Registering cards from Free boosters
Marvaddin said:Care to share the data for basic boosters alone?
Mythic 0.30% +/- 0.16%<br>Rare 2.31% +/- 0.48%<br>Uncommon 16.43% +/- 1.25%<br>Common 80.96% +/- 1.37%
Marvaddin said:And expansion boosters? If we consider all expansions getting same ratings, what would they be? Any data you can share about?Masterpiece 0.05% +/- 0.04% | 1/2000 (0.05%)<br>Mythic 0.94% +/- 0.11% | 1/100 (1%)<br>Rare 4.06% +/- 0.22% | 1/25 (4%)<br>Uncommon 39.70% +/- 0.54% | 2/5 (40%)<br>Common 55.25% +/- 0.55% | The rest (54.95%)
2 -
Hmmmm, dunno if I'm so sure about free and basic boosters having same ratings. Both samples are already big enough to consider, and some ratings are meeting very close to their limits.
Uncommon: 15.73 (max for free boosters), 15.18 (min for basic boosters)
Common: 82.20 (min for free boosters, 82.33 (max for basic boosters)
Raw numbers are pretty different, too, as 13.93 to 16.43. Dunno... Are all basic booster data taken after HOU release? Looks like they changed ratings with that update, and those numbers are between old ratings and current ones. In fact, I believe free and basic ratings are the same, but to have it correctly, we would need to exclude older basic boosters (I think).
Same for expansion boosters. Although it's less probable they changed ratings there, do we have separated data from earlier and after HOU release?0 -
Marvaddin said:Hmmmm, dunno if I'm so sure about free and basic boosters having same ratings. Both samples are already big enough to consider, and some ratings are meeting very close to their limits.Marvaddin said:I believe free and basic ratings are the same, but to have it correctly, we would need to exclude older basic boosters (I think).Marvaddin said:Same for expansion boosters. Although it's less probable they changed ratings there, do we have separated data from earlier and after HOU release?
The spreadsheet data can be considered owned by the community, so anyone's free to devise and perform other analysis using the data (but if you do, please download a copy of the spreadsheet and play around in your local version rather than making big changes to the online version).
3 -
It was said (at least I have seen it in the forums) that basic boosters used to drop around 17,5% Uncommon. This is not happening anymore, so, if that was once true, to me it's clear we shouldn't assume basic boosters prior to HOU have the same ratings as current ones, or free cards. I will try to get more basic next days, although we will still need time to get relevant data.
Anyway, today I got 1st free mythic, and it was Sandwurm Convergence
Cards taken these 2 days:16/10/20171: Harrier Naga (Naga Caçadora); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 57/60T)2: Dutiful Servants (Servos Obedientes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)3: Appetite for the Unnatural (Apetite pelo Antinatural); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Winds of Rebuke (Ventos da Repreensão); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Steadfast Sentinel (Sentinela Resoluta); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)6: Marauding Boneslasher (Talha-ossos Saqueador); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 57/60T)7: Auramancer (Auramante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)17/10/20171: Leaf Gilder (Dourador de Folhas); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)2: Gift of Paradise (Dádiva do Paraíso); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Appetite for the Unnatural (Apetite pelo Antinatural); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Fairgrounds Trumpeter (Trompetista da Feira); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (5/11G; 33/55T)5: Proven Combatant (Combatente Incontestável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 57/60T)6: Compelling Argument (Argumento Convincente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Sandwurm Convergence (Convergência dos Vormes-da-areia); Mythic; Amonkhet; NEW (0+1/5G; 1+1/24T)8: Dukhara Scavenger (Necrófago do Dukhara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)1 -
Marvaddin said:It was said (at least I have seen it in the forums) that basic boosters used to drop around 17,5% Uncommon. This is not happening anymoreMarvaddin said:Anyway, today I got 1st free mythic, and it was Sandwurm Convergence
0 -
Data from 5 days:
18/10/20171: Nissa's Pilgrimage (Peregrinação de Nissa); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)2: Ambuscade (Cilada); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (6+1/11G; 33+1/55T)3: Cobblebrute (Brutamontes Pedregoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)4: Spellweaver Eternal (Eterna Tece-mágicas); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (7/11U; 34/55T)5: Mummy Paramount (Múmia Suprema); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)6: Gift of Paradise (Dádiva do Paraíso); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Solitary Camel (Camelo Solitário); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/12W; 57/60T)8: Lethal Sting (Ferroada Letal); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 57/60T)9: Spontaneous Artist (Artista Espontânea); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)19/10/20171: Stalwart Aven (Defensor Aviano); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)2: Essence Scatter (Espalhar Essência); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: River Hoopoe (Poupa-do-rio); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (7+1/11U; 7+1/11G; 34+1/55T)4: Claustrophobia (Claustrofobia); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)5: Gift of Paradise (Dádiva do Paraíso); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Salivating Gremlins (Gremlins Salivantes); Common; kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Narnam Cobra (Naja da Narnam); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Wretched Camel (Camelo Nefasto); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned.9: Vedalken Blademaster (Lâmina-mestre Vedalkeano); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)20/10/20171: