New Feature in R215: Daily Quests



  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    They are probably just setting up baseline metrics before they alter the mission mixes.  In my opinion, these missions were tuned for a 3* level roster.  Even the hardest mission deal 25,000 damage is reasonably achievable in a day for players just breaking out of the prologue missions.

    I would expect them to run these missions for at least a 1 upgrade cycle, before you start to see new missions, appropriately scaled, for all those super whale rosters.  They probably want to get usage rates and times, to get a sense of how fast each tier of player can progress etc. through win/loss rates by SR etc...  

    Overall, the implementation is pretty good.  Its easy to check missions, and its relatively clear to navigate (in comp, the tu boost screen feels more confusing and slower to navigate).  I definitely would like to see a more interesting mix of missions, and I wonder if they will tailor missions to "effectively" require specific combos.  I.e. We all know that a mission that requires 15+ web tiles will require spider verse chars.

    In grading these new improvements.
    1.  Saved teams is holding up well.  Its getting easier to use and genuinely makes it easier to try out combos.

    2.  The TU and Boost menus are a net negative.  Its much harder to operate and prone to buy errors in the middle of a rushed hop or high speed close.  The "play flow/click flow" of how people purchase then apply a boost seems elongated and slower than before.  Many players have experieinced, accidental heals, buying but not adding ap boosts to the match, etc.  A rethink of this decision tree needs to be considered.

    3.  Daily missions looks well implemented.  Easy to get in and out.  Rewards are reasonable.  The tokens alone are enough to make me check that section to see what tasks need to be done.  I will admit that I usually play the daily missions in all my games (COD series, Fortnight, etc). Its actually my preferred way to play most games.
  • rawfsu
    rawfsu Posts: 291 Mover and Shaker
    This was genius. I was getting tired of the same old, but will definitely try and play more with this new feature! Great idea!
  • bowla33
    bowla33 Posts: 203 Tile Toppler
    It appears there are only 9 possible quests so far. Over 3 days, it hasn't grown any yet. 

    I'm SR218. 

    1. Win 3 story missions.
    2. Win 1 versus mission. 
    3. Use 1 TU.
    4. Use 1 boost.
    5. Use 3 healthpacks.
    6. Deal 25k damage. 
    7. Buy something from resource page
    8. Train 3 powers (doesn't count champ levels or champ re-spec).
    9. Open 4 cover packs (vault tokens don't count). 

    Anyone seen anything at all different?

  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,352 Chairperson of the Boards
    The introductory post indicates there will be board condition based ones, i'm sure they'll roll out at some point
  • turbomoose
    turbomoose Posts: 783 Critical Contributor
    All good so far but hopefully it will be more varied and challenging to get the rewards soon , pretty much the same ones each day so far for me 

    looking forward to the match a certain number of colours etc 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    PiMacleod said:
    You know, i thought "Train a Power" was gonna be more irritating, with having a full roster and everything... 

    But its not!  Not one single bit.  It's just ANOTHER quest along the lines of "keep doing what we expect you are doing".  Which -- to be fair -- is another iteration of us trying to squeeze all the resources we can out of this.

    I earn a bunch of 1*, 2*, and even a few 3* covers per day.  Those usually go into the "farm" -- mostly as champ rewards, but there's always around 3~4 3*s that are currently training up their powers, and usually 3~4 2*s doing the same.  My 2*s usually train at least 3 powers per day -- just naturally!  I'm not hoarding anything, saving anything from one day to the next, or any extra steps... I'm merely playing my daily 'grind' (DDQ, PvE progression, and maybe a couple PvP fights)... and the rewards automatically finish my quests.

    If ANY quest is 'annoying', it's "Use a Boost" and "Use a Teamup" -- because there are days that I don't need to use a single one of either.. but now I'm making sure to use these here and there, whenever the game dictates.

    At the end of the day, I don't even need to spend the 35 HP for those resources, as long as my grind cost at least 3 Health Packs from me.  I'll have 6 daily quests completed, and collect those sweet shards/taco tokens, just by doing (basically) what I was already doing.  
    Use a boost - Use one of the retired older boosts that they used to offer. And if you don't have any of those then think about the boosts that you don't use that much. If something is maxed out at 30 and you just use one to finish off a daily quest then I'm sure it'll be maxed out the next time you need it. 

    Use a teamup - Normally when I get offered some useless teamup that I can't use since it's low level I'll reject it but lately if I get offered one and it doesn't take a lot of ap to use it then I'll grab it. Then when I play DDQ I'll use it for something like Behemoth Burrito or for the 2* wave node since there's no great threat that I will be in danger of dying.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Out of all the quests shown so far, using teamup is the hardest for me because I seldom use teamup and I don't chase TU ap. I imagine ThorOkoye users will be on the opposite spectrum.

    As for the quests and I quote:

    8 Daily Quests will be available each day:
    • The first Quest is always "Complete 6 Daily Quests".
    • Some Quests you will see each day ("Complete Story or Versus missions").
    • The remaining Quests are based on gameplay (collect Yellow AP, Train powers, etc.).

