Registering cards from Free boosters
Emrakul's Corruption 3-pack:
Seperatist Voidmage
Pitiless Vizier
Doomed Dissenter
0 -
I noticed the event boosters are different from the free boosters (legacy cards & better chances of rare+) so I'll continue to record them.
Oath of the Gatewatch Part I 3-pack:
Djeru's Resolve
Lethal Sting
Revenant (U)
0 -
Oath of the Gatewatch Part II 3-pack:
Thriving Ibex
Tah-crop Skirmisher
Aven Reedstalker
0 -
Fateful Showdown 3-pack:
Reave Soul
Haze of Pollen
Rush of Vitality
0 -
Ok, so I bet you guys were expecting no more data from me... Wrong! Prepare for long data, Volrak
This is free cards from before Dominaria. Was having internet problems in my phone, so I stopped registering at May 1st. When it was working again, I decided to wait for Dominaria.15/04/20181: Disposal Mummy (Múmia Descartável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Unburden (Descarregar); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Undead Servant (Servo Morto-vivo); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Fiery Impulse (Impulso Flamejante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Llanowar Wastes (Regiões Agrestes de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Sacred Cat (Gato Sagrado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Exultant Skymarcher (Marchadora Celeste Exultante); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (6/7B; 32/35T)9: Sigil of Valor (Insígnia de Bravura); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (12/12C; 84/89T)16/04/20181: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Topan Freeblade (Franco-espadachim Topaniano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Final Reward (Recompensa Final); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Marauding Boneslasher (Talha-ossos Saqueador); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Stratus Walk (Caminhar nos Estratos); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Depths of Desire (Profundezas do Desejo); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Disposal Mummy (Múmia Descartável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)17/04/20181: Honed Khopesh (Khopesh Afiado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Honed Khopesh (Khopesh Afiado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Buccaneer's Bravado (Bravata da Bucaneira); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (7/7R; 33/35T)4: Might of the Masses (Força das Massas); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Gideon's Phalanx (Falange de Gideon); Rare; Origins; NEW. (5+1/9W; 38+1/49T)6: Gnarlroot Trapper (Armadilheiro das Raízes Nodosas); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Sunset Pyramid (Pirâmide do Pôr do Sol); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Kytheon's Tactics (Táticas de Quiteon); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)18/04/20181: Touch of Moonglove (Toque de Luvalua); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Open Fire (Abrir Fogo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Dusk Charger (Corcel do Crepúsculo); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (7/7B; 33/35T)5: Gilded Cerodon (Dentócero Dourado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Prosperous Pirates (Piratas Prósperos); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Steadfast Sentinel (Sentinela Resoluta); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Desert Cerodon (Dentócero do Deserto); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)19/04/20181: Bellowing Aegisaur (Egidossauro Urrante); Uncommon, Ixalan; Owned. (10/11W; 53/56T)2: Stinging Shot (Tiro Pungente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Depths of Desire (Profundezas do Desejo); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)4: River Heralds' Boon (Bênção dos Arautos do Rio); Uncommon; Ixalan; Owned. (12/12G; 54/56T)5: Guardians of Meletis (Guardiões de Meletis); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Desert of the Fervent (Deserto da Fervorosa); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)20/04/20181: Journey to Eternity (Jornada para a Eternidade); Rare; Rivals of Ixalan; NEW. (2+1/5B; 2+1/4G; 13+1/21T)2: Boggart Brute (Papão Brutamontes); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (19/19R; 84/89T)3: Aerial Volley (Salva Aérea); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Prosperous Pirates (Piratas Prósperos); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Gust Walker (Caminhante das Rajadas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Ravenous Daggertooth (Adagodonte Voraz); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Fiery Impulse (Impulso Flamejante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Subterranean