Marvel Puzzle Quest 4th Anniversary Details *Updated (10/10/17)



  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    @fmftint LOL. Come on.  Only when it hurts them will they fix something quickly. 
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Talus9952 said:

    There doesn't seem to be double ISO for Lightning rounds.  Also, last year, double iso also applied to intercept bonuses, but not this year?
    I had thought the bonuses were doubled too, but thought maybe I had been remembering that wrong. Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. 
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    *Added additional information about Danger Room event
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 527 Critical Contributor
    I really liked the idea of hazard tiles in PVE but it seems like a really bad addition to PvP.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Merrick said:
    X-men themed event. With no boosted x-men. Sounds about right. 
    Really wanted to play with Iceman and was looking forward to Danger Room. What a completely wasted opportunity.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Anyone figured out the description for Danger Room?
    "buffed characters of your choice"? How do I buff the ones I wanna buff?

    It's a completely regular PVP with a boost list.
    Ignore the description.
  • Starfury
    Starfury Posts: 719 Critical Contributor

    Maybe it also means that the buffed 4* are the ones in the fan favorite LT.

  • thisone
    thisone Posts: 655 Critical Contributor
    Bowgentle said:
    Merrick said:
    X-men themed event. With no boosted x-men. Sounds about right. 
    Hey now.
    I'm sure they TRIED changing the boost list, but there was just not enough time!
    Not their fault anniversary comes around unexpectedly each year.
    You have to admit, their excuses are helluva entertaining.

    "But you're supposed to lose"
    "We didn't play the 5* tier"
    " We didn't have time to prepare for the anniversary"

    Any others? We can make a forum drinking game :)
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    mexus said:
    Anyone figured out the description for Danger Room?
    "buffed characters of your choice"? How do I buff the ones I wanna buff?
    It's referring to the fan favorites.  It's a per-determined list from a previous poll.
  • Slothkins
    Slothkins Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Double iso alone makes the event a success in my book. Went from being almost dry to having a nice stash saved up for my next couple 4* champs. 
  • Talus9952
    Talus9952 Posts: 113 Tile Toppler
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
  • astrp3
    astrp3 Posts: 367 Mover and Shaker
    KingDon said:

    So from that, I stand by my statement that this this is not an anniversary, its any other week of the year just with double iso

    More like any other week with double iso, Devil Dinosaur covers (who isn't available any other week), a vault with 20% 4* covers (which doesn't happen any other week AFAIK - most vaults are more like 5%), multiple events that all give tokens for said vault (which doesn't happen any other week, unless you count DDQ, which isn't the same thing), a Devil Dino PvP and two crashes (which doesn't happen any other week) - oh, and events with party hats. 

    And even then, it's still not "any other week" since it also includes a boss event, which only happen ca every six weeks. 

    I wasn't playing last year, so I don't know what they gave then that they didn't this time (apparently they gave out more anniversary tokens), but I was able to take Devil Dino from 0 to 14 (and counting) covers and champion two 4*s with enough ISO for a third and I expect to get enough for a fourth by the time the event ends. Of course, some of that was because I hoarded HP for the anniversary vault and champing Devil Dino may be a waste, but still.

    I was hoping for a little more and was a tad bit disappointed  - especially by not getting double ISO for lightning rounds - but only a little. 

  • bluewolf
    bluewolf Posts: 5,507 Chairperson of the Boards
    Talus9952 said:
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
    All events have the double iso. They have now announced double iso LRs next week (not great for my schedule, but very considerate.). It was a mistake not to run double iso LRs.  They are making up for it.

    Intercepts are separate from events and can't be "doubled".  Also, I believe if they decided to make intercepts double iso, that would mean removing all other rewards (HP, CP, tokens).  Finally, doubling a reward that only goes to paying customers isn't as cool as the events open to anyone, FTP or not.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    bluewolf said:
    Talus9952 said:
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
    All events have the double iso. They have now announced double iso LRs next week (not great for my schedule, but very considerate.). It was a mistake not to run double iso LRs.  They are making up for it.

    Intercepts are separate from events and can't be "doubled".  Also, I believe if they decided to make intercepts double iso, that would mean removing all other rewards (HP, CP, tokens).  Finally, doubling a reward that only goes to paying customers isn't as cool as the events open to anyone, FTP or not.
    Of course intercepts CAN be doubled.
    They did it last year.
  • farlus
    farlus Posts: 119 Tile Toppler
    Bowgentle said:
    bluewolf said:
    Talus9952 said:
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
    All events have the double iso. They have now announced double iso LRs next week (not great for my schedule, but very considerate.). It was a mistake not to run double iso LRs.  They are making up for it.

    Intercepts are separate from events and can't be "doubled".  Also, I believe if they decided to make intercepts double iso, that would mean removing all other rewards (HP, CP, tokens).  Finally, doubling a reward that only goes to paying customers isn't as cool as the events open to anyone, FTP or not.
    Of course intercepts CAN be doubled.
    They did it last year.
    I was really looking forward to those 4k intercepts. They were so glorious.
  • madoctor
    madoctor Posts: 292 Mover and Shaker
    edited October 2017
    farlus said:
    Bowgentle said:
    bluewolf said:
    Talus9952 said:
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
    All events have the double iso. They have now announced double iso LRs next week (not great for my schedule, but very considerate.). It was a mistake not to run double iso LRs.  They are making up for it.

    Intercepts are separate from events and can't be "doubled".  Also, I believe if they decided to make intercepts double iso, that would mean removing all other rewards (HP, CP, tokens).  Finally, doubling a reward that only goes to paying customers isn't as cool as the events open to anyone, FTP or not.
    Of course intercepts CAN be doubled.
    They did it last year.
    I was really looking forward to those 4k intercepts. They were so glorious.

    Back then the drop rates for 2k ISO intercept was still high. That meant 4k ISO bombs were da man!
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    farlus said:
    Bowgentle said:
    bluewolf said:
    Talus9952 said:
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
    All events have the double iso. They have now announced double iso LRs next week (not great for my schedule, but very considerate.). It was a mistake not to run double iso LRs.  They are making up for it.

    Intercepts are separate from events and can't be "doubled".  Also, I believe if they decided to make intercepts double iso, that would mean removing all other rewards (HP, CP, tokens).  Finally, doubling a reward that only goes to paying customers isn't as cool as the events open to anyone, FTP or not.
    Of course intercepts CAN be doubled.
    They did it last year.
    I was really looking forward to those 4k intercepts. They were so glorious.
    But that means you have to actually pull a 2000 reward, and those only happen when a full moon is out now.

    And I don't know...well, I do...where you guys are getting all this double iso from. Seriously, you must be playing the SIM and PvPs 24/7 right now