3* GamBat (0/0/5) build - Is this good for the game?



  • TranscendGod
    TranscendGod Posts: 53 Match Maker
    I hoarded basics and elites prior to gambit's release so I could champ him and create a 0/0/5 battery as soon as he was added to tokens. I love to experiment with teams, and I've tried him with every single 3* and 4* character that has a red or purple ability (+ obw who was amazing). The gambit battery is fun and hilarious and most certainly overpowered.

    About a week ago, I climbed fairly high in the simulator and set Spider Gwen, Thing, Gambit battery as my defensive team. I got hundreds of defensive victories over the next few days. I was gaining so many wins it was interfering a bit with my pve clears. A decent number of people managed to beat it as well, but the wins were enough to keep my score high enough to be an attractive target. It was crazy (and pretty amusing, but probably awful for the people losing to it).

    On offense that team can beat pretty much anything (except a high level silver surfer). You usually take very little damage and have virtually no chance of losing.
  • Jarvind
    Jarvind Posts: 1,684 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    Jarvind said:
    Gambit sidesteps the need to match colors in order to fire powers, which  is...like, the entire game.
    You could say the same about Medusa+Carnage +Carol/Blade/Rocket.. I don't even care what colors I'm matching, let the special tiles do all the killing, no need to fire powers.
    Fair, but those teams can be countered. There isn't anything you can do to stop Gambit from pumping out AP every turn, except kill or stun him.

    While a 0/0/5 3* is pretty easy to kill, does anyone really doubt that people are gonna build a 5* version? It becomes a lot less trivial to deal with when you can't just explode him in two turns. And that still leaves PVE - Thanos is already super broken for PVE placement, you really wanna add a limitless battery into the mix too? Personally I don't enjoy being forced to run the same team over and over if I ever want to compete.

    Don't get me wrong, my G5mbit is currently 4/4/4 and I fully intend to abuse the **** out of him. I'm just saying he sets an uncomfortable precedent.
  • Warbringa
    Warbringa Posts: 1,299 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    Easy fix (assuming code allows) - you can't use any active red or purple powers other than his if you have a black cover.  It doesn't impact Gambit himself in any way but gets rid of the ridiculous 0/0/5.  Hey I have one myself to play around with but I wouldn't really care if they changed it since I don't think their intention when building the character was to have a bunch of 0/0/5 covered Gambit's running around (regardless of what has been communicated). It is too easy to protect him in PvP and therefore even with limited health he really screws things up imo. He is an example of lazy character design heading far too much towards passive abilities being way better than active powers, a trend that we have seen for some time now.  To me, he is just an overpowered goon, generating 6 AP per round....meaning you don't even really need to match tiles for AP anymore, somewhat ironic in a tile matching game.
  • Punisher5784
    Punisher5784 Posts: 3,845 Chairperson of the Boards
    Undecided - Greatness at the cost of only 4742 health on a 3*....I could go either way.
    tanis3303 said:
    thisone said:

    The fact the Devs either didn't see this possibility or didn't care, is quite frankly very worrying.
    This is what bothers me about it too. Not that people are building him 0/0/5 and using it to power weird team ideas, but that it seems that they didn't think people would do that. That lends credence to the "they don't play/understand their own game" arguments that get thrown around a lot, and it is definitely worrying.
    I asked Brigby if this was intentional or an oversight in the official thread and he stated that it was intentional on the part of the developers, which is the only reason why I think there's a strong possibility he doesn't get nerfed.
    I think what he/they meant was, it was intentional that having no covers in Red or Purple doesn't prevent allies from firing those powers, with the intent that having a developing Gambit isn't actively terrible (running that 3* essential node with a 0/0/1 Gambit and being locked out of Red and Purple, for example).

    I would be extremely surprised if the explicit intent of this ability was to encourage a 0/0/5 Gambit to be a viable competitive build.

