*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • What are everyones' thoughts on the Magneto re-balancing?

    I run CM as a primary character. It will be interesting to see how these changes pan out. It appears on paper that he at least has 3 good abilities. Blue nuke (10AP for just under 5k damage), a red TU denial with modest damage, and a yellow defense somewhat like Falcon's purple but less costly.

    The blue nuke looks decent as it's much more likely to get 5 swaps for consistent damage. Not sure about red, though it doesn't seem too bad -- you get board shakeup for some modest board control, TU denial and damage all in one. Would seem better than Modern Storm's old environment destruction ability. The yellow seems like a LCap yellow, but at reasonable cost, with the higher tile spread like Falcon's purple, so it's more difficult to clear.

    What are your thoughts on possible team combinations? Now CM and BP compete for yellow. Might thwart my plans for that team up...
  • Ghast wrote:
    IceIX wrote:
    Oh, come on. Don't tell me you don't giggle when you use Patch's Berserker Rage followed by a Trickery.

    Ha ha, nobody uses Loki

    Seriously. I have not seen a Loki/Patch PVP team in months.

    You do in God of Lies, which is what we were talking about icon_e_wink.gif
  • scottee
    scottee Posts: 1,610 Chairperson of the Boards
    edited August 2014
    I'm not gonna read all the posts. Just gonna say that I like the changes, and I think they're pretty balanced. And I'm not gonna bother to answer all the whiners because people who can't adjust and come up with their own strategies aren't deserving of replies.
  • OnesOwnGrief
    OnesOwnGrief Posts: 1,387 Chairperson of the Boards
    His yellow will shut down World Rupture, that is all.
  • bonfire01 wrote:

    So why use him?

    In PvP he does damage pretty slowly so would you pick him for the protect tiles on 9 yellow BEFORE getting any benefit? You're probably better off picking a hero that kills stuff on 9-12 AP of a given colour. His red is underwhelming and his blue is still decent but not enough to merit his inclusion in a team with only 2 selections.

    In PvE you might consider him as a better spiderman for reducing damage taken at the expense of longer fights but even then, picking up protects much more easily using spiderman's passive is arguably more valuable so how much value do you place on new C.Mag's blue? For goon only nodes protects aren't as much use but the potential to overwrite CDs is something, although why pick him over Falcon?

    IMO he's just become another hero you don't bother using because he doesn't offer enough. If they had increased his health to L.Thor levels then that would make him more viable, or if his yellow more reliably interacted with enemy special tiles perhaps.

    Well, every character who isn't Sentry, Hood and Thor comes down to "So why use him?" Like I said earlier in the thread, he feels more like a psylocke or HT than a Ragnarok or IM40; someone who I'm not putting on my "go-to team" but who at least makes me go "ooh, fun" when he's boosted and not "god dammit." Which is pretty much all I can ask for these days in MPQ
  • I think he drops down the the Psylocke/Captain Marvel tier. Not useless, but not someone I'll use unless required or boosted.
  • Even though I don't have a max CMags, this makes me sad. Not only was he my first 3* cover, just a little while ago my CMags became usable with my Pun and they've been my go to in PVEs, as my Patch is far from covered. He got me out of many fights, sometimes taking care of 3 enemies after losing both teammates and walking out with a good chunk of health in tact.

    At least I can say I got a tiny taste of power from the absolute beast he currently is.
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    sorcered wrote:
    Nobody used CMags for his purple.

    This guy does.
  • Pylgrim
    Pylgrim Posts: 2,327 Chairperson of the Boards
    NOT HAPPY but not for the reasons you may think. His new red ability is Storm's old red!! The one they nerfed to hell TWICE and now is useless rubbish. THIS is what we begged them to do with that ability back when they announced her changes. To add insult to the injury, not only is the same ability but it's also slightly cheaper and deals MORE damage. Now this completely kills any hopes I had left that they would fix her. Forever relegated to the lower tiers of the mediocre division. You may laugh but I think this is the angriest I've ever been at a change introduced to this game.
    sorcered wrote:
    Nobody used CMags for his purple

    The AI did. ALL the time. Many a hero of mine (including the Hulk) was downed from /full health/ by it.
  • gamar wrote:
    Well, every character who isn't Sentry, Hood and Thor comes down to "So why use him?" Like I said earlier in the thread, he feels more like a psylocke or HT than a Ragnarok or IM40; someone who I'm not putting on my "go-to team" but who at least makes me go "ooh, fun" when he's boosted and not "god dammit." Which is pretty much all I can ask for these days in MPQ

    I think i'd place him below HT in usefullness to be fair. What I was more getting at though is he doesn't seem to fulfill any kind of niche in PvP OR PvE. If I wanted protect tiles why choose him over Spiderman or Falcon? If I want nukes why pick him over <insert large list of heroes here>? Is a combination of a 9AP protect tile generator with 2 board state dependent, moderate/decent size nukes with a degree of board shakeup a good character? IMO not really and that's my issue with the changes. I had always said C.Mag's abilties weren't overpowered for raw numbers as much as they were abusable due to mechanics.