Labyrinth Guardian (Guardião do Labirinto); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/12U; 43/55T)2: Traveler's Amulet (Amuleto do Viajante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 57/60T)3: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Touch of Moonglove (Toque de Luvalua); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)5: Hekma Sentinels (Sentinelas de Hekma); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Caustic Caterpillar (Lagarta Cáustica); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)7: Unburden (Descarregar); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)21/10/20171: Unburden (Descarregar); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Cartouche of Strength (Cártula da Força); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Moaning Wall (Muro Lamuriante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 57/60T)4: Fragmentize (Fragmentalizar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned (Have ALL)5: Consulate Dreadnought (Encouraçado do Consulado); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (2/4C; 11/24T)6: Yoked Ox (Boi Jungido); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)7: Desert of the Mindful (Deserto do Consciente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 57/60T)8: Shimmerscale Drake (Dragonete-de-escamas-cintilantes); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)22/10/20171: Battlefield Scavenger (Rapace dos Campos de Batalha); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/13R; 43/55T)2: Smash to Smithereens (Reduzir a Cacos); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)3: Aven of Enduring Hope (Aviana da Esperança Duradoura); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)4: Manticore of the Gauntlet (Mastícora da Arena); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Sinuous Striker (Golpeadora Sinuosa); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 40/55T)6: Survivors' Encampment (Acampamento dos Sobreviventes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 58/60T)7: Firefiend Elemental (Elemental Flamidemo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)8: Wild Instincts (Instintos Selvagens); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)
41 cards
7 Uncommon (2 new, 5 dupes)
34 Common (all dupes)1 -
All the evidence you need that the drop rates suck is:
Once I hit 210 cards, the next 20 consisted of 6 new and 14 dupes.
Considering there are 1,444 cards in total, this drop rate is unacceptable. Development will never see a penny from me.0 -
ElvaanStrider said:All the evidence you need that the drop rates suck is:
Once I hit 210 cards, the next 20 consisted of 6 new and 14 dupes.
Considering there are 1,444 cards in total, this drop rate is unacceptable. Development will never see a penny from me.
More than half the cards aren't lootable, and some are more rare than others.1 -
Data for 4 more days.
23/10/20171: Battlefield Forge (Forjaria do Campo de Batalha); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)2: Anchor to the Aether (Ancorar ao Éter); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (8+1/17U; 51+1/89T)3: Nissa's Defeat (Derrota de Nissa); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11G; 40/55T)4: Gnarlroot Trapper (Armadilheiro das Raízes Nodosas); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)5: Emberhorn Minotaur (Minotauro Brasocórneo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Nissa's Pilgrimage (Peregrinação de Nissa); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)7: Caustic Caterpillar (Lagarta Cáustica); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)8: Spontaneous Artist (Artista Espontânea); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)24/10/20171: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Supernatural Stamina (Resistência Sobrenatural); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Spireside Infiltrator (Infiltrador das Torres); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Akroan Jailer (Carcereiro Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)5: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Nantuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)6: Tah-Crop Elite (Elite da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)7: Insidious Will (Vontade Insidiosa); Rare; Kaladesh; NEW. (2+1/6U; 11+1/43T)8: Nef-Crop Entangler (Emaranhador da Safra Nef); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Thriving Rhino (Rinoceronte Vigoroso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)25/10/20171: Hungry Flames (Chamas Famintas); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (3+1/6R; 11+1/24T)2: Watercourser (Cursor D'água); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)3: Pressure Point (Ponto de Pressão); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)5: Rampaging Hippo (Hipopótamo Enfurecido); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 58/60T)6: Lurching Rotbeast (Putrifera Trôpega); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)7: Shambling Ghoul (Carniçal Trôpego); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)8: Live Fast (Viver à Toda); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)26/10/20171: Dukhara Scavenger (Necrófago do Dukhara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Fiery Impulse (Impulso Flamejante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)3: Weldfast Wingsmith (Aseiro de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Aven Battle Priest (Sacerdote de Batalha Aviano); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (14/18W; 52/89T)5: Aether Theorist (Teórico do Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Night Market Lookout (Vigia Noturna do Mercado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Self-Assembler (Automontante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Painted Bluffs (Penhascos Pintados); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)
33 cards.
28 Common (all dupes), 4 Uncommon (2 New, 2 dupes), 1 (good new) rare.1 -
Happy Halloween for you guys that celebrate it.