    The answer is simple.. sales!! Players are building their 5/3/5 Gambit champ then 0/0/5, 0/5/5 and 5/0/5.. that's 4000 HP in slots! $$$$
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    Its ridiculous. I've only faced it once. Never again! Instant skip now. 

    I went up against Spider Gwen, Thing & Gambit. Due to Thing being there, I couldn't target Gambit first so I just spent the whole match stunned and being battered by Gwen. I died barely doing any damage. 
    Lol , I saw the error of fighting that team early in the match and was lucky enough to Whale that damn team. 
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    Jarvind said:
    Jarvind said:
    Gambit sidesteps the need to match colors in order to fire powers, which  is...like, the entire game.
    You could say the same about Medusa+Carnage +Carol/Blade/Rocket.. I don't even care what colors I'm matching, let the special tiles do all the killing, no need to fire powers.
    Fair, but those teams can be countered. There isn't anything you can do to stop Gambit from pumping out AP every turn, except kill or stun him.

    While a 0/0/5 3* is pretty easy to kill, does anyone really doubt that people are gonna build a 5* version? It becomes a lot less trivial to deal with when you can't just explode him in two turns. And that still leaves PVE - Thanos is already super broken for PVE placement, you really wanna add a limitless battery into the mix too? Personally I don't enjoy being forced to run the same team over and over if I ever want to compete.

    Don't get me wrong, my G5mbit is currently 4/4/4 and I fully intend to abuse the tinykitty out of him. I'm just saying he sets an uncomfortable precedent.
    Think for most people that would be difficult to pull off.  Using myself for an example, pulling nothing but Latest gets me a level 46x before they go into classics.  Only 10+ covers post championing and 5 of those must be black.  Also there is a question about whether its worth it to drop 5 levels off your real Gambit.  I personally wouldn't.  3* version serves his purpose well enough that I'd rather just have a slightly bigger 5* gambit.  

    In pve Gambat won't be mandatory until scaling gets much higher.  Until a non boosted 4* Rocket is no longer relevant there isn't much room for Gambat on the team.  With low, fixed scaling passive damage is better than passive ap generation.  I do think all these dumb passive characters need to get nerfed/reworked.  Passives are getting out of hand and we can play this game blind at this point.  
  • Wonko33
    Wonko33 Posts: 985 Critical Contributor
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    We all love the idea of sticking it to a championed 5* team but not at the cost of any game balance 
  • jredd
    jredd Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    if you can't get rid of him in 2-3 turns you're either unlucky or not doing it right...
  • Dragon_Nexus
    Dragon_Nexus Posts: 3,701 Chairperson of the Boards
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    I'm with the TC in that it needs just a small change, the change they suggested. If Gambit is an active participant, you cannot use the AP he generates for other moves.

    I went up against a 3* Gambit 0/0/5 with Spider Gwen. I figured "Eh, can't be *that* hard, he has less than 9000 HP!"

    But as said above, I was stunned. Then the character died. Next turn I was stunned again. And then another character was critically hit. And then my remaining character was stunned. So that was basically that. I couldn't do 9000 damage before Gwen started stunning.

    AP gen on the player's side has always been as a result of an action. You need 6 yellow for IM40. You need 6 black for Vulture. You need a bunch of purple for Kingpin or Sandman. You need yellow to creater a timer for Cyclops then maych TU tiles.

    Gambit's the first one to give you AP for free, and since his passive was poorly designed to only prevent abuse if you have the other two moves it creates this problem.
    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    Yes - GamBat is fun and opens up new team options.
    It's fine. What I would rather see a countermeasure than a nerf.

    The devs have been going passive aggressive (hue hue), there needs to be a character or characters than can do something about passives. Most of the current top tier/most often used characters have strong passives. 5* BP, Carol, Coulson, Blade, Medusa, Carnage, Grocket, Peggy, etc. You got Thanos, Strange, and now Gambit in the 3/5* range.

