*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • Remember, they overdid the Spidey nerf. His blue was the only truly broken power he had, and they still nerfed his purple for no visibly apparent reason. I fully expect CMags to be basically unusable after this. The only true nerfs they've done that didn't leave the character majorly weaker were Thor and CStorm, and they kept her restricted to one power.
  • c mags Nerf is easy, I hope they don't overthink it. they just need to line his AP with mmn. just need to switch his purple and blue. so purple making blue is no longer spammable. translocation is more in line with mmn blue ability as well.

    they will probably alter the red based on other nerfA.D. they will increase the red ap cost, hopefully to just 5 or.6. as a trade off they should make it more powerful like mmn red but without a CD.

    it is that easy.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    The only thing that c.mag need is to deal less damage with his purple, like 40% less. No more changes are required.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    Actually, yeah, making it feed into MT would be a nice simple solution. And he'd still be pants on defense that way icon_lol.gif
  • Pylgrim wrote:
    The only thing that c.mag need is to deal less damage with his purple, like 40% less. No more changes are required.

    I think that's the least likely change. They're going to get rid of the 2 AP skill definitely, and almost as likely make the blue lest infinitely spammable. His purple could probably stay as is, but it's probably dead too.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    Pylgrim wrote:
    The only thing that c.mag need is to deal less damage with his purple, like 40% less. No more changes are required.
    Noting the fact that many forumites agree that MagTrans is CMags' weakest power, the nerf would probably not even hit purple the hardest. MagField is what makes him a singularly OP character, and his 2-AP red is devastating when paired with sizable strike tiles.

    For a rather balanced nerf, make MagField generate purple tiles instead of its self-feeding blue, raise red's 5-cover cost to 5 AP while doubling its damage and tile destruction, and leave MagTrans alone, since it's merely a large, conventional nuke.

    For an overnerf, make MagField generate one randomly placed non-blue (yellow?) Protect tile, raise red's minimum cost to 6+ AP while keeping its damage and tile destruction the same, and reduce MagTrans damage by a large amount.
  • They could change blue to make protect tiles of some different colours, but that would screw him up too. I'm guessing increased cost on red and blue, but they should buff the damage on red and increase the value on protect tiles
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    HailMary wrote:
    For an overnerf, make MagField generate one randomly placed non-blue (yellow?) Protect tile, raise red's minimum cost to 6+ AP while keeping its damage and tile destruction the same, and reduce MagTrans damage by a large amount.
  • I hear everyone saying cmags is overpowering, but I just don't get how. His blue everyone says is op but it just creates 2 weak protect tiles. I'm just wondering what I'm missing in him. I would greatly appreciate it if someone could explain it to me.
  • Maybe if you weren't a sandboxing cheater you would have actually learned how to play the game.
  • You get some blue AP together, use patch to make a ton of strike tiles then you use his blue to make matches, not for the protect tiles. If you use it to make a 5 match you'll get all your AP back (and a crit tile) and if you use 2 tiles to complete 2 3 matches you gain 1 blue AP.

    If the board is favourable you can literally keep going forever. Also his red is dirt cheap so if you've saved up 10 red AP and have 5 red that's 5 more shots with full strike tile damage on it.
  • Ah ok thanks
  • bonfire01 wrote:
    You get some blue AP together, use patch to make a ton of strike tiles then you use his blue to make matches, not for the protect tiles. If you use it to make a 5 match you'll get all your AP back (and a crit tile) and if you use 2 tiles to complete 2 3 matches you gain 1 blue AP.

    If the board is favourable you can literally keep going forever. Also his red is dirt cheap so if you've saved up 10 red AP and have 5 red that's 5 more shots with full strike tile damage on it.

    plus, if you have enough blue ap to spare you can make 4 of a kinds and gain all that other color ap.
  • Also, you hit Hulk hard, then use the protect tiles to overwrite his anger countdown tiles.
  • Also he totally let the air out of my bike tires once and made me late for school
  • babinro
    babinro Posts: 771 Critical Contributor
    If you look at Captain America by comparison...his overwrite tile powers tend to cost 11+

    Magneto's blue does not return AP and SHOULD cost less but only costing 5 is what makes it overpowered. The skill, IMO, should cost no less than 9 which is still pushing it if things remain exactly as is.

    Alternatively they could make the power cost 5 or 6AP and just create random blue protect tiles. This would kill all the combo potential for the character but still provide a good defensive option.
  • Also he totally let the air out of my bike tires once and made me late for school

    He didn't mess with the metal parts? That's underpowered, especially for Magneto! Quick, someone start a complaint thread about it! icon_mrgreen.gif
  • Rico Dredd wrote:
    Also he totally let the air out of my bike tires once and made me late for school

    He didn't mess with the metal parts? That's underpowered, especially for Magneto! Quick, someone start a complaint thread about it! icon_mrgreen.gif

    Maybe he didn't want us to know it was him. But I totally saw him out the window.
  • babinro wrote:
    If you look at Captain America by comparison...his overwrite tile powers tend to cost 11+

    Magneto's blue does not return AP and SHOULD cost less but only costing 5 is what makes it overpowered. The skill, IMO, should cost no less than 9 which is still pushing it if things remain exactly as is.

    Alternatively they could make the power cost 5 or 6AP and just create random blue protect tiles. This would kill all the combo potential for the character but still provide a good defensive option.
    I think making them random somewhat defeats the usefulness. How about, if you put them to make a blue match that initial match does not generate blue ap. Then people would use them as protect tiles instead of making one blue match 5.