*** Spider-Man (Classic) ***



  • Emeryt wrote:

    IceIX, can we expect higher value for selling our Spideys, like it was with Thor and Wolvie?

    Beat me to it...

    Slightly used Spidey for sale, 50% off. Any takers?
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, perhaps stunlock was the wrong word.

    By the time you get to 15 AP in any color, the board's not going to have very much of it left to get to maintain it, certainly not more than every match and a half.
  • I'd say the changes are decent tbh. He's a decent healer, stunner and protector now, and he's no longer OP in any area. It's a shame to see him changed as I've had a lot of fun with him in the past, laying down cheap web tiles for Venom to Devour people, but it *was* OP. I'm just glad I stopped putting ISO into him a while ago and moved onto other characters. I just hope the upcoming cMags nerf doesn't make him useless, he's the one I used to replace Spidey!
  • Shamusyeah wrote:
    Not impressed, he's pretty terrible.

    Blue: way to expensive, maybe if the base stun was two turns it'd be good.
    Yellow: too expensive, heals way less. I understand the attempt to prevent self healing, so w/e.
    Purple: generally wasn't very good, now slightly worse.

    Bottom line, you've taken a character who could do two things well and allowed him to do one thing well enough (healing is still best in game). I suppose as a 3* character he should have either one awesome skill or 3 decent skills that work well together. With spidey's heal I suppose he is still worthy of the 3* title. He was very slow for attacking purposes before, he is now slow for all purposes. I dub him GSBW II and cast him to the outskirts of my roster, only to be used when required or when I'm nearly out of health packs (which was pretty much already the case).

    This change won't really effect me, but if I relied on spidey I'd be very mad.
    Devs, please take your time nerfing CMag, many (probably most) of the serious players (probably large hp spenders) use him a lot. If you are not gentle with him, I fear for the reprocussions on your player base.

    But thanks for letting us know about the change.

    Hopefully mags reads something.like this:

    Purple: unchanged (given the nerfs to spidey purple and astonishing yellow..I am not too hopeful).
    Blue: 6-7 blue. Base cannot place tiles over anything. @5 can place over all tiles (if they didn't allow it to place on countdowns...I could live with that if it allowed it to stay @6-7).
    Red: 5-6 red. Base does pitiful damage and tile destroy. @max, increased base damage and increased #tiles destroyed.

    I just hope its not for a while, if this spidey change is Any indication of what his change will be like. Personally I don't mind this hard of a nerf on spidey..but that's because he is kinda boring and slow so I never used him except to heal.

    I Mean, let's be honest here. Raise of hands. Who here will actually be using this character in PvP? If you had iso to lvl 5 characters, and maxed covers of everyone, would he be one of them? 8 characters? 10? 15? I already prioritized ppl who could attack over him. I don't even know where I would put him anymore. 15 ap of any other color will be far far and away more helpful than 15 blue. +3 turns of healing for 10 blue. Before that gave him +1,+2, +3, +4, +5. That's +15 for 10 ap. Yes, that was ridiculous, but if the goal is a character ppl will want to use, +3 blue for10 blue is equally ridiculous.

    That's kinda why I wonder if the devs are moving away from stuns, under the idea that it mitigates damage too much. If storm wasn't a weak 2** the fact her blue is so comparatively amazing would matter. Heck, maybe they should have literally just GIVEN spidey her blue.

    Side note: I need to remember to respec my spidey to be 5/5/3 or 4/5/4 instead of 3/5/5...he is too weak to use in PvP now, so I might as well spec him as such.
  • RIP Spidey, I never even got to abuse ya
  • Definitely not bagman tier. loki is fantastic paired up with patches...i think this new spidey is begging to be paired with m.mags for blue generation/hood for stealing and a tank.

    But...shall see in a few weeks after it is implemented how the community uses spidey.
  • Ehhhh...it seems okay, i guess. He no longer permastuns an entire team, which is the important bit. Everything else can wait awhile.

