Registering cards from Free boosters
I'm a completionist too, and also dislike this standard thing. We could have an option in game config... asking for too much, devs aren't this friendly in this game.
Woow, too much time since I last posted. Time flies...22/08/20171: Pharika's Disciple (Discípulo de Fárica); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 80/84T)2: Consulate Dreadnought (Encouraçado do Consulado); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (1+1/4C; 7+1/24T)3: Maritime Guard (Guarda Marinha); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 80/84T)4: Cartouche of Zeal (Cártula do Zelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12R; 65/65T)5: Propeller Pioneer (Pioneira dos Propulsores); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 60/65T)6: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 80/84T)7: Dark Petition (Petição Obscura); Rare; Origins; Owned. (3/10B; 7/49T)8: Emberhorn Minotaur (Minotauro Brasocórneo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12R; 65/65T)23/08/20171: Herald of the Fair (Arauto da Feira); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 60/65T)2: Survivors' Encampment (Acampamento dos Sobreviventes) Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 49/60T)3: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Nantuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14B; 80/84T)4: Cartouche of Knowledge (Cártula do Conhecimento); Common; Amonkhet; Owned.5: Steadfast Sentinel (Sentinela Resoluta); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (8/12W; 49/60T)6: Sidewinder Naga (Naga Cascavélico); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 49/60T)7: Pharika's Disciple (Discípulo de Fárica); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 80/84T)8: Ornamental Courage (Coragem Ornamental); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11G; 60/65T)9: Revolutionary Rebuff (Repúdio Revolucionário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11U; 60/65T)10: Puncturing Blow (Golpe Perfurante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11R; 49/60T)24/08/20171: Thornbow Archer (Arqueiro do Arco Espinhoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14B; 80/84T)2: Grisly Survivor (Sobrevivente Macabra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11B; 49/60T)3: Wild Wanderer (Errante Selvagem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11G; 60/65T)4: Screeching Skaab (Skaab Guinchante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 80/84T)5: Aradara Express (Expresso de Aradara); Common; Kaladesh; NEW. (11+1/12C; 60+1/65T)6: Screeching Skaab (Skaab Guinchante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 80/84T)7: Consul's Lieutenant (Tenente do Cônsul); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (10/18W; 36/89T)8: Gift of Paradise (Dádiva do Paraíso); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12G; 65/65T)9: Weldfast Wingsmith (Aseiro de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh; NEW. (10+1/11U; 61+1/65T)25/08/20171: Tormented Thoughts (Pensamentos Atormentados); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (6+1/17B; 36+1/89T)2: Built to Smash (Contruído para Arrebentar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10R; 62/65T)3: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 50/60T)4: Decimator Beetle (Besouro Dizimador); Uncommon ;Amonkhet; Owned. (6/10G; 8/14B; 32/55T)5: Floodwaters (Enxurrada); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12U; 65/65T)6: Titan's Strength(Força de Titã); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 80/84T)7: Soulstinger (Picador de Almas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12B; 65/65T)8: Die Young (Morrer Jovem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11B; 63/65T)26/08/20171: Compelling Argument (Argumento Convincente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12U; 65/65T)2: Nimble Innovator (Inovadora Ágil); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 63/65T)3: Faerie Miscreant (Fada Marota); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 80/84T)4: Lurching Rotbeast (Putrifera Trôpega); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11B; 50/60T)5: Sandblast (Rajada de Areia); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 50/60T)6: Mantle of Webs (Manto de Teias); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 80/84T)7: Carrion Screecher (Guinchador Carniceiro); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11B; 50/60T)8: Sky Skiff (Aeroesquife); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)27/08/20171: Dark Petition (Petição Obscura); Rare; Origins; Owned. (3/10B; 7/49T)2: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Natuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14B; 80/84T)3: Soulstinger (Picador de Almas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12B; 65/65T)4: Ambitious Aetherborn (Etergênito Ambicioso); Common; Kaladesh, Owned. (11/11B; 63/65T)5: Lightning Javelin (Azagaia de Raio); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 80/84T)6: Shimmerscale Drake (Dragonete-de-escamas-cintilantes); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12U; 65/65T)7: Bone to Ash (De Ossos as Cinzas); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (7/17U; 37/89T)8: Grasp of the Hieromancer (Garra do Hieromante); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14W; 80/84T)
I'm lazy about analysing the data, but as you can see, I'm getting almost all dupes. 4 new cards out of 51, 2 uncommon; 2 common from Kaladesh.
Before getting that Dark Petition at 22nd, I had 44 rares no dupes. Then I got 3 dupes in a row, 2 Dark Petitions, (argh!) and a dupe from OGW event, even if I had 5/18 rares from OGW. At least, the BFZ booster gave me a non dupe rare, as a non dupe uncommon and 2 commons.
Commons are going to be almost all dupes now. Currently I have 80/84 Origins; 63/65 Kaladesh; All Amonkhet; 50/60 HOU. And 76/97 BFZ; 66/76 SOI. Give me those cards! :P1 -
Worst batch so far. No rares, no new. Although I have most commons and uncommons in standard so not really expecting to get alot.Kaladesh and AER 120/144, 166/173 Origins, all AKH, 100/105 HOU
Last 30 free boosters gave me.
Common 28 (9 AKH, 6 HOU, 8 Origins, 5 Kaladesh)2 Uncommon (1 Kaladesh, 1 Origin)1 -
And this is what I got past days. Had problems with my phone at day 29, and didn't registered the few cards I got.
