***** Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness) *****



  • 9RMetal
    9RMetal Posts: 60 Match Maker
    Definitely is Shuma-Gorath, especially with Doc. Strange coming out next week.
  • dianetics
    dianetics Posts: 1,707 Chairperson of the Boards
    Seems like the green should be a repeater tile? Not a countdown tile since the black refers to the amounts more than one.

    looks like a combination of Knull and Abigail.

    Im not to impressed and this toon will have to run with a booster. Apoc will crowd out the board in longer matches. Okoye has a ton of better partners. I guess you could run Knull and 5witch for lols.

    Im seeing another niche 3rd here.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    His green is more like 5* GR's green in that it resolves and then recreates itself. Both are 1-turn cd tiles as well.

    Another way to have fun is focusing on his black. Team him up with Eddie Brock or 4* Carnage and maybe Carbage, depending on the min strength needed. 4* tile strength  should be able to meet this 5*'s requirement easily. Throw in Carbage with Eddie Brock to ensure extra matches every turn and to ensure that are at least 6-8 enemy special tiles easily. If you don't like Carbage, you can insert whoever you want.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Well I see a really annoying defensive character.
    Obviously the goal is to make him invisible, then he can turn the opponent totally miserable. Less AP means more time matching for getting it and more chances to take damage.
    The goal of the defensive player is to use a character providing him blue.
    In this new meta of annoying defensive battles,to call this one garbage is to be in serious peril of understate him.
    If SC dares to fight a team with Abigail and him possibly he won't get his 10 points or he will lose a lot of time trying to start another time.
    He will be gargantos and the special tiles could be eyes. Plus the invisibility, something sneaky.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m going to wait for the numbers. Permanent damage at this level could be interesting if we get another iHulk level character proliferating in the future.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I find it better to estimate the numbers at average 5* strength, then evaluate their powers:  

    Passive : Either drain 1 AP or deal 2,000 dmg.
                    When invisible, get 2 x CD tiles

    8 Black : Reduce 1 or 2 enemy SAP then 
                   Destroy all enemy SAPs below 1,000
                   dealing 1,000 per tile destroyed

    9 Blue : Go invisible for 3 turns and drain all 
                 Blue AP, dealing 1,500 per AP

    Since the passive is chip dmg and only works early game, and the black power is situational, the blue power is the only power that does any big dmg, so I think the devs will make it above average.  (Plus @IceIX comment implies that)

    So, passive dmg is always popular with Okoye.  Chip dmg is annoying, especially when boosted, so this can be a slight PVP deterrent, like Knull.  Draining 1 random AP is hardly noticeable, but you could combo with Abby to make it useful.  Combo with 5* Hawkeye, and you have a defensive PVP team.  It won’t stop Shang, but slower teams won’t like it.  

    The Black power is situationally good, potentially destroying all enemy SAPs and dealing dmg.  If the threshold is high, this is useful, otherwise it’s a dead power.  

    The Blue power is the real “meat” of the character and I’m expecting it to hit hard.  Going invisible is annoying on defense but not very useful on offense.  But going invisible increases the CD tile creation to 2, which can be exploited with Hawkeye.  Those 2 alone form a very good pick-2 combo, generating a ton of never ending red & blue AP.  Hawkeye can hit hard with Red while this guy hits hard with Blue.  Even in the AI hands it should do well.  Your 3rd to this team could be Knull, Coulson, Abby or even 4* Wasp.  

    Overall, I like the potential with this character, especially with 5* Hawkeye.  To make it playable, the numbers need to be decent.  

  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    edited April 2022
    I wasn't sure with the wording how that works on the Green power. I took it as the original countdown tile goes off and then another one is made replacing the original.
    Because it seemed to me like the wording would have been replicates or "creates a copy" like it says for Ronan on his blue power.
    I see potential here anxious to see the numbers and test the mechanics.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    Curious about that match perma-damage. If it can be meaningfully pumped by Sighclops/Colossus that might be fun.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bringing in Colossus means that he will tank blue and black over this character. Permanent match damage happens when Shuma(?) makes the match.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    As long as the character is alive, random will determine if the opponent loses an AP or health. Replicating on an adjacent tile means soon or later the opponent will lose a valuable AP.
    At the time he turns invisible he will always destroy AP. 
    3 special tiles destroying AP each turn is an important eyesore.
    And if he returns from invisibility is expected those special tiles to remain until matched or destroyed.
  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I should also comment on the permanent damage aspect of this character.  It is a useful, but situationally good power.  It’s only good against “healers” like Shang, Crystal, Yellowjacket, Abby, Medusa, etc.  Healers have lower than average health pools, so they need to heal, like Shang.  

