*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • Spoit wrote:
    Well, I can't really see the purple getting any weaker, unless they go and read the spreadsheet wrong again, so if you want to transition from the current 5/5/3 meta, that makes it easier

    Purple is great for getting blues next to each other when they are spread out. On top of that, it does thousands in damage. I'm not sure what else you want from it.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    Purple *is* weak because it's situational. Of course when enemy Magneto is ready to translocate the board usually has 20 blue/20 red, and when I need to translocate some kitties, I'm lucky to have at least 5 blue/5 red; but it's alright, I didn't go 5/5/3 because I valued Translocation more than other skills, while I value Translocation a lot still. Sometimes it's easily countered, i.e. suck up the available blues with your own blue, or destroy red tiles (Human Torch, the Sentry). You can't mitigate Call the Storm, on the other hand.
  • tbighead21
    tbighead21 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    angua51 wrote:
    Why are Classic Magneto covers being given as rewards in 2 recent events and why is he the featured character in the present event if he is going to be nerfed? Isn't this just setting people up for disappointment and also very dishonest?
    Not sure how it is dishonest when they are being honest by letting to u know in advance that he will be nerfed icon_e_confused.gif
  • angua51
    angua51 Posts: 47 Just Dropped In
    It is dishonest because the only players who know he is being nerfed are the ones who read the forum ie a very small percentage of players.
  • tbighead21
    tbighead21 Posts: 131 Tile Toppler
    Ignorance is not an excuse. They made the information easily accessible to everyone. Are they supposed to put a pop up everytime the game loads saying "hey we are going to nerf Magneto soon."
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    tbighead21 wrote:
    Ignorance is not an excuse. They made the information easily accessible to everyone. Are they supposed to put a pop up everytime the game loads saying "hey we are going to nerf Magneto soon."
    I mean, as long as they say to beware of leopard....
  • Magneto was voted the most fun character to play with, he shouldn't get nerfed.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    While I agree as a Magneto user, you do realize that forumites' opinions hardly matter? The majority of the playerbase don't even have a usable Magneto so they have no idea if he's fun to play or not.
  • hurcules
    hurcules Posts: 519
    Well, they did give in-game pop-up notice for the Thorverine "funbalance".
  • locked wrote:
    While I agree as a Magneto user, you do realize that forumites' opinions hardly matter? The majority of the playerbase don't even have a usable Magneto so they have no idea if he's fun to play or not.

    The fact that relatively few players have a usable cMags does beg the question why he's being nerfed. You could understand the Thorverine nerf because they were easy to get and overpowered as a unit. Spidey was simply game breaking. cMags on the other hand is a very powerful character on offence in the right hands, but a virtual liability on defence as the AI has absolutely no idea how to use him properly. If you add that to the relatively low number of 141 cMags around, and I do wonder why D3 are wasting time on funbalancing him when there are more obvious characters in need of work.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    They are okay with having weak characters like Daredevil, IM 40, Rags, Loki, etc. They frown upon Magneto because players with Magneto trivialize defense (sue me - I am guilty of that, too, as I don't find maxed Hulk/Daken/Sentry a skip-worthy problem, which isn't probably the way to be), and also because he has one 2 AP ability and another at basically 0-1 AP.
    If we look at the recent cheap abilities, they are different. Human Torch can fire Flame Jets at 5 green AP, but no one would actually fire it at only 5 green, unless they were facing a Recon next turn and needed to dump the AP quick. Daken has a 5 blue AP ability, but no one makes 2 blue matches and fires Chemical Reaction, as you want to make some green matches before that. Mohawk doesn't even get Mistress at 5 red AP anymore, but it's a very powerful ability with huge cascade potential even if we forget Desert/Oasis/Winter for a second. Psylocke has an cheapo black ability and potential to do damage for 5 red, but it takes time to get to that, and as for black, you usually want to eliminate black matches before using Psi-Katana, so it's not unusual to fire it at 9-12 black instead.
    Only Magneto can use his abilities like whenever, every turn, multiple times, and even earn more AP in the process. While I adore the fact, it probably is frowned upon by devs (they could never guess!).
  • I finally got enough covers for him to get him to a solid level but they're about to nerf him. I have like 5000 iso. Should I level him anyway, use my iso on someone else (that would be punisher or xforce), or save my iso and decide after the nerf comes out?
  • Unknown
    edited June 2014
    Not to be rude, but 5000 ISO is nothing. It won't really be a big loss/benefit no matter what you do with it.
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Punnisher is the safe bet. CMags is supposedly being nerfed soon and X-Force is supposedly being buffed soon. That said, both of these changes have been in the works for a long time and may not happen for a while yet. Or they may happen tomorrow. We'll never know.
  • Punnisher is the safe bet. CMags is supposedly being nerfed soon and X-Force is supposedly being buffed soon. That said, both of these changes have been in the works for a long time and may not happen for a while yet. Or they may happen tomorrow. We'll never know.
    Ok, going with punisher. And to the other guy, I know its not much, I just don't save it up
  • JamieMadrox
    JamieMadrox Posts: 1,798 Chairperson of the Boards
    Toxicadam wrote:
    Not to be rude, but 5000 ISO is nothing. It won't really be a big loss/benefit no matter what you do with it.
    Very true. You can make 5k ISO from one PVP, not including rewards for placement at the end.
  • locked wrote:
    Purple *is* weak because it's situational. Of course when enemy Magneto is ready to translocate the board usually has 20 blue/20 red, and when I need to translocate some kitties, I'm lucky to have at least 5 blue/5 red; but it's alright, I didn't go 5/5/3 because I valued Translocation more than other skills, while I value Translocation a lot still. Sometimes it's easily countered, i.e. suck up the available blues with your own blue, or destroy red tiles (Human Torch, the Sentry). You can't mitigate Call the Storm, on the other hand.