    I think he just seems *slightly* undertuned to me. All his abilities are useful, but I read them, and I think, would I rather have these, or LazyThor? Punisher? Falcon? cMags? Spidey just loses out every time. I'd level him if he was the first 141 I got covers for, but aside from that my ISO would mostly be going elsewhere. Right now he basically just seems like a prologue healer.

    That said, I don't own a 141 spidey, so i will wait for feedback from those who do.

    Also: IceIX, thanks for finally posting this. Any news on when cMags might be announced? He's the one I think everyone really wants to know about. We knew Spidey was going to lose his permastun - will cMags lose his 5-for-5?
  • Well since you like comparing Spidey to OBW to justify the heal nerf (which is **** because it costs 3 more AP and you can't steal those as spidey but there we go) how about we compare the new stun to another 2* hero...

    Spidey can use 10 blue AP to stun 1 enemy for 1 turn then another for 2
    Classic storm can use 11 blue AP (1 more) to stun a target for 4 turns and do 1.6k AoE damage
    Even LCap's stun is better than Spideys now because you're never getting the blue AP you'll need to keep logging out a 5 blue AP stun unless we're using M.Mags every fight and even then....

    You've taken a zero damage ability hero and made him less control orientated then heroes who can do damage. You could even argue OBW does more to mitigate damage between stealing + healing than Spidey does with **** protect tiles (nerfed amounts and a LOT more expensive to generate webs), a genuinely **** stun and a heal.

    Oh well, nothing more or less than I expected TBH, have very little positivity left about you guys.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ehhhh...it seems okay, i guess. He no longer permastuns an entire team, which is the important bit. Everything else can wait awhile.

    I think he just seems *slightly* undertuned to me. All his abilities are useful, but I read them, and I think, would I rather have these, or LazyThor? Punisher? Falcon? cMags? Spidey just loses out every time. I'd level him if he was the first 141 I got covers for, but aside from that my ISO would mostly be going elsewhere. Right now he basically just seems like a prologue healer.

    That said, I don't own a 141 spidey, so i will wait for feedback from those who do.

    Also: IceIX, thanks for finally posting this. Any news on when cMags might be announced? He's the one I think everyone really wants to know about. We knew Spidey was going to lose his permastun - will cMags lose his 5-for-5?
    To be fair, lots of people weren't using him for those very reasons for months now
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    IceIX wrote:
    We're currently planning on putting these Live next week

    Which means soon after season 1 ends. The timing makes sense as it allows those who relied on it to not suddenly get hit but also so that they dont get an unfair jump on season 2.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    I feel this is probably a touch too much in the nerf direction for Spidey personally.
    I felt his purple was fine as it was.

    I never once heard someone say, purple's spidey is OP, it needs nerfed so bad.
    And his yellow would've already been hit with a massive nerf considering his blue got it's cost raised (when at max) by over double.

    Sure, I think he's still usable and may have his merits but I can't see anyone using him (at least in PvP) at all now, could be proven wrong however.
    I'll maybe give him a runaround in his new form but the numbers aren't looking pretty for me. He didn't do damage at it was and now he looks like he might become a deadweight in comparison to ever growing catalogue of 3*s.

    Hopefully the devs realise that for every major nerf they make, they don't feel like they have to nerf every ability as normally it's just one ability that's causing the character to be just that little bit broken.
  • I think the changes look pretty good. He seems like a pretty balanced character, situational rather than must-have, which was the whole point.
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    ZenBrillig wrote:
    I think the changes look pretty good. He seems like a pretty balanced character, situational rather than must-have, which was the whole point.

    Can I ask what situations those would be? icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Twysta wrote:
    ZenBrillig wrote:
    I think the changes look pretty good. He seems like a pretty balanced character, situational rather than must-have, which was the whole point.

