This Game Isn't Fun Anymore



  • pasa_ wrote:
    For me the last week's happenings nailed it finally:

    - stealth death bracketing then **** talk about tiny nudge
    - day-long server problems without anyone bothering to announce anything, disrupted tournaments just allowed to finish
    - murder of spiderman and prologue healing
    - cynical remarks on how related community effort is worthless
    - extending S1 by 2.5 days
    - extending S1 by another PVP
    - launching S2 back to back, another new character on tail of previous without pause
    - slot-bundling and related **** remark that it serves the users that they can no longer chose to buy them by one
    - a dev's blog reveals more of the thinking

    I think even a small subset of those should be enough to provide enough stamina to withdraw all resources from this formerly fun and nice game that was converted into a mindless meat-grinder.

    The hole is way too big to climb out and D3 just keeps digging at increasing speed. I try to do my best to not be part of the problem but of solution and leave it. If enough people follow it will show in the numbers and may trigger some changes eventually.


    I'm on the verge of giving up due to the change in PVP brackets, Each bracket I Am in is full of L141 max characters, and whilst I have a couple of 3* at 100, I have no chance to progress, every bracket for the last few weeks has been the same

    Its no fun to grind to 300, lose 100, grind another 200 lose another 100, then hit a wall of max lvl teams worth 17-20 points, (whilst I am visible to a max lvl team who started late, and whack me for 50)

    It's a motivation killer, to what was a fun match 3 puzzle, card collection game

    The Doctor
  • why put 2* transiting to 3* player into lv141x3 PVP bracket? and one are buffed into lv212, my highest character are 121 only, vs lv141x2 + 212? that doesn't looks right...
  • Just saw a 141'd hood lazydaken psylocke team. And you know what?
    That sounds like a really fun battle. Trying out a few different team combinations and strategies, carefully managing my AP and the state of the board... But I won't go for it. Too high of a risk for too little reward. Better to skip to a team I have high confidence I can crush with as little risk as possible.

    They should remove losing points when you lose an offense. Crazy, I know... But it would remove the incentive for players to go after "boring" battles. The health and time loss is punishment enough for losing

    "But gamar," you say. "You don't lose points for PVE losses, try that!" Woah there tiger, I said 141 Daken/hood sounded fun. 300 daken/hood does not!
  • Joeblack wrote:
    why put 2* transiting to 3* player into lv141x3 PVP bracket? and one are buffed into lv212, my highest character are 121 only, vs lv141x2 + 212? that doesn't looks right...

    My son has one 3* above 100 and he is in these kind of brackets and having to face 141 teams frequently. It's one thing to be in the death brackets but quite another for MMR to match you up with those teams on a consistent basis. That means his team is showing up in these 141 queues so getting a high enough score for 3* placement is very difficult because he's an easy target. It's demoralizing and I have noticed he plays a lot less. He used to really enjoy the PvP...
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    UncleSam wrote:
    Joeblack wrote:
    why put 2* transiting to 3* player into lv141x3 PVP bracket? and one are buffed into lv212, my highest character are 121 only, vs lv141x2 + 212? that doesn't looks right...

    My son has one 3* above 100 and he is in these kind of brackets and having to face 141 teams frequently. It's one thing to be in the death brackets but quite another for MMR to match you up with those teams on a consistent basis. That means his team is showing up in these 141 queues so getting a high enough score for 3* placement is very difficult because he's an easy target. It's demoralizing and I have noticed he plays a lot less. He used to really enjoy the PvP...
    Read up on tanking. Perhaps your son can do that and get match up with people who are around his levels again.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    kensterr wrote:
    Read up on tanking. Perhaps your son can do that and get match up with people who are around his levels again.
    Warning: it's now fairly time-consuming, much more so than during the Golden Age of Losers.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    HailMary wrote:
    kensterr wrote:
    Read up on tanking. Perhaps your son can do that and get match up with people who are around his levels again.
    Warning: it's now fairly time-consuming, much more so than during the Golden Age of Losers.
    Still workable if some effort is put into it. At least it explains why some people with lower roster are facing 141s - cos those 141s tanked their MMR down. icon_e_sad.gif
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    The game has been complete **** lately. I have 1 141 and 3 around 105 and all I can **** get paired with is a bunch of **** 141s. I've lost more than I've won the last 2 days and all I still **** see is 141s. Fix your **** d3
  • It's not fun for me anymore. The reason is threefold:

