Share Your Experience Of The New Hybrid PVP Here



  • Blindman13
    Blindman13 Posts: 504 Critical Contributor
    edited June 2018
    DAZ0273 said:

    My experience so far:

    Joined Identity Theft yesterday hoping to get some seed teams only to be met by Champed Gamora/Blade/Medusa/Meh Hulk teams straight off the bat, not even one boosted 3* team in sight. No Shuri so far though!

    I had a similar start.  After 3 seed teams almost everyone had some combination of champed Medusa/G4mora/Bl4de. I have all three champed too, so I wasn't surprised, just not thrilled about trying to slog through a whole bunch of those types of fights.  After a few skips though, I was able to get dual champed 3*s and some people running two baby 5*s.  

    I don't typically play much Versus, but wins-based rewards do draw me in.  In the last season I played 1 match in SIM and 1 in the Valkyrie PvP just to get basic participation awards. I'm already up to 10 wins in the Mystique event, and i expect to go much farther time permitting.
  • charmbots
    charmbots Posts: 87 Match Maker
    edited June 2018
    I’m at 50 wins right now, the highest my score got to so far was around 850. I started a lot earlier than normal, partly due to having played an earlier slice in the Fri-Sun pvp, and partly due to wanting to see what it would take to hit 75 wins. My strategy now is the same as it was with the strictly win based system: rack up wins against the easiest teams I can que and stop 8-10 wins short of final prog. At under 8hrs left in the event I focus on the highest point matches and climb untilI start getting hit or the points dry up, then shield out. 75 wins is probably not doable every event for me, but the wins come a lot quicker with a single champed 5* than they did with 4*s, and hopefully this change will open up the points a bit more for me so I can stick with points. All in all this is a really good change.

    Edit: 75 wins at 1109 points (highest ever I think). No point in shielding as I can climb to 900+ points tomorrow and place the same, saving 300 hp. 
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    OJSP said:
    rixmith said:
    I'm very curious to see how far I get beaten down tonight and whether there are enough good targets out there tomorrow to try to make a run at 1200 (which I've never gotten before).
    Aw.. I just found your node and I was going to keep it for my hop later :lol: 
    Better jump on it fast! Already down to 800 and falling like a rock!
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    ~55 wins. Once I hit 900, the alliance in my slice turned their attention on me and I ended up at 812 and shielded. Now that I can reach the 15 CPs, I couldn't care less where I end up. I know I'll be somewhere in the t50, and that's good enough for me. So, I'm going to wait for my healthpacks to regenerate, grab another 20 wins, and shield wherever I end up. 
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only thing to remember that this is the offseason and a lot of people don't play hard or start until later.  Once the season starts it will be interesting to see what happens. 
  • Sim Mayor
    Sim Mayor Posts: 309 Mover and Shaker
    I'm pretty happy so far. I benefited greatly from the last wins-based season (started with 2 champed 4*s, ended with several more). I actually didn't even need to rely on wins to grab the 4*; I had some spare time in front of the tv, so I did the 900 points in 23 matches. That being said, it was nice knowing that I had those 23 wins "banked" so that if I didn't get the cover, I could finish the push on the bus this morning.

    Am I gonna try for 1200 or 75 wins for the CP prize? Nah. But it's nice to know that I have the option of going after a 4* cover that I might not have gotten before, especially when someone I actually care about comes up as a prize (sorry Rhulk, you were one of the 2 I mentioned above).
  • Tensuun
    Tensuun Posts: 99 Match Maker
    > Did you change your climbing strategies?

    Sort of. I prejoined Identity Theft whereas normally I would've waited until 23h59m were left on the clock. I didn't actually get a chance to start playing until ~6 hours into my slice, but I did when I could.

    Otherwise, my PVP activity is pretty much the same; I play on my phone when I have time for a quick break, and try to hit nodes that are beatable and are worth 30 points or more.

    > Are you starting PvP earlier than usual?

    Yes; see above.

    > Did you decide to stop using shield?

    I decided to start! Well, I've used shields in the past, and I don't intend to do it for this event, but when the next season starts I'm planning to shield near the end of each event. Normally, when a PVP event was starting to wind down, I don't really have enough points for it to be worth carrying anything over. and if I try to keep playing so I can build up more points, I lose them just as fast.