27/10/20171: Kindled Fury (Fúria Inflamada); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 58/60T)2: Claustrophobia (Claustrofobia); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)3: Khenra Eternal (Eterno Khenra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)4: Pursue Glory (Perseguir a Glória); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Torment of Venom (Tormento de Veneno); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (7+1/11B; 40+1/55T)6: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Yeva's Forcemage (Mago da Força de Yeva); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)8: Deadbridge Shaman (Xamã da ponte Mortífera); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)28/10/20171: Grim Strider (Andarilho Sinistro); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (11+1/14B; 43+1/55T)2: Iroas's Champion (Campeã de Iroas); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (14/18W; 52/89T)3: Gust Walker (Caminhante das Rajadas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Auramancer (Auramante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)5: Honored Crop-Captain (Capitã de Safra Honrada); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (8/11W; 44/55T)6: Alchemist's Vial (Frasco do Alquimista); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)7: Alchemist's Vial (Frasco do Alquimista); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)8: Horror of the Broken Lands (Horror das Terras Partidas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Spireside Infiltrator (Infiltrador das Torres); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)29/10/20171: Die Young (Morrer Jovem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Dissenter's Deliverance (Salvação do Dissidente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Built to Smash (Contruído para Arrebentar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Maulfist Squad (Esquadrão Punho-de-marreta); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Quarry Beetle (Besouro da Pedreira); Rare; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (0+1/9G; 13+1/40T)6: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Hightide Hermit (Eremita da Maré Alta); Common, Kaladesh, Owned. (Have ALL)8: Live Fast (Viver à Toda); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Thriving Ibex (Íbex Vigoroso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)30/10/20171: Stalwart Aven (Defensor Aviano); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)2: Negate (Negar); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)3: Dark Dabbling (Experimentação Sombria); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)4: Djeru's Resolve (Resolução de Djeru); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Solitary Camel (Camelo Solitário); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)6: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Regal Caracal (Caracal Régio); Rare; Amonkhet; NEW. (3+1/7W; 10+1/40T)8: Somberwald Alpha (Alfa de Somberwald); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (8/15G; 52/89T)31/10/20171: Aradara Express (Expresso de Aradara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Gilded Cerodon (Dentócero Dourado); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 58/60T)3: Aether Tradewinds (Ventos Alísios de Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Undead Servant (Servo Morto-vivo); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)5: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Nantuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)6: Undercity Troll (Troll do Submundo); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (8+1/15G; 52+1/89T)7: Open Fire (Abrir Fogo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 58/60T)8: Guardian Automaton (Autômato Guardião); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)
42 cards
34 (dupes) Common, 6 Uncommon (3 new), 2 (new) Rare (Looks like Regal Caracal will be used in my white deck, yay!)
Prakhata Pillar-bug is my 1st card to reach 11 dupes. How I would prefer getting some BFZ and SOI cards instead or all these dupes. If I'm correct, I have 5 common cards (from other expansions) that didn't get a dupe yet, and I'm missing 3 common cards. Uncommon I'm also getting more dupes than new cards, while there are lots of cards I can hardly get.
Volrak, you there taking note of these? You stopped giving my posts a like2 -
@Marvaddin Sorry to interrupt your exchange with Volrak but I liked your post about your free boosters logs.
It is almost as enjoying for frustrated players like me as if I opened your boosters myself.
I've noticed that one day you managed to get 12 boosters. You did not sleep that night, that's really hard work so your posts are very appreciated.0 -
Good you like it.
I don't sleep much, and I work at home most times, so I usually have time to get these, but never went over 10 a day. I once registered 14 cards for 2 days.
If you feel encouraged, post your results here, too0 -
This is to me know you are there taking note of the data, Volrak. Thank ya
Here, take these days (I didn't register November 3rd)
01/11/20171: Aether Tradewinds (Ventos Alísios de Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Desert Cerodon (Dentócero do Deserto); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Wild Instincts (Instintos Selvagens); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)4: Aradara Express (Expresso de Aradara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Floodwaters (Enxurrada); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Proven Combatant (Combatente Incontestável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 58/60T)7: Cartouche of Ambition (Cártula da Ambição); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Wild Wanderer (Errante Selvagem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)02/11/20171: Appetite for the Unnatural (Apetite pelo Antinatural); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Supreme Will (Vontade Suprema); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 43/55T)3: Miasmic Mummy (Múmia Miasmática); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Shed Weakness (Eliminar Fraqueza); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Crash Through (Irromper); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 58/60T)6: Pressure Point (Ponto de Pressão); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Chandra's Defeat (Derrota de Chandra); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/11R; 43/55T)8: Llanowar Wastes (Regiões Agrestes de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)9: Reave Soul (Despojar Alma); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)04/11/20171: Supernatural Stamina (Resistência Sobrenatural); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Maritime Guard (Guarda Marinha); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)3: Negate (Negar); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)4: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Ahn-Crop Champion (Campeão da Safra Ahn); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (8/11W; 7/10G; 44/55T)6: Unwavering Initiate (Iniciado Inabalável); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Grisly Survivor (Sobrevivente Macabra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)05/11/20171: Endless Sands (Areias Infinitas); Rare; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (0+1/5C; 14+1/40T)2: Flameshadow Conjuring (Conjuração de Sombra Ígnea); Rare; Origins; NEW. (1+1/7R; 9+1/49T)3: Possessed Skaab (Skaab Possuído); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (9/17U; 8/17B; 53/89T)4: Disposal Mummy (Múmia Descartável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)5: Rhet-Crop Spearmaster (Mestre da Lança da Safra Rhet); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Reckless Fireweaver (Flamitecelão Temerário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Marauding Boneslasher (Talha-ossos Saqueador); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)8: Those Who Serve (Aqueles que Servem); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)06/11/20171: Proven Combatant (Combatente Incontestável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 58/60T)2: Solitary Camel (Camelo Solitário); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)3: Supreme Will (Vontade Suprema); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 43/55T)4: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Nantuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)5: Floodwaters (Enxurrada); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Proven Combatant (Combatente Incontestável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 58/60T)7: Act of Heroism (Ato de Heroísmo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)8: Murder Investigation (Investigação de Assassinato); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)9: Jace's Sanctum (Santuário de Jace); Rare; Origins; NEW. (0+1/9U; 10+1/49T)10: Dark Dabbling (Experimentação Sombria); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14B; 83/84T)07/11/20171: Stratus Walk (Caminhar nos Estratos); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)2: Cobblebrute (Brutamontes Pedregoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14R; 83/84T)3: Cancel (Cancelar); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Watercourser (Cursor D'água); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)5: Consulate Skygate (Portão Aéreo do Consulado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Gifted Aetherborn (Etergênito Talentoso); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (2+1/4B; 12+1/24T)7: Sly Requisitioner (Requisitora Astuta); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (3/4B; 13/24T)
These days I got 3 rares (Jace's Sanctum being pretty usable), but just 1 new uncommon out of 7. Supreme Will possibly has a Supreme Will to come in my free cards, as these are 6th and 7th copies of it I got already.1 -
Data from past 8 days.
