*** Magneto (Classic) ***



  • HailMary wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    If so, that's total **** and would totally screw me over.

    Why not just change what his blue does (which you did) instead of swapping colors and then giving him a blue power anyway?
    It actually makes sense, because it keeps cover counts consistent with what each ability actually does. That seems pretty obvious.

    I honestly do not understand what you're talking about. What does cover count have to do with abilities? They could have just changed Purple into Yellow and reworked his Blue instead of playing musical color-covers.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    MikeHock wrote:
    I honestly do not understand what you're talking about. What does cover count have to do with abilities? They could have just changed Purple into Yellow and reworked his Blue instead of playing musical color-covers.
    You seem to be saying that it's more sensible for your five covers in the blue Protect-tile ability to become five covers in the swap-based nuke ability. I'm saying that, regardless of color changes, it makes more sense to keep your Protect-tile-gen ability at five covers and your swap-based nuke ability at one cover, rather than saying "well, blue used to be Protect tiles, but now MagTrans is blue, so I guess your five-cover Protect-tile ability is now a five-cover nuke ability."

    That being said, I wish they kept MagTrans a purple ability. Purple is woefully underrepresented in the damage-dealing ability arena.
  • simonsez wrote:
    They could have made that change in a day (see: Storm)
    A little off topic, but this has been bothering me for a while now. Why can't we get some of the characters that badly need to be addressed tweaked with numerical adjustments? They've shown they can do this any time they want. Does anyone really think Ballistic Salvo needs to cost 20 and drain AP anymore, assuming it ever did? Does Switcheroo need to cost 18? Does 2* Cap's red need to do less damage than IM35's, who oh by the way is a 1* who's 44 levels lower? Rather than sitting on their hands for months at a time and then dropping bombs, how about just making some incremental adjustments, listening to feedback, and making more adjustments if need be? Would that really be so hard? Not every substandard or overpowered character needs a complete redesign.
  • HailMary wrote:
    MikeHock wrote:
    I honestly do not understand what you're talking about. What does cover count have to do with abilities? They could have just changed Purple into Yellow and reworked his Blue instead of playing musical color-covers.
    You seem to be saying that it's more sensible for your five covers in the blue Protect-tile ability to become five covers in the swap-based nuke ability. I'm saying that, regardless of color changes, it makes more sense to keep your Protect-tile-gen ability at five covers and your swap-based nuke ability at one cover, rather than saying "well, blue used to be Protect tiles, but now MagTrans is blue, so I guess your five-cover Protect-tile ability is now a five-cover nuke ability."

    That being said, I wish they kept MagTrans a purple ability. Purple is woefully underrepresented in the damage-dealing ability arena.

    What I'm saying is that I'll have to score Magneto blue covers...... Even though I've gotten at least 5 in the 300+ days I've played. Seems rather silly. Let's not pretend that there is some semblance of abilities and colors across the board. Prior to the nerf, both Loki and Magnetos purple ability swapped tiles. Now, Loki swaps with Purple and Magneto swaps with blue.
  • HailMary
    HailMary Posts: 2,179
    MikeHock wrote:
    What I'm saying is that I'll have to score Magneto blue covers...... Even though I've gotten at least 5 in the 300+ days I've played. Seems rather silly. Let's not pretend that there is some semblance of abilities and colors across the board. Prior to the nerf, both Loki and Magnetos purple ability swapped tiles. Now, Loki swaps with Purple and Magneto swaps with blue.
    Well, you'll have to score MagTrans covers, which you would've had to do anyway. You're complaining because now the Protect ability can't create infinite turns anymore, so you'd rather have 5-cover MagTrans instead. icon_razz.gif

    And no, I'm not saying that there's a set rule for which colors do what, but in this case, it makes sense that your per-color cover count is anchored to the ability type, not simply the color.
  • As someone who has had Classic Magneto in near constant use for the last several months, I am not thrilled by the changes. That said, I understand the rebalancing to prevent use of his powers in exactly the way I have been playing him.

    Given the complete recast of the character -- let's face it, the "old" Magneto is being retired and replaced with a much different character with the same name and face but little else in common -- I think it would be fair to offer current players a one time chance to swap covers within the new character.

