*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • FierceKiwi
    FierceKiwi Posts: 505 Critical Contributor
    babinro wrote:
    If you look at Captain America by comparison...his overwrite tile powers tend to cost 11+

    Magneto's blue does not return AP and SHOULD cost less but only costing 5 is what makes it overpowered. The skill, IMO, should cost no less than 9 which is still pushing it if things remain exactly as is.

    Alternatively they could make the power cost 5 or 6AP and just create random blue protect tiles. This would kill all the combo potential for the character but still provide a good defensive option.

    Another option would be to keep Blue at 5-6 and create protect tiles but not change the color of the tile...you'd still get the ability to overwrite 2 special tiles of your choice (which still might be OP but much less so) but completely removes the abiltiy to generate near infinate Blue.
  • babinro wrote:
    I can only see blue changing in 2 ways.
    1) The skill functions as is but costs 10 blue at 5 covers. This puts it functionally in line with captain america's powers but without the return of AP so it would cost less.
    2) The skill costs 5 or 6 but the protect tiles are spawned at random.

    You do know that Captain America's Blue does a 2 turn stun, returns all but 2AP and spawns a protect tile which is individually MUCH MUCH stronger than the 2 Magneto makes. So how is it functionally in line? Clue: It's not. To suggest placing a second tile and a 2AP cost reduction is even REMOTELY balanced against a 10AP return, 2 turn stun and 291 protect tile instead of 2x59 is frankly ridiculous.

    As far as the second option that power is pathetic as hell. Randomly place 118 worth of protect tiles for 5-6 ap? Spidey makes one for free, Captain america makes 2 and a half times that for basically double or just over double the price and so on and so forth.

    Both suggestions make no sense at all unless we've decided captain america's blue is insanely OP... icon_rolleyes.gif
  • yogi_
    yogi_ Posts: 1,236 Chairperson of the Boards
    With the soon to be enacted ModStorm's Red from 5AP to 9AP - http://www.d3pforums.com/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=10234&start=80 and the various hints previously dropped, I suspect those of you hoping for a gentle nerf are going to be upset. Maybe even very upset.

    I would anticipate still a strong character, but nothing even close to cheap plentiful AP powers any more.

    It could very well be brutal. Be prepared for worst case scenario - if it's less, then be relieved.
  • Having given it some thought this is probably what I would do to mags.... values at level 141

    Magnetic Field - Blue 5 AP
    Magneto summons an electromagnetic shield, turning 1 chosen tiles into a Blue Protect tiles with a strength of 40.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Increase Protect Tile Strength +25% (50).
    Level 3: Summons 2 protect tiles, increase cost to 7 AP
    Level 4: Increase Protect Tile Strength +50% (75)
    Level 5: Can Overwrite Special Tiles, increase cost to 9 AP
    Max Level: Damage reduced by 75 per Protect tile

    Magnetized Projectile - Red 6 AP
    Magneto propels magnetized projectiles at his enemies destroying 3 random tiles and dealing an extra 300 damage.
    Level Upgrades
    Level 2: Destroys 4 tiles
    Level 3: Increase Damage to 450
    Level 4: Destroys 5 tiles
    Level 5: Increase damage to 600
    Max Level: 600 Extra Damage.

    In think this makes both powers usable but not over the top. His red is now no longer as spammable for strike tiles but does a bit more damage per AP without being excessive. 100 damage per AP on red is not great but along with the tile destruction seems like a reasonable balance.
    As far as his blue goes it's no longer self perpetuating at 5ap for 1 or 7ap for 2 and gives you a levelling option (increase cost to 9AP to overwrite tiles or keep at 7AP to allow more matching and/or protects tiles). The increase in protect values makes it actually useful for protects. At 2x59 it was just too pathetic barely beating a single spidey passive and so far behind the impact of a Lazy Cap blue protect as to be laughable.
    His purple is fine as is.

    If after the change he still seemed a bit too good (which I doubt) then i'd increase the cost for 2 tiles on blue to 8 and the cost of overwriting to 10. If you do that though he starts becoming an increasingly hard sell over L.Cap and we all know how much PvP use he gets icon_e_smile.gif.

    I'm not sure where I would see Magneto sitting if they went further than that. His use now is to abuse his mechanics rather than marvel at your 2 **** protect tiles or board shakeup.
  • Phaserhawk
    Phaserhawk Posts: 2,676 Chairperson of the Boards
    It will be interesting to see. I think most people are prepared, and I think most people will except his red going up. Purple is probably close to be balanced. But yeah, his blue is what is gonna get hit, and hard. The problem is you want to keep it unique. If you just go for straight up AP increase, well then you just have Captain America's blue, and if you decrease the power too much, you have Rags
  • Riddle me this then....

    Name one revamped character that originally benefited from AP cost reduction from additional covers to **NOT** have their post-rebalanced power cost be reset to their original 1-cover ability cost?

