Black Panther (King of Wakanda) & New Story Event *Updated (2/7/18)



  • Quebbster
    Quebbster Posts: 8,070 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    Bowgentle said:
    bluewolf said:
    How is sub 3 showing a neutral tile?  “Destroys one random colored AP from your pool each turn.”  No effect on enemy AP and does not help you at all.
    Well the info provided by Brigby states that they make it harder to defeat the enemy and with you sometimes losing multiple ap per turn that's 100% correct.

    I'm just thankful that (50%) Thor is the boosted 5* essential this event.  CL9 would have been terrible without the free ap/match damage which coupled with Chavez made this event just about bearable.  Imagine if it had been AA or another lower tier 5* boosted....
    Look forward to them running it with GR as the required 5 in two weeks.
    Actually we will get Panther or Thanos, most likely. 2 more Latest before Classics again, and even with a 7 day, we’ll have a Classic for the assumed repeat run.  Unless they decide to revisit it and delay.
    Black Panther seems like the obvious choice here... so it will probably be Thanos.
  • crackninja
    crackninja Posts: 444 Mover and Shaker
    I'm just playing for max progression which will land me in the top 100 in scl7, so nothing competitive.  Maybe it's just the boosts this time, but I enjoyed running half dead thor and vision, with the hazards at least being something different than the norm.  I'll happily take this event added into the mix even if things aren't neutral as advertised.
  • Killabee
    Killabee Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    Anybody else notice that the e4 node gives more points than the e5 node on scl9? 
  • loose5682
    loose5682 Posts: 27 Just Dropped In
    edited February 2018
    Killabee said:
    Anybody else notice that the e4 node gives more points than the e5 node on scl9? 

    Couple people have asked on this post and i created a separate post in a different sub forum as well, no response as of yet.

    Hazard tiles have unfortunately dominated this post.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Sub 1 gave me cancer. In sub 2 Medusa healed me. Love ya, babe. <3 If sub 3 only gets rid of ap then that's not the end of the world as I will just kill these fools with passive damage.

    Also, Demi and D3 should crack open a dictionary and look up what neutral means. Sub 1 was neutral. Sub 2 could have been done better like dropping protect tiles for both teams then you could rush to get rid of the enemy tiles while protecting your own tiles. Fair and challenging. Or the tiles could constantly be switching between the teams whenever a cd tile expired. Sub 3 sounds like it's just an enemy tile. Do it like I suggested for sub 2. Simple.
  • JHawkInc
    JHawkInc Posts: 2,603 Chairperson of the Boards
    There are an awful lot of people that misread "countdowns are considered neutral" to mean "countdowns will have neutral effects" and then got bent out of shape when the latter wasn't true. Granted, they didn't spell out that countdown effects wouldn't be neutral, but it was pretty clear in the first post that the neutrality referred to the behavior of the new tiles, and not to their effects (seeing as how their effects were not even mentioned at all).
  • Caprila
    Caprila Posts: 13 Just Dropped In
    JHawkInc said:
    There are an awful lot of people that misread "countdowns are considered neutral" to mean "countdowns will have neutral effects" and then got bent out of shape when the latter wasn't true. Granted, they didn't spell out that countdown effects wouldn't be neutral, but it was pretty clear in the first post that the neutrality referred to the behavior of the new tiles, and not to their effects (seeing as how their effects were not even mentioned at all).
    Seriously, they're still called hazard tiles in game. It even says HAZARD in all caps, bold letters on the node descriptions
  • zodiac339
    zodiac339 Posts: 1,948 Chairperson of the Boards
    Caprila said:
    JHawkInc said:
    There are an awful lot of people that misread "countdowns are considered neutral" to mean "countdowns will have neutral effects" and then got bent out of shape when the latter wasn't true. Granted, they didn't spell out that countdown effects wouldn't be neutral, but it was pretty clear in the first post that the neutrality referred to the behavior of the new tiles, and not to their effects (seeing as how their effects were not even mentioned at all).
    Seriously, they're still called hazard tiles in game. It even says HAZARD in all caps, bold letters on the node descriptions
    With the issue being that a hazard is not something that targets someone/something. It’s an ever-present and neutral danger. In this game however, hazards almost invariably target and are hazardous for the player. The first two subs offered that affected both teams, but sub 3 goes back to only being a hazard to the player. Just looking for hazards to live to the spirit of what a hazard is: a condition that causes a neutral, chaotic problem for everyone. This is just more attempts to punish players for even playing the game in the first place.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2018
    Seriously hazard tiles had a negligible effect on my matches and there are numerous characters that could be used to counter them. 

