***** Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness) *****

IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
edited June 2022 in Character Details

Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness)

5-Star Rarity
Affiliations: Villains

"Hailing from a realm outside our understanding, the tentacled monster Gargantos poses a threat to the safety of our universe. Will Dr. Strange and allies keep the terror at bay, or succumb to the unknowable horror from beyond?"

(Abilities listed at level 255, followed by 450)
20250 Health / 81395 Health
 26 | 31 | 186 | 29 | 238 | 212 | 118 | 4.0x
 103 | 121 | 743 | 112 | 955 | 849 | 472 | 4.0x

Tentacle Thrash -  PASSIVE
(PASSIVE) Gargantos flails his great arms, wreaking havoc on everything around him. At the start of the turn, if one does not exist, create a 1-turn Countdown tile that destroys 1 enemy AP in its color and recreates itself on an adjacent tile. If the enemy has no AP in that color, it deals 664 permanent damage instead.
If Gargantos is Invisible at the start of the turn, create an extra Tentacle Thrash tile (up to 3 max) (Max level 2671 damage)
  • Level 2: Deals 710 damage. (Max level 2858 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 750 damage. (Max level 3018 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 910 damage. (Max level 3659 damage)
  • Level 5: Deals 1175 damage. (Max level 4728 damage)
Tentacle Teeth - 8  AP
Gargantos grabs and crushes his enemies with his tentacle arms. Reduce the strength of 1 enemy Strike, Protect and Attack tile(s) by 44, plus 44 for each Tentacle Thrash tile on the board. Then for each enemy Strike, Protect, and Attack tile below 44 strength, destroy that tile and deal 975 permanent damage. (Max level 178 strength, 3917 damage)
  • Level 2: Reduces tiles by 66 for each Tentacle Thrash tile on the board. Deals 1112 permanent damage. (Max level 267 strength, 4465 damage)
  • Level 3: Reduces tiles by 88 for each Tentacle Thrash tile on the board. Deals 1287 permanent damage. (Max level 356 strength, 5170 damage)
  • Level 4: Deals 1463 damage. (Max level 356 strength, 5876 damage)
  • Level 5: Reduces the strength of 2 enemy Strike, Protect, and Attack tiles.
Ineffable Horror - 9  AP
It takes a strong will to comprehend Gargantos' true nature. Completely drain the friendly team's Blue AP, dealing 337 damage per AP drained. Gargantos goes Invisible for 2 turns.

(PASSIVE) While Invisible, Gargantos' matches deal permanent damage. (Max level 1353 damage)
  • Level 2: Deals 492 damage for each Blue AP. (Max level 1975 damage)
  • Level 3: Deals 647 damage for each Blue AP. (Max level 2598 damage)
  • Level 4: Go Invisible for 3 turns.
  • Level 5: Deals 1065 damage for each Blue AP. (Max level 4275 damage)

Release Schedule

All times in Eastern

Store Offerings

Unfathomable Gargantos Cover Store - 5/5 - 5/9

  • Chance to get Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness). Increased chances in 10x and 40x pulls

Multiverse of Madness Limited Vault 5/12 - 5/17

  • 40 Items

    • 1x Up In Arms Legendary Store Token

    • 1x 4-Star Rhino (Classic) cover

    • 3x Random 3-Star covers

    • 6x Heroic tokens

    • 4x 2500 Iso

    • 6x 1000 Iso

    • 5x 500 Iso

    • 14x Two stars

Up In Arms Legendary Store 5/12 - 5/17

  • 15% chance to get Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness), Spider-Man (Peter Parker), Star Lord (Awesome Mix Vol. 2)

  • Additional Tokens can be purchased for 25 Command Points

Release Debut:

Strange Sights 5/5 - 5/9

  • Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness) in placement rewards

Featured Event:

Operation Spider Silk 5/8 - 5/13

  • Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness) in progression rewards

Versus Tournaments:

