New Event - Places of Power *Updated (10/11/18)



  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    Shintok17 said:

    The mission structure is the same as any PVE, except now we only have to do optimal clears of 4 completions every 24hrs instead of 7. 
    I disagree. To me, "optimal" PvE clearing involves not just beating the nodes, but beating them in a specific order and at top speed. Fun comes a distant second to efficiency.

    The nodes in these daily locations can be beaten in any order (once unlocked), by any character combination, with animations turned on, with whatever healing or real-life breaks you want to take. That much, I think, has been a unanimous "awesome" vote.

    EDIT: And with this setup, I'd even be willing to take on a crazy-nigh-impossible node, since I have unlimited opportunities to experiment and strategize over 24 hours.

    In a couple of hours, I'm going to finish my last grind of the Howard PvE, where I use a specific team for most of the non-essential nodes, with animations turned off, because I have to be faster than the other fast players to get the bestest rewards. This is going to be a nice weekend change of pace.

    Now, we've definitely identified some areas to fix when we re-run this (scores that are tweaked for consistency and appropriate scaling to the difficulty level; some way to view total winnings across the event; and a change in storyline, so I don't feel survivor's guilt for sacrificing the Normal locations to invaders), but this is a welcome respite from "optimal."
    Let’s not throw unanimous votes around, without having done any study to it, i think...

    Off course, the rewards are awesome, but saying this is better than regular PvE, i have to disagree for sure. Ok, you can argue that the puzzle on how to approach it was fun to solve, although i would have like it a lot more with a couple more pieces. 
    After that, its basically a Gauntlet event without any time pressure (my favourite part of PvE, although i know not everyone shares that opinion). Without it, its seems rather pointless, especially with Thanos needing just a little sigh, no punch, no finger snapping, just a sigh, to blow everyone aside. Deadly doesnt really live up to its name imo. As many of us in cl9 are hoping for a cl10, this seems a step in the wrong direction..
    And when one node is done, the next just has the same old opponents. Ok, we got 3 days to go, so there is still hope, but my guess is that wont change much. With 5 years of characters, i really hoped to go up against all those 150-200 (not sure, dont want to count and point should be clear) characters we have in our roster. Ideally they would be picked for synergy, perhaps could have grabbed some date from most used teams? But random would have worked too..

    And i know many will say im insane for even throwing it out there, but perhaps a little roster based scaling, even as an option, would have been fun, just to have a little bit of a challenge..
  • Smart80
    Smart80 Posts: 748 Critical Contributor
    KGB said:
    bbigler said:
    I have just 1 last thing to say about this: my alliance is PVE focused and finishes t25 or t50, so we're pretty serious.  For this event, we all had the impression that optimal play was dividing ourselves among the subs, so when the event started, everyone did that.  By the time we realized that was a bad idea, it was too late.  So, because of the false impression we were given that we could obtain all alliance rewards if we divided ourselves properly, my strong alliance is now missing out on the best rewards. 
    Not sure we were ever given anything that said we could obtain all rewards for every sub. I read the posts by Brigby and Ice-X and they never said that an alliance could get every reward in every sub every day. Brigby simply said it was possible to complete both deadly nodes each day and get the 2 LT's (which it is).

    On the other hand it was clearly obvious to me that it was going to be impossible to get all the rewards for all the subs every day. That was simple math based on individual progression being only 40k over 4 days or roughly 10K a day. If you assume that per alliance that's roughly 200K a day and that comes no where close to the totals of all the individual subs.

    Thus when the event started I entered the deadly node 1st and did one full clear and saw that roughly 4X that total meant we'd need 10 people to get progression. Then I co-ordinated my alliance accordingly.  I presumed everyone else was doing the same based on the comments in this thread that suggested doing exactly that (esp since there is 24 hrs to complete it).

    Anyway at most you missed out on 2 LT's (but you got other rewards instead) because tomorrow you can all chose differently and finish both deadly nodes (though others have suggested the rewards might be better just completing 1 and the partly completing the 2 hard and the other deadly).