08/11/20171: Desert of the True (Deserto da Verdadeira); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)2: Caustic Caterpillar (Lagarta Cáustica); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)3: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Dukhara Scavenger (Necrófago do Dukhara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Reckless Fireweaver (Flamitecelão Temerário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Foundry of the Consuls (Fundição dos Cônsules); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (6+1/12C; 54+1/89T)7: Renewed Faith (Fé Renovada); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (8/11W; 44/55T)8: Herald of the Fair (Arauto da Feira); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)09/11/20171: Desert of the Glorified (Deserto da Glorificada); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)2: Iron League Steed (Corcel daLiga de Ferro); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (4+1/10C; 33+1/55T)3: Built to Last (Feito para Durar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Harrier Naga (Naga Caçadora); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 58/60T)5: Essence Extraction (Extração de Essência); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (5/10B; 34/55T)6: Kujar Seedsculptor (Escultora de Sementes de Kujar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Essence Scatter (Espalhar Essência); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)10/11/20171: Auramancer (Auramante); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)2: Wretched Camel (Camelo Nefasto); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)3: Scattered Groves (Bosques Esparsos); Rare; Amonkhet; NEW. (0+1/5C; 11+1/40T)4: Knightly Valor (Heroísmo Cavaleiroso); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (14+1/18W; 55+1/89T)5: Yavimaya Coast (Costa de Yavimaya); Common; Origins; Owned. (12/13C; 83/84T)6: Deep-Sea Terror (Terror das Profundezas); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (10/17U; 56/89T)7: Nissa's Pilgrimage (Peregrinação de Nissa); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)8: Claustrophobia (Claustrofobia); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14U; 83/84T)11/11/20171: Timberpack Wolf (Lobo da Alcateia do Arvoredo); Common; Origins; Owned. (15/15G; 83/84T)2: Sandblast (Rajada de Areia); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 58/60T)3: Skysnare Spider (Aranha da Armadilha Celeste); Rare; Origins; NEW. (2+1/9G; 11+1/49T)4: Enshrouding Mist (Névoa Envolvente); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)5: Thriving Rats (Ratos Vigorosos); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Heart-Piercer Manticore (Mantícora Fura-coração); Rare; Amonkhet; Owned. (1/7R; 12/40T)7: Enshrouding Mist (Névoa Envolvente); Common; Origins; Owned. (14/14W; 83/84T)8: Caves of Koilos (Cavernas de Koilos); Common; Origins; NEW. (12+1/13C; 83+1/84T)9: Disperse (Dispersar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)12/11/20171: Glint-Sleeve Artisan (Artesão Braçoluz); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Call of the Full Moon (Chamado da Lua Cheia); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (12+1/19R; 56+1/89T)3: Wild Wanderer (Errante Selvagem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Emberhorn Minotaur (Minotauro Brasocórneo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Caustic Caterpillar (Lagarta Cáustica); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Bounding Krasis (Krasis Saltador); Uncommon. Origins; NEW. (10+1/17U; 9+1/15G; 57+1/89T)7: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 58/60T)9: Yavimaya Coast (Costa de Yavimaya); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)13/11/20171: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Yoked Ox (Boi Jungido); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Stalwart Aven (Defensor Aviano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Khenra Eternal (Eterno Khenra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)5: Rhonas's Stalwart (Defensor de Rhonas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 58/60T)6: Hitchclaw Recluse (Eremita Garra de Gancho); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Fragmentize (Fragmentalizar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned (Have ALL)8: Narnam Cobra (Naja da Narnam); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Moaning Wall (Muro Lamuriante); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)10: Defiant Khenra (Khenra Audaz); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 58/60T)14/11/20171: Llanowar Empath (Telepata de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Suppression Bonds (Correntes de Supressão); Rare; Origins; NEW. (1+1/9W; 12+1/49T)3: Guardian Automaton (Autômato Guardião); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Akroan Jailer (Carcereiro Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Khenra Eternal (Eterno Khenra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)6: Hieroglyphic Illumination (Iluminação Hieroglífica); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)7: Torment of Venom (Tormento de Veneno); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11B; 403/55T)15/11/20171: Ahn-Crop Crasher (Demolidor da Safra Ahn); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/13R; 44/55T)2: Undead Servant (Servo Morto-vivo); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Experimental Aviator (Aviador Experimentalista); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (7/11U; 36/55T)4: Calculated Dismissal (Dispensa Calculada); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Stir the Sands (Agitar as Areias); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (12/14B; 45/55T)6: Aeronaut Admiral (Almirante Aeronauta); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (2+1/4W; 13+1/24T)7: Djeru's Resolve (Resolução de Djeru); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Frontline Devastator (Devastadora da Linha de Frente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 58/60T)9: Goblin Piledriver (Goblin Bate-estacas); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (13+1/19R; 58+1/89T)
Caves of Koilos finally came, completing my common set from Origins.