Red Shift 5/5 - 5/9

  • Gargantos (Multiverse of Madness) shards as a placement reward

Feast Your Eye 5/8 - 5/11

  • Rewards tokens to the Unfathomable Gargantos cover store



  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    This sounds fun, looking forward to seeing the numbers on it.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    Seems like a potentially useful support character. Hard to see this kit as a major part of a pick-2 meta team since it doesn't have the sort of massive damage or self-accel that is essential for high-end play (unless the numbers are WAY higher than I expect), but could be a very good third wheel in pick 3.  So kind of like a 5* Legion?
  • TheEyeDoctorsWife
    TheEyeDoctorsWife Posts: 831 Critical Contributor
    A villain who works in an ICU seems paradoxically impossible 
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    One of my initial thoughts is that with 3 powers that deal permanent damage this character could be a real pain if it pops up PVE.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    More 5* garbage, next....
  • MegaBee
    MegaBee Posts: 1,081 Chairperson of the Boards
  • Seph1roth5
    Seph1roth5 Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Looks interesting, am I reading the black right that he destroys all SAP tiles if they're below a certain level?  Could be pretty awesome depending on the threshold.  And the blue costs 9 but drains any more blue you have?  that's a bit tricky...
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    Overall, it looks like an anti-Shang-Chi character. Easily 5/3/5 for me. This should be Shuma Gorath since it has only the villian tag. If it's evil Strange, I think there should be more than one tag? I don't know.

    Green: Kitty would love to fight against this character unless it has teammates who spam special tiles. A third for Wanda + Abigail for slow defensive play?

    Maybe 5* Hawkeye would be great with him to feed him 3 blue aps every 2 turn. Throw in 5* Elektra for stuns and more countdowns. Odin could be in for more strike and countdown spamming and ap destruction while healing the team?

    Alternatively, the classic pair of 5* Hawkeye/4* Coulson could be back with this character. Other 4* characters with 5* Hawkeye could be 4* DP to create cds easily or Echo (Billy Club) for stun. Even Gertrude could see some cd play here.

    Black: This is like the active version of Kraven/5* Phoenix passive abilities. Nothing much to see except for damage and minimum strength. There aren't a lot of characters who can reduce enemy SAP tiles. However, It could be great against BRB/Polaris when things get out of hand. The damage limit is capped at the maximum number of enemy SAP tiles on the board. This is the weakest power for a typical match.

    Blue: 9 blue aps for invisibility which will subsequently drain all your blue aps and deal deal damage per blue ap. Probably 2500-3000 damage per ap, which gives us 22.5k to 27k damage?

    His best pick-2 teammate is 5* Hawkeye, who happens to play nicely with the clue. Once he turns invisible, your blue and red aps are going to start rolling in quickly because he will have up to 3 cds on the board instead.

    In a pick-3 we could add:
    5* Elektra, Odin, Agent Coulson, 4* Deadpool, Echo and Gertrude. They will speed up the number of blue aps gained for it. I'm going to nominate Echo as the best 3rd for crazy control (via stun) and helping to speed up ap gain with her cd. 

    Non-Hawkeye team: Wanda+Abigail.
  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,425 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    Abigail Brand has a new best friend with those automatic 1 turn count downs triggering her heal + AP destruction. Combined with this characters AP destruction it could be a pain.

    Likewise for 4* Carol boosting specials.

  • jsmjsmjsm00
    jsmjsmjsm00 Posts: 268 Mover and Shaker
    Well, too bad Brand won't be in LL with the new guy. They'll be in with Crystal and Moon Knight. 
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards

    Not sure I follow your logic. How is this character anti-SC?  Draining ap and dealing permanent damage every turn is useless against SC's winfinite.  Colossus' match damage protection seems waylre useful as an SC counter IMO.

    As for playing with HE, the blue conflict seems problematic.  This character needs blue (and the invisibility it provides) to provide strong support, and s/he will drain all blue ap every few turns to go invisible. By contrast, HE needs 35+ blue ap to churn through the quiver and get to his real heavy damage output.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    It's purely based on permanent damage that it deals from both its blue and green passive. It's less of the ap destruction even though there's a random chance to mess up red/purple matches. Of course, when SC goes winfinite, nothing can stop him. Based on what I see so far, SC winfinite makes use of mainly 4* character (Valkyrie, Dr Ock, Melinda) and seldom 5* (Wanda maybe), so he would be tanking up front. And dealing permanent damage can be a scarecrow for players who rely on only one 5*. 

    A true winfinite counter would be a character who can forcibly end opponent turn passively when it makes n-th matches or fire x number of power in a single turn. For that, we don't know if it will even exist.