Scout (Batedor Subterrâneo); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Magmatic Insight (Percepção Magmática); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (19/19R; 84/89T)21/04/20181: Limits of Solidarity (Limites da Solidariedade); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (13/13R; 53/55T)2: Forsake the Worldly (Abandonar o Mundano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Pharika's Disciple (Discípulo de Fárica); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Tah-Crop Elite (Elite da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)5: Countervailing Winds (Ventos Contrários); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Llanowar Empath (Telepata de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Bonded Construct (Constructo Vinculado); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Desert of the Glorified (Deserto da Glorificada); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Sun-Crowned Hunters(Caçadores Coroa-de-sol); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)22/04/20181: Gilded Cerodon (Dentócero Dourado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Gift of Strength (Dádiva da Força); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Elvish Visionary (Visionário Élfico); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Might of the Masses (Força das Massas); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Scrounger of Souls (Afanador de Almas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)23/04/20181: Psychic Rebuttal (Repulsão Psíquica); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Yeva's Forcemage (Mago da Força de Yeva); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Dragon Fodder (Forragem de Dragão); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Frilled Sandwalla (Walla-d'areia Franjado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Dire Fleet Hoarder (Acumuladora da Frota Macabra); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Dusk Legion Dreadnought (Encouraçado da Legião do Crepúsculo); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)24/04/20181: Harbinger of the Tides (Anunciador das Marés); Rare; Origins; Owned. (8/9U; 39/49T)2: Goblin Trailblazer (Desbravador Goblin); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (7/7R; 34/35T)3: Belligerent Brontodon (Brontodonte Beligerante); Uncommon; Ixalan; Owned. (12/12G; 55/56T)4: Gilded Cerodon (Dentócero Dourado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Sunscorched Desert (Deserto Abrasado pelo Sol); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Silvergill Adept (Adepto Prateobrânquio); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (6/7U; 34/35T)7: Watertrap Weaver (Tecedora de Armadilhas Aquáticas); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)25/04/20181: Gnarlroot Trapper (Armadilheiro das Raízes Nodosas); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Deadeye Rig-Hauler (Cordamista da Olho Morto); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (6/7U; 34/35T)3: Puncturing Blow (Golpe Perfurante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Aven Initiate (Iniciado Aviano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Evolving Wilds (Terras em Desenvolvimento); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Mantle of Webs (Manto de Teias); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Evolving Wilds (Terras em Desenvolvimento); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Helm of the Gods (Elmo dos Deuses); Rare; Origins; NEW. (3+1/5C; 39+1/49T)9: Disperse (Dispersar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)26/04/20181: Costly Plunder (Pilhagem Custosa); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Aven Initiate (Iniciado Aviano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Paladin of the Bloodstained (Paladina da Mancha-de-Sangue); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Cradle of the Accursed (Berço dos Amaldiçoados); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Dusk Legion Dreadnought (Encouraçado da Legião do Crepúsculo); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Artificer's Epiphany (Epifania do Artífice); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Consecrated by Blood (Consagrado com Sangue); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (16/17B; 84/89T)8: Cartouche of Knowledge (Cártula do Conhecimento); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)27/04/20181: Khenra Scrapper (Sucateiro Khenra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Nivix Barrier (Barreira de Nivix); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Sunscorched Desert (Deserto Abrasado pelo Sol); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Shimmerscale