    I can't think of one, personally.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Spidey yellow.
  • Kolence wrote:
    Spidey yellow.

    Duly noted. Spidey's yellow cost in its new form is actually 1 yellow cheaper than in its original one cover cost.

    +1 Internetz to you. icon_cool.gif

    The point that I was trying to make (apparently poorly), was that expecting either Magneto's red or blue to cost less than their current 1-cover costs, based upon past precedent (Examples: Thor, Ragnarok, Mohawk Storm and the once planned Modern Storm nerf) is a rather poor bet.
  • john1620b
    john1620b Posts: 367
    Yeah, I'm betting Lyrian's right as well -- his blue cost will most likely be 9 AP, and red cost 6 AP.
  • Kolence
    Kolence Posts: 969 Critical Contributor
    Oh I agree about the future nerfed cost. It wouldn't surprise me even if it were higher. Which is kinda funny in a sad way, because, incidentally, my Magneto was stuck a long time at 7 AP blue, 5 AP red and I can say it wasn't broken just with that. I'd get some minor cascade in blue/red, or a blue-rich board and that could chain 2-3 "spam" moves, but then it would use up all AP or the board potential and "normal" play would continue. All it allowed me is just take a hint of how broken it could get with a few more covers really.


    Spidey blue too, and possibly Thor red if memory serves. icon_mrgreen.gif
    When all those guys got hit with the nerf, I had them covered just enough for the AP cost to remain the same, so it stuck with me.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Am I mad?

    I've finally managed to get my HP stockpile high enough to consider splurging on buying a cover and more blue CMags would be damn handy (It would take me to four and get him max covered at 4/5/4). Someone talk me out of it!
  • jojeda654
    jojeda654 Posts: 1,162 Chairperson of the Boards
    Do you have enough ISO to hit max level?
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574

    Just dripfeeding it as it turns up. He's L141 at the moment and capped at 153.
  • HairyDave wrote:
    Am I mad?

    I've finally managed to get my HP stockpile high enough to consider splurging on buying a cover and more blue CMags would be damn handy (It would take me to four and get him max covered at 4/5/4). Someone talk me out of it!

    Keep in mind, he's getting nerfed soon. He's #2 on the list after Modern Hawkeye's buff.
  • If you can get 5 in blue it might be worth it for PvE if the next event turns out to offer something interesting. For PvP there are way too many people with Magneto now so it's unlikely to give you a significant edge.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Stop right there! I'd only consider that if that were your 5th blue and if we didn't know that Mags is gonna be destroyed most probably (the only post-release nerf so far that was truly balancing and did not gut a character was Thor**).
    Edit: and maybe cStorm, too, but I never played her in her OP state. She's not a top 2* character now.
  • I wouldn't go further than 3/3/3 on CMags for now if you want to buy covers directly for him. His nerf is in the works and we are not sure on what impact that might make on his cover spread. Better safe than sorry and losing out on a ton of $$$ if the nerf made your spending worthless.
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    Okay, I'm convinced. It's a silly idea icon_e_biggrin.gif
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Ben Grimm wrote:
    HairyDave wrote:
    Am I mad?

    I've finally managed to get my HP stockpile high enough to consider splurging on buying a cover and more blue CMags would be damn handy (It would take me to four and get him max covered at 4/5/4). Someone talk me out of it!

    Keep in mind, he's getting nerfed soon. He's #2 on the list after Modern Hawkeye's buff.
    How long has he been "getting nerfed soon"? It took them 6 months to nerf Spider-Man. Yes it's a gamble, but if he can generate the HP back for you in wins and progression rewards then it's worth it.
  • Ben Grimm wrote:
    HairyDave wrote:
    Am I mad?

    I've finally managed to get my HP stockpile high enough to consider splurging on buying a cover and more blue CMags would be damn handy (It would take me to four and get him max covered at 4/5/4). Someone talk me out of it!

    Keep in mind, he's getting nerfed soon. He's #2 on the list after Modern Hawkeye's buff.
    How long has he been "getting nerfed soon"? It took them 6 months to nerf Spider-Man. Yes it's a gamble, but if he can generate the HP back for you in wins and progression rewards then it's worth it.

    It may be a while. But Spidey took maybe a month after they said he was next; Ice posted a priority list a while back that went MHawkeye - CMags - Xwolverine. You're right; it might be a few months, but it might not, and I think people need to be aware of that if they're putting HP into him.

    My guess - and it's just a guess - is that a 3* Hawkeye will be the next Lazy character, and that 2* Hawkeye's changes will roll out simultaneously. I think it's possible they pair up the Magneto changes at the same time, hoping to take some of the sting off of it, and possibly with the XForce ones too, to try and avoid (or at least minimize) another huge backlash - 2 buffs take a little of the pain out of one nerf, even if it's not a completely fair trade.