Share Your Experience Of The New Hybrid PVP Here

HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
edited July 2018 in MPQ General Discussion
The new hybrid PvP married both the point system and the win system to make at least 90% of the players happy. This largely benefits players who are not happy getting kicked down the progression rewards ladder. However, some players think that 40 or 75 wins is too many.

Edited (3rd July):
More than a week has passed by since the birth of hybrid PvP system. Besides sharing your experience, add in your thoughts about how the new hybrid PvP could be improved.

I think 75 wins is too many. The highest number of wins I got was 55 wins. 60 would be nice. Throwing extra Iso-8 between 50 wins to 75 wins could be a good morale boost. I have stopped using shield as well for the past 3 PvPs. 40 wins is my top goal that I set for myself from now on.

Edited (25th June): 

Share your experience regardless of whether you are using point-based or win-based system to get the progression rewards.

Some questions to jumpstart your sharing mode:

Did you change your climbing strategies?
Are you starting PvP earlier than usual?
Did you decide to stop using shield?
How are you going to achieve 40 or 75 wins?
What are the highest reward level you going to achieve?

Previously, in the point-based only system, my strategy was to look for the highest scoring team. I payed a lot of skip tax to look for the highest scoring team and I played during the last 6 to 8 hours before the PvP ends. My target was 725 points because I don't have a lot of Hero Points to use for Shield Hopping.

In this hybrid system, I simply hit teams that I can handle, regardless of how many points they give me. I paid lesser skip tax.

My strategy is to divide and conquer: 17 to 25 wins in a 12 hours timeframe. That works out to about 2 match per hour.

When I was at 1X wins, my phone crashed after winning the round. I'm not sure if It's due to my phone or due the game. It was lagging for a few instances when I was playing in thr hybrid system, which I didn't experience in the point-based only system.


  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    Just out of interest, have you started playing when they tested the win based system and when they implemented it for one season? 
    They did.  This forum name isn’t their IGN. 
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2018
    The win screens are all sorts of wonky.  Up to win 22, the win screen looked like old win-based pvp.

    Then win 23 switched back to points-based pvp win screen,

    very....  odd.

    Win 24 back to win-based.
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    Currently at 584 points, 13 wins.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    @ OJSP i didn't try the previous win-based system. You made a very good point about players getting targeted after posting their experience. My intention was to let players share their experience so they can see how they fare against other players with similar rosters. It didn't cross my mind that other players might use these info to target other players. So, I'm going to edit the topic and shift the direction of the post.
  • Dotproduct
    Dotproduct Posts: 217 Tile Toppler
    8 wins, 269 points and two tokens I would have never even gotten on the old system. 
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    I wasn't 5* last time they did wins, I am this time.  It makes it a little more challenging to hit progression on wins alone (especially with the raise to 75, 40 would be pretty easy).

    Currently at 406 | 40 wins
    My strat has been.
    1.  Join as early as possible.
    2.  Climb as high as I can with normal strong 5* teams, but worry more about easy wins than point values.
    3.  Hit float point (750-850 for me).
    4.  Find an easy team to beat and put out a drop grill.
    5.  Let health packs regen while retals build up and points drop back down.
    6.  Re-climb on easy retals and easy wins.
    7.  Rinse and repeat 2-6 until 75 wins is reached.

    I've hit 40 wins on 2 cycles, 75 will probably take 3-4 cycles of above, but 0 HP wasted on shields which is my primary goal right now.

    IMO this system is good.  However there is one thing they could do to really improve it.  Instead of having wins be the progression score, make the progression score be points based, but don't subtract losses.  This way 5* teams wouldn't have to do more work to get their progression score to max and it would be worth while hitting high value targets vs clubbing seals.  
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,102 Chairperson of the Boards

    My experience so far:

    Terrible boost week for me means that I have a champed 4* Medusa standing alone against Medusa/Gamora/Blade/MEH Hulk/Shuri teams. The boosted 3* list doesn’t really give Medusa any decent partners to play off either, so she is literally just there as a counter to enemy Medusa’s.

    Joined Identity Theft yesterday hoping to get some seed teams only to be met by Champed Gamora/Blade/Medusa/Meh Hulk teams straight off the bat, not even one boosted 3* team in sight. No Shuri so far though!

