*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    LoreNYC wrote:
    Cmag actually has a really fine line between OP and complete garbage.

    I hope they balance him properly unlike the spidey nerf because tons of people love cmag and he could be broken very easily with a rush fix

    Given d3's track record, I think "rush" is probably not a word that will apply to any balance fix they do. icon_razz.gif
    A rush job that takes months
  • seshoma
    seshoma Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Just wanted to know about the 3 star magneto cause i see that his bleu red yellow tiles do the most damage but his atks are Bleu red and pink.
    So what's with that?
  • seshoma wrote:
    Just wanted to know about the 3 star magneto cause i see that his bleu red yellow tiles do the most damage but his atks are Bleu red and pink.
    So what's with that?

    There are a few characters in the game that are like this. Grey Suit Widow for instance doesnt match green hard like Mag doesnt match pink. Both of those colors consequently are those 2 character's highest costing ap and largest damage dealing powers as well. This is a major bummer because of this. I think all of them are some of the first 3 stars that existed.

    I think in some of these cases these characters launched with only 2 powers. I believe magnetos 3rd power was the pink one and it was put into the game later after his release (someone please correct my post if any of this is wrong). Its almost like D3 was planning give him a yellow skill at some point but did pink instead (probably because the game had no 3 star pink damage dealer).

    But I've wondered all this time if these characters are supposed to be this way to be different or if its an over sight by D3 for never changing them. I for one hate that Mags dont match pink for damage. It really cripples the character IMO. However you can exploit it when you build a team. Even though magneto doesnt match pink for any damage because of this you can have patch tank 4 colors (including pink) as a result and that goes great with his 5/5 yellow or his 5/5 red.
  • seshoma
    seshoma Posts: 58 Match Maker
    Oh ok almost thought it was a glitch. icon_e_confused.gif
    Thx forthe answer
  • It's a benefit in some ways, especially for Grey Suit Black Widow. You can have a character like The Hulk tanking green so she doesn't take the hits when you match green, he does. Magneto has slightly better HP than GSBW but it's still not bad to have a different character tanking his colours so you're less likely to lose your best hitter to an unlucky cascade.
  • Just thinking about what a "fair" funbalancing of C.Mags would look like which would bring him back to the pack while still being very useable. I'd hope this was accompanied by some buffs of other characters too...

    For his red we know it will be a minimum cost of 5. Let's say 5 red for:

    1 cover: Destroy 1 random tile (generating AP) and doing X damage.
    2 cover: More damage.
    3 cover: Destroy 2 random tiles (generating AP)
    4 cover: More damage
    5 cover: Destroy 3 random tiles (generating AP).

    It would still be an efficient cascade creator but it wouldn't be so easy to chain cast.

    His blue- and I regret this because I abuse it as much as anyone- probably needs a complete redo. Keeping it as it is but upping the cost will make it worthless.

    Let's say 7 AP for:

    1 cover: Select 1 enemy strike tile and one other tile. They swap places.
    2 cover: Strike or protect tiles.
    3 cover: Strike, protect or attack tiles.
    4 cover: Any enemy special tiles.
    5 cover: Select 2 enemy special tiles.

    Keep his purple the same but maybe tone down the damage by 10%.
  • Are both Magnetos in the game Max Eisenhart (sp)? If so, why one of them is white and the other one is black? Can someone with knowledge explain?
  • yes but it then forces you to roll with a character that can match that color. it sucks that mag or widow need a pink or green user to pair them with if you want damage when matching.
  • too powerful

    d3 has to nerf him real hard as soon as possible in order to obtain more revenue …

    ps: i dont have a useable magneto classic
  • KevinMark wrote:
    Are both Magnetos in the game Max Eisenhart (sp)? If so, why one of them is white and the other one is black? Can someone with knowledge explain?

    Magneto (MNow) has a farmer's tan, but he is the same character.
  • kubrick wrote:
    too powerful

    d3 has to nerf him real hard as soon as possible in order to obtain more revenue …

    ps: i dont have a useable magneto classic

    I do. It would be a fun novelty for D3 to not nerf a character so hard that it becomes unusable icon_lol.gif
  • Unknown
    edited May 2014
    according to this inequality:

    money > fun novelty

    so d3 please consider my proposal.

    ps: i have a maxed ragnarok. pls give him a third ability.

    any colour will be good to him.
  • my way of thinking is the ugly truth of this game.

    i believe that.
  • Ronfar
    Ronfar Posts: 150
    mosaic wrote:
    If Magneto Classic is overpowered, and I honestly am not sure it is, then it only needs slight tweaks to "fix." Hopefully D3 doesn't overcompensate. Up the purple cost by 3 or 4, up the blue cost by 1 and make it create purple protect tiles. Synergy and no more self sustaining. Plus Magneto retains a deadly late-match move that's in keeping with how powerful he is as a Marvel villain. I mean, c'mon, he's freakin' Magneto.

    Magneto Classic is overpowered as tinykitty. I have him at 5/5/3 and I can usually kill the whole enemy team in a single turn once I start chaining red and blue skills together. When I run out of blue tiles to make matches from, I use the red skill a few times and soon I have more, and I probably got some extra AP from cascades, too. He's practically a one man infinite damage combo, even if he does run out of steam once in a while. Red at two AP is almost as insane as blue at five - the only reason I can think of for going 5/3/5 instead of 5/5/3 is that you need to end matches more quickly even if it means taking more damage in each match. I have no idea how best to balance him, but after all that effort it took to get him to level 141, I'm darn well going to exploit him for as long as the developers will let me.
  • Ghast wrote:
    KevinMark wrote:
    Are both Magnetos in the game Max Eisenhart (sp)? If so, why one of them is white and the other one is black? Can someone with knowledge explain?

    Magneto (MNow) has a farmer's tan, but he is the same character.
    Really? MN Magneto looks like a black man especially in his portraits during story bits lol. I guess it is possible. I am white and I also look like a black man in mid summer.
  • over_clocked
    over_clocked Posts: 3,961
    kubrick, how about both Magneto and Ragnarok being viable? Wouldn't want that by chance, would you? You joined the game a bit too late, last December Ragnarok was the OP king of this game and had an overpowered 2 red move.
  • ragnarok of course i know how op he is. i bought 20000 hp to max him.
    the next day he was nerfed. i remember the date was january 9.
  • this was the worst investment i ve ever made. he is now sitting in my slot and cannot do anything.
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 531 Critical Contributor
    A minor tweak (if that) is all that would be required.

    +1 AP cost for blue +2 AP cost for red at 5 covers.

    Anything else pretty much kills the fun aspect of this character.
  • john1620b
    john1620b Posts: 367
    I'm actually surprised no one has mentioned fixing his blue by just changing the protect tiles he makes from blue to yellow. I've thought for a while that that's what the devs are going to do, for a few reasons:

    1. It's an easy change to implement, and the skill could still work essentially the same
    2. It prevents chaining blue matches into more blue matches
    3. It gives him a use as a yellow battery (of which there is only Thor, and his yellow tile creation is not super useful)
    4. It gives a reason for his third color to be yellow

    His purple is fine in my opinion, so they'd just need to fix his red. If the devs minimum AP requirement is 5, just make red cost cost 5 or 6 AP and do a few hundred more in damage.

    All his skills could essentially be the same skills -- I'm hoping the devs don't go overboard and neuter him like they did Ragnarok or Spiderman. Those small changes would make him a good character, but still less powerful than the ones they've released lately (I'm looking at you, LazyThor and Sentry).