    And all of them would be neutralized by someone who could either mimic, dampen, or outright neutralize passive abilities. It'd be more fun to strategize for too. And possibly open up the usable roster a bit.
  • robertbah
    robertbah Posts: 124 Tile Toppler
    Welcome to the new crazy ap generation era. This is the new trend of the characters D3 created. With gambit’s 6ap per turn and thor’s 5+ap per turn, I expected that we will have another one for black/Blue AP. He is not a problem in pvp since he is too small to be a big factor. Why complain something you can easily counter? Why not roster one and enjoy the fun?
  • TheHungryPet
    TheHungryPet Posts: 229 Tile Toppler
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    Borstock said:
    There's nothing wrong with the 3* version at 0/0/5. If you bring the right team, you can kill him in 1 turn and then it's a 3v2.
    Have you fought a Gambit team with Spider-Gwen and Thing? I'd be curious to now how to deal with that team.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    edited November 2017
    Borstock said:
    There's nothing wrong with the 3* version at 0/0/5. If you bring the right team, you can kill him in 1 turn and then it's a 3v2.
    Have you fought a Gambit team with Spider-Gwen and Thing? I'd be curious to now how to deal with that team.

    Yup. I went in with Black Panther, Silver Surfer and Thanos. Black Panther and Silver surfer were both Gwen targeted with some teenage kicks, and Silver surfer ignored the kick.  Black Panther  passed out for 2 turns from her foot odor, woke up and slashed Thing across the face. He then made The Thing his Prey, and downed him. Thanos held court with some death magic, and we were victors.
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    You do what you have too. I used surfer thanos parker. All hits with thanos early so when gwen fired she only stunned parker.  
  • Borstock
    Borstock Posts: 2,700 Chairperson of the Boards
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    Borstock said:
    There's nothing wrong with the 3* version at 0/0/5. If you bring the right team, you can kill him in 1 turn and then it's a 3v2.
    Have you fought a Gambit team with Spider-Gwen and Thing? I'd be curious to now how to deal with that team.
    I used the strongest power in the game; the skip button. 

    But if I had to fight it, I'd just mirror match them. Same way I crush C4rol. 
  • DeNappa
    DeNappa Posts: 1,391 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited November 2017
    No - This much AP gain to be used by any team as they please breaks the game balance
    Any passive AP generation is gamebreaking, in my opinion. That's why I'm also strongly against nodes mixing goons with active characters.

    And while I admit I've been (ab-?)using my Gambit as well, I think his black power is broken in ANY form, not just in 0/0/5 builds.
  • CCW1208
    CCW1208 Posts: 140 Tile Toppler
    Yes - GamBat is fun and opens up new team options.
    It seemed that many players don't like Gambat. So I asked the same question: Does Gambat affect PVP PVE rank????

    I am in 5* land. I don't think Gambat could change PVP or PVE rank.
    Many players complaint 4* simulator PVP (spiderqwen, gambat,  thing) I suggest one team: Iceman, Peggy, Gambat.  
    Peggy could increase AP cost of spiderqwen and thing. it could give more time for iceman to stun spiderqwen. If you set iceman with 3/5/5 build, his purple could create more blue tiles to be matched. Gambat could give peggy red ap to kill enemy. And this team is not unbeatable because you can kill gambat easily by match power. 

    I like gambat because it gives me chance to clean some difficult nodes or enemies before. 
  • danielrandkai
    danielrandkai Posts: 90 Match Maker
    I only voted the way I did cause I don’t have one! Tempted to try and get but am certain they’ll nerf him right around the time I get the 5th black 
  • corytutor
    corytutor Posts: 414 Mover and Shaker
    I built one recently just to see. He's absolutely broken. With 005 gambit, a freshly champed vulture and a lvl 451 phx i easily beat a 450 gambit bolt 270 rogue, a gambit bolt ss team, gambhawk bb, champed panthos teams, pretty much anything. I could swap phx for parker and its even better but largely because his synergy with vulture. 

    If adding a 5 cover 3* allows you to beat virtually any 5* team, with little to no healthpack usage its broken.