67 cards
49 Common (1 New)
14 Uncommon, 7 new and 7 dupes.
4 rares (nothing really special), 3 new and 1 dupe
Here, Volrak, take these data for other boosters:Basic18: C: Brute Strength, Kytheon's Tactics, Aven Initiate19: C: Llanowar Empath, Night Market Lookout, Compelling Argument20: C: Llanowar Wastes, Ninth Bridge Patrol, Aven Initiate21: C: Cleric of the Forward Order, Rhet-Crop Spearmaster, Open FireOrigins3: M: Day's Undoing (NEW); U: Tower Geist (NEW), Dwynen's Elite; C: Goblin Glory Chaser, Faerie MiscreantBattle for Zendikar3: U: Make a Stand (NEW), Pilgrim's Eye (NEW), Plated Crusher; C: Cloud Manta, Windrider Patrol4: U: Kor Entanglers (NEW), Infuse with the Elements; C: Earthen Arms (NEW), Snapping Gnarlid, Tajuru BeastmasterShadows Over Innistrad9: U: Lightning Axe (NEW), Give No Ground (NEW), Furyblade Vampire (NEW); C: Twins of Maurer Estate, Tormenting VoiceKaladesh8: U: Blossoming Defense (NEW), Snare Thopter (NEW); C: Dukhara Peafowl, Consulate Skygate, Aradara ExpressAmonkhet8: R: Heart-Piercer Manticore; U: Limits of Solidarity; C: Nimble-Blade Khenra, Anointer Priest, Anointer Priest9: U: Galestrike (NEW); C: Essence Scatter; Haze of Pollen; Cartouche of Knowledge, Thresher Lizard10: U: Shadowstorm Vizier, Labyrinth Guardian; C: Pursue Glory, Shed Weakness, Violent Impact11: U: Consuming Fervor (NEW); C: Gust Walker, Rhet-Crop Spearmaster, Hieroglyphic Illumination, Djeru's ResolveHour of Devastation17: U: Unconventional Tactics (NEW), Ipnu Rivulet, Ambuscade; C: Desert of the Mindful, Feral Prowler18: U: Merciless Eternal; Hashep Oasis C: Strategic Planning, Defiant Khenra, Defiant Khenra19: U: Bloodwater Entity (NEW), Ramunap Ruins, Nissa's Defeat; C: Proven Combatant, Aerial Guide20: U: Devotee of Strength (NEW), Granitic Titan (NEW), Banewhip Punisher (NEW), Sinuous Striker; C: Dauntless Aven (NEW)21: U: Fervent Paincaster; C: Unsummon, Harrier Naga, Scrounger of Souls, Carrion Screecher22: U: Ruin Rat (NEW), Saving Grace (NEW), Sand Strangler; C: Desert of the Mindful, Blur of Blades1 -
Here we go, Volrak. 7 more days of data...
16/11/20171: Soulstinger (Picador de Almas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Trial of Knowledge (Prova do Conhecimento); Rare; Amonkhet; NEW. (3+1/7U; 12+1/40T)3: Eternal of Harsh Truths (Eterno das Duras Verdades); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (9+1/11U; 43+1/55T)4: Peema Outrider (Vanguardeiro de Peema); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Herald of the Fair (Arauto da Feira); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Tezzeret's Ambition (Ambição de Tezzeret); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Seer of the Last Tomorrow (Vidente do Último Amanhã); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (9/11U; 58/60T)8: (Unknown dupe - SWW Error)9: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)17/11/20171: Might of the Masses (Força das Massas); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Guardian Automaton (Autômato Guardião); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Live Fast (Viver à Toda); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Veteran Motorist (Motorista Veterano); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/13R; 36/55T)5: Restoration Specialist (Especialista em Restauração); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (3/4W; 14/24T)6: Rabid Bloodsucker (Sugador de Sangue Raivoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Grasp of the Hieromancer (Garra do Hieromante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)18/11/20171: Lurching Rotbeast (Putrifera Trôpega); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11B; 58/60T)2: Tragic Lesson (Lição Trágica); Common; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (9+1/11U; 58+1/60T)3: Eddytrail Hawk (Falcão Turbilhonante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Aerial Guide (Guia Aéreo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)5: Guardian Automaton (Autômato Guardião); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Hooded Brawler (Rufião de Capelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: (Unknown dupe - SWW Error)8: Oasis Ritualist (Ritualista do Oásis); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/10G; 59/60T)9: Dauntless Aven (Aviano Intrépido); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 59/60T)10: Weldfast Monitor (Sáurio de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh, Owned. (Have ALL)19/11/20171: Thorned Moloch (Moloch Espinhento); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 59/60T)2: Attune with Aether (Harmonizar-se com o Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Weldfast Monitor (Sáurio de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh, Owned. (Have ALL)4: Greater Sandwurm (Grão-vorme-da-areia); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Horror of the Broken Lands (Horror das Terras Partidas); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Gearseeker Serpent (Serpente Mecanívora); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Oketra's Monument (Monumento de Oketra); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (4/5C; 45/55T)8: Lightning Javelin (Azagaia de Raio); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)20/11/20171: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Kindled Fury (Fúria Inflamada); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 59/60T)3: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)5: Maverick Thopterist (Topterista Dissidente); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (2/4U; 4/6R; 14/24T)6: Nantuko Husk (Folhelho Nantuko); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Anointer Priest (Sacerdotisa da Unção); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Unquenchable Thirst (Sede Insaciável); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)21/11/20171: Sunscorched Desert (Deserto Abrasado pelo Sol); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Lawless Broker (Negociante Fora-da-lei); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Djeru's Resolve (Resolução de Djeru); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Nef-Crop Entangler (Emaranhador da Safra Nef); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Consulate Skygate (Portão Aéreo do Consulado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Tezzeret's Ambition (Ambição de Tezzeret); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)22/11/20171: Runed Servitor (Serviçal Rúnico); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Guardian Automaton (Autômato Guardião); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Wall of Forgotten Pharaohs (Muro dos Faraós Esquecidos); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (5/5C; 59/60T)4: Enshrouding Mist (Névoa Envolvente); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Tormented Thoughts (Pensamentos Atormentados); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (8/17B; 59/89T)6: Countervailing Winds (Ventos Contrários); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)7: Censor (Censurar); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/12U; 45/55T)8: Llanowar Wastes (Regiões Agrestes de Llanowar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)