    KGB said:
    bbigler said:
    I have just 1 last thing to say about this: my alliance is PVE focused and finishes t25 or t50, so we're pretty serious.  For this event, we all had the impression that optimal play was dividing ourselves among the subs, so when the event started, everyone did that.  By the time we realized that was a bad idea, it was too late.  So, because of the false impression we were given that we could obtain all alliance rewards if we divided ourselves properly, my strong alliance is now missing out on the best rewards. 
    Not sure we were ever given anything that said we could obtain all rewards for every sub. I read the posts by Brigby and Ice-X and they never said that an alliance could get every reward in every sub every day. Brigby simply said it was possible to complete both deadly nodes each day and get the 2 LT's (which it is).

    On the other hand it was clearly obvious to me that it was going to be impossible to get all the rewards for all the subs every day. That was simple math based on individual progression being only 40k over 4 days or roughly 10K a day. If you assume that per alliance that's roughly 200K a day and that comes no where close to the totals of all the individual subs.

    Thus when the event started I entered the deadly node 1st and did one full clear and saw that roughly 4X that total meant we'd need 10 people to get progression. Then I co-ordinated my alliance accordingly.  I presumed everyone else was doing the same based on the comments in this thread that suggested doing exactly that (esp since there is 24 hrs to complete it).

    Anyway at most you missed out on 2 LT's (but you got other rewards instead) because tomorrow you can all chose differently and finish both deadly nodes (though others have suggested the rewards might be better just completing 1 and the partly completing the 2 hard and the other deadly).

    Here and on discord, an “official” shared in the suggestion to send in a player in each level to get the information to solve the puzzle. Im pretty sure that gives of the impression that would be an optimal solution. Off course now we know it isnt.

    Anyway, given the secrecy and learning from the past, we didnt listen to it and only sent in 1 scout to deadly and indeed it was quickly enough obvious, only deadly could be conquered on each side if all contributed. One little warning or tip to not spread too far. More than enough and nobody would be angry about it, if that had been clear form the get go, right?

    Anyway, of course there is always an illiterate Leroy Jenkins (or just Bob from now on in our alliance) around that just jumps in without thinking or reading or picking up his Line phone...

    ***** whats perfect strategy to maximize LT/cp with 19 top notch players and a Bob?******
  • CNash
    CNash Posts: 952 Critical Contributor
    Overall, I like this event. But if the emphasis is on communication with your alliance to get the best rewards we can, then please, please consider giving us better alliance management tools! The chat sucks - it's always sucked:
    • It's barely integrated with the system keyboard and doesn't support autocorrect, for example, making typing a lot slower.
    • It doesn't automatically update messages as other users type.
    • It's subject to the same time sync glitches that affect the rest of the game, especially when the app has been backgrounded for a long time (for example, overnight) - I've just seen messages from 10 hours ago ping up on my screen which weren't there when I sent my last message to the group 4 hours ago.
    I'm not expecting you to develop a chat client that's on a par with WhatsApp all by yourselves but some quality of life updates for the current chat are long overdue.

    And for this event in particular, while you can see how many people have entered each sub-event, you can't see who they are or what they're doing on the leaderboards. I've got two people in Greenwich with a score of ~8000; I can't see who's scored what, so that score could have come from one or both of them (as it's possible to enter a sub-event and then sit there doing nothing, scoring 0).

    Here's an idea: allow players to leave a sub-event if they've entered it and haven't fought anything yet. I know there are warnings at practically every stage about the difficulty of the enemies, but I can see that it might not "sink in" until later on. It might require some redesign, but I think that in the absence of a more usable in-game communication system, it will help matters. If a low-level roster enters a Deadly event, they're locked out of everything else and then that's the ball game until tomorrow.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,526 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2018
    do we know for sure that the points won't increase after you close out a lower tier node the way they increase in normal alliance events as you clear rounds? Like if a few people go in and close out the "normal" rung, are hard/deadly then worth more points?
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not in love with the event.  I hate having to depend on others for rewards.  I'm in a casual alliance and we have a bunch of people playing in the easy nodes or just not playing at all (or very little) so we of course spread what we do have going way too thin.  The elements for something really good is here, but this feels like punishment for those of us in casual alliances.

