This Game Isn't Fun Anymore



  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    Scrawny Steve Rogers gets enlisted into the Super Soldier Program and becomes Captain America.

    As Captain America he took down Red Skull and Hydra, saved NYC from an alien invasion with the Avengers, and then stopped Hydra again. The US government thinks he is too strong and need to make his less strong and start a new Super Soldier Program, making more scrawny kids into super soldiers. They think Iron Man is too powerful as well, so they nerfed his technology. This is what happened to Steve Rogers and Tony Stark.

  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    kensterr wrote:
    ...The US government thinks he is too strong and need to make his less strong and start a new Super Soldier Program, making more scrawny kids into super soldiers...
    "..we all know one of the main elements of attack... is the element of surprise, and so what could be more surprising than the 1st Battalion Transvestite Brigade? Airborne Wing!"
  • I am not having as much fun as I was. Most of the reasons have already been discussed in here. I assume the developers are making cash the way they are doing things, otherwise they are alienating what seems to be a decent proportion of players for little reason.

    It is a bit odd as I play similar games to this and none seem to be going down this path and annoying the "vocal" players. Yeah they for sure focus on getting new players in etc, but they also focus on improving the late/end game stuff rather than making I more frustrating.

    I assume they think they have it all sorted. I don't really know the ins and outs of it. Just that the fun factor is falling and I don't seem to be the only one thinking that. Far from it. And if it's no fun, most sane people just walk away. Plenty of other options out there.
  • kensterr
    kensterr Posts: 1,277 Chairperson of the Boards
    if you check the thread about the x-men in the alliance thread, devs don't have to worry about making money. each member spends $200 per week on boosts for season one points.
  • If they factored in that lunacy into their business plan, fair play to them.
  • kensterr wrote:
    if you check the thread about the x-men in the alliance thread, devs don't have to worry about making money. each member spends $200 per week on boosts for season one points.

    I guess we found the one person who actually believed that everything in that thread was true...
  • Clintman
    Clintman Posts: 757 Critical Contributor
    kensterr wrote:
    if you check the thread about the x-men in the alliance thread, devs don't have to worry about making money. each member spends $200 per week on boosts for season one points.

    I sincerely doubt anyone is spending $200 a week, I wouldn't even be able to spend that much on boosts and shields.
  • Clintman wrote:
    kensterr wrote:
    if you check the thread about the x-men in the alliance thread, devs don't have to worry about making money. each member spends $200 per week on boosts for season one points.

    I sincerely doubt anyone is spending $200 a week, I wouldn't even be able to spend that much on boosts and shields.

    *peeks at slobofix's roster*
  • On a final note, I am announcing my retirement from competitive play as soon as season 1 ends. This game has been fun but it's a second job to me and I prefer to keep my hobbies as hobbies. I will stop playing for a month at least as a well deserved vacation. If season 2 starts right away, I want no part of it.

    I want the devs to know that the daily pvp, pve, season, alliance, etc....has has 2 net effects. 1) It's making people spend more in the short term (increased shields, etc) and 2) its making people quit playing (which will drop my spending to 0)

    I will move from venoms to omens or curses and will cede all management duties to the 5DeadlyCouncil. Season mode has been the worst thing to happen to this game since boosts started costing HP. Ultimately a Fury, or Daken or whatever lazy character is released is clearly not worth the amount of man power invested into their pursuit. A lot of the other Venoms will also take a break, although how long their leave is is up to them.

    Effective immediately I will no longer push the Venoms for top scores. You will notice this effect tonight, in the Loki PVP. Xmen can have the #2, we will not spend any extra income on shields. I will no longer encourage people to buy more shields and to shield hop to add 100 points to their score. We aren't going to go casual, just sane. Good luck to those that still enjoy this game and the intense competition. Also, I will probably retire from the forums after the season ends.
  • I just couldn't let Klingsor have the final word. icon_lol.gif

    Seriously, Klingsor, it sounds like you've had a bit of an epiphany. Good luck to you, dude. As someone who went from maybe 6 hrs per day to 30 mins per day (max), I can assure you you'll be a lot happier for it!
  • I don't have much to add to what's been discussed for pages already but I must confess I feel burned out too and I'm seriously considering quitting for good. I only need to see the results of Season 1 first and then see how developers are going to continue after Season 1. If they launch Season 2 and it's going to be a carbon copy of Season 1 in structure then it's farewell for me also.

    Even if I chose to simply "go casual" and tone down my playing to few minutes every now and then I'd still have to leave my alliance. I like those guys at Avengers-uk. But because nowadays everything seems to be such a huge competition in this game I couldn't bare to just hang around and drag their rankings down with my lazy playing. This whole all-or-nothing approach on alliance rewards is a huge pain in the butt and taxes people to limits that devs don't seem to understand. Or care.

