***** Odin (All-Father) *****



  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    Bravo to whoever came up with the store name: Gods and Ends
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    And what's cool is that all of them are sitting on their thrones.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just don’t get this character. He jumps in front to take the heavy hit but even if it’s a big cascade, he just takes all the damage unless somewhere along the line, the threshold for his yellow is reached AFTER he jumps in front so he makes fortified tiles. If he’s already in front, then he just takes all the damage anyway and makes 3 fortified tiles. 


    its quite convuluted. You want him to tank early to get the fortified tiles on the board. But after the forts are up, the last place you want him is up front. Because he only mitigates the damage when he’s NOT in front. So I guess you only want him to tank maybe 2, 3 colors max? So you have to try to plan for the next hit to tank be over the threshold for his yellow, while Odin matches his color, then hide. 

    Without a guy who quickly fortifies 3 or more tiles, I’m not finding a team for him. Everything he can do well, is based off of him having a board with 3 or more forts on the field. And THEN, he has to NOT tank. 

    I’m at a loss. 

  • Sekilicious
    Sekilicious Posts: 1,766 Chairperson of the Boards
    I just don’t get this character. He jumps in front to take the heavy hit but even if it’s a big cascade, he just takes all the damage unless somewhere along the line, the threshold for his yellow is reached AFTER he jumps in front so he makes fortified tiles. If he’s already in front, then he just takes all the damage anyway and makes 3 fortified tiles. 


    its quite convuluted. You want him to tank early to get the fortified tiles on the board. But after the forts are up, the last place you want him is up front. Because he only mitigates the damage when he’s NOT in front. So I guess you only want him to tank maybe 2, 3 colors max? So you have to try to plan for the next hit to tank be over the threshold for his yellow, while Odin matches his color, then hide. 

    Without a guy who quickly fortifies 3 or more tiles, I’m not finding a team for him. Everything he can do well, is based off of him having a board with 3 or more forts on the field. And THEN, he has to NOT tank. 

    I’m at a loss. 

    Shang-Chi will tank everything after a few combo points. I think the idea could be let Odin tank until some fortified are on the board, then build your combo. Heimdall might be an interesting 3rd. Of course, Shang-Chi will go winfinite if played efficiently so there is that.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    You get this guy to tank in the beginning and once his fortication is rolling, he'll be sitting at the back waiting for opportunity to take one damage.

    You can put him with characters who can fortify, like Hawkeye, Goblin, Heimdall, Shuri, Lizard, Human Torch.

    These are the teams I have tried with him.


    Ronan/Misty Knight



    OMD/4* Human Torch

    I find OMD and Human Torch really awesome with Odin. They are one hell of an ap-denial + death by repeaters team. Misty Knight and Ronan was pretty fun with those extra healings from Misty Knight. I like Ronan and Goblin too.

  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ronan/Goblin is the team I think he’s best with (that I’ve tried). But it’s really dependent on getting Ronan’s blue repeaters out and hoping Odin can tank early, but not late. That team is fragile, even for a 5* team. 

    I’ll see if I can do something with him and Misty and/or Monica. 

    I thought at first, Odin would be the a good counter to 5* Colossus and maybe Switch. But Odin’s strange defensive mechanics on offense are making me doubt it now.

  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Odin's jump in seems to be a little buggy. It doesn't take into account of Apocalypse's repeaters (and some other damage increment.) 