    1. Effort vs Reward
    2. Commitment
    3. Variety

    1. Effort vs. Reward: In the beginning as a new player you get a good sense of progression. You're working through the prologue acquiring new characters and levels for those characters. With scaling you can even take part in all the PvE episodes and have a good shot at placement if you work hard enough, but as a new player your expectations are lower so just seeing the story is a bonus. However, as you become a veteran and have seen all the stories at least once the reason shifts to play the events for new covers and iso. To place in 3* cover territory and get all or most of the progression rewards you need to put in a couple hours a day.

    Of course, while the PvE is running there's always PvP events running and those require a couple hours a day to achieve placement. Not only does it take time to get enough points for placement you have to use shields to hold onto to your progress. Most of the events feature 3* covers you don't need anymore. You used to try for top 25 for the hero points, but now you need a shield just to hold onto to top 25 or be willing to play the last couple hours of the event to hold position, which is harder now since MMR places you with people that can just as easily beat you as you can them.

    So long story short, you have to put in a lot of time to get a decent reward. If you don't, then all you're really netting is a pittance of ISO and we all know you need a ton of ISO to get anywhere.

    Putting in 1-3 hours in any other game actually feels like accomplishing something. In MPQ that 1-3 hours is just not enough for anything.

    2. Commitment: This really relates to alliances and/or season content and the effort in #1. If you don't play daily and put in a couple hours then you're going to miss out on the only new content this game has to offer in the form of new characters. New characters that will be required for some nodes in the next couple of PvE events. Even if you're lucky to get a cover from placement or lucky token, a character with minimal covers is worthless other than to allow you play an essential node that will be harder without said character leveled. If you're part of an alliance then you have commitment to those in your alliance to do your part.

    To win the prize of a season event you have to be part of an alliance and have done well for 25+ days straight. Then for all your effort you get a shiny new cover and immediately get to start all over again.

    Expecting a player to play the same game every day for hours on end is unrealistic.

    3. Variety: After you've put in a couple months you've battled every combination of characters possible a ton of times. In PvP you face the same opponents over and over again, and you're likely using your best team. You might mix it up from time to time, but if you're not using your best team you're hurting yourself. PvE often coughs up the same battles. When you do get a rare combination then after doing it a few times it gets old. This is a puzzle game at it's core and they don't offer a lot of puzzle variations. It's the same match 3 for everything you do in this game. The AI is predictable. Then there's the same formula for rewards over and over. No other game modes or other things to work towards. It's all about getting new characters and ISO to level them.

    I've recently started playing Hearthstone. An hour or two of play is enough to get through the daily quests for in-game currency, which feels like more of an accomplishment than some ISO and a token or two for a random char I will sell anyway in MPQ. If I miss a few days in Hearthstone then I'll have lost nothing. Plus I get to play against another human which offers up more variety.
  • Reading your comment was like reading my thoughts and the thoughts of others in my alliance! This is just getting to be too much! I've been playing video games since the 80s and I don't know any game I've played that has started to feel like too much work and getting **** rewards! These devs are shooting themselves in the foot. You can repair bad rep easy.
    Ariakos wrote:
    Slight update: I just quit my alliance. I wish them well, but since I play less and less MPQ every day it was just best solution for both them and me. I'll miss the HP, ISO and cover rewards but now I can play whenever I want. I also stopped caring about the whole Season 2 ****. I can't even describe the catharsis I'm having right now. The burden is off. This actually feels so much better than all the rewards i got from grinding this game past months. Just not being mentally forced to play this travesty.