    So if you have the old character configured with full covers for red and blue, you would have the chance to shift say one cover each to purple. For example, someone configured as 5 Red, 5 Blue, 3 Purple now will convert to 5 Red, 5 Yellow, 3 Purple after the nerf -- that person could elect to reconfigure to 4 Red, 4 Yellow, 5 Purple.

    Actually, I think this should be standard policy after any major reconfiguration of a character.

    It would be more than fine with me if this kind of shift between covers was only available by communicating with support rather than having it be an in-game feature.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    I use Magneto as one of my main characters, and the biggest issue I see with all of these changes is that he no longer fits with the rest of the roster I've built around him. This character is nothing like the the Magneto I know and love and fits almost none of the roles that the current Magneto does.

    Current Magneto's strengths as part of my lineup are:

    -a great synergy with strike tiles because of his cheap moves
    -AP generation through his board shaking red and the collateral matches from multiple 4-5 block blue matches

    The other big use of Magneto for some players is a giant purple nuke that can do a lot of damage but has board requirements.

    This new character has:

    -2 nukes

    -some protect tiles

    I'm sorry, but those are not the roles I was using my magneto for. This new character no longer adds anything I need to my lineup and feels like a complete waste of ISO/HP. Isn't it possible to give him balanced skills that still maintain his synergy with strike tiles, generate some AP, and nuke moderately? I mean if a nerf is needed, then nerf the character, don't change him into a completely different character that fits none of the same roles.
  • unimatrix
    unimatrix Posts: 228
    This is a match 3 game that has an enhanced feature of bringing marvel heroes with color based "power". You use the characters (heroes) because of their color-based powers and you build your strategy upon this premise and spend iso and HP accordingly. I love iron man. But in mpq, I hardly use him because his Red yellow and blue are inferior to other characters.

    I understand with the abuse of CMag to create infinite rounds make it necessary to re balance him . However, that should be the intention .. rebalanced. Not creating a new character. In this case by changing the color of the power, CMag is changed drastically, a new character is created. What iso and HP that players spent was not for this new character with yellow-red-blue power. It was for one with blue-red-purple power.

    Devs took their liberty in screwing with Storm's color. And now with CMag. I'd say stop messing with the colors. Tweak the power!
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    unimatrix wrote:
    This is a match 3 game that has an enhanced feature of bringing marvel heroes with color based "power". You use the characters (heroes) because of their color-based powers and you build your strategy upon this premise and spend iso and HP accordingly. I love iron man. But in mpq, I hardly use him because his Red yellow and blue are inferior to other characters.

    I understand with the abuse of CMag to create infinite rounds make it necessary to re balance him . However, that should be the intention .. rebalanced. Not creating a new character. In this case by changing the color of the power, CMag is changed drastically, a new character is created. What iso and HP that players spent was not for this new character with yellow-red-blue power. It was for one with blue-red-purple power.

    Devs took their liberty in screwing with Storm's color. And now with CMag. I'd say stop messing with the colors. Tweak the power!

    Well said, this is another great point about the color changes. Personally, I have only been able to max 3 3* characters so far, and so I chose them specifically to complement each other. Now instead of being a color-complement to my Thor, Magneto is likely to replace his great Yellow skill with some piddly protect tiles on defense icon_e_sad.gif
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    xBahamutx wrote:
    I'm kinda looking forward to dropping 9 yellow defense tiles down.
    Would be nice if there were a bunch of yellows and be able to generate 24.
    Double thor yellowwwww.... winnnnn....

    Sadly the endless blue cmag era will come to an end. ;__;

    The ability doesn't drop 9 yellow protect tiles. The ability costs 9 yellow AP to place 9 protect tiles onto random spaces and does not change their color.
  • I see everyone respecing to 3/5/5 very soon and they didn't need to switch the colors around. Other than that I am pleasantly surprised.
  • Mystwalker wrote:
    As someone who has had Classic Magneto in near constant use for the last several months, I am not thrilled by the changes. That said, I understand the rebalancing to prevent use of his powers in exactly the way I have been playing him.

    Given the complete recast of the character -- let's face it, the "old" Magneto is being retired and replaced with a much different character with the same name and face but little else in common -- I think it would be fair to offer current players a one time chance to swap covers within the new character.