    But we'll see. Unless post-Season 1 MPQ events are drastically different I don't think this forum is going to be the same ever again. So many actives are dropping out. icon_e_sad.gif
  • Ariakos wrote:
    I don't have much to add to what's been discussed for pages already but I must confess I feel burned out too and I'm seriously considering quitting for good. I only need to see the results of Season 1 first and then see how developers are going to continue after Season 1. If they launch Season 2 and it's going to be a carbon copy of Season 1 in structure then it's farewell for me also.

    Even if I chose to simply "go casual" and tone down my playing to few minutes every now and then I'd still have to leave my alliance. I like those guys at Avengers-uk. But because nowadays everything seems to be such a huge competition in this game I couldn't bare to just hang around and drag their rankings down with my lazy playing. This whole all-or-nothing approach on alliance rewards is a huge pain in the butt and taxes people to limits that devs don't seem to understand. Or care.

    But we'll see. Unless post-Season 1 MPQ events are drastically different I don't think this forum is going to be the same ever again. So many actives are dropping out. icon_e_sad.gif

    Im going to change to sister alliance rather than wuitting for good, to ween myself out. Honestly i think i should quit completely, and drop alliance altogether. We will see after i havent played in a few weeks.
  • Alliances are the worst thing to happen to this game out of all the bad things that have happened recently.
    All this burnout people are complaining about seems to be mainly down to having to play constantly to be competitive for their Alliance.
    I remember at the time saying that this whole Aliiance thing would get screwed up and it has, I didnt expect it to mess tings up to quite this degree.
    Allowing people to expand their alliances to such a huge size is obviously a money spinner for D3 but it causes huge problems with the game where only a few mega-alliances are ever gonna win the good prizes and those with a starting size alliance can only ever hope for 140 iso.
    This wouldn't be such a problem but the knock-on effect of such intense competition to keep up the Alliance rankings pushes the scores in an event into the stratosphere compared to how it was before so players from a small alliance who dont play all day cant even compete for a decent prize in the non-alliance rankings.

    I may have my rose-tinted glasses on but was the game really so bad it had to change into this? When I joined in December last year this game was amazingly good fun, if only we could all go back.
  • The PACman wrote:
    Alliances are the worst thing to happen to this game out of all the bad things that have happened recently.
    All this burnout people are complaining about seems to be mainly down to having to play constantly to be competitive for their Alliance.

    It's not the alliances. It's just the alliance prize structure. The whole effect would not be there if alliance prizes were just HP, ISO and tokens.

    It's putting *** and **** covers to alliance ladder that ruined the balance and responsible for most of the fun gone.

    I think a plenty of use said that from the very first moment -- and it got nailed when our "jokes" about "wait till they put black Hulk there" manifested.

    That is too bad as alliance is really good thing with ton of values both in building community and going competitive. All those elements would work as fine with just the nonessential prizes. With way less ill effects.
  • pasa_ wrote:
    The PACman wrote:
    Alliances are the worst thing to happen to this game out of all the bad things that have happened recently.
    All this burnout people are complaining about seems to be mainly down to having to play constantly to be competitive for their Alliance.

    It's not the alliances. It's just the alliance prize structure. The whole effect would not be there if alliance prizes were just HP, ISO and tokens.

    It's putting *** and **** covers to alliance ladder that ruined the balance and responsible for most of the fun gone.

    I think a plenty of use said that from the very first moment -- and it got nailed when our "jokes" about "wait till they put black Hulk there" manifested.

    That is too bad as alliance is really good thing with ton of values both in building community and going competitive. All those elements would work as fine with just the nonessential prizes. With way less ill effects.

    Yeah, okay, it is the way Alliances have been implemented and rewarded that is the cause of the problems. The big rewards only available to Alliances is clearly a bad idea to anybody with common sense.
    But the thing is that even this wouldnt be such a issue if all Alliances were equal in size. Allowing those with the spare HP or real world money to grow to such untouchable sizes is only justifiable by greed on the part of D3 as it serves no gameplay purpose.
    However if you take away the rewards then Alliances have absolutely no purpose in existing, so I stand by my initial statement that Alliances in essence are indeed the worst thing to happen.
  • Clintman wrote:
    kensterr wrote:
    if you check the thread about the x-men in the alliance thread, devs don't have to worry about making money. each member spends $200 per week on boosts for season one points.

    I sincerely doubt anyone is spending $200 a week, I wouldn't even be able to spend that much on boosts and shields.

    I spend $20 a month, that's my budget for the game, I use it on shields and I only use boosts that I get from in game rewards.
  • WilsonFisk
    WilsonFisk Posts: 365 Mover and Shaker
    For me personally, the alliance factor has added greatly to my enjoyment of the game. I like having a group to communicate with and work towards a common goal.