    //Removed Insult -Brigby
  • jamesh
    jamesh Posts: 1,600 Chairperson of the Boards
    JHawkInc said:
    There are an awful lot of people that misread "countdowns are considered neutral" to mean "countdowns will have neutral effects" and then got bent out of shape when the latter wasn't true. Granted, they didn't spell out that countdown effects wouldn't be neutral, but it was pretty clear in the first post that the neutrality referred to the behavior of the new tiles, and not to their effects (seeing as how their effects were not even mentioned at all).
    The collapsing mine tiles are the first that are unambiguously bad for you and good for the enemy.  With the first destroy row/column hazards, I would sometimes position them and let them go off to clear out hard to reach enemy special tiles.

    For the exploding hazards, I might decide to eat the damage and let the hazard take out an enemy.  With the shield tile hazards, if you managed them well they'd offer a minor amount of protection.  With these AP reduction hazards, you can even have one enter the field when you make a match and reduce your AP before it is possible to do anything about it.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think I saw any comments about the 1v1 nodes where you have to use a BP.  They’re tough in CL9 with a 255 BP, but manageable.  I like tough 1-time only nodes with decent ISO rewards.  If I had to grind them I’d be complaining, but I like it as is.
  • LifeofAgony
    LifeofAgony Posts: 690 Critical Contributor
    With a champ 5BP they’re fairly easy which I’ll glafly take for an extra 10,500 iso.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Pants1000 said:
    Maybe I missed it, but I don’t think I saw any comments about the 1v1 nodes where you have to use a BP.  They’re tough in CL9 with a 255 BP, but manageable.  I like tough 1-time only nodes with decent ISO rewards.  If I had to grind them I’d be complaining, but I like it as is.
    Yeah, those fights have unequivocally been the best part of this event. 

    The collapsing mine tiles wouldn't be so bad if they stole AP ONLY when they resolved. To steal every single time they tick down is a little over the top. About the only decent thing I can say about them is they seemed to be a little less frequent than the others. 
  • TriSentinel
    TriSentinel Posts: 136 Tile Toppler
    The shield tile stealing hazards weren’t terrible because there are enough characters to steal them and flip them back to friendly strikes or shields, but the AP draining tiles were pretty cruel and just made the game an unpleasant experience.

    The team damage hazards were the only true neutral evil tiles so you could strategize around them to your advantage as well.
  • TriSentinel
    TriSentinel Posts: 136 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2018
    Seriously hazard tiles had a negligible effect on my matches and there are numerous characters that could be used to counter them. 

    //Removed Insult -Brigby
    Please elaborate.
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    edited February 2018
    Seriously hazard tiles had a negligible effect on my matches and there are numerous characters that could be used to counter them. 

    //Removed Insult -Brigby
    Please elaborate.
    As others have mentioned the damage from the explosive tiles could be mitigated by Quake or they could be overwritten by characters like Star Lord or Cap. The shield tiles were generally weak and could be flipped or stolen by Medusa, Wasp or Loki or just destroyed by 3* Captain Marvel. Admittedly the AP steal tiles were a pain that only served to slow matches down but that was merely inconvenient rather than game breaking. With a little strategy all the hazard tiles were easily dealt with but it seems as though a lot of players don’t consider any strategy other than trying to brute force their way through. 
  • herm1978
    herm1978 Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2018
    Seriously hazard tiles had a negligible effect on my matches and there are numerous characters that could be used to counter them. 