    Can I ask what situations those would be? icon_mrgreen.gif

    I went to quote and say the same thing..lol.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Twysta wrote:
    I feel this is probably a touch too much in the nerf direction for Spidey personally.
    I felt his purple was fine as it was.

    I never once heard someone say, purple's spidey is OP, it needs nerfed so bad.
    And his yellow would've already been hit with a massive nerf considering his blue got it's cost raised (when at max) by over double.

    Sure, I think he's still usable and may have his merits but I can't see anyone using him (at least in PvP) at all now, could be proven wrong however.
    I'll maybe give him a runaround in his new form but the numbers aren't looking pretty for me. He didn't do damage at it was and now he looks like he might become a deadweight in comparison to ever growing catalogue of 3*s.

    Hopefully the devs realise that for every major nerf they make, they don't feel like they have to nerf every ability as normally it's just one ability that's causing the character to be just that little bit broken.
    Yeah, his purple is pretty much a non-issue now. by the time there are enough web tiles out to make them more than a minor annoyance, the stunlock probably already did messed with you more. As it is, they're already getting much worse because of the reduced number of webs, reducing the values on top of that was asinine.
  • ZenBrillig wrote:
    I think the changes look pretty good. He seems like a pretty balanced character, situational rather than must-have, which was the whole point.

    Only if that situation is prologue healing. With his new skills he's almost completely useless unless you have somehow got a spidey and pretty much nothing else in the way of 3* heroes. He does no damage... nothing.... zero and his control abilities are now weaker than heroes that do damage. Even OBW offers some strike tile synergy with espionage, spidey offers nothing at all. LITERALLY the best thing you could say about him now is that yellow is a somewhat rarely used color by 3* heroes but that's pretty much it.
  • if this is how they are nerfing spidey, i fear how they are gunna nerf cmags... icon_e_sad.gif
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    Twysta wrote:
    I feel this is probably a touch too much in the nerf direction for Spidey personally.
    I felt his purple was fine as it was.

    I never once heard someone say, purple's spidey is OP, it needs nerfed so bad.
    And his yellow would've already been hit with a massive nerf considering his blue got it's cost raised (when at max) by over double.

    Sure, I think he's still usable and may have his merits but I can't see anyone using him (at least in PvP) at all now, could be proven wrong however.
    I'll maybe give him a runaround in his new form but the numbers aren't looking pretty for me. He didn't do damage at it was and now he looks like he might become a deadweight in comparison to ever growing catalogue of 3*s.

    Hopefully the devs realise that for every major nerf they make, they don't feel like they have to nerf every ability as normally it's just one ability that's causing the character to be just that little bit broken.
    Yeah, his purple is pretty much a non-issue now. by the time there are enough web tiles out to make them more than a minor annoyance, the stunlock probably already did messed with you more. As it is, they're already getting much worse because of the reduced number of webs, reducing the values on top of that was asinine.

    It now costs 15 blue AP and one purple match to make a 54 strength defense tile @ 141.
    Too Easy wrote:
    if this is how they are nerfing spidey, i fear how they are gunna nerf cmags... icon_e_sad.gif

    Master of magnetism
    Shifts # number of blue and red tiles which veer wildly out of control stabbing all teammates (in the eye... and possible to the knee) doing 300 damage to teammates per match.

    But seriously, I hope they don't mess with his purple at all. I think it's fine as is.
  • IceIX
    IceIX ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 4,332 Site Admin
    Twysta wrote:
    It now costs 15 blue AP and one purple match to make a 54 strength defense tile @ 141.
    Err, 3 Web tiles on the board (15 Blue AP spent) would make a 210 strength Protect tile.
  • TheHueyFreeman
    TheHueyFreeman Posts: 472 Mover and Shaker
    His use pretty much becomes healing.

    Spidey was always going to be difficult to balance because he's not offensive at all. He's a defensive (in match, not pvp) specialist. His use will always be the fact that hes the only 3*** AoE medic. Otherwise... Cap does stun better and several ppl do defensive tiles better.