Drake (Dragonete-de-escamas-cintilantes); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Whirler Rogue (Ladra dos Turbilinos); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (16/17U; 84/89T)6: Shambling Ghoul (Carniçal Trôpego); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Tempest Caller (Convocador de Tempestades); Uncommon; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Fathom Fleet Firebrand (Instigadora da Frota Abissal); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)28/04/20181: Temple Altisaur (Altissauro do Templo); Uncommon; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Unconventional Tactics (Táticas Não Convencionais); Uncommon; Hour Of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Dusk Charger (Corcel do Crepúsculo); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (7/7B; 34/35T)4: Wild Instincts (Instintos Selvagens); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Grasp of the Hieromancer (Garra do Hieromante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Buccaneer's Bravado (Bravata da Bucaneira); Common; Rivals of Ixalan; Owned. (7/7R; 34/35T)7: Tah-Crop Elite (Elite da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)8: Naga Vitalist (Vitalista Naga); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)29/04/20181: Ghirapur Aether Grid (Grade de Éter de Ghirapur); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Hooded Brawler (Rufião de Capelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Undead Servant (Servo Morto-vivo); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Rile (Exasperar); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Yavimaya Coast (Costa de Yavimaya); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Charging Griffin (Grifo Atacante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Rabid Bloodsucker (Sugador de Sangue Raivoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Forsake the Worldly (Abandonar o Mundano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)30/04/20181: Compelling Argument (Argumento Convincente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Shipwreck Looter (Saqueadora de Naufrágios); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Contract Killing (Assassínio por Contrato); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Faerie Miscreant (Fada Marota); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Lurching Rotbeast (Putrifera Trôpega); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Crash Through (Irromper); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Nef-Crop Entangler (Emaranhador da Safra Nef); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Brazen Buccaneers (Bucaneiros Brônzeos); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Screeching Skaab (Skaab Guinchante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)01/05/20181: Defiant Greatmaw (Gorja-mor Audaz); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (9/10G; 53/55T)2: Hierophant's Chalice (Cálice do Hierofante); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Unsummon (Esconjurar); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Thrash of Raptors (Bando de Raptores); Common; Ixalan; Owned. (Have ALL)
These are 3 cards boosters after Dominaria release:1: Topan Freeblade, Nest Robber, Deadeye Rig-Hauler2: Steadfast Armasaur, Deathless Ancient (U), Buccaneer's Bravado3: Blightcaster (U), Dragon Fodder, Thunderherd Migration4: Pharika's Disciple, Claustrophobia, Refuse (R)5: Firefiend Elemental, Feral Prowler, Thallid Omnivore6: Wanted Scoundrels, Jungle Delver, Mist-Cloaked Herald7: Merfolk Trickster (NEW), Rampaging Hippo, Blood-Cursed Knight (U)8: Academy Journeymage (NEW), Evolving Wilds, Steadfast Armasaur9: Manalith, Mage-Ring Bully (U), Academy Journeymage10: Psychic Rebuttal, Ritual of Rejuvenation, Lurking Chupacabra11: Evolving Wilds, Valor in Akros (U), Storm Fleet Pyromancer12: Yavimaya Coast, Enshrouding Mist, Aven of Enduring Hope13: Rile, Perilous Voyage, Dusk Charger14: Dragon Fodder, Nantuko Husk, Perilous Voyage15: Crook of Condemnation (U), Contract Killing, Ruthless Knave (U)16: Elvish Visionary, Frilled Sandwalla, Steadfast Armasaur17: Acolyte of the Inferno, Deadeye Tormentor, Consecrated by Blood (U)18: Rescue (NEW), Colossal Dreadmaw, Inspiring Cleric19: Desert of the Indomitable, Raptor Companion, Rescue20: Murder Investigation, Separatist Voidmage, Sun-Crowned Hunters21: Ghitu Journeymage (NEW), Crash Through, Deadeye Tormentor22: Siren Lookout, Fiery Intervention, Rescue23: Voltaic Servant (NEW), Fiery Impulse, Lightning Javelin24: Timberpack Wolf, Unfriendly Fire, Sporecrown Thallid25: Fiery Impulse, Wretched Camel, Shaman of the Pack (U)26: Paladin of Atonement (R, NEW), Negate, Devotee