    Haven’t yet played a match!

    If things remain the same when I refresh my queues later on, then this will be one horrible grindy slog to 40 wins and as the RULK cover is only going straight into saved, I’m not sure I’ll bother. So, looks like I will have to play the points based game this time around unless my MMR starts being a bit nicer and see where that takes me, as no way am I getting 40 wins.

  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    It's going great actually. Less retals than the old system, which is unexpected. I usually climb high as I can and go to sleep. When I wake up on the old system I would have lost 150+ points, but with this system I only lost 58 points. I don't use shields anyway, so that has not changed. I did notice that less people at the top of the leader boards are using shields. It could be because it is the off season and not the new system. So far I love it.
  • DFiPL
    DFiPL Posts: 2,405 Chairperson of the Boards
    I hit the 10 CP at around 450 points. Even ignoring the 'you can get the 4* cover again now' bit - which is really why wins-based matters to me - this is an improvement in my eyes.
  • HoundofShadow
    HoundofShadow Posts: 8,004 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have hit my 40 wins by doing a burst of 3 to 10 match per sitting. Is it tedious? As of now, I don't feel that it's a grind. It could be due to my breaking up of the 40 wins into small chunks. A small chunks here and there adds up to 40 wins.

    Since I didn't use shield, I was hit multiple time, causing my points to fall dramatically. This actually made my climb easier because I can hit those manageable retaliation nodes, rather than skipping teams ~60 to 100 levels higher than mine.

    A side effect was that I was fighting teams that I usually skip because I've nothing to lose because my progression win is locked, compared to point based system. 
  • randomhero1090
    randomhero1090 Posts: 396 Mover and Shaker
    So I am a very early on in 4* tier (2 champs).  Highest level cover is 271 not boosted.  However, my Strang3 is 226.

    Early on saw lots of loaner Mystiques teams.  Ripped 20 wins pretty quick.  Put some clunker teams out there and got knocked down a bit.

    However, once I got over 30 wins, I was still outside of the top 100 points wise but facing some really high level teams.  I was getting matched up based on wins, not points.  I've played enough PVP now to know when I will start seeing the top talent of the slice.

    So basically a bit dissapointed in the matchmaking honestly.  I thought i'd be able to hop/fall/grind my way to 75 wins.  Got to 40 and happy, but 75 is a huge stretch.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    broll said:
    I wasn't 5* last time they did wins, I am this time.  It makes it a little more challenging to hit progression on wins alone (especially with the raise to 75, 40 would be pretty easy).

    Currently at 406 | 40 wins
    My strat has been.
    1.  Join as early as possible.
    2.  Climb as high as I can with normal strong 5* teams, but worry more about easy wins than point values.
    3.  Hit float point (750-850 for me).
    4.  Find an easy team to beat and put out a drop grill.
    5.  Let health packs regen while retals build up and points drop back down.
    6.  Re-climb on easy retals and easy wins.
    7.  Rinse and repeat 2-6 until 75 wins is reached.

    I've hit 40 wins on 2 cycles, 75 will probably take 3-4 cycles of above, but 0 HP wasted on shields which is my primary goal right now.

    IMO this system is good.  However there is one thing they could do to really improve it.  Instead of having wins be the progression score, make the progression score be points based, but don't subtract losses.  This way 5* teams wouldn't have to do more work to get their progression score to max and it would be worth while hitting high value targets vs clubbing seals.  
    After the 3rd cycle I'm siting at 863 | 54 wins

    3rd cycle got a little messed up because the game apparently dropped all but 3 retals, I think it might have been caused by an app restart I did.  Also had a time crunch and stopped when I still had health packs.

    So far it doesn't look like 75 wins will be too hard.  It's a little more work as a 5* roster, but it's IMO more fun.  I'm picking teams I want to play as.  I'm trying out new team combos.  I'm skipping all Gambits and only using mine to face BB without Gambit.

    I did an analysis on what I would loose in this. I exclusively do SCL9 in PvP so all numbers are based on that. Generally I get T25, rare occasions T50 today.  For this I'll go with T25 since I get that more often and that's the best reward I regularly got.  I'm estimating I'll get T200 so that's what I'm going to compare with.

