Share Your Experience Of The New Hybrid PVP Here



  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    I jumped into Mystique and tried my usual strategy which is to jump in with like 5 hours left. I climbed to 900 in one push (20 wins exactly). Was never attacked. So I kept going and got 1K for the first time ever and shielded out. 

    For Deadpool I decided with the boss event meaning less to play I’d try for wins-based just for the heck of it. 

    1. Got 6 seeds to start
    2. Started with Loanerpool/ Stormneto and got tons of retals (mostly low level 3* champs). 
    3. I’m trying to keep all my level 266 3* champs but have actually been playing my freshly rechamped ones (levels probably in the 178-188 range) for the retal game.
    4. Loanerpool/ Boosted 2* Bullseye/ Level 179 GSBW was probably my favorite team I racked up wins with. 
    5. With this strategy I’m at 20 wins (same as above) but instead of 900 I just cracked 300, lol
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    I’m at 73 wins and kinda stuck.  Can’t get a matchup that’s even close to beatable.  Hoping for something reasonable that with some boosts I can take 2 out.  

    40 and getting the 4* is fine.  75 is insane.  I hope after review of first 2-3 pvps they drop it down a bit. 
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    I’m at 73 wins and kinda stuck.  Can’t get a matchup that’s even close to beatable.  Hoping for something reasonable that with some boosts I can take 2 out.  

    40 and getting the 4* is fine.  75 is insane.  I hope after review of first 2-3 pvps they drop it down a bit. 
    If you actually have to go for 75 wins to get progression, you may as well intentionally retreat to a few of those Qs to get to a lower score and an easier selection of Qs.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    Something fundamentally changed with my MMR between last season/off season and this new season. I had a full round of seed teams in simulator, which feels new, and I'm now queuing up soft-capped 5* teams almost exclusively right from the start. Since I'd been trying to see if I could get to 1200 in Pool Party (i could not, couldn't get passed 1060), all my usual suspects were dead and I was out of health. In Wasp's pvp, I was seeing boosted 4ocket, highly champed Wasp, 360+ Thano5 teams that would just kill my loaner and eat the rest of my team for lunch. Maybe it's just the delta between a loaner wasp and a boosted champed wasp, or who is boosted (i have all but XFW and W4sp on the boost list above lvl 280 base), but that shouldn't affect my simulator matches I dont' think.

  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    Daiches said:
    I’m at 73 wins and kinda stuck.  Can’t get a matchup that’s even close to beatable.  Hoping for something reasonable that with some boosts I can take 2 out.  

    40 and getting the 4* is fine.  75 is insane.  I hope after review of first 2-3 pvps they drop it down a bit. 
    If you actually have to go for 75 wins to get progression, you may as well intentionally retreat to a few of those Qs to get to a lower score and an easier selection of Qs.
    Did that earlier on the way to 40 wins.  Won/lost awhile.  Then went on a nice run and got north of 800 points and really didn't want to FALL a 9th time :)

    I was able to pull it off.  The 15 CP is nice, don't get me wrong, but I can't see myself doing this that often.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    I did get 75 wins in Deadpool and T200.
    2 for 2
    Assuming this first season match goes the same way I'm set on my course.
    Daiches said:
    I’m at 73 wins and kinda stuck.  Can’t get a matchup that’s even close to beatable.  Hoping for something reasonable that with some boosts I can take 2 out.  

    40 and getting the 4* is fine.  75 is insane.  I hope after review of first 2-3 pvps they drop it down a bit. 
    If you actually have to go for 75 wins to get progression, you may as well intentionally retreat to a few of those Qs to get to a lower score and an easier selection of Qs.
    Brilliant!  I can't believe I didn't think of this.  Intentional losses to drop health in Low Life DD & Half-Life Thor + Points drop = Win Profit!
  • Daredevil217
    Daredevil217 Posts: 3,939 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    Well... I did it fam. 40 wins all off retals!  Even though I got 900 in 20 last time it was fun just to see if I could do it. question is if I do another 35. If so I’ll likely up my team to boosted Iron Spider/Miles which will mean no more easy teams sadly. 