    However, I do feel the Season aspect has made things a little bit too intense. I also don't disagree with the guaranteed alliance covers. I'd rather see the old prize structure return to PVP, with just HP and ISO as an alliance reward, or if D3 is generous, an additional cover, even if it differs from the current 3* up for grabs in the PVP.

    Changing the prize structure definitely hurt anyone outside of the top alliances.
  • Tharos
    Tharos Posts: 129
    Back to the initial subject:

    After reducing my play time a lot, I am leaving this game, hoping for better days.

    All the pve mechanics and the new pvp ones are "working as intented" as stated by the devs. I do not agree with them, as it forces me to lose interest in this game, so I quit.

    I really hope some of the devs come from times to times to this forum to check all we have to say about this game (positive and negative reviews should be good to take), and not only writing articles about how they can make more money.

    Short version: this game is not fun anymore for me. Thanks to everybody in this forum.

    Long version: here are the details.

    For me, no problem with alliances, season 1, or reward structure. I am not competitive enough for that. I am not in a top 100 alliance, and I am ok with that. If I want more covers from alliance, I can change to go in a "top alliance". The choice is mine, and I decided not to try to win these alliance covers by leaving my mates. So no reason for me to complain about something I decided.

    The problem for me, is fun, then progression.
    Here are the main issues for me, now. The ones against I can do nothing as a player.
    (well, of course, I can still live with the american time in europe, but I do not consider it as a nice solution)

    1. Rubberbanding / timezone (PVE)

    While rubberbanding may be a nice thing for those who wants to stay competitive, it have some serious drawback when playing at european times, and are not able to wake up in the middle of the night every two days. If I want to stay competitive and hope for nice rewards, I had to clear a maximum of nodes before going to sleep. Usually, I stopped when I achived top 5 or top 10, and hoped not to be pushed to far away. Sometimes it worked, sometimes not. But all these games lead me to the second point... Scaling.

    2. Scaling (PVE)
    Fighting 300+ ennemis with a level 85 roster is a complete non-sense. No need to expain further, everything has been said on this subject, it totally disgussed me from PVE.

    3. Bracketing (PVP)
    With a level 85 roster constantly hitting 900 points in pvp, no way to win a 3* cover as it used to be two weeks ago. And even if I want to send money and use multiple shields, I could not performe better due to the next point.

    4. Matchmaking changes (PVP)
    After 900 points, I seem to be given out as meat to bigger player. My attempts to go higher were screwed up. By the time I won 1 match (+30 points on average), I was struck 3 times (-40 or 50 points for the 3). So on average, I lost 10/20 points after each game won. How I am supposed to do? The only solution I found is to shield directly at 900, and let the 3* covers to people already having a 3* roster. Working as intented? Everyone has its own (different, but acceptable) answer.

    5. Transition 2* -> 3* stopped
    It is the consequence of all this. Before (i.e. obout one month ago), my 3* roster grew up. Slowly, but rather constantly. About 5-7 new 3* cover a week.
    Now ? 1 cover a week (from a token) if I am lucky enough with the token. 2 cover when the daily reward is a cover.
    And the funniest thing: this maximum 3* income rate is reached when I play less than 10 minutes a day! (i.e. reaching the 300 points token in pvp, and getting the daily reward each day)! Every play time above that threshold is wasted time (well, wasted for the transition. you can of course use it for a little HP, iso, or even "fun", but do not expect a lot more 3* cover).

    Sadly, all these changes made me quit this game, although I wanted to play and have fun as before.
    With such a slow 3* transition speed but a lot of fun, I could pay once again, and speed up my transition game. But for now, I am in a state where I can no longer play in pve due to scaling, and pvp is always "combat with my OBW+Thor vs another OBW+Thor" up to 900 points, then hit a wall. No fun with that, thus no money!

    So I'm done with this game for now. Maybe I will only come to claim my daily rewards and the occasional 300 points token, but no more.
    Good luck everybody, thank you for all the advices and this community! See you in a few months, if things went better on this game.
  • noobprime
    noobprime Posts: 403
    Tharos wrote:
    Now ? 1 cover a week (from a token) if I am lucky enough with the token. 2 cover when the daily reward is a cover.

    This x100. Unless you are in a strong alliance and are grinding a ton, your 3* progress is completely stalled by the recent changes. Factor that in with the new characters that they are introducing at ~1 per week and you are actually going backwards!
  • I just wanted to say as a relatively new player, funding out the best way to win or do well in any event involves some eldritch **** like knowing exactly when to do events and "strategically" attacking is very disheartening. Not only are there way more heroes than there used to be, it sounds like it'll be a looooong time before I can use any of the decent ones. When I play a game, I should play the game. Not play some metagame where I read up on the forums about how its wrong to just play matches. No, no, I must play matches at specific tes and hope my real life can accommodate me gooning out on my phone.
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