28/08/20171: Puncturing Blow(Golpe Perfurante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11R; 50/60T)2: Visionary Augmenter (Amplificadora Visionária); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (4+1/9W; 23+1/55T)3: Minotaur Sureshot (Minotauro Tiro-certo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12R; 65/65T)4: Consign (Enviar); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (3+1/9U; 3+1/9 B; 22+1/45T)5: Fiery Conclusion (Conclusão Flamejante); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (6+1/19R; 38+1/89T)6: Scrounger of Souls (Afanador de Almas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11B; 50/60T)7: Deadbridge Shaman (Xamã da ponte Mortífera); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14B; 80/84T)8: Painted Bluffs (Penhascos Pintados); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (4/4C; 65/65T)9: Thriving Turtle (Tartaruga Vigorosa); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 63/65T)10: Horror of the Broken Lands (Horror das Terras Partidas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12B; 65/65T)30/08/2017:1: Mighty Leap (Salto Poderoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14W; 80/84T)2: Merciless Javelineer (Zagaieira Impiedosa); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (9+1/13R; 8+1/14B; 32+1/55T)3: Honed Khopesh (Khopesh Afiado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (4/4C; 65/65T)4: Vedalken Blademaster (Lâmina-mestre Vedalkeano); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 63/65T)5: Caustic Caterpillar (Lagarta Cáustica); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 80/84T)6: Unquenchable Thirst (Sede Insaciável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (8/11U; 51/60T)7: Graven Abomination (Abominação Esculpida); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 51/60T)8: Tah-Crop Elite (Elite da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (13/13W; 65/65T)9: Artificer's Epiphany (Epifania do Artífice); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 80/84T)10: Shambling Ghoul (Carniçal Trôpego); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14B; 80/84T)31/08/20171: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12U; 65/65T)2: Self-Assembler (Automontante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)3: Mantle of Webs (Manto de Teias); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 80/84T)4: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)5: Might of the Masses (Força das Massas); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 80/84T)6: Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen (Dwynen, Daen de Folha D'Ouro); Rare; Origins; NEW. (1+1/9G; 7+1/49T)7: Enlightened Ascetic (Asceta Iluminada); Common; Origins; NEW. (13+1/14W; 80+1/84T)8: Soulstinger (Picador de Almas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12B; 65/65T)
Got 4 Uncommon and 1 Rare out of 28 cards, not bad. All were new cards. Also got a common non dupe from Origins, 3 remain to get.
And this is what I got from other boosters past weeks:Basic4: U: Valor in Akros (NEW); C: Pressure Point; Dutiful Servants5: C: Spontaneous Artist (NEW), Giant Spectacle, Ghirapur Aether Grid6: U: Warfire Javelineer; C: Disposal Mummy (NEW), Gearseeker Serpent7: U: Celestial Flare (NEW); C: Festering Mummy, Gnarlroot Trapper
Amonkhet4: U: Zenith Seeker (NEW), Stir the Sands; C: Cartouche of Strength, Tah-Crop Skirmisher, Shed Weakness
Hour of Devastation8: U: Sunset Pyramid (NEW), Sand Strangler, Ipnu Rivulet; C: Blur of Blades, Kindled Fury9: R: Earthshaker Khenra (NEW); U: Shefet Dunes (NEW), Dunes of the Dead; C: Unquenchable Thirst (NEW), Puncturing Blow.
Battle for Zendikar:1: R: Defiant Bloodlord (NEW); U: Rising Miasma (NEW); C: Shatterskull Recruit (NEW), Broodhunter Wurm (NEW); Chasm Guide2: U: Lavastep Raider (NEW); C: Complete Disregard (NEW), Eldrazi Skyspawner, Dominator Drone, Stone Haven Medic1 -
Next batch. I have opened more free boosters but have had several packs returning error so didn't see what I got.
First three packs in this batch actually gave new cards also.
30 Common (7 Kaladesh, 10 Origins, 12 AKH, 1 HOU)3 Uncommon (2 Origin, 1 HOU)1 Rare (Origins)1 -
Data from six more days:
01/09/20171: Renegade Freighter (Fretista Renegado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)2: Tah-Crop Elite (Elite da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (13/13W; 65/65T)3: Cathartic Reunion (Reunião Catártica); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 63/65T)4: Gnarlroot Trapper (Armadilheiro das Raízes Nodosas); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 81/84T)5: Reckless Fireweaver (Flamitecelão Temerário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 63/65T)6: Festering Mummy (Múmia Pustulenta); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12B; 65/65T)7: Dukhara Peafowl (Pavão de Dukhara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)8: Defiant Khenra (Khenra Audaz); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11R; 51/60T)02/09/20171: Feral Prowler (Espreitador Feral); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 51/60T)2: Frontline Devastator (Devastadora da Linha de Frente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11R; 51/60T)3: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12G; 65/65T)4: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Nantuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (13/14B; 81/84T)5: Salivating Gremlins (Gremlins Salivantes); Common; kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 63/65T)6: Enlightened Ascetic (Asceta Iluminada); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 81/84T)7: Floodwaters (Enxurrada); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12U; 65/65T)8: Oketra's Avenger (Vingador de Oketra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 51/60T)9: Dark Dabbling (Experimentação Sombria); Common; Origins; NEW. (13+1/14B; 81+1/84T)03/09/20171: Frontline Devastator (Devastadora da Linha de Frente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11R; 51/60T)2: Honed Khopesh (Khopesh Afiado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (4/4C; 65/65T)3: Hitchclaw Recluse (Eremita Garra de Gancho); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)4: Peema Outrider (Vanguardeiro de Peema); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11G; 63/65T)5: Yavimaya Coast (Costa de Yavimaya); Common; Origins; Owned. (11/13C; 82/84T)6: Supernatural Stamina (Resistência Sobrenatural); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12B; 95/95T)7: Master Trinketeer (Bugigangueiro Mestre); Rare; Kaladesh; NEW. (0+1/6W; 7+1/43T)8: Rhonas's Stalwart (Defensor de Rhonas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 51/60T)9: Shed Weakness (Eliminar Fraqueza); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12G; 65/65T)04/09/20171: Dragon Fodder (Forragem de Dragão); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)2: Ampryn Tactician (Estrategista Ampryn); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (11+1/18W; 39+1/89T)3: Enlightened Ascetic (Asceta Iluminada); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 82/84T)4: Lay Claim (Clamar Posse); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (6+1/12U; 34+1/55T)5: Llanowar Wastes (Regiões Agrestes de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (11/13C; 82/84T)6: Consulate Surveillance (Vigilância do Consulado); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (5/9W; 24/55T)7: Frilled Sandwalla (Walla-d'areia Franjado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 51/60T)8: Peacewalker Colossus (Colosso Caminhante da Paz); Rare; Aether Revolt; NEW. (0+1/3C; 2+1/18T)05/09/20171: Deadbridge Shaman (Xamã da ponte Mortífera); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 82/84T)2: Aetherborn Marauder (Saqueador Etergênito); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (3/10B; 24/55T)3: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12U; 65/65T)4: Llanowar Empath (Telepata de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)5: Spidery Grasp (Garras Aracnoides); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12G; 65/65T)6: Reave Soul (Despojar Alma); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 82/84T)7: Hitchclaw Recluse (Eremita Garra de Gancho); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)8: Emberhorn Minotaur (Minotauro Brasocórneo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/12R; 65/65T)06/09/20171: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Evolving Wilds (Terras em Desenvolvimento); Common; Origins; Owned. (11/13C; 82/84T)3: Scaled Behemoth (Behemoth Escamoso); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (6/10G; 35/55T)4: Self-Assembler (Automontante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)5: Faerie Miscreant (Fada Marota); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)6: Horror of the Broken Lands (Horror das Terras Partidas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Floodwaters (Enxurrada); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Whir of Invention (Zumbido da Invenção); Rare; Aether Revolt; NEW. (0+1/3U; 3+1/18T)
50 cards.