    Here’s the complete list of characters I used to climb to 40. Their levels are in parentheses.... oh and I have max champed versions of all these characters sans Switch who is 263:

    2* Magneto (144)

    2* Storm (144)

    2* Captain Marvel (198) boosted

    2* Bullseye (212) boosted

    3* Scarlet Witch (40- fully covered)

    3* Daken (169)

    3* Luke Cage (170)

    3* Black Panther (171)

    3* Daredevil (172)

    3* Rocket & Groot (177)

    3* Black Widow (179)

    3* Magneto (183)

    3* Wolverine (187)

    3* Captain America (191)


  • Agent262
    Agent262 Posts: 17 Just Dropped In
    Has anyone else noticed that the new pvp's with 4* required are a LOT harder than previously?  I don't know if it's because more people are playing due to the new system, or if it's just you are going against 3 4*s instead of a (probably) lame 3* and 2 4's.  Or maybe it's just boosted Medusa sucks to go against.  I was originally excited to grab that 4* progression reward without worrying about losses, but it seems that so far the effort required is prettu daunting right from the start.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    the delta between loaner 4*s and boosted champs is a wide one; if you don't have a good team for it, you're in for a hard road. I figured out that my 283 G4mora + boosted 4ocket and loaner W4sp are a workable team in Winsome, Lose Some, but i'm not really sure what happened to my MMR in simulator.
  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    Agent262 said:
    Has anyone else noticed that the new pvp's with 4* required are a LOT harder than previously?  I don't know if it's because more people are playing due to the new system, or if it's just you are going against 3 4*s instead of a (probably) lame 3* and 2 4's.  Or maybe it's just boosted Medusa sucks to go against.  I was originally excited to grab that 4* progression reward without worrying about losses, but it seems that so far the effort required is prettu daunting right from the start.
    4star PVP are generally worse for newer players to compete in since the difference between loaner and champed 4star is so vast. And it's bad for low Champ 4s as well, because again difference between a Max Champ 4/270 4 is much bigger than the difference between a Max champ3/166 3 in power. And there will be a lot of high level Wasps since she was a vaulted character AND a great partner for CM4.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    edited June 2018
    So in both Mistique and Deadpool's PvP, I did 19 wins each and took out:

    2 vault tokens
    2 2* covers
    8 elite tokens
    100 HP
    20 CP
    9000 ISO

    more than I would normally. I got as high as about 450 points in each (normally not high enough for the CP) so I"m happy for this change.

    Daiches said:
    And there will be a lot of high level Wasps since she was a vaulted character AND a great partner for CM4.
    I did notice this difference between DP4 and Wasp4 PvPs.

  • Yuudachi
    Yuudachi Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    I wish they had made the overall season rewards X wins or Y pts rather than just Y points given the single pvp events are X wins or Y pts. They had one pvp seasons where it was X wins, not sure why that was not the case this time around. 

  • KGB
    KGB Posts: 3,189 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    Didn't do Mystique's because I didn't want to spend the effort for a Rulk champ reward. But I did do Deadpools because I needed his purple to get him to 5 purple covers.

    Went up to 800 last night at 21 wins. At that point all my matches were mirror ones (champed Medusa/Gamora/Blade combos with champed Deadpool) in the 370-390 range. Went to bed and woke up knocked back to 650 range this evening. 9 more much easier battles and I reached 900 and shielded out in 4th place (currently 7th) in CL 7 slice 5.

    2nd time I've gotten the 4* reward (first was the original PvP test way back when) though normally I just play to 650ish for the CP + RISO and call it a day so it's not like I was pushing it and was unable to reach 900 due to being knocked down (though that would surely have been happening).

    30 wins for a 4* cover that I need is definitely something I'll be doing more of. Not sure if I'll do the extra effort for champ rewards (probably stick to the 600ish level) unless corresponding PvE is an easy non-time consuming event (Boss or ones with no Mindless/symbiotes).