Pretty bad cards.
First day I got a rare and a new uncommon. The rare was the single one I got, and 6 uncommons after that were dupes, not to mention 2 SWW errors. Is this a tragic lesson? Dunno but also got this as a new common. Cunning Survivor is the single common I still need from all avaliable. And how I wish I could get more BFZ / SOI cards instead of all these dupes...1 -
Data for 6 more days.
23/11/20171: Deadbridge Shaman (Xamã da ponte Mortífera); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Glint-Sleeve Artisan (Artesão Braçoluz); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Boggart Brute (Papão Brutamontes); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (14/19R; 59/89T)4: Renegade Freighter (Fretista Renegado); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Anointer Priest (Sacerdotisa da Unção); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Narnam Cobra (Naja da Narnam); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Orchard Spirit (Espírito do Pomar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Emberhorn Minotaur (Minotauro Brasocórneo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)24/11/20171: Frontline Devastator (Devastadora da Linha de Frente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (11/11R; 59/60T)2: Weldfast Wingsmith (Aseiro de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Highspire Artisan (Artesão dos Espigões); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Akroan Jailer (Carcereiro Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Dynavolt Tower (Torre Dinavolt); Mythic; Kaladesh; NEW. (0+1/4C; 0+1/24T)6: Built to Smash (Contruído para Arrebentar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Glint-Nest Crane (Garça Nidilume); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (7/11U; 36/55T)8: Mummy Paramount (Múmia Suprema); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (12/12W; 59/60T)9: Appetite for the Unnatural (Apetite pelo Antinatural); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)25/11/20171: Leaf Gilder (Dourador de Folhas); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Bone to Ash (De Ossos as Cinzas); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (11/17U; 59/89T)3: Thriving Ibex (Íbex Vigoroso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Eddytrail Hawk (Falcão Turbilhonante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 59/60T)6: Wind-Kin Raiders (Salteadores Eolinos); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (2+1/4U; 14+1/24T)7: Cartouche of Solidarity (Cártula da Solidariedade); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Devotee of Strength (Devoto da Força); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11G; 45/55T)26/11/20171: Untethered Express (Expresso Desengatado); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (2+1/4C; 15+1/24T)2: Kujar Seedsculptor (Escultora de Sementes de Kujar); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Cunning Survivor (Sobrevivente Astuta); Common; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (10+1/11U; 59+1/60T)4: Glint-Nest Crane (Garça Nidilume); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (7/11U; 36/55T)5: Reave Soul (Despojar Alma); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Gearshift Ace (Ás das Marchas); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (6+1/9W; 36+1/55T)7: Dark Dabbling (Experimentação Sombria); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Graven Abomination (Abominação Esculpida); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)10: Tormented Thoughts (Pensamentos Atormentados); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (8/17B; 59/89T)27/11/20171: Thorned Moloch (Moloch Espinhento); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Nef-Crop Entangler (Emaranhador da Safra Nef); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Khenra Scrapper (Sucateiro Khenra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Nissa's Defeat (Derrota de Nissa); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11G; 45/55T)5: Graven Abomination (Abominação Esculpida); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Runed Servitor (Serviçal Rúnico); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Flameshadow Conjuring (Conjuração de Sombra Ígnea); Rare; Origins; Owned. (2/7R; 13/49T)8: Gonti's Machinations (Maquinações de Gonti); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (3+1/4B; 16+1/24T)9: Acolyte of the Inferno (Acólito do Inferno); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)28/11/20171: Pitiless Vizier (Vizir Impiedosa); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Die Young (Morrer Jovem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Dutiful Servants (Servos Obedientes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Prakhata Pillar-Bug (Mecanopéia do Prakhata); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Manalith (Manólito); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Revolutionary Rebuff (Repúdio Revolucionário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Hooded Brawler (Rufião de Capelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Restoration Specialist (Especialista em Restauração); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; Owned. (3/4W; 17/24T)9: Shivan Reef (Recifes de Shiv); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)10: Jace's Defeat (Derrota de Jace); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 45/55T)