    He's been left with a decent protect tile generator, a less useful version of mistress of the elements and a nuke that is, in ideal circumstances, decent but has the potential to be not worth firing off for long stretches and the ai won't even notice when those stretches occur WITHOUT the potential for an earth shattering effect in, admittedly, unlikely circumstances.

    I feel like the new red ability is probably what lets him down the most. I was hoping they would go for directed tile destruction on his red (pick a tile, destroy it and some tiles around it varying by covers etc) so you could potentially set up matches or remove special tiles but instead it nukes TUs which might have looked better on the drawing board when the ai had 3 TUs slotted including Sentry but is now really not that good.
  • stevenbrule
    stevenbrule Posts: 62 Match Maker
    Ice, there's a lot of sour grapes on here, but your explanations are appreciated and help provide insight into your reasoning. I'd been holding off on spending ISO for a while with the anticipated nerfs, but now I've got a good idea what I'll do.

    Thanks so much for your work. Know that it's appreciated!
  • dijidiji
    dijidiji Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    edited August 2014
    bonfire01 wrote:
    ...but instead it nukes TUs which might have looked better on the drawing board when the ai had 3 TUs slotted including Sentry but is now really not that good.

    This. On offense, you'll never be able to use the new red fast enough to make a difference now that AI teams have only 1 TU ability. Frankly, it becomes a liability after they fire off their 1 TU, because you *want* the enemy to make TU matches that do less damage than other tiles and provide TU AP they can't use anymore. I think that each hand doesn't know that the other one exists, much less what it's doing.

    Edit: You might be able to salvage this by at least generating TU AP for tiles destroyed.
  • Question, will his tile colours be reordered to match the usual power assignments ie (yellow>red>blue)? Am interested as this will change his tanking and ultimately where he fits into teams

    Sorry for the sour grapes earlier, after a re-read I am excited to get him out there and see how he plays, has a date been set for the change?
  • dijidiji wrote:
    bonfire01 wrote:
    ...but instead it nukes TUs which might have looked better on the drawing board when the ai had 3 TUs slotted including Sentry but is now really not that good.

    This. On offense, you'll never be able to use the new red fast enough to make a difference now that AI teams have only 1 TU ability.

    I don't think so? 8 is cheaper than most abilities, and it's definitely cheaper than the TU abilities you want to stop the AI from using
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    edited August 2014
    Agreed with Steve. I'm not pleased with the Magneto changes, as I think his character has been muted and muddled, but I do appreciate the notice and explanation. One of my last heroics contained a CMags blue, and I wanted to know whether I should sell it or pre-spec him. This was good to hear.

    I'm gonna pour one out for my favourite trio, the High Hard One (Punisher/CMags/Black Panther).
  • Do we all agree patch doesnt make sense anymore with 5 greens ?
  • BearVenger
    BearVenger Posts: 453 Mover and Shaker
    I didn't know we discussed it.
  • dijidiji
    dijidiji Posts: 38 Just Dropped In
    gamar wrote:
    dijidiji wrote:
    bonfire01 wrote:
    ...but instead it nukes TUs which might have looked better on the drawing board when the ai had 3 TUs slotted including Sentry but is now really not that good.

    This. On offense, you'll never be able to use the new red fast enough to make a difference now that AI teams have only 1 TU ability.

    I don't think so? 8 is cheaper than most abilities, and it's definitely cheaper than the TU abilities you want to stop the AI from using

    Fair enough. I was probably being a bit hyperbolic. You will *too often* be unable to use the new red fast enough to make a difference. The rest of my post about it becoming a liability after the AI fires their TU ability still stands, though.
  • dijidiji wrote:
    gamar wrote:
    dijidiji wrote:
    bonfire01 wrote:
    ...but instead it nukes TUs which might have looked better on the drawing board when the ai had 3 TUs slotted including Sentry but is now really not that good.

    This. On offense, you'll never be able to use the new red fast enough to make a difference now that AI teams have only 1 TU ability.

    I don't think so? 8 is cheaper than most abilities, and it's definitely cheaper than the TU abilities you want to stop the AI from using

    Fair enough. I was probably being a bit hyperbolic. You will *too often* be unable to use the new red fast enough to make a difference. The rest of my post about it becoming a liability after the AI fires their TU ability still stands, though.

    Maybe. I know that I'd definitely take the "AI may match one or two fewer useless teamup tiles" in trade for "big cascade potential" if the trade was "free," but of course it isn't and I'm not sure its damage compares favorably enough to other 3* abilities
  • Spoit wrote:
    I have tacos. Who wants tacos?
    Deadpools tacos?

    You Rang?

    Who wants Tacos?? Pickit up!!!
