On Retroactive Rewards



  • Bryan Lambert
    Bryan Lambert Posts: 234 Tile Toppler
    GrimSkald said:
    Mikbro81 said:
    Still no response?  Ok....
    You also need to factor in - how much of their time is devoted to discussing this. Do they have a meeting with key decision-makers later today? This week? If they are still deciding what to do - and they have no deadline - then there is nothing to report.

    In addition: they want to keep players happy - but they also don't want to appear as if they fold to discontent - so their silence is somewhat strategic.

    I'm annoyed by the lack of response too (I keep checking the boards to see if there is one,) but this is a really short time frame, and I'd have been surprised if they got back to us this quickly.  I'd like for them to get back to us this quickly, but I wouldn't expect it.
    I really don't think they expected to get that negative a response, which is a bit surprising in and of itself - I think the mistake is that they think of shards as an in-game commodity as opposed to a partial cover, as I stated either here or in the other thread.
    Yeah, it’s not like we can expect them to get up at one in the morning and post an update to retroactive rewards...

  • Anon
    Anon Posts: 1,455 Chairperson of the Boards
    And the devs were never heard from again.
  • Captain_Carlman
    Captain_Carlman Posts: 208 Tile Toppler
    Anon said:
    And the devs were never heard from again.
    Don't worry, I'm sure we'll get an update about the wonderful new sales coming up or the fantastic new character being released soon!
  • HisReptilianMajesty
    HisReptilianMajesty Posts: 3 Just Dropped In
    Ice and Dev team, there was a request YOU made to the community for it not to flood the Customer Service with tickets.  The Community has requested at least some form of update/insight so we dont all feel like we're out in the cold with no clue that this is even being taken seriously. At some pt patience on both sides will dry up.  Is it really that much to ask if you could provide some kind of update, that contains some form of information that the community can use to guage how things are going?  Radio silence is not helping anyone.  Respect has to be a two way street.

    My login total is up to 1800 days, and that excludes a few month break when I was in a major car wreck. I cracked open a mini-hoard on the Thor/BRB/Hela store this morning and thought maybe getting some 5-Stars would make me less disappointed in the game and follow-up. I got an average number of 5 star covers and some shards. There wasn't any rush or excitement. Bonus Heroes at least gave me the chance of feeling like I got something extra and substantial on any given pull.

    That in combination with the disappointment of the botched rewards rework has left me pretty much done with the game if we don't hear anything substantial by Friday afternoon.

    Things have felt slow and measured since the shift to shards, and while that has pros and it has cons, it doesn't work well without anything else to make the game exciting. That's probably part of the reason the botched rewards rework stings for so many people. The first real substantial boon or excitement in a while, and instead it's possibly the most disappointing event in the history of the game.

    No one wants to get Thanksgiving dinner one spoonful at a time over the course of the year. That's what shards are rapidly starting to feel like.
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,098 Chairperson of the Boards
    GrimSkald said:
    Mikbro81 said:
    Still no response?  Ok....
    You also need to factor in - how much of their time is devoted to discussing this. Do they have a meeting with key decision-makers later today? This week? If they are still deciding what to do - and they have no deadline - then there is nothing to report.

    In addition: they want to keep players happy - but they also don't want to appear as if they fold to discontent - so their silence is somewhat strategic.

    I'm annoyed by the lack of response too (I keep checking the boards to see if there is one,) but this is a really short time frame, and I'd have been surprised if they got back to us this quickly.  I'd like for them to get back to us this quickly, but I wouldn't expect it.
    I really don't think they expected to get that negative a response, which is a bit surprising in and of itself - I think the mistake is that they think of shards as an in-game commodity as opposed to a partial cover, as I stated either here or in the other thread.
    Yeah, it’s not like we can expect them to get up at one in the morning and post an update to retroactive rewards...

    I really do feel this needs addressing but I also feel it won't be. Because of that, it is hard not to draw the worst conclusions. I hope I am proven wrong.

    This was a massive update, it should have had an in office hours release to the Forums with a community manager in hand to deal with enquiries. It would have been like Marvel calling a press conference at 1am to say Marvel Phase 4 is cancelled and then shrugging their shoulders at the disbelieving of the timing of the announcement let alone the impact to fans.
  • pheregas
    pheregas Posts: 1,721 Chairperson of the Boards
    With all this silence from the devs, I figure I will give it probably through the weekend to see if anything is either fixed or some kind of communication regarding this whole issue here on these forums.  If there's no word, then I'm out.  I am done with being disrespected by this company and history has taught me no follow-up from these guys means nothing is going to change and they really don't care.  Let us whine long enough and eventually status quo will restored again, right?  No, sorry guys.  Not this time.

    Also, if I see a new post on this forum about a new character, a costume bundle, or anything of the ilk, before ANY of this is officially addressed, it just reinforces my point and the point of everyone else in this thread and I will be done right then and there.
    Does the weekly weekend sale count, cuz that’s happening tomorrow regardless.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's give them some time to discuss this. I don't think they've been spending the entire day of their work day for the past two or three days discussing this. Besides, how many times does history, communication-wise, need to repeat itself?

    Scenario 1:
    Dev: posted something incomplete and informed the players they will update again. No specific timeframe could be given.
    Players: discussed what the devs posted and thought of different ways that things could happen and became hopeful or jump to conclusion. 
    Dev: silence for days or weeks
    Player: gets impatient and pushes for update 
    Dev: posted an update and full info is out
    Players: unhappy with what the devs posted because it wasn't what they expected (majority of the time)

    Scenario 2:
    Dev: (silence)
    Players: unhappy with silence and wants
    some updates

    From here, it's either we jump to Scenario 1 or the following happens:

    Dev: silence again
    Player: unhappiness increases due to silence or lack of update 
    Dev: post full update.
    Player: dicuss about the post and give feedbacks

    Now that you know what's very likely going to happen in the future, make a choice. Do we want to go down Scenario 1 or Scenario 2?

  • BrutusTheCat
    BrutusTheCat Posts: 2 Just Dropped In
    With this change D3 has already lost the chance to come across as a generous dev which would have built some goodwill with their player base. 

    Now even of they give the rewards they will still have unhappy players because we had to fight for it. 

    I don't see any change coming. 
  • Isay_Isay
    Isay_Isay Posts: 133 Tile Toppler
    First new event after this change is “Naughty or Nice”

    oh the irony

    /chef kiss

  • Tucsonjon
    Tucsonjon Posts: 36 Just Dropped In
    Anon said:
    Is this the biggest backlash in the games history?
    There's been some big ones, this is definitely the most justified of the backlashes.Fa
    Hey Pinko!  didn't notice it was you :smiley: Fallout 76 backlash seemed considerably worse.  In game players were making effigy of the devs and burning them.  >:)
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    Let's clear things up. A forum is a place for people to share their opinions. It's not a place to to determine whose opinion is right or wrong. Opinions are subjectives. It represents how someone views situations. 

    I'm aware that my opinions are unpopular because most of the time, I take into accounts the viewpoints of other parties who are involved in the decision making process. I'm also aware that there are some posters hot on my tail and accuses me of "regularly engaging in flame-baiting". 

    Besides, it's not that I don't want to continue "debating", but when someone else pops up and label my opinions as trolling, then I don't see the point of continuing the conversation. 

    Anyway, most of the players got what they want in this saga and there's a happy closure, more or less.