Marvel Puzzle Quest 4th Anniversary Details *Updated (10/10/17)



  • PurdyPrince
    PurdyPrince Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    bluewolf said:
    What is the consensus on fan favorite tokens? I've read many posts saying it is not worth it but here is my situation. 2 of the 5* stars BB and Strange are in the tokens with increased odds since there isn't so many 5 Stars in this one. I have a hoard of about 170 tokens for LL which i will spend when Spidey leaves LL and around 2300 CP for anything else. Should I save the CP or should I go for it? What do you guys think?
    FF are the same odds as any other legendary token, 15%, with no CS swaps.  But diluted among 8 characters, instead of 3.  That is why people say stay away.  You'll get just a few for each character.

    For 2300 CP you will get 92 pulls.  That would get, if odds work out, about 13 5* covers.  So among 8 characters you could get 2 covers for 5 of them and 1 for 3 more. If you are close to finishing BB or Strange and have even cover distribution, it's worth trying.  If you keep all your LL and CP til Spidey leaves, you can be pretty sure to have 3 fully covered 5's, on the other hand.

    Bolt is one of the best 5's, so it might be worth going for if you have 4/4/4 of 4/3/4 or something.
    Ok. Makes sense. I only have 3 covers total between BB and Strange so it seems like I won't get much for what I have.
  • Brigby
    Brigby ADMINISTRATORS Posts: 7,757 Site Admin
    Beer40 said:
    Brigby said:
    (Disclaimer: I am currently in NYC preparing for NYCC, so I unfortunately will be rather sporadic with my responses. Thank you for understanding)
    kennn712 said:
    Brigby will the Fan Favorites duplicate draws be swappable by CS? 
    kennn712 HxiiiK
    CS will unfortunately not be able to provide cover exchanges for duplicates acquired from the Fan Favorite store.

    When it comes to the store's content, we removed 7 characters from the available 5-Star pool, in order to increase the chances of players acquiring a player-voted character as their favorite. In addition, we have replaced the usual 4-Star latest characters with player-voted ones, in order to give them increased odds.

    *For all other questions, I will try to find time throughout the day to answer them as best as I can. Thanks!
    Ouch! Apologies in advance to Brigby, since he's just the messenger, and it seems like I'm right behind his clarifications lately with something snarky, but....

    No problem removing 5* from the store for better odds of selected 5*.


    Big problem removing 4* from the store for better odds of selected 4*.

    Happy Anniversary!
    Just to clarify, all 4-Star characters are available, it's just that the Latest characters were swapped with fan favorites. The latest 4 star characters are still available, just at classic odds.
    Thanks for the clarification on Fan Favorite tokens, Brigby.  How about the Mes Amis store - will swaps be allowed there?

    Also, thank you so much for posting these Anniversary details so early in your day as you're travelling!  I believe we are only missing one other piece of information -- the boosted character list for X-Men vs. Apocalypse.  (I assume it will be X-Men-centric but would be nice to have the specifics.)
    The only character from Mes Amis that is eligible for cover exchanges is Gambit, otherwise cover exchanges are unfortunately unavailable.
  • Alsmir
    Alsmir Posts: 508 Critical Contributor
    First rounds are easy, but I'm not optimistic. Only once I managed to down him after removing special tiles. Every other time it was one-turn-nuke. Death's cds are a bit op imo.
  • whitecat31
    whitecat31 Posts: 579 Critical Contributor
    Brigby said:

    The only character from Mes Amis that is eligible for cover exchanges is Gambit, otherwise cover exchanges are unfortunately unavailable.
    So what you are basically saying is Mes Amis is a horrible deal, you will ignore past precedence, and we should advise our fellow players not to purchase it and wait for Gambit to move into Latest Legendary. Gotcha.
  • Platty616
    Platty616 Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    This to me seems like a ‘you are supposed to lose’ event, it’s stupidly hard.
  • Phillipes
    Phillipes Posts: 431 Mover and Shaker
    Apokalypse is still doable and fun in round 5.
    Im greatly enjoying this boss battle so far.

  • Over__Flow
    To me this boss is boring as hell.
    The boss has horsemen mechanism that protect/improve him and what is the best way to deal with him? Do not do anything about horsemen and just pump AP to 1 shot him...
  • DAZ0273
    DAZ0273 Posts: 9,860 Chairperson of the Boards
    I like it so far but I'm not sure that having him be able to be one-shotted before the Horsemen are dealt with was the best use of them. Not that I'm complaining too much!

    STOPTHIS Posts: 781 Critical Contributor
    To me this boss is boring as hell.
    The boss has horsemen mechanism that protect/improve him and what is the best way to deal with him? Do not do anything about horsemen and just pump AP to 1 shot him...
    Apocalypse being boring is rather fitting with the character. :p

    Trying to one shot him isn't going to work on the later rounds. I've been running 4* Jean, SW, and either Coulson or Prof X. The damage and AP threshold usually get passed about the same time thanks to SW's countdown and match-5s, which usually means enough purple to fire Jean's purple and rid the board of tiles and countdowns, which removes the last 2 horsemen. Into round 6 and it's holding up.
  • Over__Flow
    STOPTHIS said:
    To me this boss is boring as hell.
    The boss has horsemen mechanism that protect/improve him and what is the best way to deal with him? Do not do anything about horsemen and just pump AP to 1 shot him...
    Apocalypse being boring is rather fitting with the character. :p

    Trying to one shot him isn't going to work on the later rounds. I've been running 4* Jean, SW, and either Coulson or Prof X. The damage and AP threshold usually get passed about the same time thanks to SW's countdown and match-5s, which usually means enough purple to fire Jean's purple and rid the board of tiles and countdowns, which removes the last 2 horsemen. Into round 6 and it's holding up.
    I plan on 1-shoting him until end. 70k is not hard to reach with 25 or 30 AP in 2 or 3 colors(using im40/5pidey)
  • Orion
    Orion Posts: 1,295 Chairperson of the Boards
    If you want to beat Apocalypse the "right" way, then the classic Teen Jean / Switch is probably your best bet.  Jean gets rid of the attack tiles and Death cds, and if you keep purple as your strongest color, Switch will take care of Pestilence too.  I pair them with 5Hawkeye, but YMMV. 
  • Magere
    Magere Posts: 50 Match Maker
    Tony Foot said:
    Magere said:
    Oh a small cautionary tale before we begin the main event. In looking at how Apocalypse is set up...