    So far, under the current system, the equilibrium (where I stop being able to gain points as fast as I lose them) seems much higher (though see above – I'm also joining earlier, which is a potential confounder, although I will say that I used to join early and stopped mainly because it didn't seem to be making a difference in final point totals).

    > How are you going to achieve 40 or 75 wins?

    I might not! So far, I've unlocked most of my progression rewards by just earning the right number of points for it, though typically only 1-2 battles away from unlocking via the wins target. I currently have about 28 wins in Identity Theft, and I'm oscillating between 700 and 800 points. There is still about a day left, so if I concentrate on PVP for a bit some time in the next day, I'll probably either get enough points or enough wins to grab that Rulk cover. Either way, it'll be the second time ever that I anticipate earning a 4* cover from PVP.

    > What are the highest reward level you going to achieve?

    I very much want to earn that Red Hulk cover, as mine was 5/0/1 for a very long time and recently is 5/1/3 after some lucky pulls and a PVE progression reward.
  • Kjeldbjerg
    Kjeldbjerg Posts: 117 Tile Toppler
    900pts, 25 wins. Never go beyond 900, win based wont change that.
    Probably done with event, put up a shield out of habit.
  • Ares76
    Ares76 Posts: 227 Tile Toppler
    Very good boost  week for me with 4 champed 4-stars (Blade, Medusa, Shuri and Gamora). I joined this PvP as soon as it started. I planned to grind the 4-star-reward with 40 victories because I thought it would take very long against other Gamora/Blade and Medusa teams. But with more than 24 hours left I reached 913 points after only 32 wins. That's it for me. I will never reach 1200 points with my roster and 75 wins is just insane. So I am still undecided if this hybrid system will be much better for me. Perhaps if I haven't any 4-star-champions I will profit.
  • MoosePrime
    MoosePrime Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    I got to 40 wins last night with 716 points.  Now I'm down to 331.
  • BigSoftieFF
    BigSoftieFF Posts: 454 Mover and Shaker
    25 wins, 912 points and I’m out.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited June 2018
    broll said:
    broll said:
    I wasn't 5* last time they did wins, I am this time.  It makes it a little more challenging to hit progression on wins alone (especially with the raise to 75, 40 would be pretty easy).

    Currently at 406 | 40 wins
    My strat has been.
    1.  Join as early as possible.
    2.  Climb as high as I can with normal strong 5* teams, but worry more about easy wins than point values.
    3.  Hit float point (750-850 for me).
    4.  Find an easy team to beat and put out a drop grill.
    5.  Let health packs regen while retals build up and points drop back down.
    6.  Re-climb on easy retals and easy wins.
    7.  Rinse and repeat 2-6 until 75 wins is reached.

    I've hit 40 wins on 2 cycles, 75 will probably take 3-4 cycles of above, but 0 HP wasted on shields which is my primary goal right now.

    IMO this system is good.  However there is one thing they could do to really improve it.  Instead of having wins be the progression score, make the progression score be points based, but don't subtract losses.  This way 5* teams wouldn't have to do more work to get their progression score to max and it would be worth while hitting high value targets vs clubbing seals.  
    After the 3rd cycle I'm siting at 863 | 54 wins

    3rd cycle got a little messed up because the game apparently dropped all but 3 retals, I think it might have been caused by an app restart I did.  Also had a time crunch and stopped when I still had health packs.

    So far it doesn't look like 75 wins will be too hard.  It's a little more work as a 5* roster, but it's IMO more fun.  I'm picking teams I want to play as.  I'm trying out new team combos.  I'm skipping all Gambits and only using mine to face BB without Gambit.

    I did an analysis on what I would loose in this. I exclusively do SCL9 in PvP so all numbers are based on that. Generally I get T25, rare occasions T50 today.  For this I'll go with T25 since I get that more often and that's the best reward I regularly got.  I'm estimating I'll get T200 so that's what I'm going to compare with.

    T25 T200
    3 3* Covers 1 2*
    3 ETs 3 ETs
    1 HT 0 HTs
    3500 ISO 2750 ISP
    50 HP 0 HP
    80 RISO 60 RISO

    So I'll be losing 750 ISO, 50 HP, 20 IRSO, and 3 3* covers (because 7 out of 10 times the HT will be a 2*).  However that's not true because I'll actually be net positive on both ISO and HP because:
    - Lose less ISO from way less skipping looking for grills.
    - Gain more ISO from more total wins (and more bonus from picking teams without skipping).
    - Loose a lot less HP from not shield.