    In this team, Hawkeye becomes the support (gain ap and fortifies cd) and Shuma (assumed) becomes the main damage dealer. The numbers are not out yet but I assume it will do ~25k damage per 9 blue ap. When he goes invisible, he will create 2 cds per turn instead. So it'll be a max of additional 6 blues and 4 red aps per turn. Throw in Echo with her Billy Club (uses red aps), and you'll have control and have excess blue aps to fire Hawkeye's blue later. For this, chase blue and get Shuma invisible as soon as possible. It's definitely not a fast team like SC but it should be pretty fun with all the cds and stun in this trio.

    Edit: This could be evil Strange as well because our Hero Dr Strange has ap destructions and special tiles removal ability. On top of that, the order of this character's abilities are almost a mirror image of Dr Strange.

    First power: ap destruction. 
    Second power: anti-SAP tiles.
  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    My two cents on the powers

    The Green is a 1-turn countdown that either takes 1 AP or deals permanent damage. This makes me think of Knull and how he has a 3-turn countdown that does 2100 in permanent team damage. And Knull also has the passive where if there are 4 special tiles he does 1400 permanent damage each turn. Pretty much the numbers are low because its permanent damage.

    I expect something of the same here. That this will do in the 1500 range per countdown. It could be even lower though based on the fact that you can have up to 3. I wouldn't count too much on the damage though as it seems like the more you get into a match the less likely the opponent will have 0 AP in various colors.

    Is this boostable? I am imagine not because its countdown tiles.

    I don't know what to think of the Black. Its 8 AP and it reduces the strength on 1 or 2 special tiles and if there are tiles below a certain strength it destroys them and does permanent damage. I have several concerns/questions here with this power.

    This power only has any relevance if your enemy is putting attack/protect/strike tiles on the board. Otherwise this power literally does nothing.

    The threshold for reaching the damage requirement will be interesting. Because the way its phrased it will be an X amount. Which is interesting because that could make a big difference because depending on your SCL and the opponents there can be a big difference in strength of special tiles. Will the reduction be enough to knock 5* characters tiles down below that mark with a single fire? If not then the value here goes way down because at 8 AP you don't want to be having to fire this multiple times to get damage that is likely gonna be low due to it being permanent.

    I have no clue on the damage here since its permanent damage and has requirements of special tiles being on the board and them being below a certain strength. 

    Are the individual tiles destroyed each boostable?

    The Blue for 9 AP turns the character invisible for up to 3 turns and drains all blue AP dealing damage for each one. I'm thinking this is gonna be low. Because the invisibility boosts the green passive and when invisible match damage becomes permanent damage as well. Plus you can potentially get 30 AP and fire it.

    I'm thinking its gonna be low per AP like in the 400-500 range. But its hard to tell with these powers because you have BRB with 6 blue AP doing 12k damage and putting a shield creating tile on the board. And then you have Colossus with a 9 blue AP doing 4k damage and removing two enemy tiles.

  • TheRiddler
    TheRiddler Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    Thanks for the response.

    The CD and destroyed tiles being boostable makes a big difference.
  • Thanos
    Thanos Posts: 722 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2022
    IceIX said:
    Re: Boosting
    Abilities are boosted by Okoye. Ability 1 every time a CD tile goes off, Ability 2 on each destruction, ability 3 post calculation.

    Re: Ability 2 usefulness
    Correct, it's pretty useless (as in, literally gives you a "cannot fire" message) if there are no enemy SAP tiles.

    Re: Low damage
    I'm pretty impressed with the damage output here, despite "low damage" at start. The cover boosts are fairly sizeable and I wouldn't call any of the abilities at 5 covers "low" at that point. I'll put it this way: Just to double check boosting, with Okoye at 9 AP and this character firing a 450/5 cover Blue at 9 AP, Yelena Belova was off crying in a corner.

    So they need the help of a damage booster to be any good. More garbage, more garbage, more garbage. *redacted*

    **mod note: Removed inappropriate content. - fight4thedream
  • tonypq
    tonypq Posts: 557 Critical Contributor
    edited April 2022
    Thanos said:
    IceIX said:
    Re: Boosting
    Abilities are boosted by Okoye. Ability 1 every time a CD tile goes off, Ability 2 on each destruction, ability 3 post calculation.

    Re: Ability 2 usefulness
    Correct, it's pretty useless (as in, literally gives you a "cannot fire" message) if there are no enemy SAP tiles.

    Re: Low damage
    I'm pretty impressed with the damage output here, despite "low damage" at start. The cover boosts are fairly sizeable and I wouldn't call any of the abilities at 5 covers "low" at that point. I'll put it this way: Just to double check boosting, with Okoye at 9 AP and this character firing a 450/5 cover Blue at 9 AP, Yelena Belova was off crying in a corner.

