*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • And at the same time, it can also overtake enemy tiles at it levels, so a Storm (Mohawk) Hailstorm can be heavily blunted with a single cast of Magneto's powers.
    Maybe it's just me, but countering Storm was probably the last thing that came to mind when I read Coercive Field. Oh but then I saw the new red and it is a hard counter to Storm. Do the devs hate Storm? I know she's overused and OP but there had to be a better way to nerf her!
  • Whilst I'm biased as Cmags was my favourite character, this is definitely a massive nerf. There is no way you can play him competitively in pvp now. Meanwhile Sentry gets to run around care free. I didn't want to end up being one of those who uses Sentry +Daken/hood but it' feels like it will end up that way.

    I don't care what 'the metrics' say, Sentry is a much bigger problem then Mags ever was.
  • sorcered wrote:
    Who's using second rate heroes like Punisher or Human Torch when we still have Thor, Sentry, Daken etc? In a world where AlL heroes are second rate, yes, maybe CMags will be sometimes useful. Until then, though, there's absolutely no reason to dust him off, if you can play a better hero instead, of which are many.

    In PvP, there is no reason to play any other hero in the game except Sentry+Daken or Sentry+Hood, so I don't see how your logic of "no reason to dust him off" really applies here because you can say the same thing about any other character in the game that isn't Sentry+Daken or Sentry+Hood. My comment refers mostly to PvE events where you want to build a team composition that works best with the featured characters, and in the events where Pun/Torch were featured, C. Mags was by far the best character you could pair with them, and having a good purple contributed heavily to why that was the case.

    Using just Sentry/Daken or Sentry/Hood means extra HP wasted on health packs. If you couldn't afford that, the best route so far was to go for the next speedier team, which was patchneto. Going all the way from 0 to 1200 points with a Sentry+ team is just way too expensive, and most people I know use them just for moderate shield hopping. Maybe we should mention more often which game area we're discussing (I'm barely playing PVE).
  • Twysta
    Twysta Posts: 1,597 Chairperson of the Boards
    If they restore his purple I won't complain to much and he'll once again at least feel more like the most powerful mutant on Earth like he's meant to be! icon_e_wink.gif
  • PorkBelly
    PorkBelly Posts: 531 Critical Contributor
    Jimilinho wrote:
    Whilst I'm biased as Cmags was my favourite character, this is definitely a massive nerf. There is no way you can play him competitively in pvp now. Meanwhile Sentry gets to run around care free. I didn't want to end up being one of those who uses Sentry +Daken/hood but it' feels like it will end up that way.

    I don't care what 'the metrics' say, Sentry is a much bigger problem then Mags ever was.

    The Sentry/Daken mechanic is exactly the same as the Patch/C Mags one that got nerfed.

    Strike tiles + weak attack/board shaking. The Sentry/Daken one is even automated so that it doesn't use additional AP for every strike.

    The big difference is that Sentry/Daken will cost you health packs which D3 believes it can monetize for the game.
  • You guys are crazy. He's not the completely abusive monster he was but this is still easily top tier ***. Easily.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    sorcered wrote:
    sorcered wrote:
    Who's using second rate heroes like Punisher or Human Torch when we still have Thor, Sentry, Daken etc? In a world where AlL heroes are second rate, yes, maybe CMags will be sometimes useful. Until then, though, there's absolutely no reason to dust him off, if you can play a better hero instead, of which are many.

    In PvP, there is no reason to play any other hero in the game except Sentry+Daken or Sentry+Hood, so I don't see how your logic of "no reason to dust him off" really applies here because you can say the same thing about any other character in the game that isn't Sentry+Daken or Sentry+Hood. My comment refers mostly to PvE events where you want to build a team composition that works best with the featured characters, and in the events where Pun/Torch were featured, C. Mags was by far the best character you could pair with them, and having a good purple contributed heavily to why that was the case.

    Using just Sentry/Daken or Sentry/Hood means extra HP wasted on health packs. If you couldn't afford that, the best route so far was to go for the next speedier team, which was patchneto. Going all the way from 0 to 1200 points with a Sentry+ team is just way too expensive, and most people I know use them just for moderate shield hopping. Maybe we should mention more often which game area we're discussing (I'm barely playing PVE).

    My current PvP strategy is to push to 600-700 off of not Sentry, and then push to 1100+ with a Sentry based team comp. This is very doable without spending any HP on shields. C. Mags / Patch is also a lot less intimidating on defense than Sentry based compositions, so I don't see any reason why you would play patchneto over sentry based compositions in high level PvP.
  • NokkonWud
    NokkonWud Posts: 15 Just Dropped In
    Jimilinho wrote:
    I don't care what 'the metrics' say, Sentry is a much bigger problem then Mags ever was.
    I absolutely agree 100%.

    I see Sentry+Daken almost as much as I used to see Original Black Widow pre-Healing changes.
  • Jimilinho wrote:
    I don't care what 'the metrics' say, Sentry is a much bigger problem then Mags ever was.
    I have a problem with that attitude in itself.
    Say Sentry is broken but not enough people are using him. Instead of fixing it a little and piss off the people grinding up to 2000 at PVP what they decide to do is leave it as it until a lot more people play him. Because having a ton of people playing a ridiculous combo is a good thing apparently. So then when the metagame is completely overrun by Sentry+X, then you can nerf him.

    I don't have first-person experience but every time I see IceX address the Sentry situation he says they know how powerful it is but choose to ignore it because not enough people are using him.
  • This is actually a pretty balanced nerf except for the color change. There is no shortage of yellow abilities and not enough purples so I don't get it.