    So if you have the old character configured with full covers for red and blue, you would have the chance to shift say one cover each to purple. For example, someone configured as 5 Red, 5 Blue, 3 Purple now will convert to 5 Red, 5 Yellow, 3 Purple after the nerf -- that person could elect to reconfigure to 4 Red, 4 Yellow, 5 Purple.

    Actually, I think this should be standard policy after any major reconfiguration of a character.

    It would be more than fine with me if this kind of shift between covers was only available by communicating with support rather than having it be an in-game feature.
    Standard policy for these types of games is to offer in-game currency refunds and/or free respec for any altered characters. But that's not how these devs roll. I think greed clouds their judgment.
  • morgh
    morgh Posts: 539 Critical Contributor
    Nerfed to the ground!

    'nuff said...
  • HairyDave
    HairyDave Posts: 1,574
    morgh wrote:
    Nerfed to the ground!

    'nuff said...
    Not really.

    Knocked off his lofty perch at the top certainly, but this is nowhere near as bad as Spidey or Rags.
  • Spoit
    Spoit Posts: 3,441 Chairperson of the Boards
    HairyDave wrote:
    morgh wrote:
    Nerfed to the ground!

    'nuff said...
    Not really.

    Knocked off his lofty perch at the top certainly, but this is nowhere near as bad as Spidey or Rags.
    Yeah, he's still above Shulky tier, probably somewhere below psylocke and above mostorm
  • franckynight
    franckynight Posts: 582 Critical Contributor
    thats still telling something about the power of the nerf bat.. going through the best char in the game to psylocke level..wow.. he is not going to be in my rotation anymore.. situational at best..
  • Dayv
    Dayv Posts: 4,449 Chairperson of the Boards
    I think in the inevitable Magneto PvP soon after the nerf, we'll see that he's still a good character. Not broken, and not top five, but good.

    I hope M Hawkeye is featured in a heroic event or something soon too, because I want a reason to try his new build out.
  • If these devs had any decency they would replace his new yellow with his old purple and his new blue with his old blue.
  • First off, thanks to the Dev's for putting so much thought into re-designing CMags and sharing their thought process. It's not an easy thing to do changing one of the most powerful and popular characters in the game.

    Like many others, I've pretty much invested HP and ISO into other 3*'s around Magneto. I second many of the previous posters in not liking the change of power color vs match color. The loss of his purple is the biggest hit. Not only is my roster going to be missing a gaping hole, the re-design of Magneto puts me and tons of others at a build we don't want. Which means grinding it out hoping to get the colors we want to reclass a character we already invested in.

    How about these ideas?
    1. Ditch the yellow, keep a Purple power. For 9ap, purple drops a 1-turn countdown tile that refreshes itself like HT's green. Every turn, it steals 1random AP from the opposing team. At 2 covers, steal 2 random AP. at 3 covers, steal 3 random AP, etc.

    2. The proposed red would keep half the team-up AP it destroys. I don't think this will ever happen, but this may make me actually want to use Team-ups. Right now, I fire off an average of 1 Team-up ability every 100 fights (wild guess).

    In my opinion, the proposed red is one of the weakest in the 3* tier. His proposed yellow is also pretty sad.

    I expect to see PvP slow down dramatically after this change. Pace should slow down and average score should drop. This really pushes folks into buying HP's and having a diverse roster to sustain play (which is great). Looking forward to it, and dreading it at the same time.
  • Raffoon
    Raffoon Posts: 884
    gorgehound wrote:
    I expect to see PvP slow down dramatically after this change. Pace should slow down and average score should drop. This really pushes folks into buying HP's and having a diverse roster to sustain play (which is great). Looking forward to it, and dreading it at the same time.

    That's where you're wrong though, my friend icon_cry.gif PVP will be just as fast and scores just as high, but now people who wanted to participate in the top end of PVP by using Magneto won't be. The only change is that now instead of the top teams being made up of some combination of sentry/hood/daken/patch/magneto, they'll all be sentry/hood/daken.

    I don't understand.... 70% of the top scorers using Sentry/Hood/X wasn't enough, so the dev's had to make it 100%?

    Hey Dev's, thanks for telling me that I no longer get to be competitive in PVP because I picked the wrong character out of the top 5 PVPers! Turning my main character into a completely different one with different colors and skills that fill different roles and is no longer viable for PVP totally doesn't feel like a giant middle finger *sarcasm*