End of WIN Season Follow up, how did you enjoy the WIN system?



  • redviper85
    redviper85 Posts: 62 Match Maker
    No i disliked the win based system but played more
    I hit 40 wins in every event except maybe the first 2 and hit 72 wins in sim. I know i was only able to do this due to work being very slow at the moment. 

    could always get 4* if i wanted to invest the time. 
    didn't have to play on a schedule
    spent way less HP on shields
    never able to hit 1200 anyway so you can't lose what you never had in the first place
    was able to hit end progression for the season

        such a GRIND! felt like i played 25-30 matches against the same 2.5 teams. it was just whatever 4*s were boosted, repeat, repeat, repeat

        much like the main con it was always the same. With the first initial trials I LOVED IT! I was playing weird a quirky teams. I could utilize my 44 champed 4*s and even dip into my classic 3*s. But now it is just your boosted 4s against mine

    took so much longer, usually i would scope out high level fights and if i needed health packs, fine. 3 60-point-fights got you 180 points (which could translate into 2-3 rewards). now that same effort gets 3 wins AKA .75 rewards. 

    Defense meant NOTHING. My rogue,C4rol, Hulk (i think) sat on defense overnight. 15 people tried 2 or 3 actually beat it. which to me meant absolutely nothing because i still needed to trudge through another 8 wins even though i just won 12!

    did I mention the endless grind?

    so in conclusion, the completionist in me kept pushing me for the next reward but at this rate burnout is right around the corner. I see the rewards for off season and I con't even muster the momentum to start the endless slog through what i can only assume is 13 million Gamblacks at full power 

    a fix? defense means something if they are actual matches? less wins? open up matchmaking so we can go back to trial runs and fight 40 DIVERSE teams instead of 30 boosted G4mora-Mordos? choose your path wins V. points? anything really

  • Electrovirus
    Electrovirus Posts: 64 Match Maker
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    First time in three years I didn't make it to the 10-pack.  I usually hit 575 in each event to get the CP.  This season I gave up on PvP.  I think they need to shorten the amount of wins to hit top rewards.  The mini season seemed better because the rewards came quicker.  It was too much of a grind this go round.
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    Yes I liked the win based system and played the same or less
    I like the win based system in theory.

    Much like most other things in the game the implementation is just wrong.

    1) Command points should be moved back into progression. 
    2) Put the 4* cover at 28 wins.
    3) Put the 15 CP at 40 wins.
  • rixmith
    rixmith Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    Yes I liked the win based system and played the same or less
    I like the concept of win-based PVP, but wasn't happy with the implementation. 40 wins as the 900 point equivalent was way, way too many and I didn't see a need to drop the progression CP. I did not miss the "You got +36 for your win but also got -153 during that time" trying to go from 800 to 900 points. I didn't miss shielding and hopping. I didn't miss having to always play with my best defensive team, since in the win-based system a loss wasn't that big of a deal (and in some cases was something to root for as I might then get easier teams to beat, although there is something kinda wrong with a system where you want to lose).

    Overall I think some of the suggestions on the forum (no backsliding below the last point goal you reached, or no defensive point loss unless you are over 900) would have solved the PVP problems more simply and elegantly without disrupting the prize structure at all.
  • rubix_qube
    rubix_qube Posts: 69 Match Maker
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    I haven't played much pvp over the last few seasons anyway, but forcing 40 wins for a 4* is way over the top. In Fist Bump alone I played 16 matches and ended at 861. Pretty sure I could've made 900 before I ever got to 40 wins. That measure really needs to be reevaluated, and the 15 cp needs to be brought back to progression. Putting CP into placement has to be in the top 3 of all time worst changes in my 3+ years playing MPQ
  • Dormammu
    Dormammu Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    Indifferent to the win based system and played the same or less
    The new system didn't alter a thing about the way I play PvP. I did what I always do - jump in at the beginning of a slice and clear out (usually 8) seed teams. If I can make a team I like for easy climbing I'll get the first CP prize and call it good. Cash in my event token for a 2-star cover, bank the CP, and go back to playing PvE.
  • Richyyy
    Richyyy Posts: 305 Mover and Shaker
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    In practice, I don't think it changed much for me. I used to find the old system pretty dispiriting (claw your way up, then either have to do lots of tiny hops or risk losing more points than you're gaining), so I generally played to 575 for the CP and stopped. If the 4* at 900 was something I really wanted, I'd make the effort to push for it, using a shield or two along the way. I never even bothered to attempt 1200.