    OMD feeds Odin's red power and when you fire it, Human Torch fortifies three friendly repeaters. You can put Odin's repeater on any colour.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    The way I see him, odin is not a character for to build a team for him.
    In pvp he will protect dangerous partner characters, in pve he will be of great support to his team against heavy damagers until the team gets enough AP for to finish it.
    I think it's not a character created for to survive, however in pve can be equipped yaro root and then his time support will be increased.
    With him it is possible to attempt challenge nodes that before him always were relying on a lucky board.
  • Tiger_Wong
    Tiger_Wong Posts: 1,077 Chairperson of the Boards
    Bad said:
    The way I see him, odin is not a character for to build a team for him.
    In pvp he will protect dangerous partner characters, in pve he will be of great support to his team against heavy damagers until the team gets enough AP for to finish it.
    I think it's not a character created for to survive, however in pve can be equipped yaro root and then his time support will be increased.
    With him it is possible to attempt challenge nodes that before him always were relying on a lucky board.
    This outlook helped me out a lot. I now understand I was using him incorrectly by trying to build a team around him. Odin+Heimdall is a duo that helps pump up one character. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Odin/Heimdall/Shuri is a really fun team actually, where you prioritize Heimdall's red once you have some fortifications out.
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    @ThaRoadWarrior the Odin/Heimdall/Shang Chi trio you mentioned in another thread is delightful destruction. Both Heimdall and Shang at 5/5/5 is a wrecking machine that keeps going on and on and on and
  • fight4thedream
    fight4thedream GLOBAL_MODERATORS Posts: 2,001 Chairperson of the Boards
    @ThaRoadWarrior the Odin/Heimdall/Shang Chi trio you mentioned in another thread is delightful destruction. Both Heimdall and Shang at 5/5/5 is a wrecking machine that keeps going on and on and on and
    That's interesting. I assumed all the fortified tiles would be a hinderance. Is that not the case?
  • BlackBoltRocks
    BlackBoltRocks Posts: 1,213 Chairperson of the Boards
    @ThaRoadWarrior the Odin/Heimdall/Shang Chi trio you mentioned in another thread is delightful destruction. Both Heimdall and Shang at 5/5/5 is a wrecking machine that keeps going on and on and on and
    That's interesting. I assumed all the fortified tiles would be a hinderance. Is that not the case?
    It does require a fair amount of strategising. A huge benefit is that Shang’s Purple can target fortified basic tiles, which can set up double-dipping if the board is favourable. Some of the aforementioned strategising includes using Shang’s Red to set up Blue matches or his Purple to create Blue charged tiles, so that Heimdall can keep healing and fortifying. I also use Heimdall to fortify Odin’s countdown tiles in a pinch, especially if it’s near a Blue match.

    I find that the charged tiles are more of a hindrance to winfinite, since Shang can’t touch those.
  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    The odds of fortifying a red or purple tile are high, and then Heimdall can take benefit on that, or SC can double dip matching them. 
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,525 Chairperson of the Boards
    Double-dip matching on fortified tiles, particularly fortified charged tiles, is a very strong match-damage move if you can arrange it. I think people overlook that charge tiles do 300% damage as well as giving extra AP when they are matched.
  • Akoni
    Akoni Posts: 790 Critical Contributor
    Wait. Charge tiles give extra AP when matched? How have I been overlooking that all this time?
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Akoni said:
    Wait. Charge tiles give extra AP when matched? How have I been overlooking that all this time?
    Yup, 3x damage and 3x AP.  They are like 3 tiles in one.
  • atomzed
    atomzed Posts: 1,753 Chairperson of the Boards
    Akoni said:
    Wait. Charge tiles give extra AP when matched? How have I been overlooking that all this time?
    Yup, 3x damage and 3x AP.  They are like 3 tiles in one.
    Akoni said:
    Wait. Charge tiles give extra AP when matched? How have I been overlooking that all this time?
    Yup, 3x damage and 3x AP.  They are like 3 tiles in one.
    So if you match a charge tile with 2 basic tile, you gain 5 ap (3+2). This is also why charge tiles are actually a strong mechanic. 
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    That's why I love pairing him with Rogue who can triple the damage of matches in chosen enemy's strongest colour. Throw in a critical charged match-3 and Shang-Chi multiplier would be a total of 40.5x.
  • sinnerjfl
    sinnerjfl Posts: 1,276 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2021
    This character was so poorly thought out, it is incredible how Odin just does not work. This is the Odin experience in MPQ.

    His whole kit revolves around fortified tiles, that's rather neat as it is underutilized in this game. The problem is how you can get those 3 fortified tiles on the board (oh yeah, they also need to be all different colors because why not!). Odin is required to tank his colors, he needs to end up in front when the damage occurs as well, then you get 3 fortified tiles and you can get his passive going, right?

    Hold on, 90% of the time the game puts those fortified tiles on 1 or 2 colors, so this doesnt work, try again! Meanwhile Odin lost quite a bit of his health bar from that, thankfully he has that healing power that gives him... a bit above 2000 health every THREE turns. And that won't occur until you have 3 fortified tiles of different colors (and that might heal Odin if only he has the lowest health).

    Finally after roughly 20 turns, you might have 3 fortified tiles on different colors. Now you can truly get all of Odin's might in the form of a THREE turn CD that's not fortified, giving you rather weak strike tiles for all of this work. This might keep going if the enemy doesnt randomly destroy a fortified tile since that CD takes so long to fire.

    Also, the damage reduction is not very good, because it needs to be a single hit above 5k, that doesnt happen very often unless its a power or a match-5, it takes so much setup anyway you can't even really benefit from it.

    Red is OK damage, destroying a specific color can be good but sometimes the AI ends up with 30 AP it cannot use, therefore this ends up being useless.

    He's bad, just awful. Yes of course you can pair him with Heimdall but seriously, this character is so bad he NEEDS to be paired with someone else to just become barely functionnal.

    Is he worse than Wasp? -_-