Theorycrafting - The ideal 5* feeders



  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards

    Prof X is the best choice but he's feeding his 5*. We don't have 4* Magneto but we have Legion, who is Prof X's son. I think Legion can feed Onslaught and he doesn't feed anyone at this moment.

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @MegaBee said:

    @DAZ0273 said:
    The story is as terrible as it sounds too!

    It's "Fear Itself" if anyone wants to read it for themselves. It really is terrible.

    Sorry - I meant "double feed" as in feed Yelena along with Red Guardian but actually, good idea! I can smell those 5* shards and they smell of hot sauce!!!!

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Onslaught IS a tough one - seems like a 4* Franklin Richards could get introduced to do it, though I'm sure a lot of people would prefer he be a 5*.

    A 4* Magneto would do the trick?

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Onslaught IS a tough one - seems like a 4* Franklin Richards could get introduced to do it, though I'm sure a lot of people would prefer he be a 5*.

    A 4* Magneto would do the trick?

    Would people not want 4* Magneto to feed 5* Magneto at that point though?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:

    @DAZ0273 said:

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Onslaught IS a tough one - seems like a 4* Franklin Richards could get introduced to do it, though I'm sure a lot of people would prefer he be a 5*.

    A 4* Magneto would do the trick?

    Would people not want 4* Magneto to feed 5* Magneto at that point though?

    Could feed both? Although in his current state, 5* Magneto might not be worth feeding...

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,522 Chairperson of the Boards

    Are 4* feeding 2 different 5* now? Or you mean both could feed Magneto?

  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,544 Chairperson of the Boards

    @ThaRoadWarrior said:
    Are 4* feeding 2 different 5* now? Or you mean both could feed Magneto?

    No, I am! BUT if you were going to have an exception to that then Prof X and Magneto both feeding Onslaught makes for a satisfying thematic one!

  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited November 2022

    @rainkingucd said:
    I get the sense that stuff will be changed around in the end. On that basis, I think Polaris goes to Havok over Magneto. For Odin, I think it has to be Gorr or Juggs, but then I am stuck on Onslaught. Professor X is the most logical, but I don't see him moving away from feeding 5* Prof.

    Funnily enough, I never even considered Kingpin (Wilson Fisk) --> Kingpin (Spider-Verse). Even though it would be Kingpin to Kingpin like the other chains, I basically forgot about both of them to some degree

    It's entirely possible they'll re-assign Havok, since Reptil isn't thematic as a feeder. But on the flip side, Havok doesn't really need to be changed right now to make space for anyone. There is no 4* Havok, no 5* Reptil and Polaris -> Mags connection is strong by itself. So, imo could go either way. They might change him or they might leave him alone for now. I'm assuming the latter, though the former is totally possible if they want to go for maximum consistency.

    ( Edit: Though in case the devs are already planning 4* Mags at some point in the future, then yeah totally, it's gonna be Polaris->Havok and future 4* Mags -> 5* Mags. )

    If it has to be either Gorr or Juggs for Odin, then assigning Juggs doesn't disrupt anything so probably Juggs then.

    Hm, Kingpin would actually work out quite well! If we reassign 4* Kingpin as a secondary feeder to 5* Kingpin, then Daredevil needs a new connection. We could use Echo; Echo currently feeds Cyclops, who should be fed by 4* Cyclops anyway. So, this is another likely change imo because it resolves 2 inconsistencies with 1 feeder change chain:

    So, Echo -> 5* Daredevil, 4* Kingpin (2nd feeder) -> 5* Kingpin, 4* Cyclops -> 5* Cyclops.

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2022

    Enjoying the discussion so far, thanks everyone!

    I edited / trimmed the list a bit and focused primarily on "self feeders" rather than just thematic (i.e. no more Cyclops feeding Cable now that Deathlok is, etc.). I left in some of the doubles (like Talos --> Captain Marvel) because after Doop, we may end up with some double feeders and there are quite a few that would be obvious double feeders.

    Captain Marvel from Talos & Captain Marvel
    Cable from Deathlok & Bishop
    Deadpool from Deadpool & Domino
    Kitty Pryde from Kate & Doop
    Caps from various Caps
    Sersi from Black Knight / Ikaris

    Will be curious to see how many of these end up being accurate come Shardmas the 3rd

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards

    With the Riri announcement and the update that Hulkbuster will feed Iron Man, it seems likely that we'll move to "self fed" wherever possible. I refreshed the list again so that all self feeders are aligned.

    I also split out those that already had a feeder refresh / latest 5*. I might think on it some more and split the list on "likely feeder refresh" and "likely not to change" just to see who the obvious / not obvious candidates are for changing feeders

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2022

    Shardmas the 3rd is now Shardsgiving! Some updates for 2* & 3* tiers, and most importantly, more 5* feeders, and some feeder realignments.

    WIth this update, we have a definitive maybe? on whether double feeders is a thing. Cable now has 2 feeders, but Jean lost her 2nd feeder.