Out of 13 Uncommon, 4 new cards, 9 dupes. Also got a dupe rare (Flameshadow Conjuring), and a new good Mythic (Dynavolt Tower). Also, competed all standard common cards, as I got Cunning Survivor. How many dupes before we can booster craft (will it become true?) Prakhata Pillar-Bug came to its copy number 13 today, and I alreay have 15 cards with 10+ dupes.1 -
Data for past days:
29/11/20171: Weldfast Wingsmith (Aseiro de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Hieroglyphic Illumination (Iluminação Hieroglífica); Common; Amonkhet; Owned (Have ALL)3: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Spireside Infiltrator (Infiltrador das Torres); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Thresher Lizard (Lagarto-raposo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Forsake the Worldly (Abandonar o Mundano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Hekma Sentinels (Sentinelas de Hekma); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)30/11/20171: Spireside Infiltrator (Infiltrador das Torres); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Cartouche of Zeal (Cártula do Zelo); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Desert of the Mindful (Deserto do Consciente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Wild Wanderer (Errante Selvagem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Dissenter's Deliverance (Salvação do Dissidente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Galestrike (Golpe do Vendaval); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/12U; 45/55T)7: Survivors' Encampment (Acampamento dos Sobreviventes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Naga Vitalist (Vitalista Naga); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Narnam Cobra (Naja da Narnam); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)01/12/20171: Doomed Dissenter (Dissidente Condenado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Aven Initiate (Iniciado Aviano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Weldfast Monitor (Sáurio de Soldafirme); Common; Kaladesh, Owned. (Have ALL)4: Empyreal Voyager (Viajante Empíreo); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (7+1/11U; 37+1/55T)5: Spontaneous Artist (Artista Espontânea); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Hazoret's Monument (Monumento de Hazoret); Uncommon; Amonkhet; NEW. (4+1/5C; 45+1/55T)7: Rush of Vitality (Ímpeto de Vitalidade); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Tower Geist (Geist da Torre); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (11/17U; 59/89T)02/12/20171: Djeru's Resolve (Resolução de Djeru); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Scrounger of Souls (Afanador de Almas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Ambitious Aetherborn (Etergênito Ambicioso); Common; Kaladesh, Owned. (Have ALL)4: Supreme Will (Vontade Suprema); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11U; 45/55T)5: Seer of the Last Tomorrow (Vidente do Último Amanhã); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Scrounger of Souls (Afanador de Almas); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Marauding Boneslasher (Talha-ossos Saqueador); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)03/12/20171: Negate (Negar); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Riparian Tiger (Tigre Ripariano); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Dauntless Aven (Aviano Intrépido); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Ninth Bridge Patrol (Patrulheiro da Nona Ponte); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Compelling Argument (Argumento Convincente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Animist's Awakening (Despertar da Animista); Rare; Origins; NEW. (3+1/9G; 13+1/49T)7: Enlightened Ascetic (Asceta Iluminada); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Lethal Sting (Ferroada Letal); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Oketra's Avenger (Vingador de Oketra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)04/12/20171: Zenith Seeker (Buscador do Zênite); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/12U; 46/55T)2: Thriving Grubs (Larvas Vigorosas); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Hightide Hermit (Eremita da Maré Alta); Common, Kaladesh, Owned. (Have ALL)4: Desert's Hold (Garras do Deserto); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (7/10W; 45/55T)5: Abrade (Abrasão); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; NEW. (6+1/11R; 45+1/55T)6: Veteran's Sidearm (Punhal do Veterano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Aviary Mechanic (Mecânica do Aviário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Renegade Tactics (Tática dos Renegados); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Morbid Curiosity (Curiosidade Mórbida); Uncommon; Kaladesh; NEW. (5+1/10B; 38+1/55T)10: Tragic Lesson (Lição Trágica); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)
50 cards. As always, mostly common dupes, plus a new (not that great) rare (Animist's Awakening), and 9 Uncommon, 4 new and 5 dupes, including another copy of Supreme Will (this one is following me).1 -
Well, looks like I have forgotten to update this one earlier. Here we have data for 9 days.05/12/20171: Frontline Devastator (Devastadora da Linha de Frente); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Tragic Lesson (Lição Trágica); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Aven Initiate (Iniciado Aviano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Winged Shepherd (Pastor Alado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Shambling Ghoul (Carniçal Trôpego); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Separatist Voidmage (Mago do Vácuo Separatista); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Pharika's Disciple (Discípulo de Fárica); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Devotee of Strength (Devoto da Força); Uncommon; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (10/11G; 46/55T)06/12/20171: Giant Spider (Aranha Gigante); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Furious Reprisal (Represália Furiosa); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (9/13R; 39/55T)3: Chief of the Foundry (Chefe da Fundição); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (7/12C; 59/89T)4: Forsake the Worldly (Abandonar o Mundano); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Vizier of Tumbling Sands (Vizir das Areias Correntes); Uncommon; Onwed. (11/12U; 46/55T)6: Bellows Lizard (Lagarto de