    T25 T200
    3 3* Covers 1 2*
    3 ETs 3 ETs
    1 HT 0 HTs
    3500 ISO 2750 ISP
    50 HP 0 HP
    80 RISO 60 RISO

    So I'll be losing 750 ISO, 50 HP, 20 IRSO, and 3 3* covers (because 7 out of 10 times the HT will be a 2*).  However that's not true because I'll actually be net positive on both ISO and HP because:
    - Lose less ISO from way less skipping looking for grills.
    - Gain more ISO from more total wins (and more bonus from picking teams without skipping).
    - Loose a lot less HP from not shield.

    So after that the change is ISO positive, HP positive, -20 RISO (big whoop) and the only thing I'm really losing that's worth caring about is the 3 3*s per.  Which seems like a worthwhile trade off to me especially since if I'm HP positive enough I'll be able to spend more HP on packs, vaults, H4H, etc and make up that difference also.

  • Khanwulf
    Khanwulf Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    Shintok17 said:
    It's going great actually. Less retals than the old system, which is unexpected. I usually climb high as I can and go to sleep. When I wake up on the old system I would have lost 150+ points, but with this system I only lost 58 points. I don't use shields anyway, so that has not changed. I did notice that less people at the top of the leader boards are using shields. It could be because it is the off season and not the new system. So far I love it.
    One of the things that seemed to be happening during previous tests was that the larger pool of targets diluted hits. Even retals tended to get waived more in search of easier targets.

    Am greatly excited to try the system!

  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    42 wins, maxed out below 800 pts, so yeah, it's working out for me so far.
    Downside:  I am pretty limited in my options with gambit, thor, and g.r. as my only champed 5*'s, and have only snagged a couple wins with 4*'s in my lineup.  Health packs are a major concern but manageable.
    I definitely do not see myself aiming for 75 every event.
  • Projectus2501
    Projectus2501 Posts: 218 Tile Toppler
    40 and, worst, 75 wins is too much. It takes to much time to do it. Not worth it. Sorry
  • ThaRoadWarrior
    ThaRoadWarrior Posts: 9,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    I played this one just like I'd play any other one, with the goal of seeing how the win count mapped to the point score. This was a particularly good batch of boosted characters for me, since I have all but Bl4de champed from the boost list. I was at best 1 match ahead for the first 3-4 progression levels, but once i got to 400pts I really got out in front of the win-counts. I was able to get to 900 by queing up 36+pt teams in a total of 21 wins, with just a few losses that were largely my fault for being stingy with health packs and not healing up between fights. I did get hit once or twice, but it wasn't very significant.

    One interesting item I noticed was that my lvl 283 G4mora is letting me que up soft-capped 5* teams now (lvl 360 or so) that aren't coming in from retaliations, whereas before I only ever got matched with 4* teams until i started getting fed to the 5* players around 700pts.
  • Shintok17
    Shintok17 Posts: 620 Critical Contributor
    So far 937 Points in 28 Wins. Noticed not that many people attack me now when I reach Top 20 or better. The same goes for reaching 700+ points. Usually I have to claw and scratch my way to 900 points since I'm constantly losing points while I'm gaining them. Having Boosted 4* Gamora & 4* ME Hulk Champed also could be the reason people are not attacking me as much. Usually I only have one of my 4* Champs Boosted. Loving the new system.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    There seem to be way more points in the system in this event. I hit 1000 points in just over 40 wins (I joined when the event started so I got 10 wins from seed teams). Usually by this time in the event I'm at about 400 points with very few targets worth more than 25 points (except ones with level 500 5*'s).

    I'm very curious to see how far I get beaten down tonight and whether there are enough good targets out there tomorrow to try to make a run at 1200 (which I've never gotten before).
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    OJSP said:
    rixmith said:
    I'm very curious to see how far I get beaten down tonight and whether there are enough good targets out there tomorrow to try to make a run at 1200 (which I've never gotten before).
    Aw.. I just found your node and I was going to keep it for my hop later :lol: 
    You s2 people are funny.