    So after that the change is ISO positive, HP positive, -20 RISO (big whoop) and the only thing I'm really losing that's worth caring about is the 3 3*s per.  Which seems like a worthwhile trade off to me especially since if I'm HP positive enough I'll be able to spend more HP on packs, vaults, H4H, etc and make up that difference also.

  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    75 wins, shielded at 797

    On the one hand, I feel like I deserve a better score for that much work. On the other hand, it was way less stressful not caring about the retals. I got hit a million times and couldn't possibly care any less. Good for them. Good for me. It might get old event after event, but so far I'm happy.
  • AlexR
    AlexR Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    Experience so far: I did what I did under the previous win-test, and joined right away. (As opposed to usual, where I join in the last few hours, climb to 575 pts and call it a day.)

    I didn't even try for points this time, just tried to maximise my wins to get the green RHulk. I got there surprisingly quickly. Got 9 seed teams to start with, which was nice. Beat the seeds with a retal-bait team. From there, I climbed on 3* retals up to 26 wins, trying to respond with 3* teams as well so those could actually hit me back again if they wanted to, for more 3* retals. After that, I whipped out my 4*s for the last climb to 40. Yay variety! When I reached 40, I ended up at 600-something points.

    I like it a lot. I love having the choice-- if I don't have the time or the 4* on offer doesn't interest me, then I can just stick to the 575 cp. Or I can get myself that 4* through wins. Works for me!
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    This has gone very differently for me than the last run of Win Based PVP. In those tests it was horribly painful to grind up to the 40 win level. And yet here I just hit 75 wins and it felt pretty easy. And there is still more than 24 hours to go in the event.

    It looks like the last test was run in October, which was before I had any good 5*s. This time I broke through MMR pretty early and had lots of 4* teams in my queue. Thor/Gambit versus level 400 4* matches go really fast. I was even happy to take on 4 point matches versus level 250 teams just to get the win.

    There's no way I would have made it to 75 if I had to fight my normal level 450+ 5* opponents the whole way. But if the MMR stays this way I feel like I could have a chance at the 15 CP in each event.

    I'm interested to look at the scores tomorrow to see if there is any reason to try to climb and shield for placement rewards, or if I'll just be happy to have the extra CP and hang onto the HP.
  • iron-n-wine
    iron-n-wine Posts: 495 Mover and Shaker
    really wanted that green cover for my 5/4/2 Rhulk, especially with his clash coming up next - got it in 23 wins, using blade and medusa
  • granne
    granne Posts: 852 Critical Contributor
    28 wins, 1200 points, and probably done with the event because off-season is a nice break.

    I pretty much climbed as I normally would, with the exception of being annoyed that I got 10 seed teams, where that would normally have been a good thing.

    I did get to hit a 3*/4* team or two once I broke MMR, with no guilt, so that was nice.

    Queues seemed fairly cluttered with people floating, but that's common for off-season, so it'll be interesting to see if it's the same once the season starts.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    1241, 22 wins.

    Thank god it's either/or.

    I think I'd kill myself if I had to grind out another 53 wins.
  • Krongle
    Krongle Posts: 73 Match Maker
    28 wins and hovering around 400-500 points. Definitely helpful for someone like me who has a shallow pool of 4* champs. 
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 10,102 Chairperson of the Boards
    DAZ0273 said:

    My experience so far:

    Joined Identity Theft yesterday hoping to get some seed teams only to be met by Champed Gamora/Blade/Medusa/Meh Hulk teams straight off the bat, not even one boosted 3* team in sight. No Shuri so far though!

    I had a similar start.  After 3 seed teams almost everyone had some combination of champed Medusa/G4mora/Bl4de. I have all three champed too, so I wasn't surprised, just not thrilled about trying to slog through a whole bunch of those types of fights.  After a few skips though, I was able to get dual champed 3*s and some people running two baby 5*s.  

    I don't typically play much Versus, but wins-based rewards do draw me in.  In the last season I played 1 match in SIM and 1 in the Valkyrie PvP just to get basic participation awards. I'm already up to 10 wins in the Mystique event, and i expect to go much farther time permitting.
    Yeah, my MMR opened up a bit, more to what I would normally expect but I had to chew through some champed 4 teams before it did.