of Strength (U)27: Ruin Rat (U), Shaper Apprentice, Seal Away28: Thunderclap Wyvern (U), Crumbling Necropolis (U), Jungle Delver29: Goblin Glory Chaser, Lurking Chupacabra, Buccaneer's Bravado30: Cobblebrute, Rabid Bloodsucker, Blur of Blades31: Nissa's Defeat (U), Goblin Trailblazer, Dive Down32: Yoked Ox, Lethal Sting, Slice in Twain33: Crash the Ramparts, Yargle Glutton of Urborg (U), Song of Freyalise (U)34: Powerstone Shard (NEW), Undead Servant, Aerial Guide35: Vodalian Arcanist (NEW), Traveler's Amulet, Snubhorn Sentry36: Shambling Ghoul, Dark Dabbling, Shanna Sisay's Legacy (U)37: Serra Disciple (NEW), Swashbuckling, One With the Wind38: Blessing of Belzenlok (NEW), Emissary of Sunrise, Legion's Judgment39: Subterranean Scout, Silvergill Adept, Deadeye Rig-Hauler40: Akroan Sergeant, Dauntless Aven, Corrosive Ooze41: Read the Bones, Survivors' Encampment, Wanted Scoundrels42: Gold-Forged Sentinel (U), Dinosaur Hunter, Cabal Stronghold (U)43: Knight of the Pilgrim's Road, Grisly Survivor, Perilous Voyage44: Smash to Smithereens, Desert of the Mindful, Ghitu Journeymage45: Dwynen's Elite (U), Pirate's Prize, Damping Sphere (U)46: Sadistic Skymarcher, Skizzik, Adamant Will47: Lurching Rotbeast, Khenra Scrapper, Hope Tender (U)48: Akroan Sergeant, Thorned Moloch, Thunderherd Migration49: Bounding Krasis (U), Slice in Twain, Sporecrown Thallid50: Yavimaya Sapherd (NEW), Blessed Spirits (U), Yeva's Forcemage51: Khenra Scrapper, Slice in Twain, Snubhorn Sentry52: Calculated Dismissal, Sandblast, Desert of the True53: Crash Through, Rhox Maulers (U), Broken Bond54: Khenra Eternal, Shaper Apprentice, Jungleborn Pioneer55: Guardian Automaton, Shivan Reef, Vicious Offering56: Thundering Spineback (U), Seismic Shift, Skirk Prospector57: Jungle Delver, Goblin Trailblazer, Voltaic Servant58: Firefiend Elemental, Feral Prowler, Broken Bond59: Shipwreck Looter, Legion Conquistador, Merfolk Trickster60: Eyeblight Assassin, Ravenous Daggertooth, Cabal Paladin61: Desert of the Indomitable, Deadeye Tormentor, Relic Runner62: Fiery Impulse, Reave Soul, Crash Through63: Harrier Naga, Perilous Voyage, Jousting Lance64: Hydrolash (U), Frilled Sandwalla, Relic Runner65: Elvish Visionary, Akroan Sergeant, Thundering Spineback (U)66: Veteran's Sidearm, Akroan Sergeant, Magmatic Insight (U)67: Acolyte of the Inferno, Hashep Oasis, Llanowar Scout68: Life Goes On, Khenra Eternal, Merfolk Trickster69: Siren's Ruse, Rona Disciple of Gix (U), Board the Weatherlight (NEW)70: Elvish Visionary, Reave Soul, Sidewinder Naga71: Desert of the Glorified, Totem-Guide Hartebeest (U), Benalish Honor Guard72: Undead Servant, Overgrown Armasaur, Mastermind's Acquisition (U)73: Disperse, Feral Prowler, Orazca Frillback74: Totem-Guide Hartebeest (U), Territorial Hammerskull, Howling Golem (U)75: Auramancer, Cobblebrute, Abrade (U)76: Read the Bones, Sigil of the Empty Throne (R), Thallid Omnivore77: Scrounger of Souls, Lethal Sting, Unknown Shores78: Eternal of Harsh Truths (U), Merfolk Branchwalker (U), Dusk Charger79: Battlefield Forge, Chart a Course (U), Hardy Veteran80: Otepec Huntmaster (U), Watertrap Weaver, Sporecrown Thallid81: Mage-Ring Network (U), Goblin Glory Chaser, Valor in Akros (U)82: Elvish Visionary, Legion Conquistador, Sulfur Falls (U)83: Caustic Caterpillar, Act of Heroism, Blessing of Belzenlok84: Skymarcher Aspirant (U), Hierophant's Chalice, Dive Down85: Yavimaya Coast, Brazen Buccaneers, Spire Winder86: Charging Griffin, Solitary Camel, Grisly Survivor87: Act of Heroism, Jhessian Thief (U), Silvergill Adept88: Survivors' Encampment, River Heralds's Boon (U), Dive Down89: Cobblebrute, Dire Fleet Hoarder, Daring Buccaneer90: Aerial Volley, Prism Ring, Corrosive Ooze91: Path of Mettle (R, NEW), Fire Shrine Keeper (U), Ixalli's Keeper (U)92: Dutiful Servants, Nivix Barrier, Skizzik93: Shambling Ghoul, Grisly Survivor, Desperate Castaways94: Rabid Bloodsucker, Consecrated by Blood (U), Sylvan Awakening (U)95: Steadfast Sentinel, Tragic Lesson, Navigator's Compass96: Tragic Lesson, Thundering Spineback (U), Heartless Pillage97: Veteran's Sidearm, Kytheon's Tactics, Deadeye Rig-Hauler98: Blur of Blades, Storm Fleet Pyromancer, Unfriendly Fire99: Mighty Leap, Blightcaster (U), Hope Tender (U)
And I have boosters data too.1 -