Fole); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Reclaim (Restituir); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (10/15G; 59/89T)8: Titan's Strength(Força de Titã); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)07/12/20171: Sidewinder Naga (Naga Cascavélico); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Charging Griffin (Grifo Atacante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Festering Mummy (Múmia Pustulenta); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Akroan Sergeant (Sargento Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Supernatural Stamina (Resistência Sobrenatural); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Grisly Survivor (Sobrevivente Macabra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Final Reward (Recompensa Final); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Weaver of Currents (Tecelã de Correntes); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (11/12U; 46/55T)9: Tower Geist (Geist da Torre); Uncommon; Origins; Owned. (11/17U; 59/89T)08/12/20171: Aradara Express (Expresso de Aradara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Rhet-Crop Spearmaster (Mestre da Lança da Safra Rhet); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Dukhara Scavenger (Necrófago do Dukhara); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Winds of Rebuke (Ventos da Repreensão); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Honored Crop-Captain (Capitã de Safra Honrada); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (8/11W; 46/55T)6: Aven Reedstalker (Espreitadora dos Juncos Aviana); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Smash to Smithereens (Reduzir a Cacos); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Underhanded Designs (Projetos Clandestinos); Rare; Kaladesh; NEW. (1+1/6B; 12+1/43T)09/12/20171: Countervailing Winds (Ventos Contrários); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Aerial Responder (Socorrista Aéreo); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (7/9W; 39/55T)4: Accomplished Automaton (Autômato Talentoso); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Tragic Lesson (Lição Trágica); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Tah-Crop Skirmisher (Escaramuçadora da Safra Tah); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Thriving Rats (Ratos Vigorosos); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Aerial Modification (Modificação Aérea); Uncommon; Aether Revolt; NEW. (3+1/4W; 17+1/24T)9: Grasp of the Hieromancer (Garra do Hieromante); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)10/12/20171: Lay Claim (Clamar Posse); Uncommon; Amonkhet; Owned. (7/12U; 35/55T)2: Cobblebrute (Brutamontes Pedregoso); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Creeping Mold (Bolor Invasor); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (7/11G; 39/55T)4: Calculated Dismissal (Dispensa Calculada); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Sigil of Valor (Insígnia de Bravura); Uncommon; Origins; NEW. (7+1/12C; 59+1/89T)6: Prism Ring (Anel de Prisma); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Live Fast (Viver à Toda); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Scribe of the Mindful (Escriba do Consciente); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)11/12/20171: Self-Assembler (Automontante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Desert of the Fervent (Deserto da Fervorosa); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Khenra Eternal (Eterno Khenra); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Peema Outrider (Vanguardeiro de Peema); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Shivan Reef (Recifes de Shiv); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Self-Assembler (Automontante); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: In Oketra's Name (Em Nome de Oketra); Common; Amonkhet; Onwed. (Have ALL)8: Survivors' Encampment (Acampamento dos Sobreviventes); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)12/12/20171: Artificer's Epiphany (Epifania do Artífice); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Honed Khopesh (Khopesh Afiado); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Akroan Jailer (Carcereiro Acrosano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Watercourser (Cursor D'água); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Caustic Caterpillar (Lagarta Cáustica); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Rampaging Hippo (Hipopótamo Enfurecido); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Defiant Khenra (Khenra Audaz); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Steadfast Sentinel (Sentinela Resoluta); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Open Fire (Abrir Fogo); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)13/12/20171: Aether Theorist (Teórico do Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)2: Die Young (Morrer Jovem); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)3: Life Goes On (A Vida Continua); Common; Hour of Devastation; Owned. (Have ALL)4: Stalwart Aven (Defensor Aviano); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)5: Vedalken Blademaster (Lâmina-mestre Vedalkeano); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)6: Aviary Mechanic (Mecânica do Aviário); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)7: Nissa's Pilgrimage (Peregrinação de Nissa); Common; Origins; Owned. (Have ALL)8: Aether Tradewinds (Ventos Alísios de Éter); Common; Kaladesh; Owned. (Have ALL)9: Brute Strength (Força imensa); Common; Amonkhet; Owned. (Have ALL)10: Experimental Aviator (Aviador Experimentalista); Uncommon; Kaladesh; Owned. (8/11U; 39/55T)
Pretty lame:
1 rare (Underhanded Designs), which is not great but at least is new.
14 uncommon, 2 new and 12 dupes (when I had around 210/278 uncommon).
62 common, including 29 in a row.
Got more data for other boosters as well, will post later.
If my register is correct, 95 other boosters (excluding basic boosters, too), and got cards over uncommons in 19. 5 had Mythic as top, 14 had rares, although some had more than 1 card. Is this what would be expected, Volrak?1 -
Marvaddin said:If my register is correct, 95 other boosters (excluding basic boosters, too), and got cards over uncommons in 19. 5 had Mythic as top, 14 had rares, although some had more than 1 card. Is this what would be expected, Volrak?
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