42 Common, 5 Uncommon, 3 Rare
6 New cards, all 3 rares, 2 uncommon, 1 common (Dark Dabbling). In fact, getting several uncommon dupes these days. Data for today are not ready, but includes two uncommon dupes, and one is Scaled Behemoth again
16 Origins; 10 Kaladesh (+2 Aether Revolt); 15 Amonkhet; 7 HOU
And these are other boosters for VolrakBasic8: C: Khenra Eternal (NEW), Wild Instincts, Battlefield ForgeOrigins1: U: Magmatic Insight (NEW); C: Artificer's Epiphany, Infernal Scarring, Mantle of Webs, Nantuko HuskShadows Over Innistrad5: U: Stensia Masquerade (NEW) Trail of Evedence (NEW), Pious Evangel; C: Stormrider Spirit, Vessel of Paramnesia6: U: Advanced Stitchwing (NEW), Whispers of Emrakul (NEW), Kindly Stranger; C: Stormrider Spirit, Thraben InspectorAmonkhet5: R: Seraph of the Suns (NEW); U: Stir the Sands, Warfire Javelineer, Zenith Seeker; C: Minotaur SureshotHour of Devastation10: R: Magmaroth (NEW), Doomfall; U: Supreme Will; C: Feral Prowler, Unquenchable Thirst1 -
Thanks Marvaddin for all your data.
I'd like to contribute but I'm not as consistent as you in getting the boosters on time.
But I basically got the same commons and uncommons as you did.
However, you did get way more rare than I can recall for myself in the last month.0 -
40 cards registered and I'm in a bad stint.
40 Common (22 Origins, 9 HOU, 6 AKH, 3 Kaladesh) all dupes.
Just at the beginning of this batch I had two reward packs from HOU and bought a PP Origins.
I got a mythic and a masterpiece from HOU and from the Origins PP I got two mythic (one dupe) and six rare.
My 'sense' of getting cards in waves of good and bad batches remain. No stats to back it though and I'm too lazy to start recording every draw
1 -
Rhasget said:My 'sense' of getting cards in waves of good and bad batches remain. No stats to back it though and I'm too lazy to start recording every draw
0 -
Details for past 5 days:07/09/20171: Artificer's Epiphany (Epifania do Artífice); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)2: Solitary Camel (Camelo Solitário); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 52/60T)3: Mummy Paramount (Múmia Suprema); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 52/60T)4: Desert of the Fervent (Deserto da Fervorosa); Common; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (10+1/11R; 52+1/60T)5: Merciless Javelineer (Zagaieira Impiedosa); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (10/13R; 9/14B; 35/55T)6: Llanowar Empath (Telepata de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)7: Scaled Behemoth (Behemoth Escamoso); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (6/10G; 35/55T)8: Ruinous Gremlin (Gremlin Ruinoso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11R; 65/65T)9: Restoration Specialist (Especialista em Restauração); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (2/4W; 8/24T)08/09/20171: Strategic Planning (Planejamento Estratégico) Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (8/11U; 53/60T)2: Act of Treason (Ato de Traição); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (8+1/19R; 41+1/89T)3: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 53/60T)5: Binding Mummy (Múmia Aprisionadora); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (13/13W; 65/65T)6: Deep-Sea Terror (Terror das Profundezas); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (7/17U; 42/89T)7: Appeal (Apelar); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (3/9G; 5/8W; 23/45T)8: Sidewinder Naga (Naga Cascavélico); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 53/60T)9: Nissa's Pilgrimage (Peregrinação de Nissa); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)10: Survivors' Encampment (Acampamento dos Sobreviventes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 53/60T)09/09/20171: Renegade Tactics (Tática dos Renegados); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 63/65T)2: Desert of the Fervent (Deserto da Fervorosa); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 53/60T)3: Bomat Bazaar Barge (Barca do Bazar de Bomat); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (4/10C; 24/55T)4: Mighty Leap (Salto Poderoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 82/84T)5: Ghirapur Aether Grid (Grade de Éter de Ghirapur); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)6: Kujar Seedsculptor (Escultora de Sementes de Kujar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11G; 63/65T)7: Brute Strength (Força imensa); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Acolyte of the Inferno (Acólito do Inferno); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)10/09/20171: Forsake the Worldly (Abandonar o Mundano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Dissenter's Deliverance (Salvação do Dissidente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Kujar Seedsculptor (Escultora de Sementes de Kujar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11G; 63/65T)4: Subterranean Scout (Batedor Subterrâneo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)5: Merciless Eternal (Eterno Impiedoso); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (4+1/9B; 23+1/45T)6: Mantle of Webs (Manto de Teias); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)7: Desert of the Indomitable (Deserto do Indômito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned (9/10G; 53/60T)8: Giant Spectacle (Espetáculo de Gigantes); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 63/65T)9: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)11/09/20171: Stir the Sands (Agitar as Areias); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (10/14B; 37/55T)2: Feral Prowler (Espreitador Feral); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 53/60T)3: Volcanic Rambler (Caminhante Vulcânico); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (9+1/19R; 42+1/89T)4: Sky Skiff (Aeroesquife); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)5: Charging Griffin (Grifo Atacante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 82/84T)6: Nimble-Blade Khenra (Khenra da Lâmina Veloz); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Akroan Jailer (Carcereiro Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 82/84T)8: Rabid Bloodsucker (Sugador de Sangue Raivoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 82/84T)
That's 44 cards.