Boosters Data:Basic (before Dominaria)28: R: Peacewalker Colossus, Trial of Knowledge; C: Horror of the Broken LandsOrigins74: R: Jace's Sanctum; U: Titanic Growth; C: Llanowar Wastes, Grasp of the Hieromancer, Guardians of Meletis75: U: Titanic Growth, Totem-Guide Hartebeest, Vine Snare; C: Acolyte of the Inferno, Watercourser76: U: Vastwood Gorger, Eyeblight Massacre, Thopter Engineer, Necromantic Summons; C: Artificer's Epiphany77: U: Deep-Sea Terror, Call of the Full Moon; C: Wild Instincts, Auramancer, Titan's Strength78: U: War Horn, Gather the Pack; C: Read the Bones, Calculated Dismissal, Dragon Fodder79: U: Ramroller, Consecrated by Blood; C: Undead Servant, Rabid Bloodsucker, Yavimaya CoastShadows Over Innistrad42: U: Duskwatch Recruiter, Ongoing Investigation; C: Stern Constable, Senseless Rage, Rush of Adrenaline43: U: Pale Rider of Trostad (NEW), Mad Prophet; C: Dauntless Cathar, Ghostly Wings, Forsaken Sanctuary44: U: Neglected Heirloom (NEW); C: Pyre Hound, Hinterland Logger, Might Beyond Reason, Apothecary Geist45: U: Pious Evangel, Runaway Carriage, Howlpack Resurgence; C: Gone Missing, Explosive Apparatus46: U: Briarbridge Patrol (NEW), Broken Concentration, Indulgent Aristocrat; C: Unruly Mob, Dual Shot47: U: Howlpack Resurgence; C: Sanguinary Mage, Vessel of Paramnesia, Gatstaf Arsonists, Shamble Back48: R: Voldaren Pariah; U: Avacynian Missionaries; C: Emissary of the Sleepless, Quilled Wolf, Root Out49: U: Breakneck Rider (NEW), Gloomwidow; C: Wicker Witch, Strength of Arms, Drownyard ExplorersKaladesh48: U: Minister of Inquiries, Aerial Responder; C: Ruinous Gremlin, Ruinous Gremlin, Vedalken Blademaster49: R: Oath of Ajani (NEW); U: Bomat Bazaar Barge, Glimmer of Genius, Decoction Module; C: Thriving Rats50: U: Crackdown Construct (NEW), Consulate Dreadnought, Wind-Kin Raiders; C: Wild Wanderer, Fragmentize51: U: Enraged Giant (NEW), Incendiary Sabotage; C: Reckless Fireweaver, Prakhata Pillar-Bug, Glint-Sleeve Artisan52: U: Outland Boar, Furious Reprisal; C: Wild Wanderer, Hightide Hermit, Weldfast Wingsmith53: U: Unlicensed Disintegration (NEW), Gonti's Machinations; C: Dukhara Scavenger, Pressure Point, Nimble InnovatorAmonkhet45: U: Oketra's Attendant; C: Brute Strength, Forsake the Worldly, Those Who Serve, Honed Khopesh46: U: Labyrinth Guardian, Weaver of Currents; C: Bitterblade Warrior, Rhet-Crop Spearmaster, Floodwaters47: U: Stir the Sands; C: In Oketra's Name, Painted Bluffs, Miasmic Mummy, Doomed Dissenter48: R: Soul-Scar Mage, Aven Mindcensor; U: Khenra Charioteer; C: Cancel, Manticore of the Gauntlet49: U: Bloodrage Brawler, Crocodile of the Crossing; C: Minotaur Sureshot, Gust Walker, Spidery Grasp50: U: Watchful Naga, Labyrinth Guardian; C: Sunscorched Desert, Floodwaters, Compelling Argument51: U: Watchful Naga, Censor; C: Hekma Sentinels, Final Reward, Unburden52: U: Watchful Naga, Khenra Charioteer, By Force, Crocodile of the Crossing; C: Nimble-Blade KhenraHour of Devastation99: R: Accursed Horde; U: Ifnir Deadlands, Bitterbow Sharpshooters; C: Desert of the Glorified; Manalith100: U: Ramunap Ruins, Angel of the God-Pharaoh; C: Sandblast, Desert of the Mindful, Marauding Boneslasher101: U: Razaketh's Rite, Hashep Oasis, Torment of Scarabs; C: Desert of the Mindful, Marauding Boneslasher102: U: Bloodwater Entity, Torment of Venom; C: Thorned Moloch, Frontline Devastator, Strategic Planning103: U: Ipnu Rivulet, Banewhip Punisher, Bloodwater Entity, Firebrand Archer; C: Moaning Wall,104: U: Ramunap Ruins, Resolute Survivors; C: Thorned Moloch, Defiant Khenra, Traveler's Amulet105: R: Bontu's Last Reckoning; U: Torment of Venom, Eternal of Harsh Truths, Resolute Survivors; C: Moaning Wall106: U: Ipnu Rivulet, Vile Manifestation, Fervent Paincaster; C: Traveler's Amulet, Oasis Ritualist107: U: Dune Diviner, Ruin Rat; C: Mummy Paramount, Carrion Screecher, Graven Abomination108: U: Supreme Will, Ipnu Rivulet, Granitic Titan; C: Blur of Blades, Desert of the True109: U: Sunset Pyramid, Granitic Titan; C: Life Goes On, Marauding Boneslasher, Act of HeroismIxalan:65: U: Vicious Conquistador, Blight Keeper; C: Siren's Ruse, Dusk Legion Dreadnought, Imperial Lancer66: R: Kinjalli's Sunwing (NEW); U: Duskborne Skymarcher, Ruthless Knave; C: One With the Wind, Imperial Lancer67: R: Fleet Swallower (NEW), Sunbird's Invocation (NEW); U: Raging Swordtooth, Duskborne Skymarcher; C: Inspiring Cleric68: U: Favorable Winds (NEW), Trove of Temptation; C: Swashbuckling, Colossal Dreadmaw, Crash the Ramparts69: R: Axis of Mortality (NEW); U: Otepec Huntmaster; C: Siren Lookout, Dire Fleet Hoarder, Inspiring Cleric70: U: Thundering Spineback; C: Swashbuckling, Dire Fleet Interloper, Seekers' Squire, Paladin of the Bloodstained71: U: Kumena's Speaker, Storm Fleet Aerialist; C: Imperial Lancer, Field of Ruin, Depths of Desire72: U: Pillar of Origins; C: Fathom Fleet Firebrand, Perilous Voyage, Legion Conquistador, Heartless Pillage73: U: Glorifier of Dusk (NEW), Rigging Runner; C: Ravenous Daggertooth, Emissary of Sunrise, Desperate Castaways74: U: Shapers' Sanctuary, Favorable Winds; C: Rile, Ixalli's Diviner, Heartless Pillage75: U: Kinjalli's Caller, Encampment Keeper; C: Territorial Hammerskull, Ritual of Rejuvenation, Legion