    So, at least three quests will be repeated. What have not appeared are:

    1) making matches in certain colors
    2) creating Special tiles

  • Michael1957
    Michael1957 Posts: 630 Critical Contributor
    I noticed in 5* upgrades a third shaded out option , probably for future use in milestone quests , whereas you can earn a 5* cover by collecting 500 “ hexagons “ . This could be great for finishing off classic 5* a few covers short , if that is what is planned as a milestone reward .
  • skittledaddy
    skittledaddy Posts: 984 Critical Contributor
    After someone else recommended it, I've started asking for 2* and 3* Daken TUs from my alliance. They are the cheapest TU abilities to fire (only 5 AP), therefore require me to make the least amount TU of matches to obtain.
    Heck, bring a +2 TU boost (assuming you don't actually use them, like for Okoye-based teams) and you can kill two Quest-birds with one stone after making only a single TU 3-match.
    Yes, other TU abilities are far better, but think how much time you have to spend to collect TU AP just to fire that random 11AP TU ability you otherwise grabbed. Often my battles are over FAR sooner than I am even close to 11 TU AP.
  • Vhailorx
    Vhailorx Posts: 6,085 Chairperson of the Boards
    After someone else recommended it, I've started asking for 2* and 3* Daken TUs from my alliance. They are the cheapest TU abilities to fire (only 5 AP), therefore require me to make the least amount TU of matches to obtain.
    Heck, bring a +2 TU boost (assuming you don't actually use them, like for Okoye-based teams) and you can kill two Quest-birds with one stone after making only a single TU 3-match.
    Yes, other TU abilities are far better, but think how much time you have to spend to collect TU AP just to fire that random 11AP TU ability you otherwise grabbed. Often my battles are over FAR sooner than I am even close to 11 TU AP.
    It's funny how perspectives on this game change as one's roster progresses.  I play cl10 pve most of the time and rely on okoye (and sometimes apoc) for damage boosting.  My first thought at seeing this daily quest was: "ugh, now I have to spend less time with 30 TU ap!"
    (this is not snarking on 'weaker' players or anything.  it's just amusing to me how having/not having a few meta characters can drastically change how a players views certain mechanics.)

  • Bad
    Bad Posts: 3,146 Chairperson of the Boards
    Those daily quest are fulfilling his goal. Like many other games, daily quest try to get playing more hours, and now the progress for doing it all days is more solid. I think the quest are okay because they are trying to use some resources that playing a bit can be obtained easily. Making other quests like gaining all AP or matching a colour x times in a round imo could be more annoying and easily cheated: you take underleveled 4* characters and go for the easier node on the pve, then in a battle of 10 minutes you could achieve what wanted.
    Needless to say, my playstyle hasnt changed a bit, except at the middle of the day claiming what I got and looking if I have to use a boost or something else.
  • PuceMoose
    PuceMoose Posts: 1,445 Chairperson of the Boards
    I don't know if this has been posted already, but this was in one of the newsletters that they sent out a couple of days ago. Unless this is just a quick proof-of-concept, this might indicate we'll be getting more involved and varied daily quests down the road. 

  • grumbLEGO
    grumbLEGO Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    PuceMoose said:
    I don't know if this has been posted already, but this was in one of the newsletters that they sent out a couple of days ago. Unless this is just a quick proof-of-concept, this might indicate we'll be getting more involved and varied daily quests down the road. 

    That looks like it might be what the milestones look like. 50 symbiotes seems much more milestoney than daily. 
  • helix72
    helix72 Posts: 995 Critical Contributor
    For me, the daily quests have only changed my behavior in 2 ways:
    1) I often went days without firing a single team up power. Now I see if there is a quest to fire one and then make it a point to do so. I also now keep cheap TUs I used to throw away so I only need to spend 6 AP to fire them.
    2) I used to just sell 1*s. Unless something has changed, the resource gain for farming 1*s isn't worth it. Now, since I have every non-5* champed except The Dude, I look to see if I have the "train 3 powers" quest and then just use whatever 1* covers I've gained for the day to do it.

    So minimal impact, but some additional resource gain so overall happy but it hasn't materially changed my MPQ world. And I haven't ever done the "buy something" quest. 35 HP for 800 ISO doesn't seem like a good deal.
  • Dogface
    Dogface Posts: 986 Critical Contributor
    35 HP for 800 iso isn't a good deal per se, but I sometimes find it easier than using a teamup. That said, I try to save the HP one for last and see if I can get to 6 without, but if not, I won't hesitate. In that case it's 35 HP for 45 3* shards, 20 4* shards and 5k iso. That on the other hand is a good deal.
  • abenness
    abenness Posts: 228 Tile Toppler
    After someone else recommended it, I've started asking for 2* and 3* Daken TUs from my alliance. They are the cheapest TU abilities to fire (only 5 AP), therefore require me to make the least amount TU of matches to obtain.
    Heck, bring a +2 TU boost (assuming you don't actually use them, like for Okoye-based teams) and you can kill two Quest-birds with one stone after making only a single TU 3-match.
    Yes, other TU abilities are far better, but think how much time you have to spend to collect TU AP just to fire that random 11AP TU ability you otherwise grabbed. Often my battles are over FAR sooner than I am even close to 11 TU AP.
    I've started using 5* Prof X or Apoc Red teamups in the Behemoth Burrito. 7/8 AP, and will win the battle that sometimes gets annoying with non-synergistic toons.

    You could also ask for Ronin.  His 6AP green does good damage if you ensure that the enemy health is below the threshold so it keeps hitting.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I found the best place to use teamup is in DDQ 1* node.  :D One match is long enough to set you up for mid-ap cost teamups. 
  • grumbLEGO
    grumbLEGO Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    I found the best place to use teamup is in DDQ 1* node.  :D One match is long enough to set you up for mid-ap cost teamups. 
  • Xception81
    Xception81 Posts: 424 Mover and Shaker
    And additionally (as others have mentioned) you don’t need to really farm 1s to train powers. I already have Spider-Man for my DDQ and I just now keep all covers I receive naturally and train up a different color (or 3) for that requirement. Can do this for any character with 3 colors instead of 2.