Marvel Puzzle Quest 4th Anniversary Details *Updated (10/10/17)



  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    smkspy said:
    farlus said:
    Bowgentle said:
    bluewolf said:
    Talus9952 said:
    Except double ISO only available for a few events.   Intercepts don't have them, LR don't have them.  The game should be moving forward, not back.  Giving out less rewards is not a celebration.
    All events have the double iso. They have now announced double iso LRs next week (not great for my schedule, but very considerate.). It was a mistake not to run double iso LRs.  They are making up for it.

    Intercepts are separate from events and can't be "doubled".  Also, I believe if they decided to make intercepts double iso, that would mean removing all other rewards (HP, CP, tokens).  Finally, doubling a reward that only goes to paying customers isn't as cool as the events open to anyone, FTP or not.
    Of course intercepts CAN be doubled.
    They did it last year.
    I was really looking forward to those 4k intercepts. They were so glorious.
    But that means you have to actually pull a 2000 reward, and those only happen when a full moon is out now.

    And I don't know...well, I do...where you guys are getting all this double iso from. Seriously, you must be playing the SIM and PvPs 24/7 right now

    PVE and PVP progression rewards doubled are a nice sum, then there's alliance rewards for PVP and PVE - those add up when you're dual T10.

    Then there's A LOT of 500 ISO per PVP victory, and you can easily farm with Carol Blade Medusa.

    Depending on where you are with your roster it can really add up.

    Yes, I started PVP early, went to 900+ 3 times, then dumped to re-climb.
    It's been fun.

  • jackstar0
    jackstar0 Posts: 1,280 Chairperson of the Boards
    When this is over will they increase the top XP level?

    What prevented that from happening at the start of this?
  • Merrick
    Merrick Posts: 198 Tile Toppler
    Since DP vs MPQ starts before anniversary is over, it's a double ISO event correct?
  • dstann
    dstann Posts: 55 Match Maker
    mexus said:
    Anyone figured out the description for Danger Room?
    "buffed characters of your choice"? How do I buff the ones I wanna buff?
    Well there was no essential character you had you use, therefore you could use any 3 of the buffed characters.
  • smkspy
    smkspy Posts: 2,024 Chairperson of the Boards
    Hmmm, really tempted to pull the 40 pack to likely finish off the anni vault. Figure I'll be at 58-59 pulls by end of the season. Sitting on 17k right now, but hard to decide if 9800 HP is worth it. 

    Only downside would be that I would have to champ my dino, which I planned to do anyway one day, but was looking to take a 4 star champ break since besides him all my 4s max covered fours are champed as of today and only vulture is close at 2/5/5.
  • dokiy
    dokiy Posts: 238 Tile Toppler
    This was a great anniversary. I had lots of anniversary tokens that I pulled, loved the double ISO (should have more often) and the events were fun. 
  • Nick441234
    Nick441234 Posts: 1,496 Chairperson of the Boards
    Yeah, I cant complain with the Anniversary. The Boss event was fun and I champed 3 4*s and the left over ISO will champ another one in the next 9 days. Thats good in my eyes.  :)
  • Bloody_Marvel
    Bloody_Marvel Posts: 209 Tile Toppler
    I only champed one 4*.

    I did manage to champ 5 dupe 3*s though.
  • BoyWonder1914
    BoyWonder1914 Posts: 884 Critical Contributor
    • 97/100 Anniversary Vault tokens pulled - Take away 20 from 10-packs I bought, and 11 from Daily Deals, and that makes 66 Anniversary Vault pulls that were EARNED. I'd call that a pretty good deal. 
    • Champed 3 4-star Characters, and thanks to the mega lump sum of iso I just got from anniversary end, champing my 3-star Gambit tomorrow. Good deal. 
    • Blew 400 ish CP trying to be greedy on the Mes Amis initial vault rates, have earned it all back and then some. Sure part of that is champ levels, which I get anniversary or not, but I'd say those champ level covers came from Anniversary related yeah....good deal. 
    Not sure what more I could have been looking for, I don't really do LRs to begin with so that's just extra iso this week. I fully covered my Devil Dino to 4/4/5, rebalanced him to 5/5/3, and STILL have 6 covers on the vine. I didn't consider him really worth champing, but boy am I thinking about it now. 
  • Milk Jugz
    Milk Jugz Posts: 1,122 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited October 2017
    Not sure what more I could have been looking for, I don't really do LRs to begin with so that's just extra iso this week. I fully covered my Devil Dino to 4/4/5, rebalanced him to 5/5/3, and STILL have 6 covers on the vine. I didn't consider him really worth champing, but boy am I thinking about it now. 
    My Dino was 3/4/5 when anniversary started, I champed him once I got the last cover because, why not? Now that anniversary is over he is a robust 301. I had been saving hp for anniversary, so I emptied the vault twice and have pulled 85 times from the third rendition. All about the champ rewards......

    Oh, and having a 422 Dino for his Versus event
  • hopper1979
    hopper1979 Posts: 564 Critical Contributor
    Thank you for the successful anniversary event.  Great new character and fun new events.