Conquistador76: U: Fiery Cannonade (NEW), Deadeye Plunderers, Ruthless Knave; C: Steadfast Armasaur, Sun-Crowned Hunters77: U: Trove of Temptation, Grim Captain's Call, Kinjalli's Caller; C: Shaper Apprentice, Ritual of Rejuvenation78: U: River Heralds' Boon; C: Territorial Hammerskull, Demystify, Adanto Vanguard, Imperial Lancer79: R: Bishop of Rebirth (NEW); U: Kumena's Speaker; C: Pirate's Prize, Perilous Voyage, Slice in Twain80: U: Sky Terror; C: Storm Fleet Pyromancer, Dusk Legion Dreadnought, Tilonalli's Knight, Tilonalli's Knight81: U: Makeshift Munitions, Dire Fleet Captain; C: Storm Fleet Pyromancer, Ixalli's Diviner, Dive Down82: U: Makeshift Munitions, Deadeye Plunderers, Sky Terror; C: Jade Guardian, Depths of Desire83: C: Ravenous Daggertooth, Pirate's Prize, Nest Robber, Shaper Apprentice, Dire Fleet Interloper33B84: U: Dire Fleet Captain; C: Costly Plunder, Thrash of Raptors, Hierophant's Chalice, Unfriendly Fire85: U: Belligerent Brontodon, Fiery Cannonade; C: Dire Fleet Interloper, Crash the Ramparts, Jungle Delver86: U: Deeproot Waters; C: Nest Robber, Territorial Hammerskull, Unfriendly Fire, Desperate Castaways87: U: Chart a Course, Vineshaper Mystic; C: Steadfast Armasaur, Seekers' Squire, Seekers' Squire88: R: Commune with Dinosaurs (NEW); U: Raiders' Wake; C: Imperial Lancer, Sun-Crowned Hunters, Field of Ruin89: U: Deathless Ancient, Lightning-Rig Crew; C: Ixalli's Diviner, Wanted Scoundrels, Colossal Dreadmaw90: R: Fathom Fleet Captain (NEW), Settle the Wreckage (NEW); C: Contract Killing, Demystify, Emergent Growth91: C: Siren's Ruse, Legion's Judgment, Dire Fleet Hoarder, Field of Ruin, Depths of Desire92: U: Shore Keeper; C: Deadeye Tormentor, Storm Fleet Pyromancer, Hierophant's Chalice, Heartless PillageRivals of Ixalan:43: U: Induced Amnesia; C: Thunderherd Migration, Orazca Raptor, Hardy Veteran, Orazca Frillback44: U: Flood of Recollection, Induced Amnesia; C: Oathsworn Vampire (NEW); Jungleborn Pioneer, Vampire Revenant45: U: Induced Amnesia, Forerunner of the Coalition, Dire Fleet Neckbreaker; C: Dead Man's Chest, Mist-Cloaked Herald46: U: Dire Fleet Neckbreaker, Crested Herdcaller; C: Jungleborn Pioneer, Buccaneer's Bravado, Deadeye Rig-Hauler47: R: Champion of Dusk (NEW); U: Forerunner of the Legion, Crested Herdcaller; C: Orazca Raptor, Daring Buccaneer48: R: Hadana's Climb; U: Brass's Bounty; C: Dinosaur Hunter, Deadeye Rig-Hauler, Orazca Frillback49: U: Induced Amnesia, Storm Fleet Sprinter; C: Overgrown Armasaur, Vampire Revenant, Orazca Frillback50: U: Relentless Raptor, Forerunner of the Legion; C: Baffling End (NEW), Squire's Devotion, Storm Fleet Swashbuckler51: U: Forerunner of the Coalition; C: Soul of the Rapids (NEW), Soul of the Rapids, Exultant Skymarcher, Baffling End52: U: Forerunner of the Legion; C: Tilonalli's Crown, Goblin Trailblazer, Exultant Skymarcher, Sworn Guardian53: U: Sphinx's Decree, Skymarcher Aspirant; C: Dead Man's Chest, Canal Monitor, Baffling End54: U: Mastermind's Acquisition; C: Pride of Conquerors, Tilonalli's Crown, Thrashing Brontodon, Vampire Revenant55: U: Sphinx's Decree, Forerunner of the Empire, Forerunner of the Empire; C: Sadistic Skymarcher, Daring Buccaneer56: U: Reckless Rage; C: Dusk Martyr, Sadistic Skymarcher, Secrets of the Golden City, Oathsworn Vampire57: U: Reckless Rage, Crested Herdcaller; C: Pride of Conquerors, Thunderherd Migration, Enter the Unknown58: U: Forerunner of the Legion; C: Thunderherd Migration, Jungleborn Pioneer, Silvergill Adept, Mist-Cloaked Herald59: U: Jadelight Ranger, Sphinx's Decree, Relentless Raptor, Storm Fleet Sprinter; C: Secrets of the Golden City60: U: Skymarcher Aspirant, Relentless Raptor; C: Squire's Devotion, Mist-Cloaked Herald, Hardy Veteran61: U: Golden Demise, Path of Discovery, Merfolk Mistbinder; C: Thunderherd Migration, Orazca Raptor62: U: Induced Amnesia, Skymarcher Aspirant, Silverclad Ferocidons; C: Jungleborn Pioneer, Baffling End63: U: Golden Demise, Legion Lieutenant; C: Enter the Unknown, Mist-Cloaked Herald, Daring Buccaneer64: U: Golden Demise, Golden Demise, Mastermind's Acquisition, Forerunner of the Empire; C: Soul of the Rapids*: Premium Rare 8: Warkite Marauder65: U: Dire Fleet Neckbreaker, Silverclad Ferocidons; C: Squire's Devotion, Snubhorn Sentry, Fanatical Firebrand66: R: Slaughter the Strong; U: Storm Fleet Sprinter, Storm Fleet Sprinter; C: Raptor Companion, Baffling End67: U: Path of Discovery, Forerunner of the Heralds, Expel from Orazca; C: Daring Buccaneer, Soul of the Rapids68: U: Flood of Recollection, Jadelight Ranger; C: Silvergill Adept, Sunbhorn Sentry, Spire Winder69: U: Flood of Recollection, Relentless Raptor, Silverclad Ferocidons; C: Storm Fleet Swashbuckler, Oathsworn Vampire70: U: Legion Lieutenant; C: Orazca