cause I am Wasp Fan and she "deserves" from me to at least try.

    *it is not - to many thing can go wrong and it will fail - been there done there. if I can easily screw it in SCL 9, then I can in 10 and CN node ever easier. Also for some CN wpuld not even try it.

  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards

    I have enough shards to fully cover her now. What is the best build for this winfinite?

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,076 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Bad said:
    Please notice that it's not the same 100k than 200k, also a CN node everyone has a bit more 200k.
    If you haven't tried a CN with this combo(and you claim in your thread that not), then probably you should'nt say " then you did something wrong ".

    I have. I’ve done it. It’s easy.