34 common; 10 uncommon. No rares sucks. And number of uncommon dupes is higher than it should. I have 137/268 standard uncommon, and got 7/10 dupes. Common, just 1 new HOU card.
Expansions were: 14 Origins, 7 Kaladesh (+1 Aether Revolt), 10 Amonkhet, 12 HOU.
Also, I feel some common are coming to a ridiculous amount. Right now, once I'm saving cards for booster building since june, I have:
7x Greater Sandwurm
7x Cartouche of Knowledge
9x Grasp of the Hieromancer
7x Herald of the Fair
8x Accomplished Automaton
7x Llanowar Wastes
7x Akroan Jailer
7x Forsake the Worldly
7x Salivating Gremlins
7x Built to Last
... and tons of others with 5-6 copies, including already HOU cards.1 -
Started screen capturing mine so I could give an update so:Sept 10Tragic Lesson, common, Hour of DevastationTezzeret's Ambition, common, Kaladesh
In Oketra's Name, common, Amonkhet
Gilded Cerodon, common, Hour of Devastation
Sept 11
Soulstinger, common, Amonkhet
Bonded Construct, common, Origins
In Oketra's Name, common, Amonkhet
Carrion Screecher, common, Hour of Devastation
Sept 12
Pharika's Disciple, common, Origins
Ambitious Aetherborn, common, Kaladesh
Seismic Elemental, uncommon, Origins
Cobblebrute, common, Origins
Reave Soul, common, Origins
Unburden, common, Amonkhet
Sept 13
Peema Outrider, common, Kaladesh
Blur of Blades, common, Hour of Devastation
Desert of the Glorified, common, Hour of Devestation
Sept 14
Honed Khopesh, common, Amonkhet
Unsummon, common, Hour of Devastation
Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs, common, Hour of Devastation
Charging Griffin, common, Origins
Kindled Fury, common, Hour of Devastation1 -
Great, wereotter. Let's contine to give data to Volrak to register. ;O)
Well, data for last 8(!) days...12/09/20171: Battlefield Forge (Forjaria do Campo de Batalha); Common; Origins; Owned. (11/13C; 82/84T)2: Feral Prowler (Espreitador Feral); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/10G; 53/60T)3: Oasis Ritualist (Ritualista do Oásis); Common; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (9+1/10G; 53+1/60T)4: Djeru's Renunciation (Renúncia de Djeru); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 54/60T)5: Grasp of the Hieromancer (Garra do Hieromante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 82/84T)6: Narnam Cobra (Naja da Narnam); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 63/65T)7: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 63/65T)8: Desert of the Mindful (Deserto do Consciente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned.9: Hieroglyphic Illumination (Iluminação Hieroglífica); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)10: Naga Vitalist (Vitalista Naga); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)13/09/20171: Yeva's Forcemage (Mago da Força de Yeva); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)2: Nef-Crop Entangler (Emaranhador da Safra Nef); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Maritime Guard (Guarda Marinha); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)4: Rhox Maulers (Esmagadores Rhox); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (7+1/15G; 43+1/89T)5: Mummy Paramount (Múmia Suprema); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 54/60T)6: Aether Tradewinds (Ventos Alísios de Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 63/65T)7: Sly Requisitioner (Requisitora Astuta); Uncommon; Aether Revolt, NEW. (1+1/4B; 8+1/24T)8: Thorned Moloch (Moloch Espinhento); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 54/60T)9: Consul's Shieldguard (Guarda Escudo do Cônsul); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (5/9W; 25/55T)14/09/20171: Kujar Seedsculptor (Escultora de Sementes de Kujar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/11G; 63/65T)2: Binding Mummy (Múmia Aprisionadora); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Elvish Visionary (Visionário Élfico); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)4: Oketra's Avenger (Vingador de Oketra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 54/60T)5: Psychic Rebuttal (Repulsão Psíquica); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)6: Meteorite (Meteorito); Uncommon; Origins, NEW. (5+1/12C; 44+1/89T)7: Lurching Rotbeast (Putrifera Trôpega); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 54/60T)8: Appetite for the Unnatural (Apetite pelo Antinatural); Common; Kaladesh; NEW. (10+1/11G; 63+1/65T)9: Hooded Brawler (Rufião de Capelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)15/09/20171: Pressure Point (Ponto de Pressão); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)2: Greater Sandwurm (Grão-vorme-da-areia); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Die Young (Morrer Jovem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11B; 64/65T)4: Rhonas's Stalwart (Defensor de Rhonas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 54/60T)5: Grind (Reduzir); Rare; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (1+1/8W; 3+1/8B; 9+1/40T)6: Cartouche of Zeal (Cártula do Zelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Nightsnare (Armadilha Noturna); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 82/84T)16/09/20171: Valeron Wardens (Protetores de Valeron); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)2: Thresher Lizard (Lagarto-raposo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Weldfast Wingsmith (Aseiro de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)4: Nimble-Blade Khenra (Khenra da Lâmina Veloz); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)6: Pitiless Vizier (Vizir Impiedosa); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Rapace dos Campos de Batalha); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (10/13R; 37/55T)17/07/20171: Consulate Skygate (Portão Aéreo do Consulado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)2: Salivating Gremlins (Gremlins Salivantes); Common; kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 64/65T)3: Essence Scatter (Espalhar Essência); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Liliana's Defeat (Derrota de Liliana); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (5+1/11B; 24+1/55T)5: Bonded Construct (Constructo Vinculado); Common; Origins; Owned. (11/13C; 82/84T)6: Sky Skiff (Aeroesquife); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)7: Cobblebrute (Brutamontes Pedregoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)8: Aether Tradewinds (Ventos Alísios de Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)18/07/20171: Greater Sandwurm (Grão-vorme-da-areia); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Rush of Vitality (Ímpeto de Vitalidade); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11B; 64/65T)3: Soulstinger (Picador de Almas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Imaginary Threats (Ameaças Imaginárias); Rare; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (3/8U; 10/40T)5: Sandblast (Rajada de Areia); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/12W; 54/60T)6: Rampaging Hippo (Hipopótamo Enfurecido); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 54/60T)7: Lawless Broker (Negociante Fora-da-lei); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11B; 64/65T)8: Thriving Turtle (Tartaruga Vigorosa); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)19/07/20171: Essence Scatter (Espalhar Essência); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Glint-Sleeve Artisan (Artesão Braçoluz); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)3: Deep-Sea Terror (Terror das Profundezas); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (7/17U; 45/89T)4: Desert of the Indomitable (Deserto do Indômito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned (10/10G; 54/60T)5: Aether Theorist (Teórico do Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)6: Reckless Fireweaver (Flamitecelão Temerário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 64/65T)7: Boggart Brute (Papão Brutamontes); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (10+1/19R; 45+1/89T)8: Firefiend Elemental (Elemental Flamidemo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)9: Nivix Barrier (Barreira de Nivix); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)
67 cards there.
