Heroic Mode Juggernaut is up!



  • Just to compare time and difficulty of the bracket: I joined about 14 hours after the start of the event and now I'm sitting at 6th place with 1400 points, our first place has 1700 points at the moment and I recognize no one from the forum. I just can give everyone the same advice. Just join a day later at these events where nothing changes during the course of it.
  • it just means u guys are a day late, so that same group of ppl would have 2000+ with more time.

    not to mention the competition hasn't heated things up, you should see my bracket, i think we started around 12 hours after start too, and 1st place is 3k, with shikao lighting a fire under my butt, so i'm second place at 2200, and he's pushing me up. i woke up tonight and he made up 1500 points. that's why these brackets are harder to see whether iits good to start late or early because the rubber banding makes it never safe.

    shikao 100% made me go holy **** when i woke up today morning cuz he had surpassed what i considered a safe lead. i'm almost done 100% every mission (got two jugger missions to go) then its 100% farming this ragnarok mission (which is giving 24 points out)
  • Ok, I just finished last mission, so it's time to take a break. I must say I am really positively surprised with accessibility of rewards (at least in comparison to Unstable ISO event)

    I did only little bit farming to get rewards I wanted and the end result was 2013 points with best repeatable being worth 26 points. I must say that makes most rewards (all but 2 in fact) reachable by simply 'completing' Heroic Mode. To get last reward I will need to repeat the mission 40 times which is acceptable for me and I plan to do it later this evening (I know that in Unstable ISO people did the mission hundreds of times).

    As for my bracket, my current points give me strong 3rd position with possible claim on 2nd, but I think Forgrim will do all in his power not to let me take it icon_e_wink.gif First player reached 3k not too long ago. I wanted to go for top 2, but I think with such strong opposition I will be happy with top 15, though loss of 500HP hurts a little bit.

    Hahaha, funny that we both decided to write at the same time Forgrim icon_e_biggrin.gif (your popped as new one when I tried to post mine)
  • i must say, when i saw ur name surpass me when i woke up at 10am est, i was like...what.the.heck. hahahahaha

    i was going to play for 2nd place and take it easy over winrys, but now if both of us push up, he's gonna have to work hard to keep #1 too.

    think i'm gonna take a small break and finish off 100% the jugger missions, then make a run for 3k later.
  • Yeah, I just topped 3000, sitting third. No interest in 1-2, but want to finish top 15. I have burned thousands of iso on boosts and do not want to have to start grinding again just to finish top 15, but the value on the missions keeps going up, making it easier for people to head up there if they want. I can't say I'm a fan of the constantly changing scores at this point, even though I benefitted from it as well. It would make more sense if you only fought other people in your own bracket during PvP tourneys (so everyone had the same chance to reach for progression rewards, but I don't see the point.
  • finished 100% every mission, and the last token i got from the juggers final mission gave me a green grey suit. the only non 1 star character after the 20 pulls i did through the jugger tournament.

    i wish there was an actual bonus for having done that tho haha, 100% everything and nothing! my ocd had to finish it tho
  • Crested 3k, currently second. I hope that's enough to make top 15. I have no desire to grind for hours for the equivalent of 5 dollars. My time is worth more than that. But it was fun getting to 3k, i want my widow noa icon_e_smile.gif
  • Hm Ok then there is really no competition in my bracket. Sitting at third with 1750, our first has only 1850. Late start or not that does seem really like a relaxed bracket in comparison. Are there any brackets out there except ours where first place has under 2k?
  • Misguided wrote:
    Yeah, I just topped 3000, sitting third. No interest in 1-2, but want to finish top 15. I have burned thousands of iso on boosts and do not want to have to start grinding again just to finish top 15, but the value on the missions keeps going up, making it easier for people to head up there if they want. I can't say I'm a fan of the constantly changing scores at this point, even though I benefitted from it as well. It would make more sense if you only fought other people in your own bracket during PvP tourneys (so everyone had the same chance to reach for progression rewards, but I don't see the point.
    Just a warning as someone in your bracket, I plan on going past 3k if necessary to hit top15. I don't even see Bainee in top10, who was #1 by far in my Unstable ISO bracket. I'm fairly certain he would want top15 too.

    These people are crazy though with their pacing. Haven't they heard slow and steady wins the race? lol theres 2 and a half days left still. Still sitting at 1k, not wasting boosts or packs. 3k should be doable with the same pace without resorting to boosts.
  • Still sitting at 1k, not wasting boosts or packs. 3k should be doable with the same pace without resorting to boosts.

