Progression Reward Changes in Versus Tournaments (7/20/17)



  • SpringSoldier
    SpringSoldier Posts: 265 Mover and Shaker
    It's great for me! I've won the 10 cp easily, some hp and, maybe, I'll luck out and make my way to Wolverine. Even if I don't, I'm still happy to have made it this far without any shields or iso spent. Yes, I'm also being beaten up around the clock, but since it doesn't lower my chances of getting the progression rewards, I wish nothing but love and happiness to my attackers!

    I do understand that putting the 15 cp as a placement award only is a hit to those who constantly hit that number as progression but never made it to top 10. I think a solution most people would appreciate would be more cp for top placement (let's say, the first 100 or 200 in a shard, depending on how many people there are).

    As for the grinding, it depends on your play style. If you're aiming for progression alone, you have to fight more teams, but you can choose the weaker ones, since the number of points don't matter (and it doesn't matter to them if you hit them, as long as they're not aiming for placement themselves), so it's easier than skipping until you find teams worth 40-50 points. If you're playing for placement, than I think this change will make it harder, so it would be fair to increase the placement rewards even more, especially for SCL7 and 8 to prevent folks from dropping down too much.
  • Square
    Square Posts: 380 Mover and Shaker
    Brigby said:
    maltyo9 said:
    This... Might actually be good.
    Going to be some wailing and gnashing of teeth about putting the final prog reward over to placement, but whatever
    I'm just curious as to what placement you have to get for the CP.

    Brigby any info on this would be appreciated.
    The CP that was originally the final progression reward will be allocated to the top 10 placement ranks.

    We found that there were actually more players that reached top 10 compared to 1200 points, so moving it to placement will actually end up awarding it to more people! 
    @Brigby I scored 1500 almost every pvp last season and did not make the top ten once.  For obvious reasons, I will give up on this game, as I play it now, if this becomes permanent.
  • jordanix
    jordanix Posts: 138 Tile Toppler
    I like the change. I think it needs to be tweaked, but being able to hit progressions rewards in PVP is very welcome for me.
  • broll
    broll Posts: 4,732 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited July 2017

    Honestly what I would like to see is a hybrid scoring placement, where most are by win total and a few are by points.

    Keep all the by win in as they were for the test.

    Add 4 progression rewards by points:
    300 - 500 ISO
    600 - 1000 ISO
    900 - 2000 ISO
    1200 - 15 CP

    Take the 15 CP off T10.

  • Beer40
    Beer40 Posts: 826 Critical Contributor
    I haven't decided on the change yet. 

    Pro: Not losing progression (the only pro, imo)

    1) Boosted characters still play a huge role how high I can climb. Without a boosted 4* this event, I'm taking my (average) 273's 4* and not having a lot of fun now that every team I see is running 2-3 370+.

    2) 40 matches is a lot of PVP in a short time. That will be acceptable when I have time to waste. It won't be fun when I don't have time to waste and I want the 4* character cover.

    3) Taking the 15 CP out of progression sucks.

  • Daiches
    Daiches Posts: 1,252 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think the real evaluation will be at the end of the event, when a lot of players will be sad they lost 15cp, either due to scoring or due to being in brackets with much much stronger teams going way lower in scl.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    I've enjoyed it so far, but I've never really been all that fond of placement awards so I just play to get progression.
  • Ruinate
    Ruinate Posts: 528 Critical Contributor
    edited July 2017
    So I've been sitting below 1k obliterating 3* and 4* rosters for 20 points at a time.  I still have 12 matches to go.  What a fun game.  I hope they aren't trying for placement...  Oh I've dropped in CL to steal placement as well.

    This is actually easier.  Thanks Demiurge.

    Edit - After 1k, 3* and 4* rosters disappeared.  I dumped my points and have resumed eating the little guys.  This time for 30 points each.  #playingthewayitwasintended
  • DesertTortoise
    DesertTortoise Posts: 392 Mover and Shaker
    Hit 40 wins earlier today without much trouble. I would get 900 without shields nearly every event but had to play in more 'bursts'. I think overall I may have played a bit more than I normally would but glad to not have to worry about getting a bunch of negative scores. 
  • BillyBobJoe
    BillyBobJoe Posts: 103 Tile Toppler
    I see the benefit in changing how the progression is awarded, but I feel it is a HUGE detriment to remove the top award of 15 cp.

    Benefit:  1) People start playing sooner, instead of waiting until the last 8 hours of a slice.  2)  More people playing means more points available in a slice.  3) Progression awards are no longer dependent on score, but on amount played.

    The detriment:  You removed the top award from progression.

    This completely sucks because many people do not play for placement awards due to the highly competitive nature of it.  Either you're in slice 3 or 4 and top ten are around 2K+ pts, or you're in slice 1, 2, or 5 where nobody is playing and it's tough to find points.  Either way, you're basically required to play in an active, coordinated (i.e. Line) to find the points to attain such a score.

    I am a casual player with 5 champed 5*s.  I've gotten those because I can get a legendary pull every pvp event.  Now with these changes, I will only get 10 cp an event, which translates into a classic legendary pull every two events.  (nevermind how bad classic legendaries are)

    Progression awards are the only thing keeping casual players active.  If the best rewards are only reserved for the hardcore/whale player, it will drive many casuals away.

  • razor14
    razor14 Posts: 37 Just Dropped In
    Had to broke MMR to make those 40 wins less painful, event is over for me...
    Conclusion: bring cps back to progression, implement points and wins structure running together for progression and everybody happy.
  • The rockett
    The rockett Posts: 2,016 Chairperson of the Boards
    For the people that say they love it, this is off-season.  Some people don't play these events. Just keep that in mind.  
  • Pinko_McFly
    Pinko_McFly Posts: 282 Mover and Shaker
    The biggest benefit I've seen so far is there are more high point scores after 600.
    Seems like the 3-4 people who quit at 575 are actually still playing.
    Would be nice if they paid attention to their score and saw that it is possible to climb higher than 575 and stop quitting under the old format.
  • Crowl
    Crowl Posts: 1,581 Chairperson of the Boards
    The biggest benefit I've seen so far is there are more high point scores after 600.
    Seems like the 3-4 people who quit at 575 are actually still playing.
    Would be nice if they paid attention to their score and saw that it is possible to climb higher than 575 and stop quitting under the old format.
    Those people are most likely aware that it is possible, but it doesn't change the fact that the 800-900 score range is a soul-destroying slog for those people as they become an extremely juicy target for everyone with a stronger roster, this trial format removes that downside and reduces the need to shield so people can more readily play an odd game here or there and gradually move towards the progression rewards.
  • Nightglider1
    Nightglider1 Posts: 707 Critical Contributor
    For the people that say they love it, this is off-season.  Some people don't play these events. Just keep that in mind.  
    Not sure what your point is here. Not trying to be trollish - can you please clarify?