57 common, 8 Uncommon, 2 Rare.
New cards were 8: 2 common, 5 uncommon, 1 rare.
I'm lazy about expansions.1 -
I haven't been keeping up with my cards from the free pack but I thought I would start and today at approximately 4:15pm EST I cracked Cast Out. Albeit a powerful uncommon it was duplicate for as I had it within 48hrs of being able to get it.
I will update this post as I crack new free packs.
1. Cast Out (AKH U) 4:15pm EST 9-20-17 *dupe
2. Deadbridge Shaman (ORI C) 6:35pm EST 9-20-17 *dupe
3. Nivix Barrier (ORI C) 1:56am EST 9-21-17 *dupe
4. Cathartic Reunion (KLD C) 9:45am EST 9-21-17 *dupe
0 -
I have stopped registering what set my cards come from and will stop registering at all from now.
Something has changed it seems and I only get commons.
65 straight Commons as of now since last post.
Have bought two Origins PP with nothing but guaranteed rare (both dupes despite only having 25/49).
Otherwise I haven't pulled a rare or better in any reward pack.
If I had near full sets I would expect only dupes but with over 200 cards pulled (with free rewards added) and nothing new I'm just getting annoyed at the game.0 -
I think the drop rate was updated, or the I'm just currently freakingly lucky. Event booster included, I got 1 mythic and 6 rare in the last 3 day. And some of them were new card...0
A consequence of a constant random drop rate is very changeable individual luck over time. Because each card drop is independent, getting good drops in one pack does nothing to reduce the odds of good drops in the next pack. And same with bad drops. This has been happening since mtgpq started.
0 -
20/09/20171: Enigma Drake (Dragonete dos Enigmas); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (8+1/12U; 10+1/13R; 37+1/55T)2: Propeller Pioneer (Pioneira dos Propulsores); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)3: Leaf Gilder (Dourador de Folhas); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)4: Ahn-Crop Crasher (Demolidor da Safra Ahn); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/13R; 38/55T)5: Trueheart Duelist (Duelista de Coração-puro); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (6+1/11W; 38+1/55T)6: Prophetic Prism (Prisma Profético); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)7: Smash to Smithereens (Reduzir a Cacos); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)8: Wild Instincts (Instintos Selvagens); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)21/09/20171: Faerie Miscreant (Fada Marota); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)2: Cartouche of Knowledge (Cártula do Conhecimento); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Hitchclaw Recluse (Eremita Garra de Gancho); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)4: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Highspire Artisan (Artesão dos Espigões); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11G; 64/65T)6: Spidery Grasp (Garras Aracnoides); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Final Reward (Recompensa Final); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Sigiled Starfish (Estrela-do-mar Rúnica); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (7/17U; 46/89T)9: Propeller Pioneer (Pioneira dos Propulsores); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)22/09/20171: Dukhara Peafowl (Pavão de Dukhara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)2: Consulate Skygate (Portão Aéreo do Consulado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)3: Scrounger of Souls (Afanador de Almas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 55/60T)4: Oketra's Attendant (Assistente de Oketra); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (7+1/11W; 39+1/55T)5: Crook of Condemnation (Gancho da Condenação); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation, Owned. (9/10C; 25/55T)6: Eyeblight Massacre (Massacre dos Seca-olho); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (7+1/17B; 46+1/89T)7: Desert of the Mindful (Deserto do Consciente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (8/11U; 56/60T)23/09/20171: Reave Soul (Despojar Alma); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 82/84T)2: Moaning Wall (Muro Lamuriante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 55/60T)3: Long-Finned Skywhale (Aerobaleia-de-aleta-longa); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (4/11U; 25/55T)4: Trueheart Twins (Gêmeos de Coração-puro); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Onwed. (11/13R; 40/55T)5: Goblin Glory Chaser (Goblin Buscador da Glória); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)6: Act of Heroism (Ato de Heroísmo); Common; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (10+1/12W; 55+1/60T)7: Shimmerscale Drake (Dragonete-de-escamas-cintilantes); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Whirler Virtuoso (Virtuose dos Turbilinos); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (4+1/11U; 6+1/13R; 25+1/55T)24/09/20171: Defiant Khenra (Khenra Audaz); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 56/60T)2: Die Young (Morrer Jovem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11B; 64/65T)3: Reckless Fireweaver (Flamitecelão Temerário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 64/65T)4: Sigiled Starfish (Estrela-do-mar Rúnica); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (7/17U; 47/89T)5: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Artificer's Epiphany (Epifania do Artífice); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)7: Mighty Leap (Salto Poderoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 82/84T)25/09/20171: War Horn (Trombeta de Guerra); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (6/12C; 47/89T)2: Miasmic Mummy (Múmia Miasmática); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Timberpack Wolf (Lobo da Alcateia do Arvoredo); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)4: Ammit Eternal (Eterno Ammit); Rare; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (4+1/8B; 10+1/40T)5: Nissa's Pilgrimage (Peregrinação de Nissa); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)6: Larger Than Life (Maior que a Vida); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11G; 64/65T)7: Razaketh's Rite (Rito de Razaketh); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (6/11B; 25/55T)8: Boggart Brute (Papão Brutamontes); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (11/19R; 47/89T)26/09/20171: Aether Theorist (Teórico do Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)2: Timberpack Wolf (Lobo da Alcateia do Arvoredo); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)3: Dragon Fodder (Forragem de Dragão); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)4: Traveler's Amulet (Amuleto do Viajante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 56/60T)5: Greater Sandwurm (Grão-vorme-da-areia); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Calculated Dismissal (Dispensa Calculada); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 82/84T)7: Emberhorn Minotaur (Minotauro Brasocórneo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Aether Tradewinds (Ventos Alísios de Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)9: Desert of the True (Deserto da Verdadeira); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 56/60T)
56 cards.