Raptor, Jungleborn Pioneer, Jungleborn Pioneer, Dead Man's Chest71: U: Sphinx's Decree, Forerunner of the Heralds; C: Tilonalli's Crown, Secrets of the Golden City, Canal Monitor72: U: Siegehorn Ceratops, Induced Amnesia, Storm Fleet Sprinter; C: Snubhorn Sentry, Baffling End73: U: Forerunner of the Coalition, Expel from Orazca, Crested Herdcaller, Legion Lieutenant; C: Tilonalli's Crown74: U: Forerunner of the Heralds, Induced Amnesia, Forerunner of the Coalition, Skymarcher Aspirant; C: Storm Fleet Swasbuckler75: U: Forerunner of the Coalition; C: Goblin Trailblazer, Spire Winder, Storm Fleet Swashbuckler, Daring Buccaneer76: U: Siegehorn Ceratops, Path of Discovery, Reckless Rage, Temple Altisaur; C: Thunderherd Migration77: M: Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca (NEW); U: Crested Herdcaller; C: Thrashing Brontodon, Jungleborn Pioneer, Snubhorn Sentry78: U: Temple Altisaur; C: Orazca Raptor, Sworn Guardian, Canal Monitor, Hardy Veteran79: R: Champion of Dusk, Paladin of Atonement; U: Forerunner of the Coalition, Legion Lieutenant; C: Hardy Veteran80: U: Temple Altisaur; C: Thunderherd Migration, Buccaneer's Bravado, Canal Monitor, Deadeye Rig-Hauler81: R: Admiral's Order; U: Induced Amnesia; C: Snubhorn Sentry, Deadeye Rig-Hauler, Daring Buccaneer82: U: Siegehorn Ceratops, Expel From Orazca, Expel From Orazca; C: Silvergill Adept, Baffling End83: U: Ravenous Chupacabra, Reckless Rage; C: Pride of Conquerors, Exultant Skymarcher, Enter the UnknownDominaria:1: R: Naban Dean of Iteration (NEW), Benalish Marshal (NEW); U: Raff Capashen Ship's Mage (NEW); C: Rat Colony (NEW), Saproling Migration (NEW)*: Premium Rare 1: Kwende, Pride of Femeref (NEW)2: U: Yargle Glutton of Urborg (NEW), The Flame of Keld (NEW), Hinterland Harbor (NEW), Sage of Lat-Nam (NEW); C: Saproling Migration3: R: The Mirari Conjecture (NEW); U: Hinterland Harbor, Sage of Lat-Nam, Whisper Blood Liturgist (NEW), Howling Golem (NEW)4: U: Woodland Cemetery (NEW); C: Seal Away (NEW), Seismic Shift (NEW), Jousting Lance (NEW), Relic Runner5: R: Tempest Djinn (NEW); C: Invoke the Divine (NEW), Amaranthine Wall (NEW), Fiery Intervention (NEW), Academy Drake (NEW)6: U: Firefist Adept (NEW), Knight of Malice (NEW); C: Seal Away, Vicious Offering (NEW), Seismic Shift*: Premium Rare 2: Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp7: U: Tiana Ship's Caretaker (NEW), The Flame of Keld; C: Sporecrown Thallid (NEW), Befuddle (NEW), Cabal Paladin (NEW)8: R: Aryel Knight of Windgrace (NEW); U: Warcry Phoenix (NEW), Clifftop Retreat (NEW); C: Keldon Warcaller (NEW), Call the Cavalry (NEW)9: R: Benalish Marshal; U: Chainer's Torment (NEW), Daring Archaeologist (NEW); C: Rat Colony, Rat Colony10: R: Verdant Force (NEW); U: Song of Freyalise (NEW), Sulfur Falls (NEW); C: Skizzik (NEW), Llanowar Scout (NEW)11: U: Chainer's Torment; C: Blessed Light (NEW), Ancient Animus (NEW), Warlord's Fury (NEW), Sporecrown Thallid*: Premium Rare 3: Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep (NEW)12: U: Urgoros the Empty One (NEW), Tetsuko Umezawa Fugitive (NEW); C: Skittering Surveyor (NEW), Relic Runner, Academy Journeymage13: U: Spore Swarm (NEW), Sage of Lat-Nam; C: Corrosive Ooze (NEW), Academy Drake, Warlord's Fury14: R: Siege-Gang Commander (NEW); U: Sulfur Falls; C: Ghitu Lavarunner (NEW), Krosan Druid (NEW), Adamant Will (NEW)15: R: Squee the Immortal (NEW); U: Time of Ice (NEW), Sylvan Awakening (NEW), Whisper Blood Liturgist; C: Jousting Lance16: R: Memorial to Folly (NEW); U: Woodland Cemetery; C: Bloodstone Goblin (NEW), Ghitu Lavarunner, Fervent Strike (NEW)*: Premium Rare 4: Slinn Voda, the Rising Deep17: U: Wizard's Lightning (NEW), Wizard's Lightning, Damping Sphere (NEW); C: Benalish Honor Guard (NEW), Ancient Animus18: U: Shanna Sisay's Legacy (NEW), Raff Capashen Ship's Mage; C: Unwind (NEW), Gift of Growth (NEW), Ghitu Lavarunner19: R: The Mending of Dominaria (NEW), Verdant Force; C: Divest (NEW), Llanowar Scout, Ancient Animus20: U: Thallid Soothsayer (NEW), Goblin Chainwhirler (NEW), Isolated Chapel (NEW), Grand Warlord Radha (NEW); C: Ghitu Lavarunner21: U: Cabal Stronghold (NEW), Syncopate (NEW), Song of Freyalise, Song of Freyalise; C: Grow from the Ashes (NEW)*: Premium Rare 5: Jaya's Immolating Inferno (NEW)22: M: Darigaaz Reincarnated (NEW); R: Fall of the Thran (NEW); U: Danitha Capashen Paragon (NEW), The Flame of Keld; C: Skirk Prospector (NEW)23: U: Triumph of Gerrard (NEW), Settle the Score (NEW), Chainer's Torment, Spore Swarm; C: Divination (NEW)24: R: Kazarov Sengir Pureblood (NEW); U: In Bolas's Clutches (NEW), Shanna Sisay's Legacy; C: Dub (NEW), Adamant Will25: U: Gaea's Blessing (NEW), Deep Freeze (NEW), Hinterland Harbor; C: Call the Cavalry, Adamant Will26: U: Serra Angel (NEW), Hallar the Firefletcher (NEW); C: Blink of an Eye (NEW), Academy Drake, Keldon Warcaller27: R: Adeliz the Cinder Wind; U: Hinterland Harbor, Whisper Blood Liturgist, Urgoros the Empty One, Cabal Stronghold28: U: Untamed Kavu (NEW), Chainer's Torment, Tetsuko Umezawa Fugitive; C: Bloodstone Goblin, Divination*: Premium Rare 6: Memorial to War (NEW)29: U: Rona Disciple of Gix (NEW), Chainer's Torment; C: Merfolk Trickster, Fiery Intervention, Serra Disciple30: U: Danitha Capashen Paragon; C: Sergeant-at-Arms (NEW), Urza's Tome (NEW), Academy Drake, Ghitu Lavarunner31: U: Fungal Plots (NEW), Time of Ice, Syncopate, Wizard's Lightning; C: Voltaic Servant32: U: Yargle Glutton of Urborg, Urgoros the Empty One; C: Sorcerer's Wand (NEW), Bloodtallow Candle (NEW), Keldon Warcaller33: U: Tatyova Benthic Druid (NEW), Tatyova Benthic Druid; C: Navigator's Compass (NEW), Ghitu Lavarunner, Dub*: Premium Rare 7: Gilded Lotus (NEW)34: U: Hinterland Harbor, Woodland Cemetery, In Bolas's Clutches; C: Merfolk Trickster, Sorcerer's Wand35: U: Woodland Cemetery, Shanna Sisay's Legacy; C: Skittering Surveyor, Adamant Will, Sorcerer's Wand36: U: Grand Warlord Radha; Deep Freeze; C: Divest, Unwind, Vodalian Arcanist37: R: Territorial Allosaurus (NEW), Memorial to Unity (NEW); U: Sulfur Falls; C: Academy Drake, Voltaic Servant38: U: The Flame of Keld; C: Caligo Skin-Witch (NEW), Demonic Vigor (NEW), Invoke the Divine, Krosan Druid*: Premium Rare 8: Zahid, Djinn of the Lamp39: U: Isolated Chapel, Cabal Stronghold, Wizard's Lightning; C: Seismic Shift, Sergeant-at-Arms40: C: Warlord's Fury, Bloodstone Goblin, Voltaic Servant, Vodalian Arcanist, Blessing of Belzenlok41: U: The Eldest Reborn (NEW), Sylvan Awakening; C: Invoke the Divine, Jousting Lance, Blessing of Belzenlok42: R: Blackblade Reforged (NEW); U: Tiana Ship's Caretaker; C: Rat Colony, Adamant Will, Ghitu Journeymage43: U: Dauntless Bodyguard (NEW), The Eldest Reborn; C: Deathbloom Thallid (NEW), Vodalian Arcanist, Demonic Vigor*: Premium Rare 9: Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle (NEW)44: U: Weight of Memory (NEW), Arvad the Cursed (NEW); C: Dark Bargain (NEW), Navigator's Compass, Urza's Tome45: C: Dark Bargain, Merfolk Trickster, Keldon Warcaller, Fervent Strike, Serra Disciple46: M: Thran Temporal Gateway (NEW); U: Knight of Grace (NEW), Baird Steward of Argive (NEW), Yargle Glutton of Urborg; C: Call the Cavalry47: U: Fungal Plots; C: Jhoira's Familiar (NEW), Bloodstone Goblin, Powerstone Shard, Sergeant-at-Arms48: U: Wizard's Retort (NEW), Grand Warlord Radha, Damping Sphere; C: Benalish Honor Guard, Serra Disciple*: Premium Rare 10: Fall of the Thran49: U: Knight of Malice, Serra Angel; C: Bloodstone Goblin, Divination, Ghitu Journeymage50: U: Spore Swarm, Rona Disciple of Gix, Knight of Grace; C: Unwind, Divination51: U: Hinterland Harbor, The Eldest Reborn; C: Invoke the Divine, Seismic Shift, Dark Bargain52: U: Knight of Malice, Woodland Cemetery, Dauntless Bodyguard; C: Broken Bond (NEW); Invoke the Divine53: U: On Serra's Wings (NEW), On Serra's Wings, Gaea's Blessing, Danitha Capashen Paragon; C: Powerstone Shard54: M: Mox Amber (NEW); U: Settle the Score, Rona Disciple of Gix; C: Sporecrown Thallid, Ghitu Lavarunner55: M: Karn's Temporal Sundering (NEW); U: Daring Archaeologist, Time of Ice, Arvad the Cursed; C: Sorcerer's Wand56: U: Arvad the Cursed; C: Llanowar Scout, Call the Cavalry, Cabal Paladin, Gift of Growth57: U: In Bolas's Clutches, Tatyova Benthic Druid; C: Invoke the Divine, Skirk Prospector, Blessing of Belzenlok58: U: Howling Golem, Spore Swarm; C: Vicious Offering, Keldon Warcaller, Blink of an Eye59: U: Song of Freyalise, Danitha Capashen Paragon, Arvad the Cursed; C: Rat Colony, Deathbloom Thallid60: R: Lich's Mastery (NEW), Memorial to Glory (NEW); U: On Serra's Wings; C: Divest, Ghitu Journeymage61: U: Elfhame Druid (NEW), Tetsuko Umezawa Fugitive, Tatyova Benthic Druid; C: Academy Journeymage, Gift of Growth62: M: Torgaar Famine Incarnate (NEW); U: The Eldest Reborn; C: Divination, Ghitu Journeymage, Dark Bargain63: M: Urza's Ruinous Blast (NEW); U: Danitha Capashen Paragon; C: Call the Cavalry, Serra Disciple, Demonic Vigor*: Premium Rare 11: Memorial to War64: U: Sage of Lat-Nam, Thallid Soothsayer, Shanna Sisay's Legacy, On Serra's Wings; C: Demonic Vigor65: U: Sage of Lat-Nam, Time of Ice, Damping Sphere; C: Rescue, Bloodtallow Candle66: U: Howling Golem, Gaea's Blessing; C: Rat Colony, Seismic Shift, Gift of Growth67: M: History of Benalia (NEW); R: Steel Leaf Champion (NEW); U: Tetsuko Umezawa Fugitive; C: Seal Away, Bloodtallow Candle68: U: Firefist Adept, Goblin Chainwhirler; C: Relic Runner, Invoke the Divine, Fervent Strike
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