    Quick list of my biggest complaints, these really killed my fun and interest in this game:
    - No proper communication from devs on anything really important
    - Crazy scaling in PvE
    - Recent MMR and bracketing alterations to PvP
    - Sudden server downtime lately (and the poor informing about those)

    and last but not least:
    - Everything in this game right now is about competition. Even PvE. That sucks big time.

    I'm going to take a healthy break from both MPQ and forum and log back maybe after a week or two to check what's going on. But now I'm off to play Marvel Heroes so I can continue to enjoy Marvel universe and maybe actually have some fun WHILE I play the game. Cheers!
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    Yes, this game has become so frustrating now with the new PvP changes.
    Spend 2hrs climb to 600, 30mins after , rinse and repeat. Go to sleep, wake up, back to square one.
    Tanking u say ???. Why do I need to waste my time on a work around to enjoy a game ??. I rather do something else with my life than sit there and keep retreating.
    I am slowly losing my interest in this game. The only reason I have not quit yet is because I spent some money. Ain't gonna spend another dime in this frustrating game.
    Once I feel like I have played for my money's worth I will quit.
    Meanwhile I am pondering whether to leave my alliance because its just too much. I cant keep up anymore and it frustrates me too often.

    Way to go mpq icon_e_wink.gif. This game use to be awesome. Now its just like every other frustrating f2p out there.
  • Mind you - I played the game since the beginning. Been lurking these forums all along.
    Tried hard not to bash the game and always tried to find positives.

    I cant anymore, I had to sign up and say it:
    The game sucks now with the new updates.
  • Linkster79
    Linkster79 Posts: 1,037 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have managed to find a way to make this game enjoyable again. It wont work for everyone I will admit but it did for me.

    I left a competitive top 100 alliance for 1 that is a lot more casual and laid back, also I stopped caring about how high in the rankings I placed. I know that if I really want to I can finish top 10 in most PvP events so I can still target which characters I want to level up.

    Now there is no pressure to grind daily I am having fun again, heck I didnt even make a single match in the Cage Match PvP and you know what? I still managed to sleep just fine that night.

    Oh and now I am not burning 8 hour shields every PvP I am building a nice pile of HP.
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    i agreed with the vast majority of what its said here but oddly enough i still have a lot of fun with this game.. my core alliance mates are really cool and i like the competitive nature of this game even if im not involved in some alliance wars.. now that ive a bullet proof roster i can play in any event and not caring about scaling or lvl i face..and the recent tweaks (the change in pve (even if i found thats a lot more grindy than ever), the spidey nerf and the soft sharding) make me enjoy the game even more.. a lot of weaknesses for sure but i cant get away from mpq..
  • woopie wrote:
    The game has been complete tinykitty lately. I have 1 141 and 3 around 105 and all I can tinykitty get paired with is a bunch of tinykitty 141s. I've lost more than I've won the last 2 days and all I still tinykitty see is 141s. Fix your tinykitty d3
    Censored five times! Wow. Maybe you should've called them a certain seven letter b word, which for some odd reason is not censored (D3, you might want to sort that out). In all seriousness, clean out your potty mouth!
  • woopie
    woopie Posts: 311 Mover and Shaker
    Now where's the fun in a clean rant? Plus, who can really tell if I'm typing tinykitty or ****? icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • I'm just going to post in this thread every time I lose to another featured/OBW/Aries or Thor team. Mainly because I don't think the devs see facing the same stupid overpowered team over and over again as a major design flaw.

    It is.

    Every loss I take to another team is my fault. Every loss I take to this team is yours. You didn't balance your characters. You designed a system where you can't monetize two stars anymore, so everyone at this stage of the game is just screwed. That's on you.
  • ClydeFrog76
    ClydeFrog76 Posts: 1,350 Chairperson of the Boards
    Just popped in to say that everyone should check out Battleheart Legacy. Best iOS RPG I've ever played. Mika Mobile rock.
  • Just popped in to say that everyone should check out Battleheart Legacy. Best iOS RPG I've ever played. Mika Mobile rock.

    I put that on my wish list several days ago. Maybe I will take the plunge.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    It's on iOS only right? icon_e_sad.gif
This discussion has been closed.