    Under the new system I generally played to 16 wins for the CP and stopped (usually ending up around 600 points). If the 4* at 40 wins is something I really want (I think that was a grand total of once all season) then I could endlessly grind my way there.

    The grind to 2000 in Sim was always tedious and annoying before, so I wasn't expecting to bother with the 74 wins which is even worse. But I had some time in the final days of the season and that tempting Rogue cover pulled me into it. I finished the season in the middle of the 100-250 placement category, which is where I usually was before.

    But it's so utterly mindless. While I didn't particularly enjoy PvP before, at least there was some technique and thought involved. Now it's just a question of how long you want to sit there grinding away the wins - unless you really want to battle for top-10 placement, which I'm still happy to leave to anyone who cares enough.

    The most obvious thing they really need to do is open up MMR. Given that they've made it wins-based, and that defensive losses are essentially meaningless to the vast majority of players (as are defensive wins), most people really aren't going to mind being bludgeoned. So if 5* players can see me earlier and pile up wins, good luck to them. If I can see that tasty 3* player rather than the 9000th Grocket/Gamora, why would he/she care? Then at least we can get the wins without it being quite such a grind, and the prospect of 40 might not be as painful. There are other things needed, but that's where it starts.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    Yes i liked the win based system and played more
    Yes, I liked it. 

    Played every event to 40 wins, easily and on my time. Wasn't a bit of extra grind involved. I played to the style that the devs expected to get 40 wins and it was absolutely not a chore (for me). Placement ended up being about the same as previous seasons and I used less shields. Likewise my season placement.

    That being said, I do think the system does need some twerking and improvements. Specifically putting back the final cp progression rewards, improved mmr, and adding more progression rewards for the overall season.
  • Nebulastorm
    Nebulastorm Posts: 1 Just Dropped In
    No i disliked the win based system but played more
    For me being part of a hybrid alliance found myself playing more of this game than I needed to, found it more of a chore than anything else competing for t10 just to get cp which I need to improve my roster which was manageable during the old system i could play when i wanted and place where i needed too as long as i made progression and got my cp all was fine this season i finished t10 but that was due to trying maintain the flow of cp ive been a custom to over the many seasons ive been playing mpq I got cp 8/10 of the pvps as got bumped out of t10 in the last few hours which is stupid seeing the amount of time and effort needed to place that high up in almost burnt out from this change altogether now also the first time i never finished sim despite having nearly 2k in points 

    Finished 9th in overall season cl8

    Score 28730

    Wins 500+
  • Dartmaster01
    Dartmaster01 Posts: 634 Critical Contributor
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    All I can say is, it's disgusting to have 2500 points in Sim and still have 45 more wins needed to get the 4* cover.
  • Doc L
    Doc L Posts: 279 Mover and Shaker
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    I scored 10400 or so, about 1,500 less than usual, in part because I was no longer aiming for 1200, and also because Sim was a massive, massive drag so did about 3 fights and stopped. I finished top 10 of my PvP about half the time this season, didn’t keep a very accurate track on that but about that. I had 263 wins over the season, so a bit less than 40 points a match. I skip anyone under 35, as given the nature of 5* matches, those matches aren’t worth the health pack(s) I will have to spend to win them.

    In general, I got hit a lot more often than the previous two seasons, probably from people climbing later for placement. I don’t mind fighting 5*, but the rewards for doing so are pretty weak to quote a cartoon character. 

    The general wins-based is fine in principle, but either the MMR needs to break so I don’t need to use 30 health packs just to get 10 Cp (I know it was like this for people with 3*, 4* before, and I have done this myself at that - more, what is the point in me levelling 5* if it gets harder the further I get in?), or the rewards need to improve drastically, to make it worthwhile.
  • Calnexin
    Calnexin Posts: 1,078 Chairperson of the Boards
    No i disliked the win based system but played more
    Grinding PvP took up most of my leisure time, and I earned less rewards for it.  Only went to 40 wins three times, got T10 placement twice for extra CP, and finished season in the 400s.  I barely passed final season progression.