    Also, are the alliance rewards listed anywhere in game?  I can't find them or have any idea when playing what is coming up next.  I can understand players not getting excited when they don't know what they are play for.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    n25philly said:
    I'm not in love with the event.  I hate having to depend on others for rewards.  I'm in a casual alliance and we have a bunch of people playing in the easy nodes or just not playing at all (or very little) so we of course spread what we do have going way too thin.  The elements for something really good is here, but this feels like punishment for those of us in casual alliances.

    Also, are the alliance rewards listed anywhere in game?  I can't find them or have any idea when playing what is coming up next.  I can understand players not getting excited when they don't know what they are play for.
    You can only see alliance rewards for the node you choose (major flaw IMO).
    You see that by going to the event window generated by it and looking at rewards.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    broll said:
    n25philly said:
    I'm not in love with the event.  I hate having to depend on others for rewards.  I'm in a casual alliance and we have a bunch of people playing in the easy nodes or just not playing at all (or very little) so we of course spread what we do have going way too thin.  The elements for something really good is here, but this feels like punishment for those of us in casual alliances.

    Also, are the alliance rewards listed anywhere in game?  I can't find them or have any idea when playing what is coming up next.  I can understand players not getting excited when they don't know what they are play for.
    You can only see alliance rewards for the node you choose (major flaw IMO).
    You see that by going to the event window generated by it and looking at rewards.
    Is that only before entering?  I can only find progression rewards.  I don't mind only seeing for the node I'm in, but it would be nice to tell what I am working towards without coming here.
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    n25philly said:
    broll said:
    n25philly said:
    I'm not in love with the event.  I hate having to depend on others for rewards.  I'm in a casual alliance and we have a bunch of people playing in the easy nodes or just not playing at all (or very little) so we of course spread what we do have going way too thin.  The elements for something really good is here, but this feels like punishment for those of us in casual alliances.

    Also, are the alliance rewards listed anywhere in game?  I can't find them or have any idea when playing what is coming up next.  I can understand players not getting excited when they don't know what they are play for.
    You can only see alliance rewards for the node you choose (major flaw IMO).
    You see that by going to the event window generated by it and looking at rewards.
    Is that only before entering?  I can only find progression rewards.  I don't mind only seeing for the node I'm in, but it would be nice to tell what I am working towards without coming here.
    On the main page (where you choose between the 6 locations), the rewards button will show you the personal progression rewards for the whole event
    After you enter a location, (when you see the 12 nodes available to you), the rewards button will show the alliance progression rewards for that location
  • gentgeen
    gentgeen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I broke down some of the different options to see what rewards you can get by varying the number of people you send to each location.  If you want/have to pass on the LTs, you have options for more CP, HP, and other tokens.

    D/D/H/H ISO-8 Elite CP   HP   Annniv.Tokens Red ISO-8 Latest Legends
    10/10/0/0 15000 40  300  12600 
    10/7/3/0 19000  40  350  15300 
    10/4/6/0 16000  50  400  15300 
    7/7/6/0 19000  50  400  15300 
    4/4/6/6 17000  60  500  18000 

    looking at the 10/10/0/0 vs. 10/4/6/0 is interesting.  Everyone is going to have a different 'value' on the Latest Legends token, but for 1 less LL token,  you gain:
    • 1000 ISO-8
    • 1 elite token
    • 10 CP
    • 100 HP
    • 2 event/aniv token
    • 2700 Red ISO
    Seems to be to be a great trade off, more 'stuff' and a little easier on the players (so more enjoyable for weaker rosters).  But then again, I know others will disagree that it is worthy trade.

  • DyingLegend
    DyingLegend Posts: 1,211 Chairperson of the Boards
    I'm confused, I did the Deadly node and got less points than someone who did the same amount of nodes in the hard?

    Why? Deadly was tougher, took longer but less points? Doesn't make sense to me
  • gentgeen
    gentgeen Posts: 99 Match Maker
    I'm confused, I did the Deadly node and got less points than someone who did the same amount of nodes in the hard?

    Why? Deadly was tougher, took longer but less points? Doesn't make sense to me
    You are correct... "Why" is a really good question.  Why does "Normal" get you more points then Hard or Deadly? And why are there different values between a difficulty level?