    Overall a thumbs up from me and a win for Demi as I've been enticed to play more PvP

  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    I can really use the extra CP right now, so I'm going for 75 in Winsome, Lose Some. Hitting 40 wins was pretty easy, but getting from there to 50 has started bogging down a bit. It's definitely going to be a slog to 75. On the other hand, there's no skip tax, since I can just go in with the Loaner and a couple of chumps and retreat without worrying about it affecting my Progression.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    Reading some of these comments are very interesting.  
    What I like is it seems more people are playing PVP, but these 2 events were in the off season so some people do not play as hard.  I am wondering if people will still play the same on event 10 of the season.  

    I have seen some comments from people saying they will will not sheild again and this will save them HP. I would guess, since this was some of the feedback we got from the last time they did this, Demi/D3 would not like this.  If player engagement is up, that’s good, but if they are not using more HP on shields or health packs I don’t think that would be a positive.  The goal is to have players use HP so they have to buy HP.  So we will see in this.  

    I really like that people are playing more pvp and that’s a great thing. We will see through out this season how things go.  
  • Phumade
    Phumade Posts: 2,495 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yuudachi said:
    I wish they had made the overall season rewards X wins or Y pts rather than just Y points given the single pvp events are X wins or Y pts. They had one pvp seasons where it was X wins, not sure why that was not the case this time around. 

    Maybe your confusing shield sim with season rewards, but I don't remember a season where season prizes were given out based on wins. In the past they have changed shield sim rewards to be wins based.
  • TPF Alexis
    TPF Alexis Posts: 3,826 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hit 75 wins this morning with plenty of time left. Wasn't actually as much of a slog as I thought, mostly because there were so many Strike tiles around that matches went really fast, unlike, say, the Iceman or C&D events.

    Used mostly Coulson/C4rol, switching to Grocket/Medusa to take on other teams with Grocket. The first worked really nicely because the strongest colour for most teams in this event is yellow, unless someone had HoboFist or Grocket leveled up way past their Wasp. The other, Grocket was mostly there just so Medusa could use their Strikes for healing so I'd have time to establish board control. The extra damage certainly helped, but they could have all been strength 1 and still served 90% of their purpose.

    As I said, it wasn't as much of a slog as I expected, but it was still a pretty solid time investment. It was cool hitting full progression for the first time, but I doubt I'll bother doing it regularly.

    By way of comparison with Points, I bounced off of 900 at one point, but around then I started getting hit by dual champ 5* teams. I was also floating somewhere around 600-700, rather than the usual ~400.
  • sirwookieechris
    sirwookieechris Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    Reading some of these comments are very interesting.  
    What I like is it seems more people are playing PVP, but these 2 events were in the off season so some people do not play as hard.  I am wondering if people will still play the same on event 10 of the season.  

    I have seen some comments from people saying they will will not sheild again and this will save them HP. I would guess, since this was some of the feedback we got from the last time they did this, Demi/D3 would not like this.  If player engagement is up, that’s good, but if they are not using more HP on shields or health packs I don’t think that would be a positive.  The goal is to have players use HP so they have to buy HP.  So we will see in this.  

    I really like that people are playing more pvp and that’s a great thing. We will see through out this season how things go.  
    Apparently the biggest use of hp is actually roster slots and comic store purchases.

    Taking that into consideration, the change to latest 12 4* and making the 4* reward easier to access makes sense. The wider assortment of 4* a player has, the more roster slots he needs.
  • Wumpushunter
    Wumpushunter Posts: 627 Critical Contributor
    It's slightly better then I thought it would be but 75 wins in 2.5 days where you are probably sleeping or working at least a part of that time. Cut the 75 down to something reasonable like 60 or even 55.
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    I was doing really well until I got to Trial by Combat - I never actually hit 900 but got as high as 875 with my 40 wins (and quite a few losses). She Hulk really seems to work great on defense, and sort of just...not work great on offense. But it's cool, got that blue Riri in the bank for my 6/1/5 and I'm on my way. thanks, win based option!