Top Gun: Apr 28 - 30 Falcon PVP



  • hamsingame
    hamsingame Posts: 66 Match Maker
    I'm curious as to general strategies to get towards 1100...I lose so much to beatings once I'm above about 900 that there's no way I can win fast enough to get up to 1100. I thought since this was essentially a 2 man event and I have 2 141 characters (***Thor, ***Magneto) that I might not get hit so often but once around 900 it's like a fire sale. Do I need to avoid playing at certain times, and shield through other times?
  • user311
    user311 Posts: 482 Mover and Shaker
    I'm not having a lot of success for reason in this event. With the exception of the matches where I am using OBW, I can't seem to get a win. I have all the other 2 stars generally maxed out; who else is there to run and be competitive along with a lvl 27 falcon? I have a few 90s 3 stars (GSBW/Hulk/CMags/Frank) but they have lower match damage then the 2 stars.
  • user311 wrote:
    I'm not having a lot of success for reason in this event. With the exception of the matches where I am using OBW, I can't seem to get a win. I have all the other 2 stars generally maxed out; who else is there to run and be competitive along with a lvl 27 falcon? I have a few 90s 3 stars (GSBW/Hulk/CMags/Frank) but they have lower match damage then the 2 stars.

    I find that using the "loaner" yellow Falcon along with a maxed OBW and a level 100+ Punisher works out well.

    The idea is that you use Punisher to generate strike tiles and attack tiles, Falcon pumps them up, and OBW uses espionage to send damage through the roof on blue and purple tiles.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    OMG, that went a lot better than expected.
    From 950 to 1100 with almost exclusively 30 pointers, and I don't think I actually hit anyone who were trying to climb as well.

    Shielded now, but need to unshield for one more fight after 6 CET (in about an hour) so that I can ride a 24h shield through to the end.
    So please hold back retaliations until about 23 hours left in the tourney if you can - after that be my guest icon_e_smile.gif

    I wouldn't even care about my score if it weren't for the alliance and the season.
  • so what's the best way to get to that 1100 falcon?
    .....or is it impossible to do with a bunch of maxed 2*s and a lvl 111 LazyCap?
  • qscxzawed wrote:
    so what's the best way to get to that 1100 falcon?
    .....or is it impossible to do with a bunch of maxed 2*s and a lvl 111 LazyCap?

    you need a lot of luck or you have to shield hop.
  • bloodwars wrote:
    qscxzawed wrote:
    so what's the best way to get to that 1100 falcon?
    .....or is it impossible to do with a bunch of maxed 2*s and a lvl 111 LazyCap?

    you need a lot of luck or you have to shield hop.

    yeah, that's what i was afraid of... Oh well I guess I'll have to wait for the next event to reward falcon covers then.
    Thanks for the input bloodwars
  • Bowgentle wrote:
    I wouldn't even care about my score if it weren't for the alliance and the season.

    So true.

    I managed to get to 1100 and threw up a 24 hour shield a little early. I had only one or two retals on the way up from about 850 points, running mainly 141 patch with 75 spidey or 115 Cmags. I suspect that 25-26 hours left in a tourney is a pretty quiet time to push, with minimal people pushing back or sitting shielded. It does mean that if you want to be safely shielded right until the end, you need to pay about 375 HP, which is steep unless you're sitting on a nest-egg. But it's much less stressful than the usual 'two steps forward, two steps back' struggle when everyone else is pushing.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Aaaaand I'm done.
    Shielded through to the end, so unleash all hell on me, all ye who have me in your queues.
  • mohio
    mohio Posts: 1,690 Chairperson of the Boards
    Oh man, saw Ferret in my bracket last night. Don't see any other crazies though, so hopefully it won't be too difficult to top 10. Wouldn't have been trying for #1 anyway.
  • The seasonal structure of PvP these days is doing exactly what the developers wanted. I don't need Punisher covers at all, but decided I wanted to grab the Falcon cover. I ended up pushing for it last night, and couldn't quite make it before I went to bed. So I shielded through the night and grabbed it this morning...except that that meant I was sitting on 1100 points, which is a desirable I decided to shield through my work day...after which I'll probably grab a few more points and then shield again. I'll take a sizable loss in net HB just to preserve my overall PVP score, when I ordinarily would have spent the initial 150 and then let everyone have their collective way with me after I nabbed Falcon.

    Shrewd move, devs.
  • Same here. I grabbed my Falcon and rather than just letting my rank drop since I don't need the Punishers, i burned 300 HP on a 24 hour shield since I won't be able to play tomorrow.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    edited April 2014
    You only want 1st for bragging rights, for more Season/alliance points and a 4* cover. Out of these 3 reasons, only one has actual meaning.
    I did not shield once during both of my 1100 pushes (only two of them under my belt so far, but I tasted it, I want more! lol), since 1st is just meh usually for a F2P player that needs their HP badly.
  • Bowgentle
    Bowgentle Posts: 7,926 Chairperson of the Boards
    Now look what you've all done!
    You've made jozier push to over 1300 in this one!
    Hope you're all proud of yourself!

    Looking forward to the bragging posts icon_e_wink.gif
  • For those trying to push 1100 keep in mind that it does get easier over time because more points accumulate over time. Yes people shield as you get closer to the end too but from my experience the available points from target still goes up over time.

    I'll probably be trying to push for 1300 later today for the IW blue, and yeah I think I'm going to just stick with the loaned Falcon because he was pretty much eating up a health pack every time a Molotov lands.
  • Dear Jozier, Beee, WalkYourDog,Reckless442,Geezer37_84,BradyBunch28,Davecazz, Flash12385,EvilSonGoku,Jachdo,TheLadder,Datura179,Bubbleboy1977,Clintman.Shamusyeah,Polarity,Twysta,Nemek,Polkio,and Bugpop

    I am shielded at 938, my highest points ever. I would love to get too 1100. So if you could all line me up in a node and retreat to me until i reach that high it would be great and i will love you all forever. Thanks

    Yours Sincerely
  • buddy2034
    buddy2034 Posts: 29 Just Dropped In
    I'm done for the day. Wreak havoc if you see me.
  • Shielded to the end at 1128. Feel free to crush, kill'n'destroy my puny defensive Patch+oBW.
  • So today I did the biggest push I ever did since I started playing this game,I slowly edged up to 800 and then 1000, and then when everyone was distracted with the new event I did a massive full out push and reached and shielded at 1318 just in time to dodge 5 attackers.
    And I don't even need punisher O:
  • nobody1111 wrote:
    So today I did the biggest push I ever did since I started playing this game,I slowly edged up to 800 and then 1000, and then when everyone was distracted with the new event I did a massive full out push and reached and shielded at 1318 just in time to dodge 5 attackers.
    And I don't even need punisher O:
    i have you in my sights for my final push =)) i promise to be gentle