    I'm re-evaluating the value proposition of PvP on my free time.
  • meekersX
    meekersX Posts: 334 Mover and Shaker
    I Quit PVP due to the win based system
    PvP takes too long, and the rewards are incommensurate with the effort.
  • Pollozz
    Pollozz Posts: 82 Match Maker
    Yes i liked the win based system and played more
    love it. I got 40 wins on each event. I also agree with people that used to get to 1200 before that they need to put the cp back on somehow, or at least give it to the T50, so a lot of the complaints probably will go away
  • Avalanche Kincaid
    Avalanche Kincaid Posts: 83 Match Maker
    No i disliked the win based system but played more
    I hated it in the beginning, but after building a battery I'm more in the annoyed but tolerant department.  I start a little bit early, get to about 30 wins and do regular climb after that.  Top 10 in CL8 6 times so slightly less CP then before, but more CP overall doing exclusive CL9 PvE so thats a wash.  If there was no easy way get wins I would have 1 foot out the door.
  • abmoraz
    abmoraz Posts: 712 Critical Contributor
    I Quit PVP due to the win based system
    Rokachu said:
    First time in years i didnt complete the season rewards. I tried for an event or 2 but i burned out fast. I ended up letting my VIP expire. 
    I did the exact same.  First time I didn't complete the simulator.  I skipped several PvP events cause the time commitment was just too much.  The events I did enter, I think the highest I finished was 8wins.  After 2-3 battles (most of the time I didn't get the feeder teams), I was bombarded with nothing but Gambat or Panthos teams that aren't worth fighting.  I can beat them, but it's a Pyrrhic victory that costs me a ton of time and health packs which are better spent for the rewards from grinding the 5* node in PvE. 

    My VIP expired about a week in and I realized I didn't need to renew it because I was only using its rewards to further my PvP ranks and I wasn't doing PvP anymore, so I could save the $120/yr.

  • agarber
    agarber Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    I finished 6th in cl7.
    Score: 28211
    Overall about 620 wins or so. Got 40 wins in every event as well as 74 wins in sim (75 to be precise).

    Looking on those numbers, and especially by personal best overall score, I can think that I played a bit more than usual in the number of matches. But this is most likely because of boosted Gambit in the beginning of the season, so I was able to climb to 2.5k-3k without buying healthpacks or shielding. Timewise it was about the same.

    Also I missed top10 only once, most events in cl7.

    Did I enjoy it? Not really. Getting 15cp at 1200 made me test my skills. Can I climb there without a shield? How far can I go without a shield? And something like that. Fighting for top10? Not really exciting cause I did that numerous times. So "chores" is the best word for win-based progression.

    Will I repeat it? No. I'd rather go to lower cl's and get top10 (or top25, cause there will be many players like me) for 1200-1500 points with 1-2 shield.

  • shartattack
    shartattack Posts: 370 Mover and Shaker
    No I disliked the win based system and played the same or less
    score: 16586
    39th at cl8

    I absolutely hate it.  I was a **** teammate this season, as CP was gated behind placement, so i'm using way more shields and effort to secure top 10, even at cl5!  Sorry to all the newer players trying to advance your roster, but when me (a 4* player) and 8 other 5* players fill out the top 10 of a cl5 bracket, no CP for you.

    targeted covers for newer players
    using more variety of teams

    several people in alliance family quit totally/quit pvp
    more hp on shields
    more time invested in pvp for less rewards
    lower progression/placement/alliance awards for having to play at a lower cl
    less freedom with time (better join at a flip to get easy seed wins )
    having to dump points to find targets

    I really hope they fix this mess.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    No i disliked the win based system but played more
    abmoraz said:
    Rokachu said:
    First time in years i didnt complete the season rewards. I tried for an event or 2 but i burned out fast. I ended up letting my VIP expire. 
    I did the exact same.  First time I didn't complete the simulator.  I skipped several PvP events cause the time commitment was just too much.  The events I did enter, I think the highest I finished was 8wins.  After 2-3 battles (most of the time I didn't get the feeder teams), I was bombarded with nothing but Gambat or Panthos teams that aren't worth fighting.  I can beat them, but it's a Pyrrhic victory that costs me a ton of time and health packs which are better spent for the rewards from grinding the 5* node in PvE. 

    My VIP expired about a week in and I realized I didn't need to renew it because I was only using its rewards to further my PvP ranks and I wasn't doing PvP anymore, so I could save the $120/yr.

    I would donate 5 Command Points to your account for appropriate use of "Pyrrhic Victory."