    //Removed Insult -Brigby
    Please elaborate.
    As others have mentioned the damage from the explosive tiles could be mitigated by Quake or they could be overwritten by characters like Star Lord or Cap. The shield tiles were generally weak and could be flipped or stolen by Medusa, Wasp or Loki or just destroyed by 3* Captain Marvel. Admittedly the AP steal tiles were a pain that only served to slow matches down but that was merely inconvenient rather than game breaking. With a little strategy all the hazard tiles were easily dealt with but it seems as though a lot of players don’t consider any strategy other than trying to brute force their way through. 
    Or perhaps not everyone have every character fully covered and at max level?
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    I wouldn't be bothered if they didn't run that event again. Those tiles were unnecessary and its just Dark Avengers again. Its basically a 3 year old PVE. 
  • Trilateralus
    Trilateralus Posts: 251 Mover and Shaker
    herm1978 said:
    I feel like a lot of people are upset about the hazard tiles because for the first time they’re realizing they’re mediocre MPQ players. Seriously hazard tiles had a negligible effect on my matches and there are numerous characters that could be used to counter them. 
    Please elaborate.
    As others have mentioned the damage from the explosive tiles could be mitigated by Quake or they could be overwritten by characters like Star Lord or Cap. The shield tiles were generally weak and could be flipped or stolen by Medusa, Wasp or Loki or just destroyed by 3* Captain Marvel. Admittedly the AP steal tiles were a pain that only served to slow matches down but that was merely inconvenient rather than game breaking. With a little strategy all the hazard tiles were easily dealt with but it seems as though a lot of players don’t consider any strategy other than trying to brute force their way through. 
    Or perhaps not everyone have every character fully covered and at max level?
    I don’t have every character fully covered and max levelled so I’m not sure what your point is. I haven’t seen a single person say they didn’t have a character that would have helped, just complaints about how hazard tiles aren’t neutral. Or the thing that lead to my initial post that hazard tiles don’t add strategy. Hazard tiles do nothing but add strategy but due to the existing problems with the PVE structure people only focus on what let’s them win fastest. 
  • herm1978
    herm1978 Posts: 153 Tile Toppler
    edited February 2018
    herm1978 said:
    Seriously hazard tiles had a negligible effect on my matches and there are numerous characters that could be used to counter them. 

    //Removed Insult -Brigby
    Please elaborate.
    As others have mentioned the damage from the explosive tiles could be mitigated by Quake or they could be overwritten by characters like Star Lord or Cap. The shield tiles were generally weak and could be flipped or stolen by Medusa, Wasp or Loki or just destroyed by 3* Captain Marvel. Admittedly the AP steal tiles were a pain that only served to slow matches down but that was merely inconvenient rather than game breaking. With a little strategy all the hazard tiles were easily dealt with but it seems as though a lot of players don’t consider any strategy other than trying to brute force their way through. 
    Or perhaps not everyone have every character fully covered and at max level?
    I don’t have every character fully covered and max levelled so I’m not sure what your point is. I haven’t seen a single person say they didn’t have a character that would have helped, just complaints about how hazard tiles aren’t neutral. Or the thing that lead to my initial post that hazard tiles don’t add strategy. Hazard tiles do nothing but add strategy but due to the existing problems with the PVE structure people only focus on what let’s them win fastest. 
    If no one said it then it isnt true? I know for sure that when I dont have a maxed Medusa and Grocket then PVP at a certain level gets a bit annoying, doesnt mean that I run to the forums complaining that I dont have them champed though.

    The hazard tiles never got annoying enough for me to hate the event before day 3, but if you find the collapsing mines just "adds strategy", then I dont know what to say. I dont have enough passive damage on my high levels to power through it regardless of losing 1+ ap every turn.