    We finally get x force buff but now Cmags/Hood/xforce overlap with 3 decent yellows and we lose purple coverage.

    May need to run xforce/hood/dd... Way to ruin the long awaited xforce buff.

    Without the purple/red Cmags/Punisher combo, fighting Hulk will be horrible.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    This is actually a pretty balanced nerf except for the color change. There is no shortage of yellow abilities and not enough purples so I don't get it.

    We finally get x force buff but now Cmags/Hood/xforce overlap with 3 decent yellows and we lose purple coverage.

    May need to run xforce/hood/dd... Way to ruin the long awaited xforce buff.

    Without the purple/red Cmags/Punisher combo, fighting Hulk will be horrible.

    As it should be given how useless the meatsack is on offense.
  • sorcered wrote:
    sorcered wrote:
    Who's using second rate heroes like Punisher or Human Torch when we still have Thor, Sentry, Daken etc? In a world where AlL heroes are second rate, yes, maybe CMags will be sometimes useful. Until then, though, there's absolutely no reason to dust him off, if you can play a better hero instead, of which are many.

    In PvP, there is no reason to play any other hero in the game except Sentry+Daken or Sentry+Hood, so I don't see how your logic of "no reason to dust him off" really applies here because you can say the same thing about any other character in the game that isn't Sentry+Daken or Sentry+Hood. My comment refers mostly to PvE events where you want to build a team composition that works best with the featured characters, and in the events where Pun/Torch were featured, C. Mags was by far the best character you could pair with them, and having a good purple contributed heavily to why that was the case.

    Using just Sentry/Daken or Sentry/Hood means extra HP wasted on health packs. If you couldn't afford that, the best route so far was to go for the next speedier team, which was patchneto. Going all the way from 0 to 1200 points with a Sentry+ team is just way too expensive, and most people I know use them just for moderate shield hopping. Maybe we should mention more often which game area we're discussing (I'm barely playing PVE).

    My current PvP strategy is to push to 600-700 off of not Sentry, and then push to 1100+ with a Sentry based team comp. This is very doable without spending any HP on shields. C. Mags / Patch is also a lot less intimidating on defense than Sentry based compositions, so I don't see any reason why you would play patchneto over sentry based compositions in high level PvP.

    My point exactly, first patchneto, then sentry+. Not sure what wasn't clear before. Anyway, glad we sorted this out.
  • PPPlaya wrote:
    I don't have first-person experience but every time I see IceX address the Sentry situation he says they know how powerful it is but choose to ignore it because not enough people are using him.

    That's 'there is more money to be made' in dev speak. Happened to every Op character in the game going back to Rags who was stupid broken and allowed to run free for 3 months.
  • NorthernPolarity
    NorthernPolarity Posts: 3,531 Chairperson of the Boards
    sorcered wrote:
    My point exactly, first patchneto, then sentry+. Not sure what wasn't clear before. Anyway, glad we sorted this out.

    I think we were confused because you meant that this kills patchneto in the climbing phase while i thought you were saying that this kills patchneto in the 700+ phase. Cheers!
  • Pretty pissed off I just spent $25 bucks on covers for him

    These changes feel pretty disingenuous to his character, where is his raw power?
  • Trizshjen wrote:
    Pretty pissed off I just spent $25 bucks on covers for him

    These changes feel pretty disingenuous to his character, where is his raw power?

    If you didn't see a nerf coming from a mile away I don't know what to tell you.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    I have tacos. Who wants tacos?
    Deadpools tacos?
  • Whilst not as horrendous of a nerf as it could have been this does make Magneto pretty useless in PvP and i'm not sure he's even much use in PvE.

    His yellow is only marginally better than spiderman's purple (assuming 0-1 web tiles) but actually uses up AP and it's random placement means overwriting any kind of enemy special tiles is a pleasant surprise rather than something you expect to happen.

    His red is doing 261 damage per AP on an average board (8 TU tiles to nuke) plus whatever board shakeup it provides. That's pretty ropey as red damage abilities go and is, IMO, not really good enough for a board state dependent ability. It's like a more directed thunderous clap that does a bit more damage for less tile shakeup and, lets be honest, thunderous clap is decent but not earthshaking icon_lol.gif

    Finally the colour change for his purple is a killer. Having a damaging purple ability is far better than a blue one because of the scarcity of good abilities in that colour. The fact it got reduced to a max of 7 swaps is not all that devastating because it's pretty much the average number of pairs you get on a board but losing the potential for more is a shame.

    So why use him?

    In PvP he does damage pretty slowly so would you pick him for the protect tiles on 9 yellow BEFORE getting any benefit? You're probably better off picking a hero that kills stuff on 9-12 AP of a given colour. His red is underwhelming and his blue is still decent but not enough to merit his inclusion in a team with only 2 selections.

    In PvE you might consider him as a better spiderman for reducing damage taken at the expense of longer fights but even then, picking up protects much more easily using spiderman's passive is arguably more valuable so how much value do you place on new C.Mag's blue? For goon only nodes protects aren't as much use but the potential to overwrite CDs is something, although why pick him over Falcon?

    IMO he's just become another hero you don't bother using because he doesn't offer enough. If they had increased his health to L.Thor levels then that would make him more viable, or if his yellow more reliably interacted with enemy special tiles perhaps.
  • IceIX wrote:
    Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't giggle when you use Patch's Berserker Rage followed by a Trickery.

    Ha ha, nobody uses Loki

    Seriously. I have not seen a Loki/Patch PVP team in months.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    Spoit wrote:
    I have tacos. Who wants tacos?
    Deadpools tacos?
    Didn't want to bring those cause that alliance might gang up on me in PvP.