41 Common; 14 Uncommon; 1 Rare
7 new cards, 1 Common, 5 Uncommon, 1 Rare. Uncommons are as before giving more dupes than it should, although at least they are coming a lot, too.
19 Origins; 13 Kaladesh; 14 Amonkhet; 10 HOU1 -
Several days of data here to Volrak analisis, as I'm really busy these days. Days 29 and 30 I went to a party and probably there are some cards I didn't take note, and the order is most probably wrong too, but it includes what I could remember :O)27/09/20171: Aethersquall Ancient (Ancião da Borrasca Etérea); Rare; Kaladesh; NEW. (1+1/6U; 8+1/43T)2: Ruinous Gremlin (Gremlin Ruinoso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11R; 64/65T)3: Flameblade Adept (Adepto da Espada Flamejante); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/13R; 40/55T)4: Thriving Grubs (Larvas Vigorosas); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 64/65T)5: Pressure Point (Ponto de Pressão); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)6: Tah-Crop Elite (Elite da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)7: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)8: Doomed Dissenter (Dissidente Condenado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Mantle of Webs (Manto de Teias); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)28/09/20171: Glimmer of Genius (Lampejo de Genialidade); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (6+1/11U; 27+1/55T)2: Cradle of the Accursed (Berço dos Amaldiçoados); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Final Reward (Recompensa Final); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Manalith (Manólito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 56/60T)5: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (8/11U; 56/60T)6: Act of Treason (Ato de Traição); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (11/19R; 47/89T)7: Pursue Glory (Perseguir a Glória); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Aven of Enduring Hope (Aviana da Esperança Duradoura); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 56/60T)29/09/2017 / 30/09/20171: Subterranean Scout (Batedor Subterrâneo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)2: Acolyte of the Inferno (Acólito do Inferno); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)3: Yeva's Forcemage (Mago da Força de Yeva); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)4: Aether Theorist (Teórico do Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11U; 64/65T)5: Ghirapur Gearcrafter (Artesão Mecânico de Ghirapur); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 82/84T)6: Stinging Shot (Tiro Pungente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Elvish Visionary (Visionário Élfico); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 82/84T)8: Kindled Fury (Fúria Inflamada); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 56/60T)9: Fairgrounds Trumpeter (Trompetista da Feira); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (3+1/11G; 28+1/55T)10: Reave Soul (Despojar Alma); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 82/84T)11: Foundry Screecher (Guinchador da Fundição); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (11/11B; 64/65T)12: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)13: Prism Ring (Anel de Prisma); Common; Origins; NEW. (11+1/13C; 82+1/84T)14: Hooded Brawler (Rufião de Capelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)01/10/20171: Consulate Skygate (Portão Aéreo do Consulado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (12/12C; 64/65T)2: Propeller Pioneer (Pioneira dos Propulsores); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)3: Scrounger of Souls (Afanador de Almas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 56/60T)4: Mantle of Webs (Manto de Teias); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)5: Nivix Barrier (Barreira de Nivix); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)6: Supreme Will (Vontade Suprema); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (4/11U; 25/55T)7: Prism Ring (Anel de Prisma); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)8: Renewed Faith (Fé Renovada); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (8/11W; 40/55T)02/10/20171: Thopter Engineer (Engenheira de Tópteros); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (11+1/19R; 47+1/89T)2: Desert of the Indomitable (Deserto do Indômito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned (10/10G; 56/60T)3: Inventor's Apprentice (Aprendiz do Inventor); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (7/13R; 29/55T)4: Rabid Bloodsucker (Sugador de Sangue Raivoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)5: Desert of the Indomitable (Deserto do Indômito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned (10/10G; 56/60T)6: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/10W; 64/65T)7: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Cathartic Reunion (Reunião Catártica); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (10/10R; 64/65T)03/10/20171: Cartouche of Strength (Cártula da Força); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Shivan Reef(Recifes de Shiv); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)3: Naga Vitalist (Vitalista Naga); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Cleric of the Forward Order (Clérigo da Ordem Avançada); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)5: Supernatural Stamina (Resistência Sobrenatural); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Thriving Ibex (Íbex Vigoroso); Common; Kaladesh; NEW. (9+1/10W; 64+1/65T)7: Desert Cerodon (Dentócero do Deserto); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Cradle of the Accursed (Berço dos Amaldiçoados); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)04/10/20171: Spidery Grasp (Garras Aracnoides); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Yoked Ox (Boi Jungido); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)3: Doomed Dissenter (Dissidente Condenado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Strategic Planning (Planejamento Estratégico) Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (8/11U; 56/60T)5: Oasis Ritualist (Ritualista do Oásis); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 56/60T)6: Maulfist Squad (Esquadrão Punho-de-marreta); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Aether Hub (Núcleo do Éter); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (4/10C; 29/55T)8: Dragon Fodder (Forragem de Dragão); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)9: Lay Bare the Heart (Expor o Coração); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (10/14B; 40/55T)05/10/20171: Desert of the True (Deserto da Verdadeira); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 56/60T)2: Gilded Cerodon (Dentócero Dourado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 57/60T)3: Faith of the Devoted (Fé dos Devotos); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (10/14B; 40/55T)4: Aerial Volley (Salva Aérea); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)5: Countervailing Winds (Ventos Contrários); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 57/60T)6: Thresher Lizard (Lagarto-raposo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Gearseeker Serpent (Serpente Mecanívora); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Aerial Guide (Guia Aéreo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 57/60T)
9 days without a rare. Getting new cards is hard, too, as even uncommon that are coming are mostly dupes (11 uncommon, 8 dupes). At least completed Kaladesh common collection by getting Thriving Ibex.