    So they need the help of a damage booster to be any good. More garbage, more garbage, more garbage. *redacted*
    It is getting really annoying so many characters that can't quite stand on their own or lacks noticeable bite without having to perma pair them with one of the few damage boosters. And I'm all for a decent support character done right, but almost every 5 these days feels like a failed experiment or just brain dead design. Hardly any of the 5s these days are fun.

    This character we get the pleasure of a black ability that does nothing whatsoever without specials on the board. On top of every ability advertised as low damage, we see how these permanent damage types like Knull and Ultron are lackluster and this character they give him the low damage trifecta on all three abilities.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    Thanos said:
    So they need the help of a damage booster to be any good. More garbage, more garbage, more garbage. *redacted*

    I hate this as well, let's pre-nerf a character because of Okoye/Apoc boost so therefore their regular damage is awful. That is some backwards way of thinking.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    Thanos said:
    IceIX said:
    Re: Boosting
    Abilities are boosted by Okoye. Ability 1 every time a CD tile goes off, Ability 2 on each destruction, ability 3 post calculation.

    Re: Ability 2 usefulness
    Correct, it's pretty useless (as in, literally gives you a "cannot fire" message) if there are no enemy SAP tiles.

    Re: Low damage
    I'm pretty impressed with the damage output here, despite "low damage" at start. The cover boosts are fairly sizeable and I wouldn't call any of the abilities at 5 covers "low" at that point. I'll put it this way: Just to double check boosting, with Okoye at 9 AP and this character firing a 450/5 cover Blue at 9 AP, Yelena Belova was off crying in a corner.

    So they need the help of a damage booster to be any good. More garbage, more garbage, more garbage. *redacted*

    This might be a bit harsh (designing a bad video game character, or even several in a row, doesn't seem to merit immediate loss of job to me), but I agree that 9ap + ~15k damage from Okoye for ~40-50k isn't spectacular. Maybe 2.5-3.5k/ap at 450/5 which would be mich higher than any other, similar power right now, but still not close to the current damage meta.

    It's not Black Knight levels of pathetic relative to the tier, but it's in the ballpark of something like GED black at 9ap (it's also scalable, which is nice, but no more efficient at 30ap).  That's not really good enough to play in the current high-end game (where cl10 requires burning down 400k+ health regularly, or in PVP where speed and strength are essential to overwhelm the various strong defensive meta teams that will have at least 130k health before considering defensive powers that can make the effective health pools much much larger). 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited April 2022
    I actually read wrongly and the cd recreates itself instead of disappearing when it hits zero, which means with Hawkeye, we are looking at gaining 9 blue aps and 6 red aps per turn. I think players are probably waiting for the next Wanda/Colossus/Okoye/Shang Chi etc but my view is that synergies > damage. You are going to fire his blue power every single turn without making any blue matches without fail once he goes invisible and he's going to be invisible forever. The AI is going to fire his blue every turn instead of Hawkeye's blue because they prioritise high ap cost powers.

    These two have excellent synergies, and you can throw in another character with red stun power with short cd turn (1-2 turns) and decent number of stun turn (2-3), you are going to trap the opponent in a red stun loop provided that AI is smart enough to do that. Hawkeye is going to fortify 3 cds every turn. I think Elektra might be decent because she has a cheap yellow that reduces damage by 50%, which buy more time to start rolling. She has a turn cd. That stuns for 2-turns. The downside is it doesn't recreate itself.

    On the other hand, Billy Club recreates itself, so your board will have 4-6 cds on the board easily. Subsequently, we'll have 12 blue aps and 8 red aps every turn automatically.

    If you don't like red stun, you can maybe get Apocalypse to fire his red and he's going to boost his cd as well. Firing his red power every 2 turns, with his repeaters out, is pretty sick. There are more possibilities like Ultron firing his red and boosting strike tiles, or putting iHulk in so that he fires his disgusting red power every 2 turn, which would be enough to down most champed 5* of similar level on the second fire. We can even put SMPP as wild card who has a blue team stun or creates critical with red. There's so much possibilities with red non-stun ability that many of you are probably going to regret calling him garbage when this two pairs see wider usage.

    Of course, all the above are theory and I'll have to wait till its pvp is here to test things out. But I'm confident about their interactions/synergies, just like how I was confident in SC.