    (D) Savage Land = 16,080 total  (15680 Sub-Chapter, and 400 for Parent Chapter Game)
    (D) Wakanda = 15,720  (15,320 + 400)

    (H) Kamar-Taj = 15,620 (15,320 + 300)
    (H) Sokovia = 15,560 (15,260 + 300)

    (N) Greenwich = 15,880 (15,680 + 200)
    (N) Kun-Lun = 15,880 (15,680 + 200)

  • Spudgutter
    Spudgutter Posts: 743 Critical Contributor
    n25philly said:
    I'm not in love with the event.  I hate having to depend on others for rewards.  I'm in a casual alliance and we have a bunch of people playing in the easy nodes or just not playing at all (or very little) so we of course spread what we do have going way too thin.  The elements for something really good is here, but this feels like punishment for those of us in casual alliances.

    Also, are the alliance rewards listed anywhere in game?  I can't find them or have any idea when playing what is coming up next.  I can understand players not getting excited when they don't know what they are play for.
    I agree with the fact that it is punishing casual alliances, but for different reasons.  

    First though, i disagree with your initial assesment.  It's an alliance event, so you are going to have to depend on others.  That's the nature of the beast for these events.  Plus, if you are on the forums, you have known the event is coming.  

    But to get back to where they did drop the ball, is that again, we have been conditioned to certain things for alliance events, things like how stronger rosters can help carry weaker ones. 

    It seems super counterintuitive to have an alliance event designed to break apart alliances so that stronger rosters can maintain top rewards, while simultaneously cutting out growing rosters from getting any rewards.
  • n25philly
    n25philly Posts: 426 Mover and Shaker
    n25philly said:
    I'm not in love with the event.  I hate having to depend on others for rewards.  I'm in a casual alliance and we have a bunch of people playing in the easy nodes or just not playing at all (or very little) so we of course spread what we do have going way too thin.  The elements for something really good is here, but this feels like punishment for those of us in casual alliances.

    Also, are the alliance rewards listed anywhere in game?  I can't find them or have any idea when playing what is coming up next.  I can understand players not getting excited when they don't know what they are play for.
    I agree with the fact that it is punishing casual alliances, but for different reasons.  

    First though, i disagree with your initial assesment.  It's an alliance event, so you are going to have to depend on others.  That's the nature of the beast for these events.  Plus, if you are on the forums, you have known the event is coming.  

    But to get back to where they did drop the ball, is that again, we have been conditioned to certain things for alliance events, things like how stronger rosters can help carry weaker ones. 

    It seems super counterintuitive to have an alliance event designed to break apart alliances so that stronger rosters can maintain top rewards, while simultaneously cutting out growing rosters from getting any rewards.
    See I disagree.  In a regular boss event I can get max progression and most of the alliance rewards even with some alliance members not showing up or not doing much.  I miss out on very little.  This event I feel like I am missing out on a lot because of the structure and how poorly everything is communicated.  Of my whole alliance I think I might be the only one that comes here.  No one had a clue what to do and those of us that actually did show up to play suffer because of it.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I agree with improving the in-game chat system and allowing us to see which alliance member entered a particular node.
  • BigND
    BigND Posts: 20 Just Dropped In
    So guys it seems that points are not multiplied by 1.33 as in regular pve? Am i right?
  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    BigND said:
    So guys it seems that points are not multiplied by 1.33 as in regular pve? Am i right?
    Correct - the locations all rotated to a new difficulty tier, but the points possible is still just of 15K each
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    BigND said:
    So guys it seems that points are not multiplied by 1.33 as in regular pve? Am i right?
    Correct - the locations all rotated to a new difficulty tier, but the points possible is still just of 15K each
    FWIW, Greenwich has the exact same points under "Hard" as it did for "Easy" (except the node needed to unlock it).  Presumably the others are the same regardless of the difficulty level selected during this rotation.
  • ZootSax
    ZootSax Posts: 1,819 Chairperson of the Boards
    One odd quirk of this event I just realized is that if you're the only player in your alliance who plays a given location, you're MUCH better off with the progression rewards from "Normal" than in "Hard" or "Deadly".  Considering the large difference in difficultly between these levels, that just seems odd...