When I have time (possibly during the weekend), I will open HOU boosters (as the error in them is now fixed) and other boosters I have saved, and will post here.1 -
It's a LOT of days without rares, since Aethersquall Ancient at September 27. Then now I got 2 rares in a row just now, although data for today is not complete yet.
06/10/20171: Enlightened Ascetic (Asceta Iluminada); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)2: Cathartic Reunion (Reunião Catártica); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Vedalken Blademaster (Lâmina-mestre Vedalkeano); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Nimble-Blade Khenra (Khenra da Lâmina Veloz); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 57/60T)6: (Unknown dupe - SWW Error)7: Eyeblight Assassin (Assassino de Seca-olho); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)07/10/20171: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 57/60T)2: Cartouche of Solidarity (Cártula da Solidariedade); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Aspiring Aeronaut (Aeronauta Aspirante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)4: Manalith (Manólito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 57/60T)5: Sigiled Starfish (Estrela-do-mar Rúnica); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (8/17U; 49/89T)6: Pitiless Vizier (Vizir Impiedosa); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Guardians of Meletis (Guardiões de Meletis); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)8: Lord of the Accursed (Senhora dos Amaldiçoados); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (10+1/14B; 40+1/55T)08/10/20171: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)2: Nef-Crop Entangler (Emaranhador da Safra Nef); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Manalith (Manólito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 57/60T)4: Open Fire (Abrir Fogo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 57/60T)5: Subterranean Scout (Batedor Subterrâneo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)6: Demolish (Demolir); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (12/19R; 49/89T)7: Chandra's Fury (Fúria de Chandra); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (12/19R; 49/89T)8: Sage of Shaila's Claim (Sábio da Reivindicação de Shaila); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Oketra's Avenger (Vingador de Oketra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)09/10/20171: Spidery Grasp (Garras Aracnoides); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Firefiend Elemental (Elemental Flamidemo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)3: Eyeblight Assassin (Assassino de Seca-olho); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)4: Psychic Rebuttal (Repulsão Psíquica); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)5: Rush of Vitality (Ímpeto de Vitalidade); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Vedalken Blademaster (Lâmina-mestre Vedalkeano); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Tenacious Hunter (Caçador Tenaz); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (6/11G; 31/55T)8: Lurching Rotbeast (Putrifera Trôpega); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 57/60T)9: Glint-Sleeve Artisan (Artesão Braçoluz); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)10: Faerie Miscreant (Fada Marota); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)10/10/20171: Wild Instincts (Instintos Selvagens); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)2: Titan's Strength(Força de Titã); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)3: Anointer Priest (Sacerdotisa da Unção); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Appetite for the Unnatural (Apetite pelo Antinatural); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Guardian Automaton (Autômato Guardião); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)6: Those Who Serve (Aqueles que Servem); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Rogue Refiner (Refinador Clandestino); Uncommon; Aether Revolt, NEW. (1+1/4U; 2+1/5G; 10+1/24T)8: Floodwaters (Enxurrada); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)11/10/20171: Grisly Survivor (Sobrevivente Macabra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 57/60T)2: Anointer of Champions (Ungidor dos Campeões); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (12+1/18W; 49+1/89T)3: Yeva's Forcemage (Mago da Força de Yeva); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)4: Ruinous Gremlin (Gremlin Ruinoso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Nimble Innovator (Inovadora Ágil); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 57/60T)7: Bitterblade Warrior (Guerreiro Laminamarga); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Foundry Screecher (Guinchador da Fundição); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Maulfist Squad (Esquadrão Punho-de-marreta); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)12/10/20171: Lord of the Accursed (Senhora dos Amaldiçoados); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/14B; 41/55T)2: Moaning Wall (Muro Lamuriante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 57/60T)3: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Consulate Skygate (Portão Aéreo do Consulado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Hydrolash (Açoite Hídrico); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (8/17U; 50/89T)6: Aven Initiate (Iniciado Aviano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 57/60T)8: Thresher Lizard (Lagarto-raposo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)13/10/20171: Akroan Sergeant (Sargento Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)2: Ghirapur Aether Grid (Grade de Éter de Ghirapur); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)3: Fervent Paincaster (Conjuradora de Dor Fervorosa); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (2+1/11R; 31+1/55T)4: Dutiful Servants (Servos Obedientes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)5: Subterranean Scout (Batedor Subterrâneo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)6: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Peema Outrider (Vanguardeiro de Peema); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Spellweaver Eternal (Eterna Tece-mágicas); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (6+1/11U; 32+1/55T)9: Hieroglyphic Illumination (Iluminação Hieroglífica); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)
No rares in these, 11 Uncommon, 6 being dupes.
Checking my ratings since the beginning of this record...
This is up to yesterday (October 13), as I didn't finished to collect data for today.
628 total cards, 1 unknown (SWW Error), 13 rares (2,1%), 93 uncommon (14,8%), 521 common (83,1%). No mythic cards.
What does it mean, Volrak? As the sample is already somewhat big, should we consider uncommon ratings is around 15%, and no more around 17,5% (or alike that)? Also, is there someone getting any mythics? You can check other data posted in the thread.