    Every time you guys try to be provocative or challenging has not been good for you. I GET your trying to make a challenge and make us work at it, but given your track record, is that wise?
       Every time you guys try something new you get a tidal wave of negative feedback. SO ......
      I'm ASKING is there anything you want to change before we log in.

    Or in other words, if we can't beat it sub 3 refreshes the negative feedback comes in. If it's remotely puzzling, worst game ever.

    Two highest voted boss battles, easier to pass than water. I could understand people wanting no challenges if a pve was run alongside but there won't be anything else to do, why not enjoy working out a challenge with your alliance?

    Im convinced if the boss battle was log in, match 4 tiles, congrats you win it all, people would be over the moon.

    No, Tony, but way to go in making a wonderful strawman there. What I was getting at was EXACTLY what I said.

     I get the motive, and never said that was bad or wrong. I SAID given their track record, are they sure it's ready. 
      A challenging boss is no issue for me. But demiurges execution is lackluster at Best. It's only AFTER the event do we learn it was not tested/rushed/etc...
      We always see scaling issues, or technical issues after....something a few days of testing would have found. 
     So NO....I never said make it dirt stupid, I said, with good reason....are they sure it's up to par?
  • Jaedenkaal
    Jaedenkaal Posts: 3,357 Chairperson of the Boards
    Orion said:
    If you want to beat Apocalypse the "right" way, then the classic Teen Jean / Switch is probably your best bet.  Jean gets rid of the attack tiles and Death cds, and if you keep purple as your strongest color, Switch will take care of Pestilence too.  I pair them with 5Hawkeye, but YMMV. 
    Prof X works pretty well in there too. That's who I've been using so far. The match-5s from Switch get a lot done.
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Platty616 said:
    This to me seems like a ‘you are supposed to lose’ event, it’s stupidly hard.
    Do you have plenty of Deadpool points saved up? Whale him to death.

    I've been using Coulson, Switch and Cloak and Dagger, currently in round 7, and getting out of each fight with them relatively unscathed. Grab yellows for C/D to kill his attack tiles, use Coulson's purple to switch tiles around to get rid of his death tiles, use Switch's green if you need a particular color, like purple or yellow, or to try to get a little cascade to set up a match to take out a death tile. By this time Cloak and Dagger may start to have taken on a bit of damage so use their purple so you can flood the board with yellow to heal them plus you can start to use Coulson's yellow to get strikes and his sniper. Deny red to Apocalypse so he can't use his one offensive power. It's a long fight but it works.
  • Pants1000
    Pants1000 Posts: 484 Mover and Shaker
    I'm enjoying Apocalypse quite a bit.  Very well designed puzzle!  More events like this please!

    FWIW, I'm using SS/Vulture/Cyclops.  Into round 7 and I've only let 1 CD hit me.  Vulture is great at CD removal, similar to JG/Switch, except Vulture feeds himself.  I started out 1 shotting him, but in round 6+ I've found it easier to take out the horsemen first.  Although if I get enough red to blast him, that works too. :)
  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    He's been no trouble with 5* Star Lord and boosted XFW and Scarlet Witch in round 7. A good SW cascade, followed by XFW black, and then SL green and its over. I only take out the Horsemen while I wait for that sequence.

    If I was running 4* only, 3* only, or a combo of both, I would probably use the boosted list. They really set up that list nicely to beat Apocalypse in this event. There's several combos from that list to choose from that would work well. 

  • Platty616
    Platty616 Posts: 39 Just Dropped In
    shardwick said:
    Platty616 said:
    This to me seems like a ‘you are supposed to lose’ event, it’s stupidly hard.
    Do you have plenty of Deadpool points saved up? Whale him to death.
    420,000 (or somewhere around that). Can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that earlier. Been playing for 2 years and only have 1 4* champ (Blade), have been very unlucky playing this game (not complaining, just an observation) so seem to struggle on these boss events as the boss levels up way above my characters, so far I’ve been scraping by using Patch 3* Cyclops and Daken, trying to build up enough AP to try and have him in one move.
  • DarthDeVo
    DarthDeVo Posts: 2,178 Chairperson of the Boards
    Platty616 said:
    shardwick said:
    Platty616 said:
    This to me seems like a ‘you are supposed to lose’ event, it’s stupidly hard.
    Do you have plenty of Deadpool points saved up? Whale him to death.
    420,000 (or somewhere around that). Can’t believe I hadn’t thought of that earlier. Been playing for 2 years and only have 1 4* champ (Blade), have been very unlucky playing this game (not complaining, just an observation) so seem to struggle on these boss events as the boss levels up way above my characters, so far I’ve been scraping by using Patch 3* Cyclops and Daken, trying to build up enough AP to try and have him in one move.
    Potentially helpful suggestion: Pick one node of DDQ (either Dat Required Character or The Big Enchilada) and use 3* Deadpool in it every single day. Then you can hoard the whales for such times as these. 
  • shardwick
    shardwick Posts: 2,121 Chairperson of the Boards
    Round 8 cometh, and round 8 taketh away my Deadpool points.