    The first 1000 is easy. The next two is a lot more work. And maybe other people can do the repeatable I was doing without boosts, but not me. Admittedly, most times it was fairly easy with boosts, but I still wiped a couple of times, and not having the boosts would mean things take that much longer, and there were many instances where things were easy, but a couple more turns would have potentially made a huge difference.
  • Does every bracket have the same leveled enemies? I'm in a bracket with Nemek as the top player with 3000 points. I'm barely at 400 points and could barely beat Tracking Thor if I'm really lucky. I've tried multiple times to try and beat Imposter, but I can't even take one enemy down. I'll be lucky if I stay at around 200 before the tournament ends, but Heroic mode is way too hard for me.
  • I'm guessing you don't want to hear about the mission with Daken (level 117), Ragnarok (115), and Yelena (110)...
  • Misguided wrote:
    These people are crazy though with their pacing. Haven't they heard slow and steady wins the race? lol theres 2 and a half days left still. Still sitting at 1k, not wasting boosts or packs. 3k should be doable with the same pace without resorting to boosts.

    I'm very curious how you are able to farm Ragnarok missions without resorting to boosts. With the allowed characters, you are going to have to accumulate some AP in order to dish out 10,000+ of damage. It's easy to say "don't let Ragnarok match red and don't let Daken match green", but sometimes the luck of the draw means there is nothing you can do, and they will cause you to eat through health packs between matches.
  • I'm sitting at 1009 atm and the top of my bracket is 1) 3009, 2) 3001 ..... i kinda want the thor rewards but im already top 50.... o well i guess ill push up and see where I end up at the end of it. Not really that ecstatic about 3* Widow but I already have a 0/0/3 so i guess its ok...
  • cepage wrote:
    These people are crazy though with their pacing. Haven't they heard slow and steady wins the race? lol theres 2 and a half days left still. Still sitting at 1k, not wasting boosts or packs. 3k should be doable with the same pace without resorting to boosts.

    I'm very curious how you are able to farm Ragnarok missions without resorting to boosts. With the allowed characters, you are going to have to accumulate some AP in order to dish out 10,000+ of damage. It's easy to say "don't let Ragnarok match red and don't let Daken match green", but sometimes the luck of the draw means there is nothing you can do, and they will cause you to eat through health packs between matches.

    Careful with the quote attributions, please.

    I agree with you, if I hadn't been using boosts the whole way, I'm sure I would have wiped much more often than I did.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    GT-47LM wrote:
    Does every bracket have the same leveled enemies? I'm in a bracket with Nemek as the top player with 3000 points. I'm barely at 400 points and could barely beat Tracking Thor if I'm really lucky. I've tried multiple times to try and beat Imposter, but I can't even take one enemy down. I'll be lucky if I stay at around 200 before the tournament ends, but Heroic mode is way too hard for me.
    Yeah, I think that's going to be about my limit too. I can't make any headway in the bottom half missions, even throwing away hundreds of isos in boosts and using all my health packs. I think I'm just going to stop trying so I can get the 100-200 reward, since getting thor's level up would probably be more helpful than purple grey widow at this point
  • cepage wrote:
    These people are crazy though with their pacing. Haven't they heard slow and steady wins the race? lol theres 2 and a half days left still. Still sitting at 1k, not wasting boosts or packs. 3k should be doable with the same pace without resorting to boosts.

    I'm very curious how you are able to farm Ragnarok missions without resorting to boosts. With the allowed characters, you are going to have to accumulate some AP in order to dish out 10,000+ of damage. It's easy to say "don't let Ragnarok match red and don't let Daken match green", but sometimes the luck of the draw means there is nothing you can do, and they will cause you to eat through health packs between matches.

    Not proud of the strategy but I'm using a Lvl85 Thor, Lvl74ish cStorm and the default Hawkeye (mine has avoid). It's easier if there is a green match early but even on the worst boards you can usually get a few enviro/purple matches. Tempest takes care of Yelena, and powers Mjolnir to down Daken which powers thunder strike to finish off Rags.

    At 2522 right now and haven't used any boosts or health packs outside of the five that everyone has. I've been defeated three or four times but all those matches I went in with sub50% health for my players.
  • Yeah, my storm is only level 50 and built 5/5/3 so that doesn't quite work. I hadn't figured out the "throw the redshirt in front of the bus" mechanic when I built my storm. In retrospect, I'd probably go 3/5/5 or 4/5/4. I like having green at 5, but it is fairly seldom that I have enough green for it to make a big difference.
  • So the last Juggernaut mission, "Full Stop" locked out for me after only the second or third run. I got 73 points for it that last time. Now that it's locked, it says it's worth 92 points? icon_e_confused.gif

    Seriously though, I can't imagine how bored the folks at 3000 points must be. I'm not quite to the 1250 reward, I've done the Daken / Ragnarok missions a few times, but it looks like I'll top out around maybe 1600 points before any/every mission only gives roughly 10 points at most. That's going to be a long crawl to the end, not to mention the ISO I'd have to farm for boosts. And I'm not sure there's enough time left for this event to regen all the health packs I'd need if I played constantly.
  • i see you finally hit 3k shikao. if you noticed, i stopped JUST short of our leader so that i didn't spook him (if he sees on the tourney screen that he's still rank 1, hopefully he thinks he still has his big lead). of course, if ppl start moving up or he does too, i'll start up again, but that was why i just stopped there haha. looks like ur doing the same thing tho lol.