As I promised, data from other boosters I got since last update. Not that great, as I'm not playing much. Anyway, got a good amount of new uncommons.Basic9: U: Aerial Responder; C: Topan Freeblade, Seer of the Last Tomorrow10: U: Possessed Skaab; C: Beneath the Sands, Oasis Ritualist11: C: Aven of Enduring Hope (NEW), Brute Strength, Aether Theorist12: U: Experimental Aviator (NEW), Vile Manifestation; C: Nimble-Blade Khenra13: C: Aerial Guide (NEW), Prakhata Pillar-Bug, Khenra Scrapper14: C: Ghirapur Gearcrafter, Mighty Leap, Dukhara Peafowl15: U: Incendiary Sabotage; C: Mummy Paramount, Weldfast Wingsmith16: C: Winged Shepherd, Forsake the Worldly, Weldfast Monitor17: U: Weaver of Currents (NEW); C: Gilded Cerodon, Built to SmashOrigins2: R: Sentinel of the Eternal Watch (NEW); U: Send to Sleep (NEW), Swift Reckoning; C: Negate, Knight of the Pilgrim's RoadShadows Over Innistrad7: U: Stitchwing Skaab (NEW); C: Bloodmad Vampire, Vampire Noble, Root Out, Gatstaf Arsonists8: R: Sanctifier of Souls (NEW); U: Smoldering Werewolf (NEW), Village Messenger; C: Apothecary Geist (NEW), Equestrian SkillKaladesh1: U: Inventor's Apprentice (NEW), Visionary Augmenter; C: Built to Last, Thriving Turtle, Night Market LookoutFree Premium (R: Lathnu Hellion (NEW))2: U: Furious Reprisal (NEW), Demolition Stomper; C: Ninth Bridge Patrol, Peema Outrider, Eddytrail Hawk3: U: Hazardous Conditions (NEW); C: Herald of the Fair, Fragmentize, Fragmentize, Appetite for the unnatural4: U: Veteran Motorist (NEW), Outland Boar (NEW); C: Gearseeker Serpent, Highspire Artisan, Vedalken Blademaster5: U: Weaponcraft Enthusiast (NEW); C: Herald of the Fair, Renegade Freighter, Kujar Seedsculptor, Self-Assembler6: U: Veteran Motorist, Speedway Fanatic; C: Larger Than Life, Live Fast, Thriving Rats7: R: Lost Legacy (NEW); U: Glint-Nest Crane, Weaponcraft Enthusiast; C: Ornamental Courage, Live FastAmonkhet6: U: Bone Picker (NEW), Labyrinth Guardian (NEW), Labyrinth Guardian; C: Haze of Pollen, Binding Mummy7: U: Bone Picker; C: Cradle of the Accursed, Forsake the Worldly, Shed Weakness, Djeru's ResolveHour of Devastation11: U: Hashep Oasis (NEW), Unraveling Mummy; C: Traveler's Amulet, Beneath the Sands, Aerial Guide12: U: Nissa's Defeat (NEW), Bitterbow Sharpshooters (NEW), Shefet Dunes; C: Life Goes On, Marauding Boneslasher13: U: Striped Riverwinder (NEW), Jace's Defeat (NEW), Sunset Pyramid; C: Mummy Paramount, Crash Through14: R: Hazoret's Undying Fury (NEW); U: Dunes of the Dead, Ipnu Rivulet; C: Frontline Devastator, Khenra Scrapper15: U: Tenacious Hunter (NEW), Desert's Hold; C: Aven Reedstalker, Desert of the True, Oasis Ritualist16: U: Gift of Strength, Sunscourge Champion, Dune Diviner; C: Frontline Devastator, Unquenchable Thirst1 -
Marvaddin said:628 total cards, 1 unknown (SWW Error), 13 rares (2,1%), 93 uncommon (14,8%), 521 common (83,1%). No mythic cards.
What does it mean, Volrak? As the sample is already somewhat big, should we consider uncommon ratings is around 15%, and no more around 17,5% (or alike that)? Also, is there someone getting any mythics? You can check other data posted in the thread.Mythic 0.00% +/- 0.22%<br>Rare 1.87% +/- 0.7%<br>Uncommon 13.93% +/- 1.8%<br>Common 84.20% +/- 2.0%<br>
If we assume that free packs (1 card) and basic boosters (3 cards) have the same drop rates, which still looks likely, then we can use almost 5000 combined data points. The averages are slightly different and the 95% confidence ranges become narrower:Mythic 0.20% +/- 0.13%<br>Rare 2.18% +/- 0.4%<br>Uncommon 15.55% +/- 1.0%<br>Common 82.06% +/- 1.12%<br>
If we make a further assumption that drop rates are "round numbers", then we could perform some wild speculation about what the true drop rates for free and basic packs might be, such as:Mythic 1/500 (0.2%)<br>Rare 1/50 (2%)<br>Uncommon 3/20 (15%)<br>Common The rest (82.8%)
Marvaddin said:Also, is there someone getting any mythics? You can check other data posted in the thread.
6 -
Wow, cool! And strangely alike to what I have posted. Well, we could have guessed it. "Free" boosters is not only rewarding less cards than before (as it's hard to reach 9 cards per day in the long run), but also worse cards. Fantastic to realize how developers 'love' free players.
Care to share the data for basic boosters alone?
And expansion boosters? If we consider all expansions getting same ratings, what would they be? Any data you can share about?
To me, looks like mythic droppings is already ridiculously low. Not only didn't get any from free boosters, but I have 5 mythics up to now, after getting tons of boosters.
Current collection:
MP: 2/40 (one of them was from that premium booster sent by mistake)
Mythic: 5/183
Rare: 65/309 (7 dupes, which is not too much, I guess)
Uncommon: 239/465 (tons of dupes, some getting to 6)
Common: 414/447, and it's not more because Zendikar and Innistrad were removed from free and basic boosters. Almost all standard have dupes, some coming to 10+.
What can I say? It sucks...
Take data from 2 more days14/10/20171: War Oracle (Oráculo da Guerra); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (13+1/18W; 50+1/89T)2: Renegade Freighter (Fretista Renegado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Solemn Recruit (Recruta Solene); Rare; Aether Revolt; NEW. (0+1/4W; 4+1/18T)4: Burning-Fist Minotaur (Minotauro do Punho Flamejante); Rare; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (3+1/8R; 12+1/40T)5: Runed Servitor (Serviçal Rúnico); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)6: Tidy Conclusion (Conclusão Impecável); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Hitchclaw Recluse (Eremita Garra de Gancho); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)8: Spidery Grasp (Garras Aracnoides); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)15/10/20171: Eddytrail Hawk (Falcão Turbilhonante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Outland Boar (Javali Forasteiro); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (3/6R; 3/5G; 11/24T)3: Touch of Moonglove (Toque de Luvalua); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)4: Unwavering Initiate (Iniciado Inabalável); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Essence Scatter (Espalhar Essência); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Desert of the True (Deserto da Verdadeira); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)7: Cartouche of Knowledge (Cártula do Conhecimento); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Open Fire (Abrir Fogo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 57/60T)9: Disposal Mummy (Múmia Descartável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)1
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