    Purple is week? Come on now. For 10 AP it provides ~4k damage on average (see the recent observation data that perfectly matches my experience.) It is topping quite any old ability and stands up well with new ones.

    The diff you see is result of use: AI uses blue for random placement, actually adding blues, you usually use up the blues on board for other purpose -- certainly you can just use your blue store to re-add them for the big shot.

    I had many opportunities for respec and stayed with the 5/4/4 as that shows the best balance and makes practical difference for common situations (especially when strike tile guy is not around or didn't provide yet...).
  • locked wrote:
    While I agree as a Magneto user, you do realize that forumites' opinions hardly matter? The majority of the playerbase don't even have a usable Magneto so they have no idea if he's fun to play or not.

    Well, they should by now, Mags used to be LR only but in last 3 months we had at least 5 pvps with offers so usual mortals could make a fair version by now (he is viable to play with mere 9 covers)
  • DaveyPitch wrote:
    The fact that relatively few players have a usable cMags does beg the question why he's being nerfed. You could understand the Thorverine nerf because they were easy to get and overpowered as a unit. Spidey was simply game breaking. cMags on the other hand is a very powerful character on offence in the right hands, but a virtual liability on defence as the AI has absolutely no idea how to use him properly. If you add that to the relatively low number of 141 cMags around, and I do wonder why D3 are wasting time on funbalancing him when there are more obvious characters in need of work.

    <knock-knock> it actually looks on back burner, probably for this exact reasoning. And they keep releasing fat and powerful new characters so Mags is not that out-standing stat-wise for some time. Certainly he is one of the best engines in "good" hands, but I doubt that attribute is all that widespread.
  • locked wrote:
    Only Magneto can use his abilities like whenever, every turn, multiple times, and even earn more AP in the process. While I adore the fact, it probably is frowned upon by devs (they could never guess!).

    Not sure it was this thread or another -- someone suggested to go and watch the recent X-Men movie (I can second that, great stuff). THAT is POWER, he's f-nig Magneto, just supposed to be that way. icon_e_wink.gif

    And I don't see him breaking the game in any way. Not even a fragment of complaints that were popping everywhere on spiderman.

    What reason the devs really have for frown? I doubt he stands in the way to sell the new covers. Or even wanting people leave due to his presence. Messing with him looks like opportunity for a huge backslash without any real gain for anyone. Even the theoretic balance argument is fishy -- powers are never completely even and being on the top side should be fair.

    Actually if I was dev and was forced to do some change I'd probably just nerf his HP to torch/gsbw range and call it a day.

    Players would be relieved and everyone happy.