    I was way off base with Odin (they're both rulers of their people? Not familiar with Namor or Odin in the comics).

    Didn't get Juggernaut for Magneto correct, but it makes sense. Dazzler for Storm makes as much sense as any of the mutants.

    And right on target with Cyclops, Kamala, Samurai Daken, and Cable (even as a double fed 5*!)

    I get the sense that Negasonic will feed 5* Colossus, as the 3* Colossus update aligns nicely to a 3-->4-->5 feeder chain

    Main table updated.
    Bishop - Cable (Classic)
    Cyclops - Cyclops (P5)
    Dazzler - Storm (Ororo Munroe)
    Jubilee - Removed (Jean already feeds Jean)
    Juggernaut - Magneto (Age of Apocalypse)
    Lockjaw - Kamala Khan (Origin)
    Namor - Odin (All-Father)
    X-23 - Wolverine (Samurai Daken)

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards

    I'm enjoying seeing if the predictions have been accurate or not.

    The latest round is no surprise for 4* feeders. Interesting from the 3* is Daredevil to Echo. Makes me think that Echo to 5* Daredevil is another certainty to help complete that 3-->4-->5 chain.
    Carnage (Cletus) - Carnage (Prophet)
    Elektra (Unkillable) - Elektra (WWF)
    Negasonic - Colossus (P5)
    Puck - Removed (was feeding Colossus (P5))
    Venom (Eddie Brock) - Knull

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,067 Chairperson of the Boards

    Echo is my next to favorite. I'm working to get spidey oz to 300, currently 295 to get the ghostpool shards. Then echo to 320, currently 312 for the cyclops shards. I was targeting these two specifically because I thought they would get changed. The daredevil echo daredevil 3 4 5 you mentioned makes perfect sense. With jubilee and puck being added back, spidey oz probably stays put. And hopefully in one of the pre holiday updates that were announced today(page 3, update to the update) the 3 4 5 Deadpool chain gets completed.

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards

    @WilliamK1983 said:
    Echo is my next to favorite. I'm working to get spidey oz to 300, currently 295 to get the ghostpool shards. Then echo to 320, currently 312 for the cyclops shards. I was targeting these two specifically because I thought they would get changed. The daredevil echo daredevil 3 4 5 you mentioned makes perfect sense. With jubilee and puck being added back, spidey oz probably stays put. And hopefully in one of the pre holiday updates that were announced today(page 3, update to the update) the 3 4 5 Deadpool chain gets completed.

    I went an looked through my roster who was at 279, 299, 319, etc. , and was also (in my mind) in line for an update. I got Karnak to 350, I'm working on Prowler right now, and next is America Chavez at 348.

    Not a lot, but maybe an extra LT or two here and there

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards

    okay, that secondary 5* feeder with Killmonger makes this all a little bit more interesting. Double feeders? Secondary feeders? Both? Even more possibilities with the thematic connections.

  • WilliamK1983
    WilliamK1983 Posts: 1,067 Chairperson of the Boards

    @rainkingucd said:
    okay, that secondary 5* feeder with Killmonger makes this all a little bit more interesting. Double feeders? Secondary feeders? Both? Even more possibilities with the thematic connections.

    Right!? With the whole Shuri situation, which is a fantastic turn of events, it made predictions impossible lol. Thought I had a rough idea of what the plan was, but it got blown up with Shuri, and Puck and Jubilee as well. Whatever the plan is, I'm here for the spoils!!

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2022

    Puck and Jubilee have been announced they will keep feeding their original 5s in case anyone missed it. Colossus and Jean, if not now in an update soon.

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards

    @Sekilicious said:
    Puck and Jubilee have been announced they will keep feeding their original 5s in case anyone missed it. Colossus and Jean, if not now in an update soon.

    I checked this morning and Puck still feeds Colossus (probably since his was the latest update, so they simply didn't go through with it) but Jubilee not reverted yet. Partially there as of now

  • rainkingucd
    rainkingucd Posts: 1,472 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2022

    The New Batch is next up

    Spot on with the Echo update to Daredevil. No surprises with Hawkeye, Karnak, or Kingpin. And Jubilee back to double feeding Jean!

    And the update for 3* Doc Ock feeding his 4* counterpart all but confirms the 3-->4-->5--> Doc Ock chain is coming next time around. Interesting they are generous enough to give 4* Doc Ock retro rewards, which might help double dip on the 4-->5* rewards
    Echo - Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
    Hawkeye (Ronin) - Hawkeye (Clint Barton)
    Jubilee - Jean Grey (Phoenix) Re-adding, no retro rewards
    Karnak - Crystal
    Kingpin (Classic) - Kingpin (Spider-Verse)

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited December 2022

    Nice. I need Gargantos, Abigail, and Moonknight rostered. I’m banking on Chavez, Monica, and Moonknight being their feeders, as promised here 😂. Luckily they’re all champed.