    But I don’t think this permanent damage will matter much unless this character is boosted to 550+.  Then Shang & Crystal get significantly and permanently hurt, which is a PvP deterrent, of course.  

  • bbigler
    bbigler Posts: 2,111 Chairperson of the Boards
    I also feel the need to point out that ALL POWERS THAT REMOVE SPECIALS ARE SITUATIONAL.  So it’s a weak argument to criticize this character by saying that 1 power is useless.  Would you also say that Mantis & Morbius are useless because they trigger on enemy specials? 

     In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of characters creating specials in this game.  
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    bbigler said:
    I also feel the need to point out that ALL POWERS THAT REMOVE SPECIALS ARE SITUATIONAL.  So it’s a weak argument to criticize this character by saying that 1 power is useless.  Would you also say that Mantis & Morbius are useless because they trigger on enemy specials? 

     In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a lot of characters creating specials in this game.  

    That isn't true though. Just in the 5* class you have characters that have either/and or powers where it does something whether or not those tiles are on the board.
    Hela creates strike tiles and if the enemy has tiles it replaces them otherwise she creates them anyways.
    Abigail's blue repeater removes specials but also creates attack tiles.
    Daredevil purple removes special tiles but also stuns.
    Yellowjacket green does damage and removes SAPs.
    I also hold the abilities of a 5* character that is harder to obtain in a higher regard to 4* characters. Not to mention the fact that one ability cost 8 AP and the others mentioned are passive. Also Mantis and Morbius trigger on special tiles including repeaters/countdowns etc. whereas this one just triggers on SAP.
    Just my opinion but I see nothing wrong with criticizing a power that costs 8 AP that doesn't work against half the characters in their tier.

  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Curious about that match perma-damage. If it can be meaningfully pumped by Sighclops/Colossus that might be fun.
    Colossus only boosts his own match damage, so that won't help.  Cyclops's boost should increase the perma-damage.

    Conversely, an enemy Colossus should decrease the perma-damage, since it's based on match damage.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards

    Just my opinion but I see nothing wrong with criticizing a power that costs 8 AP that doesn't work against half the characters in their tier.

    Even if it doesn't work against half the characters, it works against those being meta. And it crushes kitty and Polaris work, being able to destroy all the weak tiles remaining without a limit inside the threshold yet to reveal.
    Being Polaris meta queen in 4* and also 5* tier, this power could save the day more than one time, still it's needed to see the numbers. But it's expected if there are many "eyes" in board there would be a lot of damage.
  • Hellblazer666
    Hellblazer666 Posts: 222 Tile Toppler
    I was hoping the Dr Strange MOM(Multiverse of Madness) Movie tie in character was Wong. Wong is one of my favorite MCU characters and he shouldn't be relegated to just a support. But makes sense if its Shuma
  • wymtime
    wymtime Posts: 3,764 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pair with Abigail Brand and Hawkeye.  AB will heal, Gargantuan will go invisible and do tons of damage and Hawkeye cans also do damage with red and generate Blue and Red AP.  

    Black is only good for anti special tiles which could be good in PVE.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    In MPQ, it's not the number of characters an ability will work against, but how often you can use it against those appearing frequently. As commonly said, majority of 5* are "useless" and they are sitting on players' roster slots "doing nothing". 

    To prove my point:

    Currently, we have 67 5* (not including Moon Knight and this). However, in shield sim, the common 5* I see are 
    SC, Kitty, Wanda, Colossus, Apocalypse, BRB, Prof X and Onslaught, when you reach ~1500 points. And they represent only 12% of the total 5*. And out of these 8 5*, majority of the teams that I cycle through are: BRB/Kitty/Polaris and Wanda/Colossus/Apocalypse. At my baby champed MMR, Polaris/BRB/Kitty is very common. It's as common as seeing W/A/C.

    Based on the above, while it might be theoretically true that it doesn't work against more than 30 5* in the game; however, in reality, you've the chance to use it ~50% of the time. 

    I foresee the next counterargument to this is "why should I use his ability, when Morbius/Kitty/Apocalypse etc can do a better job?" It boils down to the goal you set for yourself. If you are only interested in finishing matches quickly or deal with special tiles quickly, then this character is not for you. As a matter of fact, you'll be disappointed in majority of the characters released, which has been proven true for some players in the past few years. Expecting the dev to shake up the meta 2-3 times a year will prove to be a fatal mistake to your overall enjoyment of the game.